Below are the Courant Computer Science Department's Spring 2023 course offerings, which follow CAS, university, and state and city health and safety guidelines.
Instruction modes for Spring 2023 classes include:
- Online: Faculty and all students are remote; there is no physical classroom.
- Blended: The section or an associated activity (recitations, tutorials or project sessions) are partially in-person with rotation of in-person and remote attendance.
- In-Person: The section is in-person with ordinary meetings.
A list of undergraduate-level courses for each mode can be found below. This list is up-to-date as of October 14, 2022. Course instruction mode designations may be revised based on the guidance we get from the university or state. We will inform all registered students promptly if a course designation changes.
The sections below have the option of online or in-person recitations.
- For in-person lecture section CSCI-UA.102-001, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For in-person lecture section CSCI-UA.102-005, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For in-person lecture section CSCI-UA.201-001, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For in-person lecture section CSCI-UA.201-003, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For online lecture section CSCI-UA.201-005, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For in-person lecture section CSCI-UA.201-007, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For online lecture section CSCI-UA.310-001, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For in-person lecture section CSCI-UA.310-003, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For in-person lecture section CSCI-UA.310-005, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For in-person lecture section CSCI-UA.310-007, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- For in-person lecture section CSCI-UA.473-001 Machine Learning, students will have an option to enroll in an in-person or online recitation.
- CSCI-UA.0002 Intro to Computer Programming (No Prior Experience) (all sections except CSCI-UA.0002-012)
- CSCI-UA.0003 Intro to Computer Programming (Limited Prior Experience)
- CSCI-UA.0004 Intro to Web Design and Computer Principles (all sections except CSCI-UA.0004-002)
- CSCI-UA.60 Database Design and Implementation
- CSCI-UA.61 Web Development and Programming
- CSCI-UA.101 Intro to Computer Science (All sections)
- CSCI-UA.102 (All lecture sections are in-person
- CSCI-UA.201-005 Computer Systems Organization (will have the option for an online or in-person recitation).
- CSCI-UA.310 Basic Algorithms (All lecture sections except for CSCI-UA.310-001 are in-person. Students will have the option for an online or in-person recitation).
- CSCI-UA.310 Basic Algorithms (All lecture sections are in-person. Students will have the option for an online or in-person recitation).
- CSCI-UA.380 Interactive Computing
- CSCI-UA.381 Programming Tools for the Data Scientist
- CSCI-UA.400-level electives EXCEPT for CSCI-UA.472 Artificial Intelligence and CSCI-UA.480-051 Parallel Computing)
- CSCI-UA.0002-012 Intro to Computer Programming (No Prior Experience)
- CSCI-UA.0004-002 Intro to Web Design and Computer Principles
- CSCI-UA.201-005 Computer Systems Organization (will have the option for an online or in-person recitation)
- CSCI-UA.310-001 Basic Algorithms (will have the option for an online or in-person recitation)
- CSCI-UA.472 Artificial Intelligence
- CSCI-UA.480-051 Parallel Computing
Spring Registration begins on November 14, 2022. Please see the Spring 2023 course schedule.
Please speak to your advisor about the possibility of applying courses from other campuses or schools toward a CS requirement. The syllabus must be reviewed and the course MUST be approved as a substitute by the CS department before you take the course.
Please be advised that NYU Go Local is not currently scheduled as an option for Spring 2023. Please review this page for information on Study Abroad opportunities. Please see the CS Equivalencies page for a full list of course equivalencies between NY and other campuses. Please check with your major advisor for equivalency to ensure the course you intend to take can be applied toward your CS major.
Update 10/14/2022: All international students who are newly enrolled as of Spring 2023 and hope to gain entry to the US for that term should be registered for at least one course during the semester that is not online. Acceptable courses are those whose instructional mode is listed in Albert as "In-Person," "Blended," or "Independent Studies." Essentially, whatever term the student starts in the US cannot be fully online. Please contact the Office of Global Services (OGS) for international students for further guidance.