This page contains the schedule, slide from the lectures, lecture notes, reading lists,
assigments, and web links.
I urge you to download the DjVu viewer
and view the DjVu version of the documents below. They display faster,
are higher quality, and have generally smaller file sizes than the PS and PDF.
Full-text search is provided for the entire
collection of slides and papers. Click here to search
You can have a look at the schedule
and class material for the graduate version of this course taught during the
Fall 2004 semester, but be warned that the undergraduate edition is
significantly different.
01/18: Introduction and basic concepts |
Subjects treated: Intro, types of learning, nearest neighbor, how biology does it,
linear classifier, perceptron learning procedure, linear regression,
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
01/20: Introduction to Lush, Computer Lab |
NOTE: This session will start in the usual classroom WWH-102,
but the second part will be in room WWH-512
(Sun computer lab on the 5-th floor).
Subjects treated: An introduction to the
Lush programming language.
Implementing the perceptron learning algorithm.
The instructor for this lab seesion will be Fu-Jie Huang (Jie).
You should all have a login on the Sun machines in the lab.
If you have laptop, you are welcome to install Lush on it
and to use it for the computer lab sessions instead of the
labs's Sun workstations. Lush runs on Linux, Mac OS-X,
Solaris, and on Windows under Cygwin.
Click here to get the files for the lab
and the homework.
HOMEWORK 01b: The homework is due 02/08 before the class (NOTE: new
due date).
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
Lush Tutorial: read the short tutorial on Lush at
the Lush documentation page.
01/25: Perceptron, Linear Regression |
Subjects treated: Intro, perceptron convergence theorem,
multivariate calculus refresher, loss functions, linear regression, LMS/Adaline.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
02/27: Energy-Based Models, Loss Functions, Linear Regression |
Subjects treated: Energy-Based Models, Inference,
Loss Functions, Logistic Regression.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
02/01: Lab: Linear Classifiers |
We will meet in the usual classroom WWH-102,
and promptly go to the Sun computer lab in room WWH-512.
Subjects treated: LAB: perceptron, LMS, Logistic Regression.
HOMEWORK 02a: Click here to get the files
for the lab and the homework.
To uncompress the homework file on Unix/Linux do
"tar xvfz lab-02a.tgz". This will create a directory
named "lab-02a". On Windows, use Winzip.
The homework is due 02/15 before the class.
02/03: Generalization, Regularization |
Subjects treated:
Learning and Generalization, Regularization.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
02/08: Multi-Module Systems, Backpropagation |
Subjects treated: Multilayer and Multi-Module Systems,
Gradient Back-Propagation.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
02/10: Modules and Architectures |
Subjects treated: Modules and Architectures.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
02/15: Special Architectures |
Subjects treated: Special Architectures for
Time Series, Images, Audio, Video.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
02/17: Audio and Image Classification |
Subjects treated: Convolutional Networks for
speech and image classification.
Slides: object recognition [DjVu].
HOMEWORK 05b: computing Jacobians. Click one these links
to get the text of the homework: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
The homework is due 03/01 before the class.
Required Reading:
Gradient-based Learning Applied to Document Recognition by LeCun,
Bottou, Bengio, and Haffner; pages 1 to the first column of page 18:
[DjVu | .ps.gz ]
02/22: applications of gradient-based supervised learning |
Subjects treated: Face detection, and other applications
Slides: face detection [DjVu].
02/24: a primer on probability theory |
Subjects treated: distributions, marginalization, joint,
conditional, exponential family, Gaussians.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
03/01: intro to unsupervised learning |
Subjects treated: density estimation. Maximum likelihood
estimation, Gaussian estimation, Parzen Windows.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
03/03: Dimensionality Reduction |
Subjects treated: principal component analysis
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
03/08: Clustering, Data Compression |
Subjects treated: K-Means clustering, vector quantization,
image compression.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
03/10: Expectation-Maximization |
Subjects treated: latent variables,
Expectation-Maximization algorithm (EM), mixtures of Gaussians.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
03/22: Ensemble Methods, Boosting |
Subjects treated: Ensemble methods,
Jackknife, Bagging, Boosting.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
HOMEWORK 09a: speech recognition with
backpropagation and multilayer nets.
Click here to get the text
of the homework (caution: the file is 11MB).
The homework is due 03/29 before the class.
Subjects treated: Bayesian Learning Methods.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
03/29: Fast Optimization Methods |
Subjects treated: Optimization, Hessian,
Convergence of gradient descent, Newton's algorithm,
Levenberg-Marquardt, Conjugate Gradient.
Required reading: "Efficient Backprop"
03/31: Distributions on Strings |
Subjects treated: Distributions on strings,
weighted finite-state machines, finite-state transducers.
Slides: Tutorial by Mehryar Mohri and Michael Riley: [DjVu | PDF | PS]
HOMEWORK 10b: Principal Component Analysis
Click here to get the text
of the homework
The homework is due 04/12 before the class.
04/05: Introduction to Graphical Models |
The lecture will be given by Marc'Aurelio Ranzato and Chris Poultney.
Subjects treated: Graphical models, factorized probability
distributions, belief propagation and the sum-product algorithm.
HOMEWORK 11a: K-Means Clustering
Click here to get the text
of the homework
The homework is due 04/14 before the class.
Instructor: Raia Hadsell.
Subjects treated: implementing PCA and K-Means with
applications to image compression.
04/12: Learning with Sequences |
Subjects treated: Graphs Transformer Networks, sequence
labeling, discriminative training.
Required Reading:
Gradient-based Learning Applied to Document Recognition by LeCun,
Bottou, Bengio, and Haffner; pages 18 (sectionC) to 40.
[DjVu | .ps.gz ]
HOMEWORK 12a: Mixture of Gaussians
Click here to get the text of the homework
The homework is due 04/19 before the class.
04/14: Lab: gblearn2 library and convolutional nets |
Instructor: Raia Hadsell.
Subjects treated: Training a handwritten digit recognizer.
FINAL PROJECT: most of the proposed topics of final projects
will be related to this lab session. You can make a proposal for a
different subject outside of the proposed list if you want. Proposed
subjects will include various ways of training various architectures
on the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits. Students will have 15
minutes to present the results of their project to the class in an
oral exam session on Thursday, May 5 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. You can
do the project by yourself or in groups of two.