[FOM] MALOA network in Mathematical Logic: 18 PhD student positions (Leeds, Manchester, Oxford, Lyon, Paris, Muenster, Muenchen, Prague)

Peter Schuster pschust at mathematik.uni-muenchen.de
Wed May 6 17:41:13 EDT 2009

18 PhD Positions in Mathematical Logic (MALOA Network)

The Marie Curie (FP7) Initial Training Network in Mathematical Logic (MALOA) is 
a network with 8 Full Partners (Leeds (coordinator), Manchester, Oxford, Lyon 
(Lyon 1 and Lyon ENS), Paris (UPD), Muenster, Munich, Prague) and 3 Associated 
Partners (UEA, BT, Onera). Contract negotiations are still not concluded, so 
funding is nor absolutely confirmed, but it is expected to start on 1 October 
2009, and run for 4 years. It will fund 18 PhD students and 20 short-term 
visitors (at least 3 months). All the full partners expect to make appointments 
for October 2009.

For more information, seee http://www.logique.jussieu.fr/MALOA/ or contact 
Dugald Macpherson (the coordinator, h.d.macpherson at leeds.ac.uk) or the 
Scientist-in-Charge at the relevant partner.

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