Theses & Reports

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  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 On Efficient Instantiations of Secure Multi-Party Computation in Practice Bienstock, Alexander Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Generative modeling and Stochastic Control as Dynamics on Probability Distributions Domingo i Enrich, Carles Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Solver-Aided Compiler Design for Programmable Network Devices Gao, Xiangyu Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Solver-Aided Compiler Design for Programmable Network Devices Gao, Xiangyu Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Predictive and Generative Models of Protein Sequence and Structure Lin, Zeming Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Learning from Rewards in Text Generation Pang, Richard Yuanzhe Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Neural Language Representations and Scaling Semi-Supervised Learning for Speech Recognition Peyser, Cal Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 DrawTalking: Building Interactive Worlds by Sketching and Speaking Rosenberg, Karl Toby Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Olympiad-level Geometry Theorem Proving without Human Demonstrations Trinh, Trieu Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Improve Language Model Serving Efficiency with Fine-grained and Stateful Scheduling Yu, Lingfan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Theory of Symmetric Neural Networks Zweig, Aaron Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2023 On Matching Problems in Large Settings Agarwal, Ishan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2023 Function Space Reasoning in Gaussian Processes and Neural Networks Benton, Gregory Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2023 Bridging the Gap from Supervised Learning to Control Brandfonbrener, David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2023 Provably Robust and Accurate Methods for Rigid and Deformable Simulation with Contact Ferguson, Zachary Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2023 Understanding and Incorporating Mathematical Inductive Biases in Neural Networks Finzi, Marc Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2023 Deconstructing Models and Methods in Deep Learning Izmailov, Pavel Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2023 Learning structured and stable reduced models from data with operator inference Sawant, Nihar Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2023 Continuous LWE and its Applications Song, Min Jae Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2023 Expanding Structural Design through Shape Optimization and Microstructures Tozoni, Davi Colli Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Enhancing Robustness through Domain Faithful Deep Learning Systems Balashankar, Ananth Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Unstructured Mesh Generation and Repairing in the Wild Hu, Yixin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Data-driven Solutions for Addressing Two Pressing Urban Sustainability Challenges: Air Pollution Reduction and Traffic Management Iyer, Shiva Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Synergistic Geometry Processing: from Robust Geometric Modeling to Scalable Physical Simulation Jiang, Zhongshi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Cryptography: From Practice to Theory Karthikeyan, Harish Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Scalable Distributed Payment Systems with Minimal Trust Assumptions Kattis, Assimakis Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Characterizing and Resolving Degeneracies in Neural Autoregressive Text Generation Kulikov, Ilia Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Finding and Fixing Undesirable Behaviors in Pretrained Language Models Perez, Ethan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Identifying, Addressing, and Understanding Challenging Cases in Machine Learning Resnick, Cinjon Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Constrained Surface Parameterization Methods with Guarantees Shen, Hanxiao Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 On deep learning tools for scientific discovery in healthcare Sudarshan, Mukund Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Efficient Verification of Untrusted Services Tzialla, Ioanna Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 NLP Evaluation in the Time of Large Language Models Wang, Alex Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 Improving Sample Efficiency in Off-policy and Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning Wu, Yanqiu (Autumn) Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2022 On-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning — The Discounted and Average Reward Criteria Zhang, Yiming Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Advances in computer bridge: techniques for a partial-information, communication-based game. Bethe, Paul Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Learning Causality in Molecular Biology Cirrone, Jacopo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Responsibility Analysis by Abstract Interpretation Deng, Chaoqiang Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Enhancing Collaboration and Productivity for Virtual and Augmented Reality He, Zhenyi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Larger-Context Neural Machine Translation Jean, Sébastien Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Improving Sample Efficiency of Imitation and Reinforcement Learning Kostrikov, Ilya Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Latent Variable Models and Iterative Refinement for Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation Lee, Jason Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Neural Structured Prediction using Iterative Refinement with Applications to Text and Molecule Generation Mansimov, Elman Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Scalable Particulate Flow Simulations with Boundary Integral Equations Morse, Matthew Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Towards More General and Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents Raileanu, Roberta Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Theory and Algorithms for Several Central Problems in Large-Scale Machine Learning Storcheus, Dmitry Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 The Evolutionary Maps of Data Tamaskar, Abhinav Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Order and Learning in Sequential Neural Structured Prediction Welleck, Sean Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Techniques for Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning Whitney, William Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2021 Methods to Improve Knowledge Transfer Efficiency for Data-limited Problems in Genomics Yi, Ren Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2020 Out of Distribution Generalization in Machine Learning Arjovsky, Martin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2020 Behavior of the Limited-Memory BFGS Method on Nonsmooth Optimization Problems Asl, Azam Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2020 Enhanced Representations for Relations by Multi-task Learning Fu, Lisheng Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2020 Scaling Multi-user Virtual and Augmented Reality Herscher, Sebastian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2020 Auditing Outsourced Services Tan, Cheng Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2020 Market Efficiency and Dynamics Tao, Yixin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2020 Flexible and Efficient Systems for Training Emerging Deep Neural Networks Wang, Minjie Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 From 2.5G To 5G: Enhancing Access And Performance For Mobile Users Ahmad, Talal Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Co-Located Augmented and Virtual Reality Systems DeFanti, Connor Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Design for Customized Manufacturing Gil-Ureta, Francisca T. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Scalable Machine Learning using Dataflow Graph Analysis Huang, Chien-Chin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Compositional Abstractions for Verifying Concurrent Data Structures Krishna, Siddharth Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Parallel Contact-Aware Algorithms for Large-Scale Direct Blood Flow Simulations Lu, Libin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Leveraging Program Analysis for Type Inference Pavlinovic, Zvonimir Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Concentration and Anti-concentration for Markov Chains Rao, Shravas Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Approximation algorithms, Hardness, and PCPs Thiruvenkatachari, Devanathan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Tactile Perception Design for Fabrication Tymms, Chelsea Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 End-to-End Learning for Autonomous Driving Zhang, Jiakai Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Text Representation using Convolutional Networks Zhang, Xiang Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Unsupervised Learning with Regularized Autoencoders Zhao, Junbo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2019 Unsupervised Learning with Regularized Autoencoders Zhao, Junbo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2018 Deep Generative Models of Images and Video Denton, Emily Lynn Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2018 Deep Networks for Forward Prediction and Planning Henaff, Mikael Bruce Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2018 Learning Representations of Text through Language and Discourse Modeling: From Characters to Sentences Jernite, Yacine Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2018 Deep Learning for Information Extraction Nguyen, Thien Huu Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2018 Accelerating Approximate Simulation with Deep Learning Schlachter, Kristofer Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2018 Elements of Intelligence: Memory, Communication and Intrinsic Motivation Sukhbaatar, Sainbayar Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2018 Rethinking Customer Segmentation and Demand Learning in the Presence of Sparse, Diverse, and Large-scale Data Venkataraman, Ashwin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2017 On Quadtrees, Voronoi Diagrams, and Lattices: Results in Geometric Algorithms Bennett, Huxley Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2017 Improving Event Extraction: Casting a Wider Net Cao, Kai Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2017 Random Growth Models Florescu, Laura Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2017 Zero-knowledge Proofs: Efficient Techniques for Combination Statements and their Applications Ganesh, Chaya Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2017 Circuit Complexity: New Techniques and Their Limitations Golovnev, Aleksandr Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2017 Unsupervised Learning Under Uncertainty Mathieu, Michael Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2017 Fine-scale Structure Design for 3D Printing Panetta, Francis Julian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2017 On the Gaussian Measure Over Lattices Stephens-Davidowitz, Noah Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Decision Procedures for Finite Sets with Cardinality, and Local Theories Extensions Bansal, Kshitij Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Analyzing Source Code Across Static Conditionals Gazzillo, Paul Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Semi-Supervised Learning for Electronic Phenotyping in Support of Precision Medicine Halpern, Yonatan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Improving Knowledge Base Population with Information Extraction Li, Xiang Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Improving SAT Solvers by Exploiting Empirical Characteristics of CDCL Oh, Chanseok Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Graph-based Approaches to Resolve Entity Ambiguity Pershina, Maria Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Partition Memory Models for Program Analysis Wang, Wei Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Learning Algorithms from Data Zaremba, Wojciech Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Distributed Stochastic Optimization for Deep Learning Zhang, Sixin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2016 Pushing the Limits of Additive Fabrication Technologies Zhou, Qingnan (James) Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Big Data Analytics for Development: Events, Knowledge Graphs and Predictive Models Chakraborty, Sunandan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 SMT-Based and Disjunctive Relational Abstract Domains for StaticAnalysis Chen, Junjie Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Iris: Mitigating Phase Noise in Millimeter Wave OFDM Systems Dhananjay, Aditya Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Predicting Images using Convolutional Networks: Visual Scene Understanding with Pixel Maps Eigen, David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Unsupervised Feature Learning in Computer Vision Goroshin, Ross Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Efficient and Trustworthy Theory Solver for Bit-vectors in SatisfiabilityModulo Theories Hadarean, Liana Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Predicting the Market Value of Single-Family Residences Lowrance, Roy Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Building Fast, CPU-Efficient Distributed Systems on Ultra-Low Latency, RDMA-Capable Networks Mitchell, Christopher Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Instance Segmentation of RGBD Scenes Silberman, Nathan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Localization of Humans in Images Using Convolutional Networks Tompson, Jonathan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Joint Training of a Neural Network and a Structured Model for Computer Vision Wan, Li Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2015 Partition Memory Models in Program Analysis Wang, Wei Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 On the Human Form: Efficient acquisition, modeling and manipulation of thehuman body Braga, Otavio Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Analyzing Tatonnement Dynamics in Economic Markets Cheung, Yun Kuen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Low-latency Image Recognition withGPU-accelerated Convolutional Networksfor Web-based Services Huang, Fu Jie Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Effective Algorithms for the Satisfiability of Quantifier-Free Formulas Over Linear Real and Integer Arithmetic King, Tim Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Cryptographic Algorithms for the SecureDelegation of Multiparty Computation Lopez-Alt, Adriana Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Robust and Efficient Methods for Approximation and Optimization of Stability Measures Mitchell, Tim Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Building Efficient Distributed In-memory Systems Power, Russell Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Runtime Compilation of Array-Oriented Python Programs Rubinsteyn, Alex Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 A Deep Learning Pipeline for Image Understanding and Acoustic Modeling Sermanet, Pierre Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Towards New Interfaces For Pedagogy Stein, Murphy Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Computational Complexity Implicationsof Secure Coin-Flipping Tentes, Aristeidis Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Data-driven Approaches for Paraphrasing across Language Variations Xu, Wei Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Positive-Unlabeled Learning in the Context of Protein Function Prediction Youngs, Noah Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2014 Hierarchical Convolutional Deep