CVCL::_Hashtable_const_iterator< _Key, _Data > | |
CVCL::_Hashtable_iterator< _Key, _Data > | |
CVCL::ArithException | |
CVCL::ArithProofRules | |
CVCL::ArithTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::ArrayProofRules | |
CVCL::ArrayTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::Assumptions | |
CVCL::Assumptions::iterator | Iterator for the Assumptions: points to class Theorem |
CVCL::Assumptions::iterator::Proxy | Proxy class for postfix increment |
CVCL::AssumptionsValue | |
CVCL::AVHash | |
CVCL::BitvectorException | |
CVCL::BitvectorProofRules | |
CVCL::BitvectorTheoremProducer | This class implements proof rules for bitvector normalizers (concatenation normal form, bvplus normal form), bitblaster rules, other relevant rewrite rules for bv arithmetic and word-level operators |
CVCL::BVConstExpr | |
CClause | |
SAT::CD_CNF_Formula | |
CDatabase | |
CDatabaseStats | |
CVCL::CDFlags | |
CVCL::CDList< T > | |
CVCL::CDMap< Key, Data, HashFcn > | |
CVCL::CDMap< Key, Data, HashFcn >::iterator | |
CVCL::CDMap< Key, Data, HashFcn >::iterator::Proxy | |
CVCL::CDMap< Key, Data, HashFcn >::orderedIterator | |
CVCL::CDMap< Key, Data, HashFcn >::orderedIterator::Proxy | |
CVCL::CDMapData | |
CVCL::CDMapOrdered< Key, Data > | |
CVCL::CDMapOrdered< Key, Data >::iterator | |
CVCL::CDMapOrdered< Key, Data >::iterator::Proxy | |
CVCL::CDMapOrdered< Key, Data >::orderedIterator | |
CVCL::CDMapOrdered< Key, Data >::orderedIterator::Proxy | |
CVCL::CDMapOrderedData | |
CVCL::CDO< T > | |
CVCL::CDOmap< Key, Data, HashFcn > | |
CVCL::CDOmapOrdered< Key, Data > | |
CVCL::Circuit | |
CVCL::Clause | A class representing a CNF clause (a smart pointer) |
SAT::Clause | |
CVCL::ClauseOwner | Same as class Clause, but when destroyed, marks the clause as deleted |
CVCL::ClauseValue | |
CVCL::CLException | |
CVCL::CLFlag | |
CVCL::CLFlags | |
CLitPoolElement | |
SAT::CNF_Formula | |
SAT::CNF_Formula_Impl | |
SAT::CNF_Manager | |
SAT::CNF_Manager::Varinfo | Information kept for each CNF variable |
CVCL::CNF_Rules | API to the CNF proof rules |
CVCL::CNF_TheoremProducer | |
CVCL::CommonProofRules | |
CVCL::CommonTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::CompactClause | |
CVCL::Context | |
CVCL::ContextManager | Manager for multiple contexts. Also holds current context |
CVCL::ContextNotifyObj | |
CVCL::ContextObj | |
CVCL::ContextObjChain | |
CVCL::CoreProofRules | |
CVCL::CoreSatAPI_implBase | |
CVCL::CoreTheoremProducer | |
CSolver | |
CSolverParameters | |
CSolverStats | |
CVariable | |
CVCL::DatatypeProofRules | |
CVCL::DatatypeTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::Debug | The heart of the Bug Extermination Kingdom |
CVCL::Debug::stringHash | Private hasher class for strings |
CVCL::DebugCounter | Integer counter for debugging purposes |
CVCL::DebugException | Our exception to throw |
CVCL::DebugFlag | Boolean flag (can only be true or false) |
CVCL::DebugTime | |
CVCL::DebugTimer | Time counter |
CVCL::DecisionEngine | |
CVCL::DecisionEngineCaching | |
CVCL::DecisionEngineCaching::CacheEntry | |
CVCL::DecisionEngineDFS | Decision Engine for use with the Search Engine
Author: Clark Barrett |
CVCL::DecisionEngineMBTF | |
CVCL::DecisionEngineMBTF::CacheEntry | |
CVCL::Dict< _Key, _Data > | |
CVCL::Dict_Entry< _Key, _Data > | |
CVCL::Dict_Ptr< _Key, _Data > | |
SAT::DPLLT::Decider | |
SAT::DPLLT::TheoryAPI | |
SAT::DPLLTBasic | |
CVCL::EvalException | |
CVCL::Exception | |
CVCL::Expr | Data structure of expressions in CVC Lite |
CVCL::Expr::iterator | |
CVCL::Expr::iterator::Proxy | Postfix increment requires a Proxy object to hold the intermediate value for dereferencing |
CVCL::ExprApply | |
CVCL::ExprBoundVar | |
CVCL::ExprClosure | A "closure" expression which binds variables used in the "body". Used by LAMBDA and quantifiers |
CVCL::ExprHashMap< Data > | |
CVCL::ExprHashMap< Data >::iterator | |
CVCL::ExprHashMap< Data >::iterator::Proxy | |
CVCL::ExprManager | |
CVCL::ExprManager::EqEV | Private class for d_exprSet |
CVCL::ExprManager::HashEV | Private classe for d_exprSet |
CVCL::ExprManager::HashString | Private class for hashing strings |
CVCL::ExprManager::TypeComputer | Abstract class for computing expr type |
CVCL::ExprManagerNotifyObj | Notifies ExprManager before and after each pop() |
CVCL::ExprMap< Data > | |
CVCL::ExprMap< Data >::iterator | |
CVCL::ExprMap< Data >::iterator::Proxy | |
CVCL::ExprNode | |
CVCL::ExprRational | |
CVCL::ExprSkolem | |
CVCL::ExprStream | Pretty-printing output stream for Expr. READ THE DOCS BEFORE USING! |
CVCL::ExprString | |
CVCL::ExprSymbol | |
CVCL::ExprTransform | |
