Library iris.array_lang.heap

From iris.array_lang Require Export lifting.
From iris.algebra Require Import upred_big_op frac dec_agree.
From iris.program_logic Require Export invariants ghost_ownership.
From iris.program_logic Require Import ownership auth.
From iris.proofmode Require Import weakestpre.
Import uPred.

Definition heapN : namespace := nroot .@ "heap".
Definition heapUR : ucmraT := gmapUR loc (gmapUR nat (prodR fracR (dec_agreeR val))).

The CMRA we need.
Class heapG Σ := HeapG {
  heap_inG :> authG heap_lang Σ heapUR;
  heap_name : gname
The Functor we need.
Definition heapGF : gFunctor := authGF heapUR.

Definition to_heap : state heapUR :=
  fmap (λ (blk: gmap nat val), fmap (λ v, (1%Qp, DecAgree v)) blk).
Definition of_heap : heapUR state := fmap (λ (blk: gmap nat _), omap (maybe DecAgree snd) blk).

Section definitions.
  Context `{heapG Σ}.

  Definition heap_mapsto_def (l : loc) (off: nat) (q : Qp) (v: val) : iPropG heap_lang Σ :=
    auth_own heap_name {[ l := {[ off := (q, DecAgree v) ]} ]}.
  Definition heap_mapsto_aux : { x | x = @heap_mapsto_def }. by eexists. Qed.
  Definition heap_mapsto := proj1_sig heap_mapsto_aux.
  Definition heap_mapsto_eq : @heap_mapsto = @heap_mapsto_def :=
    proj2_sig heap_mapsto_aux.

  Definition heap_inv (h : heapUR) : iPropG heap_lang Σ :=
    ownP (of_heap h).
  Definition heap_ctx : iPropG heap_lang Σ :=
    auth_ctx heap_name heapN heap_inv.

  Global Instance heap_inv_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) heap_inv.
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  Global Instance heap_ctx_relevant : RelevantP heap_ctx.
  Proof. apply _. Qed.
  Global Instance heap_ctx_affine : AffineP heap_ctx.
  Proof. apply _. Qed.
End definitions.

Typeclasses Opaque heap_ctx heap_mapsto.
Instance: Params (@heap_inv) 1.
Instance: Params (@heap_mapsto) 4.
Instance: Params (@heap_ctx) 2.

Notation "l ^^ off ↦{ q } v" := (heap_mapsto l off q v)
  (at level 20, q at level 50, format "l ^^ off ↦{ q } v") : uPred_scope.
Notation "l ^^ off ↦ v" := (heap_mapsto l off 1 v) (at level 20) : uPred_scope.

Section heap.
  Context {Σ : gFunctors}.
  Implicit Types P Q : iPropG heap_lang Σ.
  Implicit Types Φ : val iPropG heap_lang Σ.
  Implicit Types σ : state.
  Implicit Types h g : heapUR.

