Library iris.chan2heap.refine_protocol

From iris.algebra Require Import upred_big_op sts.
From iris.program_logic Require Export invariants ghost_ownership.
From iris.program_logic Require Import ownership auth sts saved_prop.
From iris.proofmode Require Import weakestpre invariants sts.
From iris.chan_lang Require Export lang derived refine refine_heap refine_heap_proofmode protocol.
From iris.chan2heap Require Export chan2heap.
From iris.chan_lang Require Import tactics.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import lang heap proofmode notation.
Import heap_lang.
Import uPred.

Inductive prot_mod {T: Type} : protocol T list (val × chan_lang.val) protocol T Prop :=
  | prot_mod_nil S S':
      prot_eq S S'
      prot_mod S [] S'
  | prot_mod_recv Φ S S' v l:
      prot_mod S l S'
      prot_mod (prot_recv Φ S) (v::l) S'
  | prot_mod_left S1 S2 S' l:
      prot_mod S1 l S'
      prot_mod (prot_ext S1 S2) ((InjLV (LitV LitUnit), (chan_lang.LitV chan_lang.LitUnit))::l) S'
  | prot_mod_right S1 S2 S' l:
      prot_mod S2 l S'
      prot_mod (prot_ext S1 S2) ((InjRV (LitV LitUnit), (chan_lang.LitV chan_lang.LitUnit))::l) S'.

Instance prot_mod_proper T: Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> iff) (@prot_mod T).
  intros p1 p1' Heq1 l1 l2p2 p2' Heq2.
  - intros Hmodc. revert p1' p2' Heq1 Heq2. induction Hmodc; auto.
    × econstructor; setoid_subst; eauto.
    × intros. inversion Heq1. subst. econstructor. eauto.
    × intros. inversion Heq1. subst. econstructor. eauto.
    × intros. inversion Heq1. subst. econstructor. eauto.
  - intros Hmodc. revert p1 p2 Heq1 Heq2. induction Hmodc; auto.
    × econstructor; setoid_subst; eauto.
    × intros. inversion Heq1. subst. econstructor. eauto.
    × intros. inversion Heq1. subst. econstructor. eauto.
    × intros. inversion Heq1. subst. econstructor. eauto.

Lemma prot_mod_app {T} (p1: protocol T) la p2 lb p3:
      prot_mod p1 la p2
      prot_mod p2 lb p3
      prot_mod p1 (la ++ lb) p3.
  revert lb p3.
  induction 1; auto; intros;
  try (rewrite -app_comm_cons;
       econstructor; eauto).
  rewrite H. auto.

Inductive prot_red {Ty} : protocol Ty protocol Ty Prop :=
  | prot_send_red T S: prot_red (prot_send T S) S
  | prot_recv_red T S: prot_red (prot_recv T S) S
  | prot_intL_red S1 S2: prot_red (prot_int S1 S2) S1
  | prot_intR_red S1 S2: prot_red (prot_int S1 S2) S2
  | prot_extL_Red S1 S2: prot_red (prot_ext S1 S2) S1
  | prot_extR_Red S1 S2: prot_red (prot_ext S1 S2) S2.

Section definitions.

  Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Record session := Session { left_state: list choice; right_state: list choice;
                        left_ptr: loc; right_ptr: loc;
                        left_count: nat; right_count: nat}.
Global Instance sessionT_inhabited: Inhabited session :=
  populate (Session [] [] 1%positive 1%positive 0 0).
Add Printing Constructor session.
Inductive token := left_tok (n: nat) | right_tok (n: nat).
Global Instance left_tok_inj : Inj (=) (=) left_tok.
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.
Global Instance right_tok_inj : Inj (=) (=) right_tok.
Proof. by injection 1. Qed.

Inductive prot_prim_step : relation session :=
  | left_prim_step c pl tl tl' pr tr nl nr:
      prot_prim_step (Session pl pr tl tr nl nr) (Session (pl ++ [c]) pr tl' tr (S nl) nr)
  | right_prim_step c pr tr tr' pl tl nl nr:
      prot_prim_step (Session pl pr tl tr nl nr) (Session pl (pr ++ [c]) tl tr' nl (S nr)).

Definition tok (s : session) : set token :=
  {[ t | i, ((t = left_tok i) (i left_count s))
               ((t = right_tok i) (i right_count s))]}.
Global Arguments tok !_ /.
Canonical Structure sts := sts.STS prot_prim_step tok.

Definition up_left_tok (k: nat) : set token := {[ t | n, t = left_tok n n > k]}.
Definition up_right_tok (k: nat) : set token := {[ t | n, t = right_tok n n > k]}.

Definition up_left (p: list choice) (l: loc) (n: nat) : set session :=
  {[ s' | left_state s' = p
           left_ptr s' = l
           left_count s' = n]}.

Definition up_right (p: list choice) (l: loc) (n: nat) : set session :=
  {[ s' | right_state s' = p
           right_ptr s' = l
           right_count s' = n]}.

Definition up_exact s : set session := {[s]}.

Lemma up_left_closed p l n:
  sts.closed (up_left p l n) (up_left_tok n).
  - intros s'.
    destruct 1 as (?&?&?).
    intros t (n'&[(?&?)|(?&?)]).
    × subst. intros (n''&Hn&?).
      inversion Hn; subst; omega.
    × intros (?&?&?); congruence.
  - intros s1 s2 (?&?&?) [T1 T2 Hdisj Hstep'].
    inversion_clear Hstep' as [? ? ? ? Htrans _ _ Htok].
    destruct Htrans.
    × exfalso.
      assert (left_tok (S nl) sts.tok (Session (pl ++ [c]) pr tl tr (S nl) nr)) as Hin1.
      { simpl. set_solver. }
      assert (left_tok (S nl) sts.tok (Session (pl ++ [c]) pr tl tr nl nr)) as Hnin1.
      { simpl. set_unfold. intros (x&[(Hn&Hl)|(Hn&Hl)]).
        × inversion Hn. subst. clear -Hl. omega.
        × congruence. }
      assert (left_tok (S nl) T1) as Hin2.
      { set_solver. }
      assert (left_tok (S nl) up_left_tok n) as Hin3.
      { simpl in ×. subst. rewrite /up_left_tok. set_unfold.
        eexists; split; auto. }
    × set_unfold. subst. split_and!; auto.

