EECS 442: Computer Vision (Winter 2022)
Note: this is an archived webpage and is no longer in active use. I do not teach this course or any course
at the University of Michigan anymore. I am preserving it in case it is useful for others.
S is Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski, which can be found
here. The chapters refer to the first edition. This will be more accessible.
H&Z is Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman, which
can be obtained via the library in electronic form (scroll past the physical copies). I'd recommend
this only if you're feeling adventerous.
ESL is Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, which can be
found here (PDF). This is relatively accessible.
Kolter is Zico Kolter's linear algebra review and reference note here (PDF). For
the purpose of 442, feel free to skip ‘‘Determinants’’, ‘‘Quadratic Forms and Positive Semidefinite Matrices’’ (although this is good to know),
‘‘The Hessian’’, and ‘‘Gradients and Hessians of Quadratic and Linear Functions’’ (until we hit deep learning), and ‘‘Gradients of the Determinant’’.
Date | Topic | Materials | Wednesday January 4 | Introduction + Cameras 1 Overview, Logistics, Pinhole Camera Model, Homogeneous Coordinates
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: S2.1, H&Z 2, 6 Homogeneous Coordinates Dolly Zoom on a Cube | Monday January 9 | Cameras 2 Intrinsics & Extrinsic Matrices, Lenses
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: S2.1, H&Z 2, 6 | Wednesday January 11 | Math Recap Floating point numbers, Vector & Matrices, Eigenvectors and values, Singular Values, Derivatives
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: Kolter Things Don't Add Up Using a Byte Distance 3 Ways | Monday January 16 | No Class - Martin Luther King Day
| | Wednesday January 18 | Light & Shading Human Vision, Color Vision, Reflection
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: S2.2, S2.3 | Monday January 23 | Filtering Linear Filters, Blurring, Separable Filters, Gradients
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Convolving Gracefully | Wednesday January 25 | Homework 1 Due
| | Wednesday January 25 | Detectors & Descriptors 1 Edge Detection, Gaussian Derivatives, Harris Corners
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Multiscale Harris Corner Detection | Monday January 30 | Detectors & Descriptors 2 Scale-Space, Laplacian Blob Detection, SIFT
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Wednesday February 1 | Transforms 1 Linear Regression, Total Least Squares, RANSAC, Hough Transform
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: S2.1, S6 | Monday February 6 | Transforms 2 Affine and Perspective Transforms, Fitting Transformations
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: S2.1, S6 Grace in the Middle | Wednesday February 8 | Homework 2 Due
| | Wednesday February 8 | Machine Learning Supervised Learning, Train/Val/Test Splits, Linear Regression, Regularization
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: ESL 3.1, 3.2 (skim) | Monday February 13 | Optimization SGD, SGD+Momentum
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Wednesday February 15 | Neural Networks Backprop, Fully Connected Neural Networks
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Monday February 20 | Convolutional Networks 1 Convolution, Pooling
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Wednesday February 22 | Homework 3 Due; Nope! March 6
| | Wednesday February 22 | Convolutional Networks 2 BatchNorm, CNN Architectures, Initialization, Augmentation, Transfer Learning
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Monday February 27 | Spring Break
| | Wednesday March 1 | Spring Break
| | Monday March 6 | Segmentation Semantic/Instance Segmentation
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Wednesday March 8 | Detection & Other Topics Detection, Other Stuff
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Monday March 13 | Image Synthesis
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Wednesday March 15 | Midterm
| | Monday March 20 | Project Proposal Due
| | Monday March 20 | Transformers & Other Models Transformers, Other Models
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Wednesday March 22 | Camera Calibration Intro to 3D, Camera Calibration
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: S6.3 | Monday March 27 | Single-View 3D Perspective Invariants, Measuring Things
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Wednesday March 29 | Epipolar Geometry Epipolar Geometry, The Fundamental & Essential Matrices
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: S11 | Friday March 31 | Homework 4 Due
| | Monday April 3 | Stereo Two-view Stereo, Multiview Stereo
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: S11 | Wednesday April 5 | Structure from Motion Incremental/batch Structure from Motion
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) Reading: S7 | Monday April 10 | Learning 3D Learning-Based 3D
| | Wednesday April 12 | Ethics & Fairness Fairness, Ethics
| Slides (PDF) Slides (PPTX) | Monday April 17 | Homework 5 Due
| | Monday April 17 | AI For Science AI For Science
| |
Re-use policy:
I am extremely grateful to the many researchers who have made their slides and
course materials available. Please feel to re-use any of my materials while
crediting appropriately and making sure original attributions to these generous
researchers is preserved. Please consider making your own course materials public.