CVCL::ExprValue | The base class for holding the actual data in expressions |
CVCL::ExprVar | |
std::fdinbuf | |
std::fdistream | |
std::fdostream | |
std::fdoutbuf | |
endif::hash< CVCL::Expr > | |
endif::hash< std::string > | |
CVCL::Hash_Entry< _Key, _Data > | |
CVCL::Hash_Ptr< _Key, _Data > | |
CVCL::Hash_Table< _Key, _Data > | |
SAT::Lit | |
CVCL::Literal | |
CVCL::ltstr | |
CVCL::MemoryManager | |
CVCL::MemoryManagerChunks | |
CVCL::MemoryManagerMalloc | |
MonomialLess | |
NamedExprValue | NamedExprValue |
CVCL::NotifyList | |
CVCL::Op | |
pair_int_equal | |
pair_int_hash_fun | |
CVCL::Parser | |
CVCL::ParserException | |
CVCL::ParserTemp | |
CVCL::PrettyPrinter | Abstract API to a pretty-printer for Expr |
CVCL::PrettyPrinterCore | Implementation of PrettyPrinter class |
CVCL::Proof | |
CVCL::QuantProofRules | |
CVCL::QuantTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::Rational | |
CVCL::Rational::Impl | |
CVCL::Rational::Impl | Implementation of the forward-declared internal class |
CVCL::Rational::Impl | |
CVCL::RecordsProofRules | |
CVCL::RecordsTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::RefinedArithTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::ReflexivityTheoremValue | A special subclass for reflexivity theorems: e = e and e <=> e |
CVCL::RWTheoremValue | |
SatSolver | |
SatSolver::Clause | |
SatSolver::Lit | |
SatSolver::Var | |
CVCL::Scope | |
CVCL::ScopeWatcher | A class which sets a boolean value to true when created, and resets to false when deleted |
CVCL::SearchEngine | API to to a generic proof search engine |
CVCL::SearchEngineFast | Implementation of a faster search engine, using newer techniques |
CVCL::SearchEngineFast::ConflictClauseManager | |
CVCL::SearchEngineRules | API to the proof rules for the Search Engines |
CVCL::SearchEngineTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::SearchImplBase | API to to a generic proof search engine (a.k.a. SAT solver) |
CVCL::SearchImplBase::Splitter | Representation of a DP-suggested splitter |
CVCL::SearchSat | Search engine that connects to a generic SAT reasoning module |
CVCL::SearchSat::Restorer | |
CVCL::SearchSatCoreSatAPI | |
CVCL::SearchSatDecider | |
CVCL::SearchSatTheoryAPI | |
CVCL::SearchSimple | Implementation of the simple search engine |
CVCL::SimulateProofRules | |
CVCL::SimulateTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::SmartCDO< T > | SmartCDO |
CVCL::SmartCDO< T >::RefCDO< U > | |
CVCL::SmartCDO< T >::RefCDO< U >::RefNotifyObj | |
CVCL::SmtlibException | |
CVCL::SoundException | |
CVCL::StatCounter | |
CVCL::StatFlag | |
CVCL::Statistics | |
CVCL::StrPairLess< T > | |
CVCL::SVC_API_impl | |
CVCL::SVC_API_impl::varinfo | |
CVCL::Theorem | |
CVCL::Theorem3 | Theorem3 |
CVCL::TheoremLess | "Less" comparator for theorems by TheoremValue pointers |
CVCL::TheoremManager | |
CVCL::TheoremProducer | |
CVCL::TheoremValue | |
CVCL::Theory | Base class for theories |
CVCL::TheoryArith | This theory handles basic linear arithmetic |
CVCL::TheoryArith::FreeConst | Data class for the strongest free constant in separation inqualities |
CVCL::TheoryArith::Ineq | Private class for an inequality in the Fourier-Motzkin database |
CVCL::TheoryArith::VarOrderGraph | |
CVCL::TheoryArray | This theory handles arrays |
CVCL::TheoryBitvector | Theory of bitvectors of known length \ (operations include: @,[i:j],[i],+,.,BVAND,BVNEG) |
CVCL::TheoryCore | This theory handles the built-in logical connectives plus equality. It also handles the registration and cooperation among all other theories |
CVCL::TheoryCore::CoreNotifyObj | |
CVCL::TheoryCore::CoreSatAPI | |
TheoryCore::CoreSatAPI | Interface class for callbacks to SAT from Core |
CVCL::TheoryDatatype | This theory handles datatypes |
CVCL::TheoryDatatypeLazy | This theory handles datatypes |
CVCL::TheoryQuant | This theory handles quantifiers |
CVCL::TheoryQuant::TypeComp | |
CVCL::TheoryRecords | This theory handles records |
CVCL::TheorySimulate | "Theory" of symbolic simulation |
CVCL::TheoryUF | This theory handles uninterpreted functions |
CVCL::TheoryUF::TCMapPair | |
CVCL::Translator | |
CVCL::Type | |
CVCL::TypecheckException | |
CVCL::TypeComputerCore | |
CVCL::UFProofRules | |
CVCL::UFTheoremProducer | |
CVCL::ValidityChecker | Generic API for a validity checker
SAT::Var | |
CVCL::Variable | |
CVCL::VariableManager | |
CVCL::VariableManager::EqLV | |
CVCL::VariableManager::HashLV | |
CVCL::VariableManagerNotifyObj | Notifies VariableManager before and after each pop() |
CVCL::VariableValue | |
CVCL::VCCmd | |
CVCL::VCL::UserAssertion | Structure to hold user assertions indexed by declaration order |
Xchaff | |