Lemma up_right_closed p l n:
  sts.closed (up_right p l n) (up_right_tok n).
  - intros s'.
    destruct 1 as (?&?&?).
    intros t (n'&[(?&?)|(?&?)]).
    × intros (?&?&?); congruence.
    × subst. intros (n''&Hn&?).
      inversion Hn; subst; omega.
  - intros s1 s2 (?&?&?) [T1 T2 Hdisj Hstep'].
    inversion_clear Hstep' as [? ? ? ? Htrans _ _ Htok].
    destruct Htrans.
    × set_unfold. subst. split_and!; auto.
    × exfalso.
      assert (right_tok (S nr) sts.tok (Session pl (pr ++ [c]) tl tr nl (S nr))) as Hin1.
      { simpl. set_solver. }
      assert (right_tok (S nr) sts.tok (Session pl (pr ++ [c]) tl tr nl nr)) as Hnin1.
      { simpl. set_unfold. intros (x&[(Hn&Hl)|(Hn&Hl)]).
        × congruence.
        × inversion Hn. subst. clear -Hl. omega. }
      assert (right_tok (S nr) T1) as Hin2.
      { set_solver. }
      assert (right_tok (S nr) up_right_tok n) as Hin3.
      { simpl in ×. subst. rewrite /up_right_tok. set_unfold.
        eexists; split; auto. }

Definition upd_left (s: session) c (l: loc) :=
  Session (left_state s ++ [c]) (right_state s) l (right_ptr s) (S (left_count s)) (right_count s).
Definition upd_right (s: session) c (l: loc) :=
  Session (left_state s) (right_state s ++ [c]) (left_ptr s) l (left_count s) (S (right_count s)).

Lemma tok_up_left_all pl pr tl tr nl nr:
  sts.tok (Session pl pr tl tr nl nr) up_left_tok nl
  {[ s | i, s = left_tok i]} {[ s | i, s = right_tok i i nr]}.
  set_unfold. split.
  - intros [(n&[(?&?)|(?&?)])|(n&Heq)]; naive_solver.
  - intros [(n&Heq)|(n&Heq&Hle)].
    × subst; case (le_gt_dec n nl); naive_solver.
    × subst; naive_solver.

Lemma tok_up_right_all pl pr tl tr nl nr:
  sts.tok (Session pl pr tl tr nl nr) up_right_tok nr
  {[ s | i, s = right_tok i]} {[ s | i, s = left_tok i i nl]}.
  set_unfold. split.
  - intros [(n&[(?&?)|(?&?)])|(n&Heq)]; naive_solver.
  - intros [(n&Heq)|(n&Heq&Hle)].
    × subst; case (le_gt_dec n nr); naive_solver.
    × subst; naive_solver.

Lemma left_step c pl tl tl' pr tr nl nr:
  sts.steps (Session pl pr tl tr nl nr, up_left_tok nl)
            (Session (pl ++ [c]) pr tl' tr (S nl) nr, up_left_tok (S nl)).
  apply rtc_once.
  constructor; first constructor; auto.
  - set_unfold. intros t (n&[(?&?)|(?&?)]).
    × intros (n'&Heq&?). subst. inversion Heq. omega.
    × intros (n'&?&?). congruence.
  - set_unfold. intros t (n&[(?&?)|(?&?)]).
    × intros (n'&Heq&?). subst. inversion Heq. omega.
    × intros (n'&?&?). congruence.
  - rewrite ?tok_up_left_all. auto.

Lemma right_step c pr tr tr' pl tl nl nr:
  sts.steps (Session pl pr tl tr nl nr, up_right_tok nr)
            (Session pl (pr ++ [c]) tl tr' nl (S nr), up_right_tok (S nr)).
  apply rtc_once.
  constructor; first constructor; auto.
  - set_unfold. intros t (n&[(?&?)|(?&?)]).
    × intros (n'&?&?). congruence.
    × intros (n'&Heq&?). subst. inversion Heq. omega.
  - set_unfold. intros t (n&[(?&?)|(?&?)]).
    × intros (n'&?&?). congruence.
    × intros (n'&Heq&?). subst. inversion Heq. omega.
  - rewrite ?tok_up_right_all. auto.

End definitions.

Class protG Σ := ProtG {
  prot_stsG :> stsG lang.heap_lang Σ sts;
The Functors we need.
Definition protGF : gFunctorList := [stsGF sts; savedPropGF idCF].
Instance inGF_protG `{H : inGFs lang.heap_lang Σ protGF} : protG Σ.
Proof. destruct H as (?&?&?). split; apply _. Qed.

Section proof.
  Context `{!protG Σ}.
  Context `{!refineG heap_lang Σ (delayed_lang (chan_lang) Kd Fd) (S Kd × (Kd + 3))}.
  Context `{!scheapG heap_lang Σ}.
  Context `{!heap.heapG Σ}.
  Context (N : namespace).
  Context (code: Type).

  Local Notation iProp := (iPropG heap_lang Σ).
  Local Notation protocol := (protocol code).

  Implicit Type Θ : leibnizC code -n> (leibnizC val -n> leibnizC (chan_lang.val) -n> iProp).
  Import heap_lang.

  Definition some (v: val) := InjLV v.
  Definition none := InjRV (LitV LitUnit).

  Fixpoint link_list (root: loc) (l: list val) (endpt: loc) : iProp :=
    match l with
      | [] ⇒ (root none ⧆(root = endpt))%I
      | v :: l' ⇒ ( (next: loc), root some (#next, v) link_list next l' endpt)%I

  Fixpoint link_list' (root: loc) (l: list val) (endpt: loc) : iProp :=
    match l with
      | [] ⇒ (⧆(root = endpt))%I
      | v :: l' ⇒ ( (next: loc), root some (#next, v) link_list' next l' endpt)%I

  Fixpoint prot_mod_prop Θ (p: protocol) (l: list (val × chan_lang.val)) : iProp :=
    match p, l with
    | _, []Emp%I
    | prot_recv Φ p', (v1, v2) :: l'
      (Θ Φ v1 v2 prot_mod_prop Θ p' l')%I
    | prot_ext pl pr, (v1, v2) :: l'
      match v1, v2 with
      | InjLV (#()), chan_lang.InjLV (chan_lang.LitV chan_lang.LitUnit) ⇒ prot_mod_prop Θ pl l'
      | InjRV (#()), chan_lang.InjRV (chan_lang.LitV chan_lang.LitUnit) ⇒ prot_mod_prop Θ pr l'
      | _, _False%I
    | _, _ :: _False%I

  Instance prot_mod_prop_ne: Proper ((dist n) ==> (≡) ==> (=) ==> dist n) prot_mod_prop.
   intros n i1 i2 Hequivi p1 p2 Hequiv l ? <-.
   revert i1 i2 Hequivi p1 p2 Hequiv.
   induction l; intros.
   - simpl. destruct p1, p2; auto.
   - simpl. inversion Hequiv; subst; eauto;
     destruct a. rewrite IHl; eauto.
     destruct v; auto;
     apply sep_ne; auto; rewrite (Hequivi Φ); auto; eauto.
     destruct v; auto.
     destruct v; auto.
     destruct l0; auto.
     destruct v0; auto.
     destruct v0; auto.
     destruct l0; auto.
     destruct v; auto.
     destruct l0; auto.
     destruct v0; auto.
     destruct v0; auto.
     destruct l0; auto.

  Instance prot_mod_prop_proper: Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡)) prot_mod_prop.
   intros i1 i2 Hequivi p1 p2 Hequiv l ? <-.
   revert i1 i2 Hequivi p1 p2 Hequiv.
   induction l; intros.
   - simpl. destruct p1, p2; auto.
   - simpl. inversion Hequiv; subst; eauto;
     destruct a. rewrite IHl; eauto.
     destruct v; auto;
     apply sep_proper; auto; rewrite (Hequivi Φ); auto; eauto.
     destruct v; auto.
     destruct v; auto.
     destruct l0; auto.
     destruct v0; auto.
     destruct v0; auto.
     destruct l0; auto.
     destruct v; auto.
     destruct l0; auto.
     destruct v0; auto.
     destruct v0; auto.
     destruct l0; auto.