Conversion to heaps and back
  Global Instance of_heap_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (=)) of_heap.
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
  Lemma from_to_heap σ : of_heap (to_heap σ) = σ.
    apply map_eql. rewrite lookup_fmap lookup_fmap.
    case!! l); last done.
    intros blk. rewrite //=; f_equal.
    apply map_eqoff.
    rewrite lookup_omap lookup_fmap //=.
      by case (blk !! off).
  Lemma to_heap_valid σ : to_heap σ.
    intros l. rewrite lookup_fmap. case!! l); last done.
    intros blk. rewrite //= ⇒ off.
    rewrite lookup_fmap. by case (blk !! off).
  Lemma of_heap_insert0 l blk h :
    of_heap (<[l:=blk]>h) = <[l:=omap (maybe DecAgree snd) blk]> (of_heap h).
  Proof. by rewrite /of_heap fmap_insert. Qed.
  Definition of_Some (om: option (gmap nat val)) : gmap nat val :=
    match om with
      | None
      | Some mm
  Lemma of_heap_singleton_op l off q v h :
     ({[l := {[off := (q, DecAgree v)]}]} h)
    of_heap ({[l := {[off := (q, DecAgree v)]} ]} h)
      = <[l:=<[off := v]> (of_Some (of_heap h !! l))]> (of_heap h).
    intros Hv. apply map_eql'; destruct (decide (l' = l)) as [->|].
    - move: (Hv l). rewrite /of_Some /of_heap lookup_insert ?lookup_fmap.
      rewrite (lookup_op _ h) lookup_singleton.
      case _:(h !! l).
      × intros blk Hvb.
        rewrite //= ; f_equal.
        apply map_eqoff'; destruct (decide (off' = off)) as [->|].
        ** move: (Hvb off). rewrite /of_heap lookup_insert lookup_omap (lookup_op) lookup_singleton.
           case _:(blk !! off)=>[[q' [v'|]]|] //=; last by move⇒ [??].
           move⇒ [? /dec_agree_op_inv [->]]. by rewrite dec_agree_idemp.
        ** rewrite /of_heap lookup_insert_ne // !lookup_omap.
           by rewrite (lookup_op _ _) lookup_singleton_ne // left_id_L.
      × intros Hvb. rewrite (proj2 (fmap_None (λ blk, omap (maybe DecAgree snd) blk) None)); eauto.
        intros. rewrite fmap_Some. eexists; split; first eauto.
        rewrite insert_empty. move: Hvb. rewrite right_id.
        intros Hvb. rewrite /valid /cmra_valid //= /option_valid //= in Hvb.
        specialize (Hvb off). rewrite lookup_singleton in Hvb. inversion Hvb as [??].
        apply map_eqi. rewrite lookup_omap.
        destruct (decide (i = off)) as [->|].
        ** rewrite ?lookup_singleton //=.
        ** rewrite ?lookup_singleton_ne //=.
    - rewrite /of_heap lookup_insert_ne // !lookup_fmap.
      by rewrite (lookup_op _ h) lookup_singleton_ne // left_id_L.
  Lemma to_heap_insert0 l blk σ :
    to_heap (<[l:=blk]> σ) = <[l:=(λ v, (1%Qp, DecAgree v)) <$> blk]> (to_heap σ).
  Proof. by rewrite /to_heap -fmap_insert. Qed.
  Lemma of_heap_None h l : h of_heap h !! l = None h !! l = None.
    move⇒ /(_ l). rewrite /of_heap lookup_fmap.
    by case: (h !! l).
  Lemma heap_store_valid l off blk h v1 v2 :
     ({[l := <[off := (1%Qp, DecAgree v1)]>blk]} h)
     ({[l := <[off := (1%Qp, DecAgree v2)]>blk]} h).
    intros Hv l'; move: (Hv l'). destruct (decide (l' = l)) as [->|].
    - rewrite !lookup_op !lookup_singleton.
      case: (h !! l).
      × intros blk' Hvb off'.
        move: (Hvb off').
        destruct (decide (off' = off)) as [->|].
        ** rewrite !lookup_op !lookup_insert.
           by case: (blk' !! off)=>[x|] // /Some_valid/exclusive_l.
        ** by rewrite !lookup_op !lookup_insert_ne.
      × rewrite right_id right_idHvb off'.
        move: (Hvb off').
        destruct (decide (off' = off)) as [->|].
        ** rewrite !lookup_insert.
           by rewrite // /Some_valid/exclusive_l.
        ** by rewrite !lookup_insert_ne.
    - by rewrite !lookup_op !lookup_singleton_ne.
  Hint Resolve heap_store_valid.

  Lemma heap_alloc E σ :
    authG heap_lang Σ heapUR nclose heapN E
    ownP σ ={E}=> _ : heapG Σ, heap_ctx [★ map] lblk σ,
                                              [★ map ] offv blk, l ^^ off v.
    intros. rewrite -{1}(from_to_heap σ). etrans.
    {rewrite [ownP _](affine_intro _ (ownP (of_heap (to_heap σ)))); last auto.
      rewrite [ownP _]later_intro.
      apply (auth_alloc (ownP of_heap) heapN E); auto using to_heap_valid. }
    apply pvs_mono, exist_elimγ.
    rewrite -(exist_intro (HeapG _ _ γ)) /heap_ctx. apply sep_mono_r.
    rewrite heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def /heap_name.
    induction σ as [|l blk σ Hl IH] using map_ind.
    { rewrite big_sepM_empty. rewrite emp_True.
      rewrite /auth_own. apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto. }
    rewrite to_heap_insert0 big_sepM_insert //=.
    rewrite (insert_singleton_op (to_heap σ));
      last by rewrite lookup_fmap Hl; auto.
    rewrite auth_own_op.
    induction blk as [|off v blk Hoff IH'] using map_ind.
    { rewrite big_sepM_empty fmap_empty //=.
      rewrite IH. apply sep_mono; auto. rewrite /auth_own.
      rewrite emp_True. rewrite /auth_own. apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto. }
    rewrite big_sepM_insert //. rewrite fmap_insert //=.
    rewrite insert_singleton_op //=; last first.
    { rewrite lookup_fmap // Hoff //. }
    rewrite -op_singleton auth_own_op //=.
    by rewrite -assoc IH' assoc.