Learning in Computer Vision Zeiler, Matthew Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Incentive-Centered Design of Money-Free Mechanisms Gkatzelis, Vasilis Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Locality Optimization for Data Parallel Programs Hielscher, Eric Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Piecewise Smooth Surfaces with Features Kovacs, Denis Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Low-level Image Priors and Laplacian Preconditioners for Applications in Computer Graphics and Computational Photography Krishnan, Dilip Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Relation Extraction with Weak Supervision and Distributional Semantics Min, Bonan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Usable Security Mechanisms in the Developing World Paik, Michael Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Inapproximability Reductions and Integrality Gaps Popat, Preyas Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Natural Interaction with a Virtual World Rosenberg, Ilya Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Security Mechanisms for Physical Authentication Sharma, Ashlesh Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Augmenting Information Flow for Visual Privacy Spiro, Ian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Toward a computational solution to the inverse problem of how hypoxia arises in metabolically heterogeneous cancer cell populations Sundstrom, Andrew Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2013 Rethinking Information Privacy for the Web Tierney, Matthew Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Learning Hierarchical Feature Extractors For ImageRecognition Boureau, Y-Lan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 On populations, haplotypes and genome sequencing Franquin, Pierre Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Optimizing Machine Translation by Learning to Search Galron, Daniel Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Flexible-Cost SLAM Grimes, Matthew Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 SMT Beyond DPLL(T): A New Approach to Theory Solvers and Theory Combination Jovanovic, Dejan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 An Adaptive Fast Multipole Method-Based PDE Solver in Three Dimensions Langston, Matthew Harper Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Acquiring information from wider scope to improve event extraction Liao, Shasha Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Mobile Accessibility Tools for the Visually Impaired Paisios, Nektarios Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Reusable Software Infrastructure for Stream Processing Soule, Robert Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Building scalable geo-replicated storage backends for web applications Sovran, Yair Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Rapid Training of Information Extraction with Local and Global Data Views Sun, Ang Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Combating Sybil attacks in cooperative systems Tran, Nguyen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2012 Multi-species biclustering: An integrative method to identify functional gene conservation between multiple species Waltman, Peter Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Collusion Preserving Computation Alwen, Joel Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Re-architecting Web and Mobile Information Access for Emerging Regions Chen, Jay Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Automatic Deduction for Theories of Algebraic Data Types Chikanian, Igor Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Efficient Cryptographic Primitives for Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Applications Haralambiev, Kristiyan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Learning Feature Hierarchies for Object Recognition Kavukcuoglu, Koray Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Topics in Formal Synthesis and Modeling Klein, Uri Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Adaptive Isotopic Approximation of Nonsingular Curves and Surfaces Lin, Long Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Real-Space Localization Methods for Minimizing the Kohn-Sham Energy Millstone, Marc Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Scoring-and-Unfolding Trimmed Tree Assembler: Algorithms for Assembling Genome Sequences Accurately and Efficiently Narzisi, Giuseppe Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Cryptographic Resilience to Continual Information Leakage Wichs, Daniel Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2011 Surface Representation of Particle Based Fluids Yu, Jihun Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 On the Randomness Requirements for Privacy Bosley, Carleton Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Machine Learning Approaches to Gene Duplication and Transcription Regulation Chen, Huang-Wen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 New Privacy-Preserving Architectures for Identity-/Attribute-based Encryption Chow, Sze Ming Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Tools and Techniques for the Sound Verification of Low Level Code Conway, Christopher L. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Probabilistic and Topological methods in Computational Geometry Dhandapani, Raghavan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Semi-Supervised Learning via Generalized Maximum Entropy Erkan, Ayse Naz Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Solving Quantified First Order Formulas in Satisfiability Modulo Theories Ge, Yeting Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 An Algorithmic Enquiry Concerning Causality Kleinberg, Samantha Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Time Series Modeling with Hidden Variables and Gradient-Based Algorithms Mirowski, Piotr Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Structure Prediction and Visualization in Molecular Biology Poultney, Christopher Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Theoretical Foundations and Algorithms for Learning with Multiple Kernels Rostamizadeh, Afshin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Creating collections and evaluating viewpoints: Selection techniques for interface design Secord, Adrian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Data for Protein Identification In Complex Biological Mixtures Spivak, Marina Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2010 Matrix Approximation for Large-scale Learning Talwalkar, Ameet Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Factor Graphs for Relational Regression Chopra, Sumit Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Numerical Estimation of the Second Largest Eigenvalue of a Reversible Markov Transition Matrix Gade, Kranthi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 2D-Centric Interfaces and Algorithms for 3D Modeling Gingold, Yotam Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Proximity problems for point sets residing in spaces with low doubling dimension Gottlieb, Lee-Ad Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Creativity Support for Computational Literature Howe, Daniel Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Efficient Systems Biology Algorithms for Biological Networks over Multiple Time-Scales: From Evolutionary to Regulatory Time Mitrofanova, Antonina Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Detecting, modeling and rendering complex configurations of curvilinear features Parilov, Evgueni Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Unsupervised Learning of Feature Hierarchies Ranzato, Marc'Aurelio Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Search Problems for Speech and Audio Sequences Weinstein, Eugene Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Using Application-Domain Knowledge in the Runtime Support of Multi-Experiment Computational Studies Yau, Siu-Man Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2009 Ensuring Correctness of Compiled Code Zaks, Ganna Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2008 