Library iris.program_logic.saved_prop
From iris.algebra Require Export agree.
From iris.program_logic Require Export ghost_ownership.
Import uPred.
Class savedPropG (Λ : language) (Σ : gFunctors) (F : cFunctor) :=
saved_prop_inG :> inG Λ Σ (gmapUR gname (agreeR (laterC (F (iPreProp Λ (globalF Σ)))))).
Definition savedPropGF (F : cFunctor) : gFunctor :=
GFunctor (gmapURF gname (agreeRF (▶ F))).
Instance inGF_savedPropG `{inGF Λ Σ (savedPropGF F)} : savedPropG Λ Σ F.
Proof. apply: inGF_inG. Qed.
Definition saved_prop_own `{savedPropG Λ Σ F}
(γ : gname) (x : F (iPropG Λ Σ)) : iPropG Λ Σ :=
own γ (to_agree $ Next (cFunctor_map F (iProp_fold, iProp_unfold) x)).
Typeclasses Opaque saved_prop_own.
Instance: Params (@saved_prop_own) 4.
Section saved_prop.
Context `{savedPropG Λ Σ F}.
Implicit Types x y : F (iPropG Λ Σ).
Implicit Types γ : gname.
Global Instance saved_prop_persistent γ x : RelevantP (saved_prop_own γ x).
Proof. rewrite /saved_prop_own; apply _. Qed.
Lemma saved_prop_alloc_strong E x (G : gset gname) :
Emp ={E}=> (∃ γ, ■ (γ ∉ G) ∧ saved_prop_own γ x).
Proof. by apply own_alloc_strong. Qed.
Lemma saved_prop_alloc E x : Emp ={E}=> (∃ γ, saved_prop_own γ x).
Proof. by apply own_alloc. Qed.
Lemma saved_prop_agree γ x y :
saved_prop_own γ x ★ saved_prop_own γ y ⊢ ⧆▷(x ≡ y).
rewrite -own_op own_valid agree_validI agree_equivI later_equivI.
set (G1 := cFunctor_map F (iProp_fold, iProp_unfold)).
set (G2 := cFunctor_map F (@iProp_unfold Λ (globalF Σ),
@iProp_fold Λ (globalF Σ))).
assert (∀ z, G2 (G1 z) ≡ z) as help.
{ intros z. rewrite /G1 /G2 -cFunctor_compose -{2}[z]cFunctor_id.
apply (ne_proper (cFunctor_map F)); split=>?; apply iProp_fold_unfold. }
rewrite -{2}[x]help -{2}[y]help. apply affine_mono. apply later_mono.
apply (eq_rewrite (G1 x) (G1 y) (λ z, G2 (G1 x) ≡ G2 z))%I;
first solve_proper; auto with I.
End saved_prop.
From iris.program_logic Require Export ghost_ownership.
Import uPred.
Class savedPropG (Λ : language) (Σ : gFunctors) (F : cFunctor) :=
saved_prop_inG :> inG Λ Σ (gmapUR gname (agreeR (laterC (F (iPreProp Λ (globalF Σ)))))).
Definition savedPropGF (F : cFunctor) : gFunctor :=
GFunctor (gmapURF gname (agreeRF (▶ F))).
Instance inGF_savedPropG `{inGF Λ Σ (savedPropGF F)} : savedPropG Λ Σ F.
Proof. apply: inGF_inG. Qed.
Definition saved_prop_own `{savedPropG Λ Σ F}
(γ : gname) (x : F (iPropG Λ Σ)) : iPropG Λ Σ :=
own γ (to_agree $ Next (cFunctor_map F (iProp_fold, iProp_unfold) x)).
Typeclasses Opaque saved_prop_own.
Instance: Params (@saved_prop_own) 4.
Section saved_prop.
Context `{savedPropG Λ Σ F}.
Implicit Types x y : F (iPropG Λ Σ).
Implicit Types γ : gname.
Global Instance saved_prop_persistent γ x : RelevantP (saved_prop_own γ x).
Proof. rewrite /saved_prop_own; apply _. Qed.
Lemma saved_prop_alloc_strong E x (G : gset gname) :
Emp ={E}=> (∃ γ, ■ (γ ∉ G) ∧ saved_prop_own γ x).
Proof. by apply own_alloc_strong. Qed.
Lemma saved_prop_alloc E x : Emp ={E}=> (∃ γ, saved_prop_own γ x).
Proof. by apply own_alloc. Qed.
Lemma saved_prop_agree γ x y :
saved_prop_own γ x ★ saved_prop_own γ y ⊢ ⧆▷(x ≡ y).
rewrite -own_op own_valid agree_validI agree_equivI later_equivI.
set (G1 := cFunctor_map F (iProp_fold, iProp_unfold)).
set (G2 := cFunctor_map F (@iProp_unfold Λ (globalF Σ),
@iProp_fold Λ (globalF Σ))).
assert (∀ z, G2 (G1 z) ≡ z) as help.
{ intros z. rewrite /G1 /G2 -cFunctor_compose -{2}[z]cFunctor_id.
apply (ne_proper (cFunctor_map F)); split=>?; apply iProp_fold_unfold. }
rewrite -{2}[x]help -{2}[y]help. apply affine_mono. apply later_mono.
apply (eq_rewrite (G1 x) (G1 y) (λ z, G2 (G1 x) ≡ G2 z))%I;
first solve_proper; auto with I.
End saved_prop.