  Global Instance affine_false {M: ucmraT}: (@AffineP M) False%I.
  Proof. rewrite /AffineP. apply False_elim. Qed.
  Instance prot_mod_prop_affine Θ p l: AffineP (prot_mod_prop Θ p l).
    revert p.
    induction l.
    - destruct p; try apply _.
    - destruct p; rewrite //=; try apply _.
      destruct a. apply _.
      destruct a; destruct v; try apply _.
      destruct v; try apply _.
      destruct l0; try apply _.
      destruct v0; try apply _.
      destruct v0; try apply _.
      destruct l0; try apply _.

      destruct v; try apply _.
      destruct l0; try apply _.
      destruct v0; try apply _.
      destruct v0; try apply _.
      destruct l0; try apply _.

  Instance link_list_affine t1 l t2: AffineP (link_list t1 l t2).
    revert t1 t2.
    induction l; rewrite //=; try apply _.
  Instance link_list'_affine t1 l t2: AffineP (link_list' t1 l t2).
    revert t1 t2.
    induction l; rewrite //=; try apply _.

  Lemma link_list_end_pt root l ept:
    link_list root l ept ⊣⊢ (link_list' root l ept ept none)%I.
    apply (anti_symm (⊢)).
    - revert root ept. induction l; intros root ept.
      × simpl. iIntros "(Hpt&%)". subst.
        iFrame "Hpt". apply affine_intro; first apply _.
      × simpl. iIntros "Hll". iDestruct "Hll" as (next) "(Hpt&Hll)".
         rewrite (IHl). iDestruct "Hll" as "(Hwand&Hept)". iFrame "Hept".
         iExists next. by iFrame "Hpt".
    - revert root ept. induction l; intros root ept.
      × simpl. iIntros "(%&Hown)". subst. iFrame "Hown".
        apply affine_intro; first apply _. auto.
      × simpl. iIntros "(Hunroll&Hpt)".
        iDestruct "Hunroll" as (n) "(?&Hll)". iCombine "Hll" "Hpt" as "Hll". rewrite IHl.
        iExists n. by iFrame "Hll".

  Lemma link_list_end_pt_join root l ept (ept': loc) (v: val):
    (link_list' root l ept ept InjLV (#ept', v) ept' none)%I
         link_list root (l ++ [v]) ept'.
    revert root ept ept' v.
    induction l.
    - simpl. intros.
      iIntros "(%&Hpt&Hpt')". subst. iExists ept'.
      iFrame "Hpt". iFrame "Hpt'".
      apply affine_intro; auto; apply _.
    - simpl. intros.
      iIntros "(Hun&Hpt&Hpt')". iDestruct "Hun" as (n) "(Hptn&Hll)".
      iExists n. iFrame "Hptn". iCombine "Hll" "Hpt" as "Hll".
      iCombine "Hll" "Hpt'" as "Hll". rewrite -assoc. rewrite IHl.

  Definition prot_inv Θ (c: chan_lang.loc) (pl pr: protocol) (s: session) : iProp :=
    (( (l: list (heap_lang.val × chan_lang.val)) pl' pr',
      ■(prot_modc pl (left_state s) pl')
      ■(prot_modc pr (right_state s) pr')
      c c (map snd l, [])
      link_list (right_ptr s) (map fst l) (left_ptr s)
      prot_mod_prop Θ pr' l
      ■(prot_mod pr' l (dual pl')))
     ( (l: list (val × chan_lang.val)) pl' pr',
      ■(prot_modc pl (left_state s) pl')
      ■(prot_modc pr (right_state s) pr')
      c c ([], map snd l)
      link_list (left_ptr s) (map fst l) (right_ptr s)
      prot_mod_prop Θ pl' l
      ■(prot_mod pl' l (dual pr')))

  Instance prot_inv_ne n: Proper (dist n ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> dist n) prot_inv.
    intros t1 t2 Hdt ?? → ?? → ?? → ?? →.
    rewrite /prot_inv.
    apply or_ne;
      repeat apply exist_ne=>?; repeat apply sep_ne; try eauto;
      eapply prot_mod_prop_ne; eauto.

  Instance prot_inv_proper: Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡)) prot_inv.
    intros t1 t2 Hdt ?? → ?? → ?? ? ?? →.
    rewrite /prot_inv.
    apply or_proper;
      repeat apply exist_proper=>?; repeat apply sep_proper; try eauto.
      - setoid_subst. eauto.
      - eapply prot_mod_prop_proper; eauto.
      - setoid_subst. eauto.
      - eapply prot_mod_prop_proper; eauto.

  Definition prot_ctx (γ : gname) Θ c pl pr : iProp :=
    ( (heapN N) ■(scheapN N) ■(heapN scheapN)
        heap_ctx scheap_ctx sts_ctx γ N (prot_inv Θ c pl pr))%I.

  Instance prot_ctx_ne n: Proper ((=) ==> dist n ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> dist n)
    intros ?? → t1 t2 Hdt ?? → ?? → ?? →.
    rewrite /prot_ctx.
    repeat apply sep_ne; try eauto.
    eapply sts_ctx_ne; intros. intros ?.
    eapply prot_inv_ne; eauto.

  Instance prot_ctx_proper: Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (≡))
    intros ?? → t1 t2 Hdt ?? → ?? → ?? →.
    rewrite /prot_ctx.
    repeat apply sep_proper; try eauto.
    eapply sts_ctx_proper; intros. intros ?.
    eapply prot_inv_proper; eauto.

  Definition prot_mapsto Θ (c: loc × side) (l : loc) (p : protocol) : iProp :=
    ( pl pr γ choices n, prot_ctx γ Θ (fst c) pl pr
                     match (snd c) with
                     | cleft ⇒ (sts_ownS γ (up_left choices l n) (up_left_tok n)
                                    (prot_modc pl choices p))
                     | cright ⇒ (sts_ownS γ (up_right choices l n) (up_right_tok n)
                                    (prot_modc pr choices p))

  Instance prot_mapsto_affine: AffineP (prot_mapsto Θ c l p).
    intros. rewrite /prot_mapsto.
    destruct c, s; simpl; apply _.

  Lemma prot_mapsto_ne n: Proper (dist n ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> dist n) prot_mapsto.
    intros t1 t2 Hdt ?? → ?? → p1 p2 Hep.
    rewrite /prot_mapsto.
    repeat apply exist_ne=>?.
    apply sep_ne.
    - eapply prot_ctx_ne; eauto.
    - destruct y, s; simpl; rewrite Hep; eauto.

  Lemma prot_mapsto_proper: Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) prot_mapsto.
    intros t1 t2 Hdt ?? → ?? → p1 p2 Hep.
    rewrite /prot_mapsto.
    repeat apply exist_proper=>?.
    apply sep_proper.
    - eapply prot_ctx_proper; eauto.
    - destruct y, s; simpl; rewrite Hep; eauto.