Verification of Transactional Memories and Recursive Programs Cohen, Ariel Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2008 Learning Long-Range Vision for an Offroad Robot Hadsell, Raia Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2008 Synthesizing Executable Programs from Requirements Plock, Cory Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2008 Theory and Algorithms for Modern Machine Learning Problems and an Analysis of Markets Rastogi, Ashish Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2008 Geometric Modeling with High Order Derivatives Tosun, Elif Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Scaling Data Servers via Cooperative Caching Annapureddy, Siddhartha Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Shape Analysis by Abstraction, Augmentation, and Transformation Balaban, Ittai Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Democratizing Content Distribution Freedman, Michael Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Joint Inference for Information Extraction and Translation Ji, Heng Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Authentication Mechanisms for Open Distributed Systems Nicolosi, Antonio Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 New Design Criteria for Hash Functions and Block Ciphers Puniya, Prashant Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Being Lazy and Preemptive at Learning toward Information Extraction Shinyama, Yusuke Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Constituent Parsing by Classification Turian, Joseph Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Enhanced Security Models for Network Protocols Walfish, Shabsi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Tree-Structured Models of Multitext: Theory, Design and Experiments Wellington, Benjamin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2007 Formal Verification Using Static and Dynamic Analyses Zaks, Aleksandr Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Guaranteed Precision for Transcendental and Algebraic Computation Made Easy Du, Zilin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 On Cryptographic Techniques for Digital Rights Management Fazio, Nelly Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Finding Your Match: Techniques for Improving Sequence Alignment in DNA and RNA Gill, Ofer Hirsch Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 DataSlicer: A Hosting Platform for Data-Centric Network Services He, Congchun Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Multimarker Genetic Analysis Methods for High Throughput Array Data Ionita, Iuliana Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Expressive Motion Lees, Alyssa Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Building Trustworthy Storage Services out of Untrusted Infrastructure Li, Jinyuan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Measures for Robust Stability and Controllability Mengi, Emre Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Algorithmic Algebraic Model Checking: Hybrid Automata & Systems Biology Mysore, Venkatesh Pranesh Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Building an Automatic Phenotyping System of Developing Embryos Ning, Feng Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 A Polymorphic Type System and Compilation Scheme for Record Concatenation Osinski, Edward Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 A Probabilistic Learning Approach to Attribute Value Inconsistency Resolution Pevzner, Ilya Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Animating Autonomous Pedestrians Shao, Wei Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Complexity Analysis of Algorithms in Algebraic Computation Sharma, Vikram Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Pairwise Comparison between Genomic Sequences and Optical-Maps Sun, Bing Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Exploiting Service Usage Information for Optimizing Server Resource Management Totok, Alexander Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Time Series Matching: A Multi-Filter Approach Wang, Zhihua Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Incremental Web Search: Tracking Changes in the Web Wang, Ziyang Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Fast Algorithms for Burst Detection Zhang, Xin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 High Performance Algorithms for Multiple Streaming Time Series Zhao, Xiaojian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2006 Distribution of Route-Impacting Control Information in a Publish/Subscribe System with Delivery Guarantees Zhao, Yuanyuan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2005 Translation Validation of Optimizing Compilers Fang, Yi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2005 Translation Validation of Loop Optimizations Hu, Ying Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2005 Construction of Component-Based Applications by Planning Kichkaylo, Tatiana Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2005 Extensible MultiModal Environment Toolkit (EMMET): A Toolkit for Prototyping and Remotely Testing Speech and Gesture Based Multimodal Interfaces Robbins, Christopher A. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2005 Pattern Discovery for Hypotheses Generation in Biology Tsirigos, Aristotelis Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2005 Automatic Verification of Parameterized Systems Xu, Jiazhao Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2005 Mobility, Route Caching, and TCP Performance in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Yu, Xin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2005 Information Extraction from Multiple Syntactic Sources Zhao, Shubin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2004 Partitionable Services Framework: Seamless Access to Distributed Applications Ivan, Anca Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2004 VALIS: A Multi-language System for Rapid Prototyping in Computational Biology Paxia, Salvatore Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2004 Thick Surfaces: Interactive Modeling of Topologically Complex Geometric Details Peng, Jianbo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2004 TM-LPSAT: Encoding Temporal Metric Planning in Continuous Time Shin, Ji-Ae Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2004 Unsupervised Discovery of Extraction Patterns for InformationExtraction Sudo, Kiyoshi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2004 An Efficient and High-Order Accurate Boundary Integral Solver for the Stokes Equations in Three Dimensional Complex Geometries Ying, Lexing Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2004 High Performance Data Mining in Time Series: Techniques and Case Studies Zhu, Yunyue Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2003 Comparing and Improving Centralized and Distributed Techniques for Coordinating Massively Parallel Shared-Memory Systems Freudenthal, Eric Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2003 Infrastructure Support for Accessing Network Services in Dynamic Network Environments Fu, Xiaodong Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2003 Enriched Content: Concept, Architecture, Implementation, and Applications Hung-Hsien, Chang Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2003 A framework for optimistic program optimization Pechtchanski, Igor Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2003 Secure and Robust Censorship-Resistant Publishing Systems Waldman, Marc Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2003 A Qualitative Profile-based Approach to Edge Detection Yen, Ting-jen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2002 Expert-Driven Validation of Set-Based Data Mining Results Adomavicius, Gediminas Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2002 Responsive Thinwire Visualization of Large Geographic Datasets Been, Kenneth Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2002 Representing and Modifying Complex Surfaces Biermann, Henning Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2002 On computing the