CBLL typically recruits one Postdoc, and one or two PhD students every
year. Several NYU Masters students do research projects at CBLL each
semester. A small number of undergraduate students occasionally do
projects under the VIGRE program.
Q: How do I apply to be a PhD student at CBLL?: Every PhD
student at CBLL must first be admitted into one of the PhD programs at
NYU, typically in Computer Science, Neuroscience, or Applied
Mathematics. The application deadline is typically in December for
admission the following September.
Q: Will I get financial support if I am admitted?: Every NYU
PhD student in good academic standing has guaranteed funding for 5
years. Funding typically comes from grants and gifts to CBLL, from
fellowships, or from working as a Teaching Assistant (which all PhD
students have to do for two semesters).
Q: What are the criteria for admission?: admission into the CS
PhD program is extremely competitive, and CBLL only takes 1 or 2 new
students in a typical year. Typically, candidates must have excellent
grades, good letters of recommendations, and have some research
experience, preferably with publications in international venues. We
generally prefer people a combination of excellent math/physics
training, and good software implementation abilities. In other words,
if you have won a math or physics olympiad, you are the maintainer of
a succesful open source project, and you have done interesting
research in machine learning or computer vision, you are high on our
list. Because machine learning and computer vision are highly
demanding in "continuous math" skills, we strongly encourage
applicants with an Engineering, Physics, or Applied Math background,
with a solid programming experience. We also encourage applicants with
a Computer Science degree, if they have a strong math and physics