  Lemma dual_involutive (p: protocol): p dual (dual p).
    revert p. cofix; intros p. rewrite (unfold_prot (dual _)).
    destruct p; simpl; econstructor; try eapply dual_involutive.

  Lemma prot_inv_left_orient Θ p Φ c pl pr s:
    ( prot_inv Θ c pl pr s
             prot_modc pl (left_state s) (prot_send Φ p))
     (▷( (l: list (val × chan_lang.val)) pl' pr',
           ■(prot_modc pl (left_state s) pl')
             ■(prot_modc pr (right_state s) pr')
             c c (map snd l, [])
             link_list (right_ptr s) (map fst l) (left_ptr s)
             prot_mod_prop Θ pr' l
             ■(prot_mod pr' l (dual pl'))) prot_modc pl (left_state s) (prot_send Φ p)).
    iIntros "(Hinv&%)".
    rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True right_id.
    rewrite /prot_inv. apply affine_intro; first apply _.
    rewrite affine_elim. iNext.
    iDestruct "Hinv" as "[Hl|Hr]"; auto.
    iDestruct "Hr" as (l pl' pr') "(%&%&?&?&?&%)".
    destruct l.
    - iExists []. iExists pl'. iExists (pr').
      iSplitL "". { apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto. }
      iSplitL "". { apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto. }
      iFrame "~1".
      iSplitR ""; last first.
      × iSplitL "".
        ** simpl. destruct pr'; auto.
        ** iPureIntro.
           inversion H3. subst.
           econstructor. rewrite H4. apply dual_involutive.
      × simpl.
        iDestruct "~" as "(Hpt&%)".
        rewrite H4. iFrame "Hpt".
        rewrite pure_equiv; first rewrite -emp_True //=; destruct pl'; auto.
    - assert (pl' (prot_send Φ p)) as Hequiv.
      { eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto. }
      exfalso. rewrite Hequiv in H3 ×. inversion 1.

  Lemma prot_inv_right_orient Θ p Φ c pl pr s:
    ( prot_inv Θ c pl pr s
             prot_modc pr (right_state s) (prot_send Φ p))
     (▷( (l: list (val × chan_lang.val)) pl' pr',
           ■(prot_modc pl (left_state s) pl')
             ■(prot_modc pr (right_state s) pr')
             c c ([], map snd l)
             link_list (left_ptr s) (map fst l) (right_ptr s)
             prot_mod_prop Θ pl' l
             ■(prot_mod pl' l (dual pr'))) prot_modc pr (right_state s) (prot_send Φ p)).
    iIntros "(Hinv&%)".
    rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True right_id.
    rewrite /prot_inv. apply affine_intro; first apply _.
    rewrite affine_elim. iNext.
    iDestruct "Hinv" as "[Hl|Hr]"; auto.
    iDestruct "Hl" as (l pl' pr') "(%&%&?&?&?&%)".
    destruct l.
    - iExists []. iExists pl'. iExists pr'.
      iSplitL "". { apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto. }
      iSplitL "". { apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto. }
      iFrame "~1".
      iSplitR ""; last first.
      × iSplitL "".
        ** simpl. destruct pl'; auto.
        ** rewrite pure_equiv; first rewrite -emp_True //=.
           inversion H3. subst.
           econstructor. rewrite H4. apply dual_involutive.
      × simpl.
        iDestruct "~" as "(Hpt&%)".
        rewrite H4. iFrame "Hpt".
        rewrite pure_equiv; first rewrite -emp_True //=; destruct pr'; auto.
    - assert (pr' (prot_send Φ p)) as Hequiv.
      { eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto. }
      exfalso. rewrite Hequiv in H3 ×. inversion 1.

  Context (Hgt: 99 < Kd).

  Global Instance protocol_inhabited: Inhabited protocol :=
    populate (prot_end).

  Lemma prot_mod_prop_recv_snoc Θ p l Φ p' vh vc:
    prot_mod p l (prot_recv Φ p')
    ( Θ Φ vh vc prot_mod_prop Θ p l) prot_mod_prop Θ p (l ++ [(vh, vc)]).
    remember (prot_recv Φ p') as p'' eqn:Hp''.
    intros Hmod.
    revert Φ Hp'' vh vc.
    induction Hmod; intros; subst.
    - inversion H0. simpl. destruct p; auto.
    - simpl. destruct v as (vh'&vc').
      rewrite -IHHmod; eauto.
      iIntros "(H1&H2&H3)". iFrame "H1". iFrame "H2". auto.
    - simpl. iIntros "(_&?)"; auto.
    - simpl. iIntros "(_&?)"; auto.

  Lemma prot_mod_recv_snoc (p: protocol) l Φ p' vh vc:
    prot_mod p l (prot_recv Φ p')
    prot_mod p (l ++ [(vh, vc)]) p'.
    remember (prot_recv Φ p') as p'' eqn:Hp''.
    intros Hmod.
    revert Φ Hp'' vh vc.
    induction Hmod; intros; subst.
    - simpl. inversion H0; subst. do 2 econstructor; eauto.
    - simpl. econstructor; eauto.
    - simpl. econstructor; eauto.
    - simpl. econstructor; eauto.

  Lemma prot_mod_prop_emp Θ p: prot_mod_prop Θ p [] ⊣⊢ Emp.
    destruct p; auto.

  Lemma fresh_inv Θ (c: chan_lang.loc) l (p: protocol) :
    (l InjRV #() c c ([], []) heap_ctx scheap_ctx)
       prot_inv Θ c p (dual p) {| left_state := []; right_state := [];
                              left_ptr := l; right_ptr := l;
                              left_count := 0; right_count := 0|}.
    rewrite /prot_inv.
    iIntros "(Hptr&Hch&#?&#?)".
    iLeft. iExists []. iExists p. iExists (dual p). simpl.
    rewrite pure_equiv; last (econstructor; reflexivity).
    rewrite pure_equiv; last (econstructor; reflexivity).
    rewrite -emp_True ?left_id.
    iFrame "Hch". iFrame "Hptr".
    rewrite pure_equiv // -emp_True ?left_id.
    rewrite pure_equiv; last (econstructor; reflexivity).
    rewrite -emp_True ?right_id.
    iClear "~". iClear "~1". destruct p; eauto.

