Courses Spring 2000

Marateck, Samuel V22.0002-001 Introduction to Computers and Programming
Luccio, Valerio V22.0002-002 Introduction to Computers and Programming
Korth, Evan V22.0002-003 Introduction to Computers and Programming
Gallagher, Evan V22.0004-001 Computers in Principle and Practice
Odeh, Sana V22.0004-002 Computers in Principle and Practice
Hull, Nathan V22.0004-003 Computers in Principle and Practice
Hull, Nathan V22.0004-004 Computers in Principle and Practice
Hull, Nathan V22.0005-001 Computers in Principle and Practice II
Schonberg, Edmond V22.0102-001 Introduction to Computer Science II (Honors)
Marateck, Samuel V22.0102-002 Introduction to Computer Science II
Karamcheti, Vijay V22.0202-001 Computer Systems Organization II (Honors)
Gottlieb, Allan V22.0202-002 Computer Systems Organization II
Siegel, Alan V22.0310-001 Basic Algorithms
Name Removed V22.0380-001 Fundamentals of Computer Science in C
Cerami, Ethan V22.0380-002 Fundamentals of Computer Science in C
Seecharan, Stacy V22.0380-003 Introduction to Multimedia
Kedem, Zvi V22.0444-001 Introduction to Database Systems
Chopra, Samir V22.0453-001 Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Geiger, Davi V22.0480-001 Computer Vision
Padovano, Michael V22.0480-002 Networks
Schwartz, Jacob V22.0480-003 Multimedia for Majors
Iskold, Alexander V22.0480-005 Software Engineering in Java
Lewis, Michael G22.1144-001 C-PAC II
Lewenstein, Moshe G22.1170-001 Fundamental Algorithms
Mauny, Michel G22.2110-001 Programming Languages
Greengard, Leslie G22.2112-001 Scientific Computing
Schonberg, Edmond G22.2130-001 Compilers
Lahmani, Danielle G22.2245-001 Unix Tools
Moran, William G22.2250-001 Operating Systems
Amsterdam, Jonathan G22.2280-001 User Interfaces
Chen, Yu G22.2421-001 Numerical Methods II
Poosala, Viswanath G22.2433-001 Database Systems
Davis, Ernest G22.2560-001 Artificial Intelligence
Kedem, Zvi G22.3033-001 Computer Security
Yap, Chee G22.3033-002 Robust Geometric Computation
Goldberg, Arthur G22.3033-003 Internet and Intranet Protocols and Applications
Zorin, Denis G22.3033-005 Special Topics in Computer Graphics
Schwartz, Jacob G22.3033-006 Computational Logic
Pollack, Richard G22.3033-008 Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry
Rigoutsos/Floratos G22.3033-009 Computation in Biology
Mauny, Michel G22.3033-010 Foundations of Modern Type Systems
Zuck, Lenore G22.3033-011 Automata-Theoretic Approach to Automatic Verification
Goldberg, Benjamin G22.3130-001 Honors Compilers
Yap, Chee G22.3350-001 Honors Theory
Goldberg, Arthur G22.3812-001 Information Technology Projects