  Context `{heapG Σ}.

General properties of mapsto
  Global Instance heap_mapsto_timeless l off q v : ATimelessP (l ^^ off ↦{q} v).
  Proof. rewrite heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def. apply _. Qed.
  Global Instance heap_mapsto_affine l off q v : AffineP (l ^^ off ↦{q} v).
  Proof. rewrite heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def. apply _. Qed.
  Global Instance heap_mapsto_map_affine σ:
    AffineP ([★ map] lblk σ, [★ map] offv blk, l ^^ off v)%I.
    intros; apply big_sep_affine.
    rewrite /AffineL.
    induction map_to_list as [| a ?]; simpl; eauto using nil_affine.
    destruct a; simpl; apply cons_affine; eauto using heap_mapsto_affine; clear.
    apply big_sep_affine.
    rewrite /AffineL.
    induction map_to_list as [| a ?]; simpl; eauto using nil_affine.
    destruct a; simpl; apply cons_affine; eauto using heap_mapsto_affine; clear.

  Lemma heap_mapsto_op_eq l off q1 q2 v :
    (l ^^ off ↦{q1} v l ^^ off ↦{q2} v) ⊣⊢ l ^^ off ↦{q1+q2} v.
  Proof. by rewrite heap_mapsto_eq -auth_own_op ?op_singleton pair_op dec_agree_idemp. Qed.

  Lemma heap_mapsto_op l off q1 q2 v1 v2 :
    (l ^^ off ↦{q1} v1 l ^^ off ↦{q2} v2) ⊣⊢ ( (v1 = v2) l ^^ off ↦{q1+q2} v1).
    destruct (decide (v1 = v2)) as [->|].
    { by rewrite heap_mapsto_op_eq pure_equiv // -emp_True left_id. }
    rewrite heap_mapsto_eq -auth_own_op ?op_singleton pair_op dec_agree_ne //.
    apply (anti_symm (⊢)); last by apply pure_elim_sep_l.
    rewrite auth_own_valid gmap_validI (forall_elim l) lookup_singleton.
    rewrite option_validI.
    rewrite gmap_validI (forall_elim off) lookup_singleton.
    rewrite option_validI prod_validI frac_validI discrete_valid.
    rewrite affine_and comm affine_elim comm.
    by apply pure_elim_r.

  Lemma heap_mapsto_op_split l off q v : l ^^ off ↦{q} v ⊣⊢ (l ^^ off ↦{q/2} v l ^^ off ↦{q/2} v).
  Proof. by rewrite heap_mapsto_op_eq Qp_div_2. Qed.

Weakest precondition
  Fixpoint blockpt (l: loc) (off: nat) (vs: list val) :=
    match vs with
      | []Emp%I
      | v :: vs' ⇒ (l ^^ off v blockpt l (S off) vs')%I

  Lemma blockpt_snoc l n vs v:
    blockpt l n (vs ++ [v]) ⊣⊢ blockpt l n vs (l ^^ (n + length vs) v).
    revert l n v. induction vs; intros; rewrite //= ?left_id ?right_id //.
    rewrite IHvs.
    replace (n + S (length vs))%nat with (S n + length vs)%nat by omega.
    rewrite assoc. repeat apply sep_proper; eauto.

  Lemma repeat_cons {A: Type} n (v: A): repeat v (S n) = [v] ++ repeat v n.
                                                           induction n; rewrite //=.
  Lemma repeat_snoc {A: Type} n (v: A): repeat v (S n) = repeat v n ++ [v].
    induction n; first done.
    rewrite repeat_cons. symmetry. by rewrite {1}repeat_cons IHn .