  Lemma alloc_spec Θ (p: protocol) i K d d':
    (d > 1 d Kd)%nat
    (d' Kd)%nat
    ( (heapN N) ■(scheapN N) ■(heapN scheapN)
        heap_ctx scheap_ctx ownT i chan_lang.Alloc K d)%I
       WP alloc {{ v, (l: loc) c, ⧆(v = (#l, #l)%V)
           prot_mapsto Θ (c, cleft) l p
           prot_mapsto Θ (c, cright) l (dual p)
           ownT i (chan_lang.Pair (chan_lang.Lit (chan_lang.LitLoc c cleft))
                                    (chan_lang.Lit (chan_lang.LitLoc c cright))) K d' }}.
    iIntros (??) "(%&%&%&#Hctx&#Hsctx&Hown)".
    rewrite /alloc.
    wp_alloc l.
    refine_delay (d -1)%nat.
    wp_let. refine_alloc d' c.
    wp_value. iExists l. iExists c.
    iFrame "Hown". rewrite pure_equiv // -emp_True ?left_id.
    assert (nclose N ) as Hdisj; eauto with ndisj.
    iPoseProof (sts_alloc (prot_inv Θ c p (dual p)) N (Session [] [] l l O O) Hdisj)
      as "Hshift".
    iCombine "~" "~1" as "Hpts". iCombine "Hpts" "Hctx" as "Hpts'".
    iCombine "Hpts'" "Hsctx" as "Hpts'".
    rewrite -assoc.
    rewrite -assoc.
    iPoseProof (fresh_inv Θ _ _ p with "Hpts'") as "Hinv".
    rewrite -{2}(affine_affine (prot_inv _ _ _ _ _)).
    rewrite {2}(later_intro (prot_inv _ _ _ _ _)).
    iSpecialize ("Hshift" with "Hinv").
    iPvs "Hshift".
    iDestruct "Hshift" as (γ) "(?&?)" .
    pose (s := {| left_state := []; right_state := [];
                  left_ptr := l; right_ptr := l;
                  left_count := 0; right_count := 0 |}).
    fold s.
    iPoseProof (sts_own_weaken γ s (up_left [] l 0 up_right [] l 0)
                                     ( sts.tok s) (up_left_tok 0 up_right_tok 0)
                                     with "~") as "Htoks".
    × set_unfold. intros ? [(n&->&Hgt')|(n&->&Hgt')]; split; auto;
      intros (n'&[(?&?)|(?&?)]); assert (n = n') by congruence; subst; omega.
    × set_unfold; auto.
    × apply sts.closed_op; eauto using up_left_closed, up_right_closed.
    × rewrite sts_ownS_op; eauto using up_left_closed, up_right_closed.
      iPvs "Htoks".
      iDestruct "Htoks" as "(Hleft&Hright)".
      iPvsIntro. iDestruct "Hshift" as "#Hstsctx".
      iSplitL "Hleft".
      ** rewrite /prot_mapsto.
         iExists p. iExists (dual p). iExists γ. iExists []. iExists 0%nat.
         simpl. iFrame "Hleft". rewrite pure_equiv; last (econstructor; reflexivity).
         rewrite -emp_True right_id.
         rewrite /prot_ctx.
         iFrame "Hctx". iFrame "Hsctx". iFrame "Hstsctx".
         repeat progress (rewrite pure_equiv // -emp_True ?left_id //).
      ** rewrite /prot_mapsto.
         iExists p. iExists (dual p). iExists γ. iExists []. iExists 0%nat.
         simpl. iFrame "Hright". rewrite pure_equiv; last (econstructor; reflexivity).
         rewrite -emp_True right_id.
         rewrite /prot_ctx.
         iFrame "Hctx". iFrame "Hsctx". iFrame "Hstsctx".
         repeat progress (rewrite pure_equiv // -emp_True ?left_id //).
      ** set_solver.

  Global Instance into_pure_affine M P φ : @IntoPure M P φ @IntoPure M ( P) φ.
  Proof. rewrite /IntoPure=>->. by rewrite affine_elim. Qed.
Global Instance frame_affine {M} R P Q :
  @Frame M R P Q @Frame M (R) P Q.
Proof. by rewrite /Frame affine_elim=>->. Qed.

