May 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 12:21:35 EDT 2009
Ending: Sun May 31 13:41:29 EDT 2009
Messages: 192
- [FOM] Boolean Rings : Commutative Rings :: Propositional Logic : A 'free' Logic?
Mani A
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem and Euclid
Andre.Rodin at
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem and Euclid
Andre.Rodin at
- [FOM] quantifiers as sentential operators
G. Aldo Antonelli
- [FOM] Permutations and Rearrangements
Ivan Antonowitz
- [FOM] 336:Undecidability/Euclidean geometry/2
Rob Arthan
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Rob Arthan
- [FOM] Paris-Nancy PhilMath Workshop (P-NPMW), October 21-22, 2009, Nancy
Mark van Atten
- [FOM] paper announcements
Jeremy Avigad
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Arnon Avron
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Arnon Avron
- [FOM] R and the powerset axiom
Arnon Avron
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem (and ASD)]]
Arnon Avron
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem (and ASD)]]
Arnon Avron
- [FOM] Constructivism, Geometry, and Powerset
Arnon Avron
- [FOM] quantifiers as sentential operators
Jon Awbrey
- [FOM] Konrad Zuse and the stored program computer
John Baldwin
- [FOM] blind logicians and mathematicians
John Baldwin
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC (platonic)
John Baldwin
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] Project announcement
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] R and the powerset axiom
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] Computing roots of a polynomial (was: isomorphism as identity)
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] Computing roots of a polynomial
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem (and ASD)]]
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] Constructivism, Geometry, and Powerset
Andrej Bauer
- [FOM] P-point/notation
Andreas Blass
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity]
Alex Blum
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
Alex Blum
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Alex Blum
- [FOM] 2nd CFP: 6th workshop on "Methods for Modalities" (M4M-6)
Thomas Bolander
- [FOM] Constructivism, Geometry, and Powerset
Vasco Brattka
- [FOM] Boolean Rings : Commutative Rings :: Propositional Logic : A 'free' Logic?
Rex Butler
- [FOM] 336:Undecidability/Euclidean geometry/2
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] paper announcements
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] paper announcements
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] Unsoundness?/Random Sentences
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC (platonic)
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC (platonic)
Timothy Y. Chow
- [FOM] LCC Extension
Logic and Computational Complexity
- [FOM] DCM 2009, Rhodes, Greece - EXTENDED DEADLINE: 7 MAY, 2009
S Barry Cooper
- [FOM] [CiE] CiE 2009 in Heidelberg - Reminder of deadlines for Early Registration and Informal Presentations
S Barry Cooper
- [FOM] [CiE] CiE 2009 - deadline for informal presentations
S Barry Cooper
- [FOM] blind logicians and mathematicians
John Corcoran
- [FOM] Infinitesimal Calculus
Ali Enayat
- [FOM] Cohen's Minimal Model and others
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem (and ASD)]]
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem (and ASD)]]
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Monroe Eskew
- [FOM] Fwd: Categories satisfying Schoeder-Bernstein theorem
Thomas Forster
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Thomas Forster
- [FOM] 337:Undecidability/Euclidean geometry/3
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] 338:Undecidability/Euclidean geometry/4
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] 339:Undecidability/Euclidean geometry/5
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] constructive analysis
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] 340:Thematic Pi01 Incompleteness 1
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] 341:Thematic Pi01 Incompleteness 2
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] 342:Thematic Pi01 Incompleteness 3
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] Unsoundness?/Random Sentences
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] 343:Goedel's Second Revisited 1
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] 344:Goedel's Second Revisited 2
Harvey Friedman
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
Joel I. Friedman
- [FOM] blind logicians and mathematicians
Klaus Grue
- [FOM] Categories satisfying Schoeder-Bernstein theorem
Steven Gubkin
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Brian Hart
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
Allen Hazen
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
Richard Heck
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
Paul Hollander
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
Paul Hollander
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
Paul Hollander
- [FOM] blind logicians and mathematicians
Louis H Kauffman
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Louis H Kauffman
- [FOM] JOB: Ph.D. position at Brussels University
Bart Van Kerkhove
- [FOM] blind logicians and mathematicians
Hilbert Levitz
- [FOM] call for papers, constructive math meeting
Robert Lubarsky
- [FOM] Imre Ruzsa Memorial Conference - 2nd CfP
Andras Mate
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
William Messing
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
William Messing
- [FOM] Computing roots of a polynomial (was: isomorphism as identity)
Daniel Méhkeri
- [FOM] Computing roots of a polynomial (was: isomorphism as identity)
Daniel Méhkeri
- [FOM] Blind logicians and mathematicians
Gianluigi Oliveri
- [FOM] Categories satisfying Schoeder-Bernstein theorem
Jaap van Oosten
- [FOM] paper: Partial Combinatory Algebras of Functions
Jaap van Oosten
- [FOM] blind logicians and mathematicians
Franklin Vera Pacheco
- [FOM] Reminder: Deadline for Special Issue of IMLA approaching (31st May 2009)
Valeria de Paiva
- [FOM] some questions about "336:Undecidability/Euclidean geometry/2 (Harvey Friedman)"
Richard Pollack
- [FOM] quantifiers as sentential operators
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Boolean Rings : Commutative Rings :: Propositional Logic : A 'free' Logic?
