60 Fifth Avenue
Room 418
New York, NY 10011

About Me

I am a PhD student at the Courant Institute, New York University, working with Thomas Wies.

I am broadly interested in rigorous analysis and verification of software systems. My thesis focuses on a wide range of concurrent search structure implementations (i.e key/value stores). Examples include B-trees, hash tables, lock-free linked lists and skiplists. My work encompasses both automated and manual approaches to verification, and advances the current state of the art.

Beyond concurrent data structures, I have also worked on program synthesis for robot systems. For the future, I am interested in distributed systems, program synthesis and theorem proving.


  1. Verifying Lock-free Search Structure Templates
    Nisarg Patel, Dennis Shasha and Thomas Wies
    To appear at ECOOP 2024
  2. Synthesis of Compact Strategies for Coordination Programs
    Kedar Namjoshi and Nisarg Patel
    TACAS 2022
  3. Verifying Concurrent Multicopy Search Structures
    Nisarg Patel, Siddharth Krishna, Dennis Shasha and Thomas Wies
    OOPSLA 2021
  4. Automated Verification of Concurrent Search Structures
    Siddharth Krishna, Nisarg Patel, Dennis Shasha and Thomas Wies
    Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2021
  5. Verifying Concurrent Search Structure Templates
    Siddharth Krishna, Nisarg Patel, Dennis Shasha and Thomas Wies
    PLDI 2020