  Lemma recv_spec Θ Φ Ψ (p: protocol) c s l i K d d':
    (d > 1 d < Kd - 1)%nat
    (d' < Kd - 1)%nat
    ( vh vc, (Θ Φ vh vc) Ψ vh vc)
    (prot_mapsto Θ (c, s) l (prot_recv Φ p)
        ownT i (Recv (chan_lang.Lit (chan_lang.LitLoc c s))) K d)
       WP recv #l {{ v, (l': loc) vh vc, ⧆(v = (#l', vh)%V) prot_mapsto Θ (c, s) l' p
           Ψ vh vc
           ownT i (chan_lang.Pair (chan_lang.Lit (chan_lang.LitLoc c s))
                                    (chan_lang.of_val vc)) K d' }}.
    iIntros (?? Hpsi) "(Hpt&Hown)".
    iDestruct "Hpt" as (pl pr γ choices n) "(Hctx&Hside)".
    rewrite /fst /snd.
    destruct s.
    - iDestruct "Hctx" as "(%&%&%&Hnp)".
      iDestruct "Hside" as "(Hside&%)".
      iLob as "IH".
      rewrite /prot_ctx.
      apply affine_intro; first apply _.
      iIntros "! Hnp Hside Hown".
      iDestruct "Hnp" as "(#?&#?&#?)".
      rewrite /recv.
      wp_rec. refine_delay1.
      wp_focus (! #l)%E.
      iSts γ as s Hin;
      first (rewrite /= ?to_of_val; try fast_done).
      destruct Hin as (?&?&?).
      rewrite {3}/prot_inv.
      rewrite later_or affine_or.
      iDestruct "Hside" as "[Hs|Hs]".
      × iDestruct "Hs" as (lv pl' pr') "(?&?&?&Hll&?&?)".
        rewrite link_list_end_pt. iDestruct "Hll" as "(Hll&Hptr)".
        iTimeless "Hptr".
        rewrite (affine_elim (left_ptr s _)).
        rewrite (affine_elim (c c _)).
        refine_recv_miss Kd.
           iExists s. iExists (up_left_tok (left_count s)).
           iSplitL "".
           { iClear "IH".
             rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto).
             econstructor. }
           iDestruct "~2" as "%".
           iDestruct "~4" as "%".
           iDestruct "Hs" as "%".
           assert (pl' prot_recv Φ p) as Hequiv by (eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto).
           iSplitR "Hown".
           ** iClear "IH".
               apply affine_intro; first apply _.
               iNext. rewrite /prot_inv.
               iLeft. iExists lv.
               iExists (prot_recv Φ p). iExists pr'.
               rewrite ?map_app.
               simpl map. simpl left_ptr.
               iFrame "~3". iClear "~1". iClear "Hnp". iClear "~".
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 rewrite -Hequiv. eauto. }
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 eauto. }
               iFrame "~5". iCombine "Hll" "Hptr" as "Hll".
               rewrite (affine_elim (link_list' _ _ _)).
               rewrite -link_list_end_pt. iFrame "Hll".
               simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 rewrite -Hequiv. auto.
           ** iIntros "Hs'".
               refine_delay d%nat.
               iCombine "Hnp" "~" as "Hc1".
               iCombine "Hc1" "~1" as "Hc2".
               rewrite assoc.
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hc2").
               iPoseProof (sts_own_weaken γ s
                                          (up_left (left_state s) (left_ptr s) (left_count s))
                                          (up_left_tok (left_count s)) (up_left_tok (left_count s)))
                          as "Hweaken";
                 eauto using up_left_closed.
               { set_unfold. auto. }
               iSpecialize ("Hweaken" with "Hs'").
               iPvs "Hweaken".
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hweaken").
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hown").
               iClear "~1". iClear "Hnp". iClear "~". iClear "Hc1". iClear "Hc2".
      × iDestruct "Hs" as (lv pl' pr') "(?&?&?&Hll&?&?)".
        destruct lv as [| vh lv'].
        ** simpl link_list.
           iDestruct "Hll" as "(Hptr&Heq)".
        iTimeless "Hptr". iTimeless "Heq".
        rewrite (affine_elim (left_ptr s = right_ptr s)).
        iDestruct "Heq" as "%".
        rewrite (affine_elim (left_ptr s _)).
        rewrite prot_mod_prop_emp.
        wp_load. rewrite (affine_elim (c c ([], []))).
        refine_recv_miss Kd.
        iExists s. iExists (up_left_tok (left_count s)).
        iSplitL "".
        { iClear "IH".
             rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto).
             econstructor. }
           iDestruct "~2" as "%".
           iDestruct "~4" as "%".
           iDestruct "Hs" as "%".
           assert (pl' prot_recv Φ p) as Hequiv by (eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto).
           assert (pl' dual pr') as Hequiv'.
           { inversion H8. subst; eauto. }
           iSplitR "Hown".
           *** iClear "IH".
               apply affine_intro; first apply _.
               iNext. rewrite /prot_inv.
               iLeft. iExists [].
               iExists (prot_recv Φ p). iExists pr'.
               rewrite ?map_app.
               simpl map. simpl left_ptr.
               iFrame "~3". iClear "~1". iClear "Hnp". iClear "~".
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 rewrite -Hequiv. eauto. }
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 eauto. }
               rewrite -prot_mod_prop_emp.
               iFrame "~5".
               simpl link_list. rewrite H6. iFrame "Hptr".
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=); auto. }
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=); auto.
                 econstructor. rewrite -Hequiv. rewrite Hequiv'.
                 eapply dual_involutive. }
           *** iIntros "Hs'".
               refine_delay1. iNext. refine_delay d%nat.
               rewrite affine_elim.
               iCombine "Hnp" "~" as "Hc1".
               iCombine "Hc1" "~1" as "Hc2".
               rewrite assoc.
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hc2").
               iPoseProof (sts_own_weaken γ s
                                          (up_left (left_state s) (left_ptr s) (left_count s))
                                          (up_left_tok (left_count s)) (up_left_tok (left_count s)))
                          as "Hweaken";
                 eauto using up_left_closed.
               { set_unfold. auto. }
               iSpecialize ("Hweaken" with "Hs'").
               iPvs "Hweaken".
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hweaken").
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hown").
        ** simpl link_list. iDestruct "Hll" as (n) "(Hptr&Hll)".
           iTimeless "Hptr".
           rewrite (affine_elim (left_ptr s _)).
           iTimeless "Hs". rewrite (affine_elim (_)).
           iDestruct "Hs" as "%".
           assert (pl' prot_recv Φ p) as Hequiv.
           { eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto. }
           rewrite Hequiv.
           wp_load. destruct vh as (vh&vc).
           rewrite (affine_elim (c c _)).
           refine_recv Kd.
           iExists (upd_left s choice_next n).
           iExists (up_left_tok (S (left_count s))).
           iSplitL "".
           { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; auto; apply _).
             destruct s; eapply left_step. }
           iDestruct "~5" as "(Hphi&Hprotmod)".
           iClear "IH".
           iDestruct "~4" as "%".
           iSplitR "Hown Hphi Hptr".
           *** apply affine_intro; first apply _.
                iNext. rewrite /prot_inv. iRight.
                iExists lv'. iExists p. iExists pr'.
                iClear "~1".
                iFrame "~3". simpl.
                iFrame "Hll". iFrame "~2".
                iFrame "Hprotmod".
                iSplitL "".
                **** simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; auto; apply _).
                     eapply prot_modc_app; eauto. rewrite Hequiv. econstructor.
                     econstructor; reflexivity.
                **** simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; auto; apply _).
                     inversion H7; eauto.
           *** iIntros "Hs".
               wp_match. refine_delay1.
               rewrite Hpsi.
               iNext. refine_delay d'.
               wp_value. iExists n. iExists vh. iExists vc.
               iFrame "Hphi". iFrame "Hown".
               iSplitL "".
               { iPvsIntro. apply affine_intro; first apply _. auto. }
               rewrite /prot_mapsto.
               simpl. iExists pl. iExists pr.
               iExists γ. iExists (left_state s ++ [choice_next]).
               iExists (S (left_count s)).
               rewrite /prot_ctx.
               iFrame "~1". iFrame "~". iFrame "Hnp".
               rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
               rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
               rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
               iClear "Hptr".
               iSplitL "Hs".