  Lemma wp_alloc E e (sz: Z) v Φ :
    to_val e = Some v nclose heapN E
    (heap_ctx l, blockpt l 0 (repeat v (S $ Z.to_nat sz))
                       -★ |={E heapN}=>> Φ (LitV $ LitLoc l 0))
       WP Alloc e (Lit $ LitInt sz) @ E {{ Φ }}.
    iIntros (<-%of_to_val ?) "[#Hinv HΦ]". rewrite /heap_ctx.
    iPvs (auth_empty heap_name) as "Hheap".
    iApply wp_pvs; iApply (auth_afsa_alt heap_inv (wp_fsa _)); eauto with fsaV.
    iFrame "Hinv". iSplitL "Hheap"; first (iIntros "@"; by iNext).
    iIntros (h). rewrite left_id.
    iIntros "[% Hheap]". rewrite /heap_inv.
    pose (l := fresh (dom _ (of_heap h))).
    iExists {[ l := (λ v, (1%Qp, DecAgree v)) <$> set_block v (Z.to_nat sz) ]}.
    rewrite -(insert_singleton_op h);
      last by (apply of_heap_None, (not_elem_of_dom (D:= gset _)), is_fresh).
    iSplitL "".
    { iPureIntro. apply alloc_unit_singleton_local_update.
      × by apply of_heap_None, (not_elem_of_dom (D:= gset _)), is_fresh; eauto.
      × clear; induction (Z.to_nat sz) as [| sz'].
        { rewrite /set_blockoff.
          destruct off; rewrite lookup_fmap.
          ** rewrite lookup_insert //.
          ** rewrite lookup_insert_ne //. }
        rewrite //= ⇒ off.
        destruct (decide (off = S sz')) as [->|].
        ** rewrite lookup_fmap lookup_insert //.
        ** rewrite lookup_fmap lookup_insert_ne // -lookup_fmap //.
    iIntros "Hauth".
    iApply wp_alloc_pst'. iFrame "Hheap". iNext.
    iIntros "Hheap".
    rewrite /l /of_heap fmap_insert.
    rewrite -{1}(affine_affine (ownP _)) {1}(later_intro (ownP _)).
    assert(omap (maybe DecAgree snd)
                ((λ v0 : val, (1%Qp, DecAgree v0)) <$>
                                                   set_block v (Z.to_nat sz) )
          = set_block v (Z.to_nat sz) ) as Heq.
    { clear; induction (Z.to_nat sz) as [| sz'].
      - rewrite /set_block insert_empty.
        rewrite map_fmap_singleton; erewrite omap_singleton; eauto.
      - rewrite //= fmap_insert; erewrite omap_insert; eauto.
        rewrite IHsz' //.
    rewrite Heq.
    iFrame "Hheap".
    iSpecialize ("HΦ" $! l). rewrite -(pvs_intro).
    iApply "HΦ".
    iRevert "Hinv". iRevert "Hauth".
    cut (Emp auth_own heap_name
          (dom (gset positive)
             ((λ blk : gmap nat (fracR × dec_agree val),
               omap (maybe DecAgree snd) blk) <$> h))
      := (λ v0 : val, (1%Qp, DecAgree v0)) <$> set_block v (Z.to_nat sz) ]} -★
     auth_ctx heap_name heapN
        (λ h0 : heapUR,
           ((λ blk : gmap nat (fracR × dec_agree val),
             omap (maybe DecAgree snd) blk) <$> h0)) -★
    blockpt l 0 (repeat v (S (Z.to_nat sz))))%I.
    { intros Hcut. rewrite -Hcut; eauto. }
    clear Heq.
    induction (Z.to_nat sz) as [| sz' IHsz']; iIntros "_ Hauth #Hinv".
      simpl blockpt. rewrite right_id.
      rewrite fmap_insert. rewrite insert_singleton_op; last auto.
      rewrite -op_singleton auth_own_op.
      rewrite heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
      iDestruct "Hauth" as "(Hauth'&_)"; done.
    rewrite repeat_snoc blockpt_snoc.
    rewrite fmap_insert. rewrite insert_singleton_op //=; last first.
    { clear. rewrite lookup_fmap. apply fmap_None.
      cut ( n: nat, (n > sz')%nat set_block v sz' !! n = None).
      { intros H. eapply H. omega. }
      induction sz'.
      - intros. rewrite lookup_insert_ne; eauto. omega.
      - intros; rewrite lookup_insert_ne; eauto. apply IHsz'; omega.
    rewrite -op_singleton auth_own_op.
    iDestruct "Hauth" as "(?&Hrec)".
    iSplitL "Hrec".
    - iPoseProof IHsz' as "IHsz".
      iSpecialize ("IHsz" with "[Hrec] []"); done.
    - rewrite heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
      cut (length (repeat v sz') = sz').
      { intros →. done. }
      clear; induction sz'; rewrite //=. eauto.