Pareto-optimal solution set in a large scale dynamic network Daruwala, Raoul-Sam Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2002 Informative Features in Vision and Learning Rudra, Archisman Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2001 Knowledge Discovery in Databases for Intrusion Detection, Disease Classification and Beyond Berger, Gideon Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2001 Algorithms for Rendering in Artistic Styles Hertzmann, Aaron Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2001 Region-based Register Allocation for EPIC Architectures Kim, Hansoo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2001 Adversarial Reasoning: A Logical Approach for Computer Go Klinger, Tamir Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2001 Machine Level Optimizations for High Level Languages Leung, Allen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2001 Exact Geometric Computation: Theory and Applications Li, Chen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2001 An On-Line Handwriting Recognizer with Fisher Matching, Hypotheses Propagation Network and Context Constraint Models Oh, Jong Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2001 Continuous Model for Salient Shape Selection and Representation Pao, Hsing-Kuo (Kenneth) Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2001 Language Support for Program Generation Reasoning, Implementation, and Applications Yang, Zhe Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2000 SETL for Internet Data Processing Bacon, David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2000 A Rigorous Framework for Fully Supporting the IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic in High-Level Programming Languages Figueroa, Sam Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2000 A Language-Theoretic Approach to Algorithms Goyal, Deepak Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2000 Supporting a Flexible Parallel Programming Model on a Network of Non-Dedicated Workstations Huang, Shih-Chen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2000 Global Optimization Using Embedded Graphs Ishikawa, Hiroshi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2000 On the Use of Functionals on Boundaries in Hierarchical Models of Object Recognition Jermyn, Ian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2000 Delegation Logic: A Logic-based Approach to Distrbuted Authorization Li, Ninghui Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2000 Queryable Expert Systems Tanzer, David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2000 Scenario Customization for Information Extraction Yangarber, Roman Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Higher-Order Conditional Synchronization Afshartous, Niki Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Metacomputing on on Commodity Computers Baratloo, Arash Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 A Maximum Entropy Approach to Named Entity Recognition Borthwick, Andrew Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Algorithms for Nonlinear Models in Computational Finance and their Object-oriented Implementation Buff, Robert Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Prototyping a Prototyping Language Chen, Hseu-Ming Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Distributed intelligence with bounded rationality: Applications to economies and networks Even, Ron Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Pattern Discovery in Biology: Theory and Applications Floratos, Aristidis Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Matching Algorithms and Feature Match Quality Measures for Model-Based Object Recognition with Applications toAutomatic Target Recognition Garcia-Keller, Martin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Learning to Play Network Games Greenwald, Amy Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Experiments in refining graphical interface widgets Hecker, Yaron Chanoch Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Automated Software Deployment Jai, Benchiao Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Toward Stronger User Authentication Monrose, Newman Fabian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Optimization Over Symmetric Cones Nayakkankuppam, Madhu Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Efficient Computational Model for Energy Propagation in Geoemtrically Represented Large Envirnoments Rajkumar, Ajay Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Automatic Parallelization: An Incremental, Optimistic, Practical Approach Schwartz, Naftali Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1999 Destructive Effect Analysis And Finite Differencing For Strict Functional Languages Yung, Chung Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Foveation Techniques and Scheduling Issues in Thinwire Visualization Chang, Ee-Chien Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Techniques to Improve the Performance of Software-based Distributed Shared Memory Systems Chu, Churngwei Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Deformable Object Tabula Rasa: A Zoomable User Interface System Fox, David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Metacomputing and Resource Allocation on the World Wide Web Karaul, Mehmet Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Free Parallel Data Mining Li, Bin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Fast Algorithms for Discovering the Maximum Frequent Set Lin, Dao-I Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Algorithmic Techniques in Computational Genomics Parida, Laxmi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Thinksheet: a Tool for Information Navigation Piatko, Peter Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Corpus-based Parsing and Sublanguage Studies Sekine, Satoshi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Abstract Models of Distributed Memory Management Ungureanu, Cristian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1998 Fault-tolerant parallel computing on networks of non-dedicated workstations Wyckoff, Peter Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1997 Multiscale Snakes: Resolution-Appropriate Shape Descriptions Baldwin, Bernard Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1997 Deformable Object Recognition with Articulations and Occlusions Liu, Tyng-Luh Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1997 Partial evaluation of concurrent programs Marinescu, Mihnea Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1997 Pricing and Hedging Volatility Risk in Interest-Rate Derivatives Porras, Juan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1997 Performance Modeling for Realistic Storage Devices Shriver, Elizabeth Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1996 Algorithms in Semi-Algabraic Geometry Basu, Saugata Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1996 Statistical Source Channel Models for Natural Language Understanding Epstein, Mark Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1996 Solving the Navier-Stokes Equations on a Distributed Parallel Computer Sabbagh, Hadil Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1995 Synthesis and Verification of Controllers for Robotics and Manufacturing Devices with Temporal Logic and the "Control-D" System Antoniotti, Marco Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1995 Planning in an Imperfect World Using Previous Experiences Chiu, Jen-Lung Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1995 Geodesic Problems in High Dimensions Choi, Joonsoo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1995 Practical Structures for Parallel Operating Systems Edler, Jan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1995 Dreme: for Life in the Net Fuchs, Matthew Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1995 Fault-tolerant Parallel Processing Combining Linda, Checkpointing, and Transactions Jeong, Karpjoo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1995 A Model-Based 3-D Object Recognition System Using Geometric Hashing with Attributed Features Liu, Jyhjong Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1995 Grasping and Fixturing: a Geometric Study and an Implementation Teichmann, Marek Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1994 Systolic Combining Switch Designs Dickey, Susan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1994 Gedanken: A tool for Pondering the Tractability of Correct Program Technology Ericson, Lars Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1994 Designing Pattern Matching Algorithms by Exploiting Structural Pattern Properties Hariharan, Ramesh Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1994 Compilation of Array-Style Programs for Distributed Memory MIMD Machines: a Geometric Approach Katz, Alex Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1994 Lazy SETL Debugging with Persistent Data Structures Liu, Zhiqing Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1994 Searching for Strings and Searching in Presence of Errors Muthukrishnan, S. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1994 Visual Programming Nickerson, Jeffrey Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1994 Representing Control in Parallel Applicative Programming Yao, Chi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Cell-based Computer Models in Developmental Biology Agarwal, Pankaj Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Applications of Convexity in Computational Geometry Capoyleas, Vasilis Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 New Techniques for the Analysis and Implementation of Functional Programs Chuang, Tyng-Ruey Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Nonholonomic Motion Planning : Algorithms and Software Fernandes, Christopher Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Dynamic Impact Analysis: Analyzing Error Propagation in Program Executions Goradia, Tarak Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Singularity Detection, Noise Reduction and Multifractal Fractal Characterization Hwang, Wen-Liang Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Competitive On-line Scheduling for Overloaded Real-Time Systems Koren, Gilad Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Probabilistic Methods in Computer Science and Combinatorics Narayanan, Babu Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Singularity Detection, Dataflow Analysis of Logic Programs Using Typed Domains Papadopoulos, Georgios Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Statistical Recognition of Textured Patterns From Local Spectral Decomposition Perry, Adi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 Automating Physical Database Design: An Extensible Approach Rozen, Steven Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1993 A Probabilistic Approach to Geometric Hashing using Line Features Tsai, Frank Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 A Miniature Space-Variant Active Vision System: Cortex-I Bederson, Benjamin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Regular Expressions to DFA's using Compressed NFA's Chang, Chia-Hsiang Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Complexity Issues in Computational Algebra Gallo, Giovanni Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Typing Higher-Order Functions with Dynamic Dispatching Hsieh, Chih-Hung Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Computer Simulation of Cortical Polymaps Landau, Pierre Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Polymorphic Type Inference and Abstract Data Types Laufer, Konstantin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 A sublanguage based medical language processing system for German Oliver, Neil Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Attentional Algorithms in a Space-Variant Active Vision System Ong, Ping-Wen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 On Compiling Regular Loops for Efficient Parallel Execution Ouyang, Pei Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Japanese/English Machine Translation Using Sublanguage Patterns and Reversible Grammars Peng, Ping Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 The Analysis and Generation of Tests for Programming Language Translators Rennels, Deborah Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Massively Parallel Bayesian Object Recognition Rigoutsos, Isidore Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Control of a Dexterous Robot Hand: Theory, Implementation, and Experiments Silver, Naomi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Executable Operational Semantics of Programming Languages Siritzky, Brian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Non-Correcting Error Recovery For LR Parsers Snyder, Kirk Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1992 Global Methods for Image Motion Analysis Sundareswaran, V. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Persistent LINDA: Design and implementation of a system to add transactions to LINDA Anderson, Brian Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 A Theory of Natural Learning Botta, Alexander Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 A Practical Method for Constructing Efficient LALR(k) Parsers with Automatic Error Recovery Charles, Phillipe Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Statistical Techniques for Parsing Messages Chitrao, Mahesh Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 On the satisfiability problem for unquantified classes of formulae involving set-theoretical and topological constructs Cutello, Vincenzo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Scheduling for Horizontal Systems: The VLIW Paradigm in Persepctive Gasperoni, Franco Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Efficienty Loop-Level Parallelism in ADA Hind, Michael Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Segmentation and Surface-Based Modeling Objects in Three-Dimensional Biomedical Images Kalvin, Alan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 The Development of Parallel Image Algorithms by Prototyping Kelly, Robert Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Semantically Based Concurrent Data Structure Algorithms Lanin, Vladimir Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 On the Optimization of Term Rewriting Li, Ke Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 The Design and Implementation of ALLOY, a Higher Level Parallel Programming Language Mitsolides, Thanasis Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Semantic program analyses for storage management optimizations in functional language implementations Park, Young G. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Counting Real Zeros Pedersen, Paul Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Combinatorial and algorithmic analysis of stabbing and visibility problems in three-dimensional space Pellegrini, Marco Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Properties of Convex Polytopes Prabhu, N. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Amortized Complexity of Data Structures Sundar, Rajamani Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Performance Evaluation of Solutions to the TLB Consistency Problem Teller, Patricia Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Applications and Analysis of Probabilistic Techniques Tetali, Prasad Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Resilient Computations in the Presence of Slow-Downs Turek, John Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Query Optimization in Database and Information Retrieval Systems Wang, Tsong-Li Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Toward a Fully Integrated VLSI CAD System: from Custom to Fully Automatic You, Yongtao Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1991 Edge representation from wavelet transform maxima Zhong, Sifen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1990 Detecting Nondeterminism in Shared Memory Parallel Programs Dinning, Anne Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1990 Program transformation for efficient derivation of multiple solutions in concurrent logic languages Markantonatos, Nikolaos Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1990 Data structures and algorithms for hierarchical memory machines Mirza, Mirza G. R. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1990 Design and implementation of HyTeK: A knowledge-based hypertext system Perez-Carballo, Jose F. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1990 On a generalization of Herbrand's theorem Policriti, Alberto Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1990 Space-variant computer vision with a complex-logarithmic sensor geometry Rojer, Alan S. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1990 SAGE: A real-time operating system for robotic supervisory control Salkind, Louis K. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1990 The APRAM: A model for asynchronous parallel computation Zajicek, Ofer Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Combinatorial and algorithmic analysis of space decomposition problems Aronov, Boris Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Data communication in robot control systems Clark, Dayton R., Jr. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 On-line motion planning Cox, James L. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Quantitative analysis of problems in computer algebra: Grobner bases and the Nullstellensatz Dube, Thomas William Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 SMARTS--Shared-memory Multiprocessor Ada Run Time Supervisor Flynn-Hummel, Susan Frances Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 A computational treatment of the comparative Friedman, Carol Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Verification of three-dimensional model parameters from two-dimensional image data Goldberg, Robert Raphael Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Topics in algebraic computing: Subresultants, GCD, factoring and primary ideal decomposition Ho, Chung-Jen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Object recognition by geometric hashing Lamdan, Yehezkel Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Mapping algorithms on regular parallel architectures Lee, PeiZong Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Transformations for backtracking SETL programs Nathan, Albert Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Optimization and garbage collection in Ada programs on shared memory computers Operowsky, Howard Lawrence Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Using relational discrete event systems and models for prediction of future behavior of databases Tuzhilin, Alexander Sergei Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 Fuzzy disk modeling and rendering of textured complex three-dimensional surfaces of real objects Yang, Xue Dong Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1989 The editing distance between trees: Algorithms and applications Zhang, KaiZhong Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1988 Parallel algorithms for band SPD systems of linear equations Bar-On, Ilan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1988 ZLISP--a portable parallel LISP environment Dimitrovsky, Isaac Aaron Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1988 Reasoning about shape and kinematic function in mechanical devices Joskowicz, Leo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1988 Use of three-dimensional curves in computer vision Kishon, Eyal Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1988 Simulation-based understanding of texts about equipment Ksiezyk, Tomasz Bartlomiej Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1988 Extensions to SETL to support problem specification and transformation of imperative programs Lewis, Henry Merriman Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1988 Foundations of a logic of knowledge, action, and communication Morgenstern, Leora Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1988 Taliere: An interactive system for data structuring SETL programs Straub, Robert Michael Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1988 Operating system data structures for shared memory MIMD machines with fetch-and-add Wilson, James M. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1987 A Decision Procedure for a Class of Unquantified Formulae of Set Theory Involving the Powerset and Singleton Operators Cantone, Domenico A. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1987 Tape Reversal and Parallel Time Chen, Jianer Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1987 The use of Data Flow Information for the Selection and Evaluation of Software Test Data Frankl, Phyllis G. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1987 Control and Task Planning for a Four Finger Dextrous Manipulator Hor, Maw-Kae Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1987 An Analyzer for the Information Content of Sentences (Semantics) Johnson, Stephen Bennett Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1987 Description of Shape using Orientation and Propagation Flow Menczel, Yaron Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1987 Generic: a Programming Language for Vlsi Layout and Layout Manipulation Solworth, Jon A. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1987 A Theory of Concurrent Programs and Test Data Adequacy Weiss, Stewart Neil Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1986 Three-Dimensional Data Acquisition by Means of the Intensity Ratio Depth Sensor (Vision, Robotics) Carrihill, Brian Lee Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1986 Polygon Optimization Problems (Computational Geometry, Algorithm) Chang, Jyun-Sheng Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1986 Machine Code Optimization Goss, Clinton Francis Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1986 Sequential Quadratic Programming Methods Based on Approximating a Projected Hessian Matrix (Updating Method, Quasi-Newton, Nonlinear Constraints) Gurwitz, Chaya Bleich Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1986 Analysis of Cache Memories in Highly Parallel Systems Mcauliffe, Kevin Patrick Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1986 Synthesizing Realistic Textures by the Composition of Perceptually Motivated Functions (Graphics) Perlin, Kenneth H. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1986 Persistent Data Structures Sarnak, Neil Ivor Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1986 The Semantics of Shared Variables in Parallel Programming Languages Shulman, Norman Victor Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1986 Recursive Data Types in Setl: Automatic Determination, Data Language Description, and Efficient Implementation (Compilers) Weiss, Gerald Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1985 Extraction and Generalization of Expert Advice (Learning, Representation, Induction) Benjamin, David Paul Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1984 On the use of Global Optimization Algorithms for the Detection of Semantic Programming Errors (Setl, Data Flow, Type Finding) Freudenberger, Stefan M. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1984 Description of Operating Systems using Very-High-Level Diction (Programming Languages) Leshem, Gavriel Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1984 Decidability and Proof Procedures for Set Theory with a Choice Operator Omodeo, Eugenio Giovanni Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1984 A Self-Organizing Database System - a Different Approach to Query Optimization Piatetsky-Shapiro, Gregory Ilya Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1984 Concurrency Control using Locks in Distributed Databases Wolfson, Ouri Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1983 A Practical Method for Lr and Ll Syntactic Error Diagnosis and Recovery Burke, Michael George Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1983 Resolution by Unification and Equality Digricoli, Vincent Joseph Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1983 Measuring Setl Performance Shields, Lynwood David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1983 Undecidable Complexity Statements in a Hierarchy of Extensions of Primitive Recursive Arithmetic Sigal, Ron Mark Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1983 Formal Languages with Oracles Weixelbaum, Elia S. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1982 Decision Algorithms for a Class of Set-Theoretic Formulae Involving One Occurrence of the Union-Set Operator Breban, Michael Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1982 The Role of the High Level Specification in Programming by Transformation: Specification and Transformation by Parts Merritt, Susan Mary Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1982 Software Structures for Ultraparallel Computing Rudolph, Lawrence S. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1981 Stochastic Solutions to the Schroedinger Equation for Fermions Arnow, David Moss Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1981 Synchronization Efficiency Borg, Anita Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1981 Circle Graphs Buckingham, Mark Alan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1981 Decision Procedures for some Classes of Unquantified Set Theoretic Formulae Ferro, Alfredo Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1981 A Transformational Framework for Automatic Derived Data Control and its Applications in an Entity-Relationship Data Model Koenig, Shaye Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1981 Upper and Lower Bounds on the Performance of Parallel Algorithms Kruskal, Clyde Philip Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1980 The Transformational Approach to the Development and Verification of Programs in a very High Level Language Deak, Edith Gail Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1980 An Implementation for Gyve: a Language for Concurrent Processing Meyer, Jeanine Marietta Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1980 Optimization of Inductive Assertions Warren, Jr., Henry Stanley Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1979 On Quadtrees, Voronoi Diagrams, and Lattices: Results in Geometric Algorithms Bennett, Huxley Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1979 Automatic Storage Optimization Fabri, Janet Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1979 The Optimization of Horizontal Microcode within and Beyond Basic Blocks: an Application of Processor Scheduling with Resources Fisher, Joseph Allen Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1979 On the Complexity of the Satisfiability Problem Goldberg, Allen T. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1979 Computing Chromatic Polynomials for Special Families of Graphs Loerinc, Beatrice Margaret Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1979 Expression Continuity and the Formal Differentiation of Algorithms Paige, Robert Allan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1979 Comparison of Direct Code Generation and Intermediate Language Generationfor Bootstrapping the Machine-Independent Compiler, Little Schneck, Paul Bennett Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1979 Groups with Solvable Word Problems Semeniuk, Christine Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1979 Automatic Discovery of Heuristics for Nondeterministic Programs from Sample Execution Traces Stolfo, Salvatore Joseph Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1978 Decision Regions for Multi-Stage Allocation Problems Coppage, Samuel Francis, Jr. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1978 Configurable Software for Satellite Graphics Hartzman, Peter David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1978 Automatic Data Structure Choice in Setl Liu, Ssu-Cheng Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1978 Gyve, a Programming Language for Protection and Control in a Concurrent Processing Environment Shaw, Philip Sidell Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1977 Computer Reconstruction of Bodies Bounded by Quadric Surfaces from a Set of Imperfect Projections Shapira, Ruth Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1976 On Algorithms for Minimizing the Number of Multiplications in Matrix Products Laderman, Julian David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1976 A Comprehensive Survey of Parsing Algorithms for Programming Languages Owens, Philip Jonathan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1976 Programming of Mechanism Motions Spegel, Marjan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1976 Inferential Learning through Counterexample Construction Sperling, Michael Zelig Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1975 Operating System Specification using very High Level Dictions Markstein, Peter Willy Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1975 Visual Information Processing of Isolated Character Inputs Stryker, Charles William Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1975 An Investigation into a Probability Model for Correct Target Letter Detection Teichman, Sheldon M. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1975 A Computer Based Approach to some Geometric Aspects of Character Recognition Wilamowsky, Yonah Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1974 Investigations in the Theory of Descriptive Complexity Gewirtz, William Lawrence Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1974 A Metalanguage for Expressing Grammatical Restrictions in Nodal Spans Parsing of Natural-Language Hobbs, Jerry Robert Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1974 Computer Edge Extraction from Photographs of Curved Objects Ramer, Eugen Urs Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1974 Optimum Correction of Pincushion Distortion Takeuchi, Seiichi Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1974 Type Determination for very High Level Languages Tenenbaum, Aaron Melvin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1973 Recursive Compiler-Optimization for Nonserial Program Graphs Agresti, William Wolfgang Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1973 Studies in Pattern Recognition of Line-Size, Line-Orientation and their Interaction Friedmann, Jehosua Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1973 Computer Recognition of Handprinted Two-Dimensional Mathematics Grossman, Fred Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1973 Sub-Elementary Classes of Functions and Relations Harrow, Keith Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1973 A Study in Programming Techniques Maly, Kurt Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1973 A Comparison of some Deadlock Models Waxman, Jerry Milton Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1972 An Experimental Comparison of the Efficiency of Parsing Techniques Knobe, Bruce Stuart Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1972 Digital Computer Transformations for Irregular Line-Drawings Reggiori, Giovanni B. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1971 A Network Queueing Model of a Multiprogrammed Time-Shared Computer System Brown, Theodore David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1971 Parallel Programming: Operational Model and Detection of Parallelism Firestone, Roger Morris Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1971 Global Flow Analysis and Register Allocation for Simple Code Structures Kennedy, Kenneth Wade, Jr. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1971 Reconstruction of Polyhedra from Sets of their Perspective Projections Rabinowitz, Andrew David Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1971 A Trainable Syntactic Model for Syntax Specification and Recognition of Handdrawn Two-Dimensional Patterns Sharma, Onkar P. Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1971 A Systematic Method for the Creation of Data Structures in Computer Graphics Applications Williams, Robin Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1971 A Computer Procedure for Generating Visible-Line Drawings of Solids Bounded by Quadric Surfaces Woon, Peter Yi-do Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 1970 The Optimum Two-Dimensional Allocation of Irregular, Multiply-Connected Shapes with Linear, Logical and Geometric Constraints Adamowicz, Michael Abstract | PDF