Prof. Emeritus Ralph Grishman has received the ACL Lifetime Achievement Award for 2024. Congratulations!
Lerrel Pinto has received an NSF CAREER Award. Congratulations!
Joseph Tassarotti has been awarded an NSF CAREER Award. Congratulations!
The NYU-RTFP team competed at the World Finals of the ICPC and placed in
the top 50.
L to R: Sparsh Sanchorawala, Peiliang Liu, coach Yang Tang and Andy Polizzotto
Anasse Bari has been chosen to receive NYU's Teach/Tech Award.
Sunoo Park, Anupam Gupta, Matus Telgarsky, Benedikt Bünz, David Fouhey,
and Nir Bitansky (clockwise) are joining the faculty.
Anirudh Sivaraman has been awarded an NSF CAREER Award. Congratulations!
Yann LeCun Announced as Inaugural Jacob T. Schwartz Chair
PhD student Trieu Trinh, advised by He He, has built AlphaGeometry, an AI that can solve most of the geometry problems at the International Mathematical Olympiad.
Lerrel Pinto has been awarded a Packard Fellowship!
Yann LeCun has recieved honorary degrees from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and from University of Siena (pictured)
Anasse Bari was the Distinguished Faculty Speaker at the NYU College of Arts and Science graduation.
Subhash Khot has been elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Congratulations!
NYU's Golden Dozen Award for outstanding contributions to teaching in the classroom has been awarded to Craig Kapp. Congratulations!
Nur Muhammad "Mahi" Shafiullah has been nameed an Apple Scholar in AI/ML.
Joseph Bonneau has been awarded an NSF CAREER award. Congratulations!
Rajesh Ranganath was awarded an NSF CAREER award. Congratulations!
Julia Kempe has been appointed a Silver Professor. Congratulations!
Dennis Shasha has been named a Senior Member of the National
Academy of Inventors. Congratulations!
Denis Zorin has been named an ACM Fellow. Congratulations!
Jean Ponce joins the department as Global Distinguished Professor
Four of our doctoral students have been awarded fellowships. L->R: Lily Li (NSF),
Betty Hou (NSF), Nikhil Bhattasali (Hertz), and Alexander Bienstock (Google).
Zachary Ferguson has been awarded a
2022 Adobe Research Fellowship.
Patrick Cousot is awarded an honorary doctorate in Computer
Science from Università Ca'Foscari Venezia. He has also received
the EATCS Award 2022. Congratulations!
Aashish Khubchandani, Shailesh Vasandani, and Avery Greenberg (L to R) will receive CAS Dean's Awards at the 2022 graduation.
Ulyana Piterbarg has been awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations!