
Jump to Name:

  • Marshall Ball

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Columbia University, USA, 2020

    Email: marshall.ball at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 420
    Ext: 8-3131
    Foundations of cryptography, complexity theory

  • Nir Bitansky

    Associate Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2015

    Foundations of cryptography, cryptographic proof systems, quantum cryptography

  • Joseph Bonneau

    Associate Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Cambridge, UK, 2012

    Email: jcb at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 404
    Ext: 8-3021
    Computer security, applied cryptography, cryptocurrencies, security economics

  • Joan Bruna

    Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, École Polytechnique, France, 2013

    Email: bruna at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 612
    Ext: 8-3162
    Machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, signal processing

  • Benedikt Bünz

    Assistant Professor Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University, USA, 2023

    Email: bkb8156 at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 303
    Applied Cryptography, Blockchains, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Consensus

  • Kyunghyun Cho

    Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science, Finland, 2014

    Email: kyunghyun.cho at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 616
    Ext: 8-3366
    Machine learning, natural languages, machine translation, artificial intelligence

  • Eunsol Choi

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    Website: https://eunsol.github.io/

    Email: ec5413 at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 600
    Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

  • Sumit Chopra

    Associate Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, New York University, USA, 2008

    Email: sumit at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 501
    Ext: 8-3376
    Machine Learning, Healthcare, Representation Learning, Computer Vision, Medical Imaging, Natural Language Processing

  • Richard Cole

    Silver Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Cornell University, USA, 1982

    Email: cole at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 417
    Ext: 8-3119
    Algorithmics, algorithmic economics and game theory, algorithms in nature and society.

  • Patrick Cousot

    Silver Professor of Computer Science

    Doctor ès Sciences, Mathematics, University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 1978

    Email: pcousot at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 400
    Ext: 8-3519
    Abstract interpretation, semantics, verification, and static analysis.

  • Ernest Davis

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University, USA, 1984

    Email: davise at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 329
    Ext: 8-3123
    Artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, and automated commonsense reasoning.

  • Juan de Pablo

    Executive Vice President for Global Science and Technology; Executive Dean of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering; Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    University of California, Berkeley Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 1990

    Email: j.de.pablo at nyu.edu
    Office: TBD 19
    Office: 1 MetroTech Center, 19th floor

  • Yevgeniy Dodis

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2000

    Email: dodis at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 413
    Ext: 8-3084
    Cryptography, security, information theory, complexity theory, algorithms.

  • Rob Fergus

    Professor of Computer Science

    D. Phil., Electrical Engineering, University of Oxford, UK, 2005

    Email: fergus at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 514
    Ext: 8-3353
    Computer vision and computational photography.

  • David Fouhey

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

    Ph.D., Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University, The Robotics Institute, USA, 2016

    Email: david.fouhey at nyu.edu david.fouhey at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 522
    Computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, AI for science, robotics

  • Davi Geiger

    Associate Professor of Computer Science and Neural Science

    Ph.D., Physics and Artificial Intelligence, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 1990

    Email: dg1 at nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 418
    Ext: 8-3235
    Computer Vision and Learning, with recent interest in the use of Group and Quantum methods.

  • Benjamin Goldberg

    Associate Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University, USA, 1988

    Email: goldberg at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 401
    Ext: 8-3495
    Design and implementation of programming languages, compiler verification, and compiler optimizations.

  • Anupam Gupta

    Silver Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2000

    Email: ag10120 at nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 430
    Ext: 83272
    Approximation and online algorithms, beyond worst-case analysis, metric embeddings

  • He He

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    PhD, Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, USA, 2016

    Email: hehe at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 605
    Ext: 8-3363
    Natural language processing, machine learning

  • Gautam Kamath

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Website: http://www.gautamkamath.com/

    Differential Privacy, Robustness, Machine Learning, Algorithms, Statistics

    Note: Starting September 2025

  • Julia Kempe

    Silver Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics and Data Science

    PhD, Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2001; PhD, Computer Science, École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France, 2001

    Email: kempe at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 620
    Ext: 8-3191
    Data Science, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing

  • Subhash Khot

    Silver Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Princeton University, USA, 2003

    Email: khot at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 416
    Ext: 8-4859
    Algorithms, computational complexity, and computational intractability.

  • Yann LeCun

    Jacob T. Schwartz Chaired Professor in Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France, 1987

    Email: yann at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 516
    Ext: 8-3283
    Machine learning, computer vision, autonomous robotics, computational neuroscience, computational statistics, computational economics, hardware architectures for vision, digital libraries, and data compression.

  • Jinyang Li

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2005

    Email: jinyang at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 410
    Ext: 8-3098
    Distributed systems, operating systems, wireless networks.

  • Romain Lopez

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Biology

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2021

    Email: romain.lopez at nyu.edu

    Note: Starting September 2025

  • Bhubaneswar Mishra

    Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Cell Biology

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 1985

    Email: mishra at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 405
    Ext: 8-3464
    Bioinformatics, algorithmic algebra, robotics, computational biology, and computational finance.

  • Mehryar Mohri

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Paris 7, France, 1993

    Email: mohri at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 701
    Ext: 8-3200
    Machine learning, computational biology, text and speech processing, algorithms, and theory.

