Graduate Course Instruction Modes and Registration Information
Graduate Course Offerings for Summer 2022
The Courant Computer Science department designed our summer 2022 offerings, following university and GSAS guidance, and state and city health and safety guidelines. Each section received an instruction mode designation.
- Online: Faculty and all students are remote; there is no physical classroom.
- Blended: The section or an associated activity (tutorials or project sessions) are partially in-person with rotation of in-person and remote attendance.
- In-Person: The section is in-person with ordinary meetings.
A list of graduate-level courses for each mode can be found below. This list is up-to-date as of February 7, 2022. Course designations may be revised based on the guidance we get from the university. We will inform all registered students promptly if a course designation changes.
For some courses, the in-person component structure and scheduling is not finalized yet; additional information will be posted on the course web pages and in Albert.
- CSCI-GA.1180-001 Mathematical Techniques For CS Applications
- CSCI-GA.2433-001 Database Systems
- CSCI-GA 2840-001 Entrepreneurship Capstone
- CSCI-GA 2840-002 Entrepreneurship Capstone Lab
- CSCI-GA.3812-001 Information Technology Projects
- CSCI-GA.1170-001 Fundamental Algorithms (lecture fully online)
- CSCI-GA.1170-002 Fundamental Algorithms Recitation (online)
- CSCI-GA.2110-001 Programming Languages (lecture fully online)
- CSCI-GA.2110-002 Programming Languages Recitation (online)
- CSCI-GA.2250-001 Operating Systems
- CSCI-GA.2340-001 Elements of Discrete Mathematics
- CSCI-GA.2820-001 DevOps and Agile Methodologies
- CSCI-GA.2820-002 DevOps and Agile Methodologies Lab
- CSCI-GA.3033-061 Special Topics: Predictive Analytics
Update 02/07/2022: All international students who are newly enrolled as of Summer 2022 and hope to gain entry to the US for that term should be registered for at least one course during the semester that is not online. Acceptable courses are those whose instructional mode is listed in Albert as "In-Person," "Blended," or "Independent Studies." Essentially, whatever term the student starts in the US cannot be fully online. Please contact the Office of Global Services (OGS) for international students for further guidance. This website will be updated with guidance regarding Fall 2022 registration once it is available.