FALL 2006 Course Roadmap


Of the courses being offered in Fall 2006, the following are suitable
for most incoming MS students:

Fundamental Algorithms (G22.1170)
Programming Languages (G22.2110)
Unix Tools (G22.2245)
Operating Systems (G22.2250)
Data Communications and Networks (G22.2262)
Multimedia (G22.3033-005)
Application Servers (G22.3033-009)

Students with a strong mathematical background, particularly linear algebra, might also consider:

Scientific Computing (G22.2112)
Computer Graphics (G22.2270)
Computer Vision (G22.2271)
Machine Learning (G22.2565)
Recapturing Life (G22.3033-011)

We strongly recommend that incoming students take either
Fundamental Algorithms or Programming Languages in their first semester.

REQUIREMENT C of the MS requirements specifies that an MS student must pass at least
ONE course in TWO of the following applications areas:
Graphics, Computation for Science and Society, AI, and Databases.
The courses this fall (2006) satisfy this requirement are listed below.

NOTE: This requirement cannot be satisfied through independent study or MS thesis research; courses transferred from another institution cannot be


Computer Graphics (G22.2270)
Computer Vision (G22.2271)
Multimedia (G22.3033-005)
Computer Vision and Tracking (G22.3033-002)

Courses in this area from previous semesters:

User Interfaces
Experiments in Motion Capture


Scientific Computing (G22.2112)
Numerical Methods 1 (G22.2420)
Numerical Methods for Time-Dependent PDEs (G22.2945-001)
Computational PDEs (G22.2945)
Monte Carlo Methods (G22.2960)
Computational Biology/Bioinformatics (G22.3033-004)

Courses in this area from previous semesters:

Topics in Numerical Analysis
Numerical Methods II
Linear Programming


Computer Vision (G22.2271)
Machine Learning (G22.2565)
Advanced Machine Learning (G22.3033-003)
Machine Translation (G22.3033-006)
Mobile Robots (G22.3033-007)

Courses in this area from previous semesters:

Artificial Intelligence
Natural Language Processing
Foundations of Machine Learning
Data Warehousing and Mining


We are not offering any courses in this area in fall 2006.

Courses in this area from previous semesters:

Advanced Database Systems
Database Systems
Data Warehousing and Mining

REQUIREMENT D of the MS requirements specifies that an MS student must pass at least one
LARGE-SCALE PROGRAMMING PROJECT COURSE. The following courses offered this semester
satisfy that requirement:

Compiler Construction (G22.2130)
Info. Tech. Projects (G22.3812)
Networks & Distributed Systems (G22.3033-010)

Courses from previous semesters that satisfy this requirement:

Heuristic Problem Solving
High Performance Computer Architecture
Information Technology Products
Producing Production Quality Software
Software Engineering

NOTE: This requirement cannot be satisfied through independent study or MS thesis research; courses transferred from another institution cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.

For further course advice, contact: Ernest Davis (davise@cs.nyu.edu)
Director of Graduate Studies, MS program
Office Hours Monday 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. & Friday 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
room 429 WWH
212 998-3123

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