Library iris.chan2heap.chan2heap

From iris.chan_lang Require Export lang notation.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import lang notation.
From iris.prelude Require Import gmap stringmap mapset.

Definition alloc : heap_lang.expr :=
  let: "l" := ref (InjR #()) in
    ("l", "l").

Definition recv : heap_lang.expr :=
  rec: "recv" "l" :=
    match: !"l" with
      InjR "_" ("recv": heap_lang.expr) "l"
    | InjL "x" "x"

Definition send l v : heap_lang.expr :=
  letp: "l" "v" := (l, v) in
        let: "lnew" := ref (InjR #()) in
        "l" <- InjL (("lnew", "v"));; "lnew".

Section translate.
Import chan_lang.
Import iris.chan_lang.derived.
Import iris.chan_lang.notation.

Fixpoint c2h (ec: chan_lang.expr) : heap_lang.expr :=
  (match ec with
   | Var xx
   | Rec f x erec: f x := c2h e
   | App e1 e2 ⇒ (c2h e1) (c2h e2)
   | Lit l
     match l with
     | LitInt n#n
     | LitBool b#b
     | LitUnitheap_lang.Lit heap_lang.LitUnit
     | LitLoc l _heap_lang.Lit (heap_lang.LitLoc l)
   | Pair e1 e2(c2h e1, c2h e2)
   | Fork eheap_lang.Fork (c2h e)
   | Letp x y e ebheap_lang.Letp x y (c2h e) (c2h eb)
   | Recv erecv (c2h e)
   | Send e1 e2send (c2h e1) (c2h e2)
   | Allocalloc
   | _ ⇒ (heap_lang.Lit heap_lang.LitUnit)

Lemma c2h_closed ec l: is_closed l ec heap_lang.is_closed l (c2h ec).
  revert l; induction ec; simpl; try (naive_solver; eauto).
  intros. case_match; auto.

End translate.