               **** iPoseProof (sts_own_weaken with "Hs"); eauto using up_left_closed; set_unfold; auto.
               **** iPvsIntro. rewrite pure_equiv; first rewrite -emp_True //=.
                    eapply prot_modc_app; eauto. rewrite Hequiv; econstructor.
                    econstructor; reflexivity.
    - iDestruct "Hctx" as "(%&%&%&Hnp)".
      iDestruct "Hside" as "(Hside&%)".
      iLob as "IH".
      rewrite /prot_ctx.
      apply affine_intro; first apply _.
      iIntros "! Hnp Hside Hown".
      iDestruct "Hnp" as "(#?&#?&#?)".
      rewrite /recv.
      wp_rec. refine_delay1.
      wp_focus (! #l)%E.
      iSts γ as s Hin;
      first (rewrite /= ?to_of_val; try fast_done).
      destruct Hin as (?&?&?).
      rewrite {3}/prot_inv.
      rewrite later_or affine_or.
      iDestruct "Hside" as "[Hs|Hs]".
      × iDestruct "Hs" as (lv pl' pr') "(?&?&?&Hll&?&?)".
        destruct lv as [| vh lv'].
        ** simpl link_list.
           iDestruct "Hll" as "(Hptr&Heq)".
        iTimeless "Hptr". iTimeless "Heq".
        rewrite (affine_elim (right_ptr s = left_ptr s)).
        iDestruct "Heq" as "%".
        rewrite (affine_elim (right_ptr s _)).
        rewrite prot_mod_prop_emp.
        rewrite (affine_elim (c c _)).
        refine_recv_miss Kd.
        iExists s. iExists (up_right_tok (right_count s)).
        iSplitL "".
        { iClear "IH".
             rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto).
             econstructor. }
           iDestruct "~2" as "%".
           iDestruct "~4" as "%".
           iDestruct "Hs" as "%".
           assert (pr' prot_recv Φ p) as Hequiv by (eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto).
           assert (pr' dual pl') as Hequiv'.
           { inversion H8. subst; eauto. }
           iSplitR "Hown".
           *** iClear "IH".
               apply affine_intro; first apply _.
               iNext. rewrite /prot_inv.
               iLeft. iExists [].
               iExists pl'. iExists (prot_recv Φ p).
               rewrite ?map_app.
               simpl map. simpl right_ptr.
               iFrame "~3". iClear "~1". iClear "Hnp". iClear "~".
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 eauto. }
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 rewrite -Hequiv. eauto. }
               rewrite -prot_mod_prop_emp.
               iFrame "~5".
               simpl link_list. rewrite H6. iFrame "Hptr".
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=); auto. }
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=); auto.
                 econstructor. rewrite -Hequiv. rewrite Hequiv'.
                 reflexivity. }
           *** iIntros "Hs'".
               wp_match. refine_delay1.
               iNext. refine_delay d.
               iCombine "Hnp" "~" as "Hc1".
               iCombine "Hc1" "~1" as "Hc2".
               rewrite assoc.
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hc2").
               iPoseProof (sts_own_weaken γ s
                                          (up_right (right_state s) (right_ptr s) (right_count s))
                                          (up_right_tok (right_count s))
                                          (up_right_tok (right_count s)))
                          as "Hweaken";
                 eauto using up_right_closed.
               { set_unfold. auto. }
               iSpecialize ("Hweaken" with "Hs'").
               iPvs "Hweaken".
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hweaken").
               iApply "IH"; done.
        ** simpl link_list. iDestruct "Hll" as (n) "(Hptr&Hll)".
           iTimeless "Hptr".
           rewrite (affine_elim (right_ptr s _)).
           iTimeless "~2". rewrite (affine_elim (_)).
           iDestruct "~2" as "%".
           assert (pr' prot_recv Φ p) as Hequiv.
           { eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto. }
           rewrite Hequiv.
           wp_load. destruct vh as (vh&vc). rewrite (affine_elim (c c _)). refine_recv Kd.
           iExists (upd_right s choice_next n).
           iExists (up_right_tok (S (right_count s))).
           iSplitL "".
           { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; auto; apply _).
             destruct s; eapply right_step. }
           iDestruct "~5" as "(Hphi&Hprotmod)".
           iClear "IH".
           iDestruct "~4" as "%".
           iSplitR "Hown Hphi Hptr".
           *** apply affine_intro; first apply _.
                iNext. rewrite /prot_inv. iLeft.
                iExists lv'. iExists pl'. iExists p.
                iClear "~1".
                iFrame "~3". simpl.
                iFrame "Hll". iFrame "Hs".
                iFrame "Hprotmod".
                iSplitL "".
                **** simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; auto; apply _).
                     eapply prot_modc_app; eauto. rewrite Hequiv. econstructor.
                     econstructor; reflexivity.
                **** simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; auto; apply _).
                     inversion H7; eauto.
           *** iIntros "Hs".
               wp_match. refine_delay1.
               rewrite Hpsi. iNext. refine_delay d'.
               wp_value. iExists n. iExists vh. iExists vc.
               iFrame "Hphi". iFrame "Hown".
               iSplitL "".
               { iPvsIntro. apply affine_intro; first apply _. auto. }
               rewrite /prot_mapsto.
               simpl. iExists pl. iExists pr.
               iExists γ. iExists (right_state s ++ [choice_next]).
               iExists (S (right_count s)).
               rewrite /prot_ctx.
               iFrame "~1". iFrame "~". iFrame "Hnp".
               rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
               rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
               rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
               iClear "Hptr".
               iSplitL "Hs".
               **** iPoseProof (sts_own_weaken with "Hs"); eauto using up_right_closed; set_unfold; auto.
               **** iPvsIntro. rewrite pure_equiv; first rewrite -emp_True //=.
                    eapply prot_modc_app; eauto. rewrite Hequiv; econstructor.
                    econstructor; reflexivity.
      × iDestruct "Hs" as (lv pl' pr') "(?&?&?&Hll&?&?)".
        rewrite link_list_end_pt. iDestruct "Hll" as "(Hll&Hptr)".
        iTimeless "Hptr".
        rewrite (affine_elim (right_ptr s _)).
        rewrite (affine_elim (c c _)).
        refine_recv_miss Kd.
           iExists s. iExists (up_right_tok (right_count s)).
           iSplitL "".
           { iClear "IH".
             rewrite pure_equiv; first (apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto).
             econstructor. }
           iDestruct "~2" as "%".
           iDestruct "~4" as "%".
           iDestruct "Hs" as "%".
           assert (pr' prot_recv Φ p) as Hequiv by (eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto).
           iSplitR "Hown".
           ** iClear "IH".
               apply affine_intro; first apply _.
               iNext. rewrite /prot_inv.
               iRight. iExists lv.
               iExists pl'. iExists (prot_recv Φ p).
               rewrite ?map_app.
               simpl map. simpl right_ptr.
               iFrame "~3". iClear "~1". iClear "Hnp". iClear "~".
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 eauto. }
               iSplitL "".
               { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 rewrite -Hequiv. eauto. }
               iFrame "~5". iCombine "Hll" "Hptr" as "Hll". rewrite (affine_elim (link_list' _ _ _)). rewrite -link_list_end_pt. iFrame "Hll".
               simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
                 rewrite -Hequiv. auto.
           ** iIntros "Hs'".
               wp_match. refine_delay1.
               iNext. refine_delay d%nat.
               rewrite affine_elim.
               iCombine "Hnp" "~" as "Hc1".
               iCombine "Hc1" "~1" as "Hc2".
               rewrite assoc.
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hc2").
               iPoseProof (sts_own_weaken γ s
                                          (up_right (right_state s) (right_ptr s) (right_count s))
                                          (up_right_tok (right_count s))
                                          (up_right_tok (right_count s)))
                          as "Hweaken";
                 eauto using up_right_closed.
               { set_unfold. auto. }
               iSpecialize ("Hweaken" with "Hs'").
               iPvs "Hweaken".
               iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hweaken").
               by iApply "IH".

  Lemma send_spec Θ Φ ec vc eh vh (p: protocol) c s l i K d d':
    (d 5 d Kd)%nat
    (d' < Kd)%nat
    chan_lang.to_val ec = Some vc
    to_val eh = Some vh
    (Θ Φ vh vc prot_mapsto Θ (c, s) l (prot_send Φ p)
        ownT i (Send (chan_lang.Lit (chan_lang.LitLoc c s)) ec) K d)
       WP send #l eh {{ v, (l': loc), ⧆(v = #l') prot_mapsto Θ (c, s) l' p
           ownT i (chan_lang.Lit (chan_lang.LitLoc c s)) K d' }}.
    iIntros (Hdgt ???) "(?&Hpt&Hown)".
    iDestruct "Hpt" as (pl pr γ choices n) "(Hctx&Hside)".
    rewrite /fst /snd.
    destruct s.
    - rewrite /send.
      rewrite /prot_ctx. iDestruct "Hctx" as "(%&%&%&#?&#?&#?)".
      assert (is_Some (to_val eh)) by eauto.
      assert (Closed [] eh).
      { replace eh with (of_val vh) by eauto using of_to_val. solve_closed. }
      wp_letp. refine_delay1.
      wp_alloc lnew. refine_delay1.
      wp_let. refine_delay 0%nat.
      wp_focus (InjL _).
      wp_value. iPvsIntro. wp_value. iPvsIntro.
      iDestruct "Hside" as "(?&?)".
      wp_focus (#l <- _)%E.
      iSts γ as s Hin;
      first (rewrite /= ?to_of_val; try fast_done).
      destruct Hin as (?&?&?).
      iPoseProof (prot_inv_left_orient with "[Hside ~5]") as "Hside".
      { iFrame "Hside". done. }
      iDestruct "Hside" as "(Hs&~5)".
      iDestruct "Hs" as (lv pl' pr') "(?&?&?&Hll&?&?)".
      rewrite link_list_end_pt.
      iDestruct "Hll" as "(Hll'&Hptr)".
      iTimeless "Hptr".
      rewrite (affine_elim (left_ptr s _)).
      subst. wp_store.
      iDestruct "Hs" as "%".
      iDestruct "~6" as "%".
      rewrite (affine_elim (c c _)).
      refine_send Kd.
      iExists (upd_left s choice_next lnew).
      iExists (up_left_tok (S (left_count s))).
      iSplitL "".
      × rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
        rewrite /upd_left. destruct s. eapply left_step.
      × iDestruct "~8" as "%".
        iDestruct "~5" as "%".
        iSplitR "Hown".
        ** apply affine_intro; first apply _.
           rewrite /prot_inv.
           iLeft. iExists (lv ++ [(vh, vc)]).
           iExists (p). iExists pr'.
           rewrite ?map_app.
           simpl map. simpl left_ptr.
           iFrame "~7".
           iClear "~1". iClear "~2". iClear "~3".
           iSplitL "".
           { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
             eapply prot_modc_app; eauto; econstructor.
               econstructor; reflexivity.
           iSplitL "".
           { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True //=. }
           iSplitL "Hll' Hptr ~4".
           { rewrite -link_list_end_pt_join.
             iFrame "Hll'". iFrame "Hptr". auto. }
           assert (pl' prot_send Φ p) as Hequiv by (eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto).
           rewrite Hequiv in H10 *=>H10.
           rewrite (unfold_prot (dual (prot_send Φ p))) in H10.
           simpl in H10.
           iSplitR "".
           *** rewrite -prot_mod_prop_recv_snoc; eauto. iFrame "~"; auto.
           *** simpl. iPureIntro.
               eapply prot_mod_recv_snoc; eauto.
        ** iIntros "Hs'".
           wp_seq. refine_delay d'.
           wp_value. iExists lnew.
           rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
           iFrame "Hown".
           rewrite /prot_mapsto.
           simpl. iExists pl. iExists pr.
           iExists γ. iExists (left_state s ++ [choice_next]).
           iExists (S (left_count s)).
           rewrite /prot_ctx.
           iFrame "~1". iFrame "~2". iFrame "~3".
           rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
           rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
           rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
           iSplitL "Hs'".
           *** iPoseProof (sts_own_weaken with "Hs'"); eauto using up_left_closed; set_unfold; auto.
           *** iPvsIntro. rewrite pure_equiv; first rewrite -emp_True //=.
               eapply prot_modc_app; eauto. econstructor.
               econstructor; reflexivity; reflexivity.
      × eauto.
      × eauto.
      × eauto. solve_closed.
    - rewrite /send.
      rewrite /prot_ctx. iDestruct "Hctx" as "(%&%&%&#?&#?&#?)".
      assert (is_Some (to_val eh)) by eauto.
      assert (Closed [] eh).
      { replace eh with (of_val vh) by eauto using of_to_val. solve_closed. }
      wp_letp. refine_delay1.
      wp_alloc lnew. refine_delay1.
      wp_let. refine_delay 0%nat.
      wp_focus (InjL _).
      wp_value. iPvsIntro. wp_value. iPvsIntro.
      iDestruct "Hside" as "(?&?)".
      wp_focus (#l <- _)%E.
      iSts γ as s Hin;
      first (rewrite /= ?to_of_val; try fast_done).
      destruct Hin as (?&?&?).
      iPoseProof (prot_inv_right_orient with "[Hside ~5]") as "Hside".
      { iFrame "Hside"; done. }
      iDestruct "Hside" as "(Hs&~5)".
      iDestruct "Hs" as (lv pl' pr') "(?&?&?&Hll&?&?)".
      rewrite link_list_end_pt.
      iDestruct "Hll" as "(Hll'&Hptr)".
      iTimeless "Hptr".
      rewrite (affine_elim (right_ptr s _)).
      subst. wp_store.
      iDestruct "Hs" as "%".
      iDestruct "~6" as "%".
      rewrite (affine_elim (c c _)).
      refine_send Kd.
      iExists (upd_right s choice_next lnew).
      iExists (up_right_tok (S (right_count s))).
      iSplitL "".
      × rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
        rewrite /upd_right. destruct s. eapply right_step.
      × iDestruct "~8" as "%".
        iDestruct "~5" as "%".
        iSplitR "Hown".
        ** apply affine_intro; first apply _.
           rewrite /prot_inv.
           iRight. iExists (lv ++ [(vh, vc)]).
           iExists pl'. iExists p.
           rewrite ?map_app.
           simpl map. simpl right_ptr.
           iFrame "~7".
           iClear "~1". iClear "~2". iClear "~3".
           iSplitL "".
           { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True //=. }
           iSplitL "".
           { simpl. rewrite pure_equiv; first (rewrite -emp_True //=).
             eapply prot_modc_app; eauto; econstructor.
               econstructor; reflexivity.
           iSplitL "Hll' Hptr ~4".
           { rewrite -link_list_end_pt_join.
             iFrame "Hll'". iFrame "Hptr". auto. }
           assert (pr' prot_send Φ p) as Hequiv by (eapply prot_modc_inj; eauto).
           rewrite Hequiv in H10 *=>H10.
           rewrite (unfold_prot (dual (prot_send Φ p))) in H10.
           simpl in H10.
           iSplitR "".
           *** rewrite -prot_mod_prop_recv_snoc; eauto. iFrame "~"; auto.
           *** simpl. iPureIntro; eapply prot_mod_recv_snoc; eauto.
        ** iIntros "Hs'".
           wp_seq. refine_delay d'.
           wp_value. iExists lnew.
           rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
           iFrame "Hown".
           rewrite /prot_mapsto.
           simpl. iExists pl. iExists pr.
           iExists γ. iExists (right_state s ++ [choice_next]).
           iExists (S (right_count s)).
           rewrite /prot_ctx.
           iFrame "~1". iFrame "~2". iFrame "~3".
           rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
           rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
           rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True left_id.
           iSplitL "Hs'".
           *** iPoseProof (sts_own_weaken with "Hs'"); eauto using up_right_closed; set_unfold; auto.
           *** iPvsIntro. rewrite pure_equiv; first rewrite -emp_True //=.
               eapply prot_modc_app; eauto. econstructor.
               econstructor; reflexivity; reflexivity.
      × eauto.
      × eauto.
      × eauto. solve_closed.

End proof.