  • Daniel Neill

    Professor of Public Service and Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2006

    Email: daniel.neill at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 304
    Ext: x8-3295
    machine learning; event and pattern detection; applications for societal good; public health, safety, and security; algorithmic fairness; urban systems

  • Michael Overton

    Silver Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University, USA, 1979

    Email: overton at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 429
    Ext: 8-3121
    Numerical analysis, linear algebra, optimization, and mathematical programming.

  • Aurojit Panda

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2017

    Email: apanda at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 405
    Ext: 8-3247
    Distributed systems, systems, networking

  • Daniele Panozzo

    Associate Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Genoa, Italy, 2012

    Email: panozzo at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 504
    Ext: 8-3208
    Geometry Processing, Computer Graphics and Digital Fabrication

  • Sunoo Park

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2018

    Email: sp3217 at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 316
    Security, privacy, transparency, cryptography, technology law, technology policy

  • Benjamin Peherstorfer

    Associate Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Technische Universität München, Germany, 2013

    Email: pehersto at cims.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 421
    Ext: 8-3297
    Computational statistics, Bayesian inference, model reduction, high-dimensional approximation, machine learning, numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra

  • Kenneth Perlin

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, New York University, USA, 1986

    Email: perlin at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 300
    Ext: 8-3386
    Computer graphics, simulation, computer/human interface, multimedia, and animation.

  • Lerrel Pinto

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2019

    Email: lerrel at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 505
    Ext: 8-3514
    Robot Learning, Robotic Manipulation, Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning.

  • Rajesh Ranganath

    Associate Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Princeton University, USA, 2017

    Email: rajeshr at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 503
    Ext: 8-3394
    Machine Learning, Healthcare, Probabilistic and Causal Inference.

  • Theodore Rappaport

    Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Radiology

    Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, USA, 1987

    Email: tsr at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 312
    Ext: 8-3407
    Wireless communication systems and networks, compressed sensing for wireless and video applications, RF/Analog circuit design, antennas and propagation, wireless for medical applications.

  • Oded Regev

    Silver Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2001

    Email: regev at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 303
    Ext: 8-3771
    Lattice-based cryptography, quantum computation, and mathematical aspects of theoretical computer science.

  • Mengye Ren

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada, 2021

    Email: mengye at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 508
    Ext: 2-7547
    Machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence

  • Dennis Shasha

    Silver Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Harvard University, USA, 1984

    Email: shasha at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 414
    Ext: 8-3086
    Network inference and protein design for biology, software for searching databases of trees and graphs, outsourcing data while preserving privacy, finding patterns in time series, DNA computing, and puzzles.

  • Alan Siegel

    Associate Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University, USA, 1983

    Email: siegel at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 330
    Ext: 8-3122
    VLSI design, analysis of algorithms, lower bounds, parallel algorithms, probability, and combinatorial geometry.

  • Anirudh Sivaraman

    Associate Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2017

    Email: anirudh at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 408
    Ext: 8-3320
    Programmable routers, computer networks, hardware and software for computer systems.

  • Lakshminarayanan Subramanian

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley, USA, 2005

    Email: lakshmi at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 416
    Ext: 8-3485
    Networks, distributed systems, computing for development .

  • Joseph Tassarotti

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2019

    Email: jt4767 at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 401
    Ext: 8-3294
    Programming languages, formal verification, systems

  • Matus Telgarsky

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, San Diego, USA, 2013

    Email: mjt10041 at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 310
    Ext: 2-7544
    Deep Learning Theory, Statistical Learning Theory, Approximation, Optimization

  • Michael Walfish

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2008

    Email: mwalfish at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 412
    Ext: 8-3244
    Systems, security, and networks.

  • Sam Westrick

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Website: http://samwestrick.com

    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 500

  • Thomas Wies

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Freiburg, Germany, 2009

    Email: wies at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 403
    Ext: 8-3293
    Program analysis and verification; automated deduction; concurrent software; software productivity

  • Andrew Gordon Wilson

    Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    Ph.D., Machine Learning, University of Cambridge, UK, 2014

    Email: andrewgw at cims.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 604
    Ext: 8-3365
    Machine learning, Bayesian statistics, numerical linear algebra.

  • Saining Xie

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, San Diego, USA, 2018

    Email: saining.xie at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 518
    Ext: 2-7530
    Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

  • Sherry Yang

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

    Website: https://sherryy.github.io/

    Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Generative Modeling, Robot Learning, AI for Science

    Note: 2025

  • Chee Yap

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University, USA, 1979

    Email: yap at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 301
    Ext: 8-3115
    Computational geometry, computer algebra, visualization, algorithmic robotics, complexity theory, and numerical robustness issues and exact computation.

  • Sai Qian Zhang

    Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Harvard, USA, 2021

    Email: sai.zhang at nyu.edu
    Efficient deep learning, AI system design

    Note: Starting September 2024

  • Denis Zorin

    Silver Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

    Ph.D., Computer Science, California Institute of Technology, USA, 1997

    Email: dzorin at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 512
    Ext: 8-3405
    Computer graphics, geometric modeling, subdivision surfaces, multiresolution surface representations, fluid and solid simulation, and perceptually based methods for computer graphics.