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem and Euclid
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem (and ASD)]]
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem and Euclid
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Computing roots of a polynomial (was: isomorphism as identity)
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Computing roots of a polynomial
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Computing roots of a polynomial (was: isomorphism as identity)
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Computing roots of a polynomial
Vaughan Pratt
- [FOM] Project announcement
Sebastian Reichelt
- [FOM] Project announcement
Sebastian Reichelt
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
David Ross
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
David Ross
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
David Ross
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
David Ross
- [FOM] MALOA network in Mathematical Logic: 18 PhD student positions (Leeds, Manchester, Oxford, Lyon, Paris, Muenster, Muenchen, Prague)
Peter Schuster
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Charles Silver
- [FOM] Tableaux 2009: Call for Participation
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans
- [FOM] MacLane
Bas Spitters
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
Lawrence Stout
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
Jay Sulzberger
- [FOM] Zuse
T.Forster at
- [FOM] P-point/notation
T.Forster at
- [FOM] On Epistemology of Mathematics
Dmytro Taranovsky
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem (and ASD)
Paul Taylor
- [FOM] Intermediate value theorem (and ASD)
Paul Taylor
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
Neil Tennant
- [FOM] dx's and dy's versus epsilon-delta
Neil Tennant
- [FOM] Konrad Zuse and the stored program computer
Alasdair Urquhart
- [FOM] constructive analysis & isomorphism of R^2 with the Euclidean plane
Frank Waaldijk
- [FOM] paper announcements
Nik Weaver
- [FOM] arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Nik Weaver
- [FOM] paper announcements
Nik Weaver
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Nik Weaver
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Nik Weaver
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Nik Weaver
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
Nik Weaver
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC (platonic)
Nik Weaver
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC (non-platonic)
Nik Weaver
- [FOM] progic: Combining probability and logic
Jon Williamson
- [FOM] Two 2-year research fellowships at the Centre for Reasoning, University of Kent
Jon Williamson
- [FOM] The Reasoner 3(6) now available
Jon Williamson
- [FOM] Centre for Reasoning research fellowships *UPDATE*
Jon Williamson
- [FOM] Blind Logicians and Mathematicians
aetilley at
- [FOM] blind logicians and mathematicians
catarina dutilh
- [FOM] blind mathematicians and logicians: findings
catarina dutilh
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
hendrik at
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
hendrik at
- [FOM] Cohen's Minimal Model and others
joeshipman at
- [FOM] Categories satisfying Schoeder-Bernstein theorem
joeshipman at
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
joeshipman at
- [FOM] Categories satisfying Schoeder-Bernstein theorem
joeshipman at
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
joeshipman at
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
joeshipman at
- [FOM] Infinitesimal calculus
joeshipman at
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
laureano luna
- [FOM] P-point/notation
pax0 at
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
pax0 at
- [FOM] MacLane
praatika at
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
praatika at
- [FOM] 343:Goedel's Second Revisited 1
praatika at
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC (platonic)
praatika at
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
- [FOM] Odd Thought About Identity
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
sambin at
- [FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC
steel at
- [FOM] PhD position in Nottingham
vxc at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
karim zahidi
- [FOM] When is it appropriate to treat isomorphism as identity?
karim zahidi
Last message date:
Sun May 31 13:41:29 EDT 2009
Archived on: Mon Jun 1 21:15:15 EDT 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).