Theses & Reports

Instructions for submitting a technical report or thesis.

You can find technical reports published prior to 1990 archived here.

  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 On Efficient Instantiations of Secure Multi-Party Computation in Practice Bienstock, Alexander Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Generative modeling and Stochastic Control as Dynamics on Probability Distributions Domingo i Enrich, Carles Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Solver-Aided Compiler Design for Programmable Network Devices Gao, Xiangyu Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Predictive and Generative Models of Protein Sequence and Structure Lin, Zeming Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Learning from Rewards in Text Generation Pang, Richard Yuanzhe Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Neural Language Representations and Scaling Semi-Supervised Learning for Speech Recognition Peyser, Cal Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 DrawTalking: Building Interactive Worlds by Sketching and Speaking Rosenberg, Karl Toby Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Olympiad-level Geometry Theorem Proving without Human Demonstrations Trinh, Trieu Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Improve Language Model Serving Efficiency with Fine-grained and Stateful Scheduling Yu, Lingfan Abstract | PDF
  • Ph.D. Thesis 2024 Theory of Symmetric Neural Networks Zweig, Aaron Abstract | PDF