  Lemma wp_load E l off q v Φ :
    nclose heapN E
    (heap_ctx l ^^ off ↦{q} v ▷( l ^^ off ↦{q} v -★ |={E heapN}=>> (Φ v)))
     WP Load (Lit (LitLoc l off)) @ E {{ Φ }}.
    iIntros (?) "[#Hh [Hl HΦ]]".
    rewrite /heap_ctx heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
    iApply wp_pvs; iApply (auth_afsa_alt heap_inv (wp_fsa _)); eauto with fsaV.
    iFrame "Hh Hl". iIntros (h) "[% Hl]". rewrite /heap_inv.
    iExists _.
    iSplitL "".
    { iPureIntro. reflexivity. }
    iIntros "Hauth".
    iApply (wp_load_pst _ (<[l:=<[off:=v]>(of_Some (of_heap h !! l))]>(of_heap h))).
    { by rewrite ?lookup_insert. }
    { by rewrite ?lookup_insert. }
    rewrite of_heap_singleton_op //. iFrame "Hl".
    iIntros "> Hown".
    rewrite -{1}(affine_affine (ownP _)).
    rewrite {1}(later_intro (ownP _)).
    iFrame "Hown". rewrite -pvs_intro. iApply "HΦ".
    by iIntros "@".

  Lemma wp_store E l off v' e v Φ :
    to_val e = Some v nclose heapN E
    (heap_ctx l ^^ off v' (l ^^ off v -★ |={E heapN}=>> ( Φ (LitV LitUnit))))
     WP Store (Lit (LitLoc l off)) e @ E {{ Φ }}.
    iIntros (<-%of_to_val ?) "[#Hh [Hl HΦ]]".
    rewrite /heap_ctx heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
    iApply wp_pvs; iApply (auth_afsa_alt heap_inv (wp_fsa _)); eauto with fsaV.
    iFrame "Hh Hl". iIntros (h) "[% Hl]". rewrite /heap_inv.
    iExists {[ l := {[off := (1%Qp, DecAgree v)]} ]}.
    iSplitL "".
    { iPureIntro. by do 2 apply singleton_local_update; apply exclusive_local_update. }
    iIntros "Hauth".
    iApply (wp_store_pst _ (<[l:=<[off:=v']>(of_Some (of_heap h !! l))]>(of_heap h))); eauto.
    { by rewrite ?lookup_insert. }
    { by rewrite ?lookup_insert. }
    rewrite of_heap_singleton_op //. iFrame "Hl".
    iIntros "> Hown".
    rewrite -{1}(affine_affine (ownP _)).
    rewrite {1}(later_intro (ownP _)).
    rewrite insert_insert !of_heap_singleton_op; eauto; last first.
    { eapply heap_store_valid. eauto. }
    rewrite insert_insert; eauto.
    iFrame "Hown". rewrite -pvs_intro. by iApply "HΦ".

  Lemma wp_cas_fail E l off q v' e1 v1 e2 v2 Φ :
    to_val e1 = Some v1 to_val e2 = Some v2 v' v1 nclose heapN E
    heap_ctx l ^^ off ↦{q} v' (l ^^ off ↦{q} v' -★ |={E heapN}=>> Φ (LitV (LitBool false)))
     WP CAS (Lit (LitLoc l off)) e1 e2 @ E {{ Φ }}.
    iIntros (<-%of_to_val <-%of_to_val ??) "[#Hh [Hl HΦ]]".
    rewrite /heap_ctx heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
    iApply (auth_afsa_alt heap_inv (wp_fsa _)); eauto with fsaV.
    iFrame "Hh Hl". iIntros (h) "[% Hl]". rewrite /heap_inv.
    iExists {[ l := {[off := (q%Qp, DecAgree v')]} ]}.
    iSplitL "".
    { iPureIntro; naive_solver. }
    iIntros "Hauth".
    iApply (wp_cas_fail_pst _ (<[l:=<[off :=v']>(of_Some (of_heap h !! l))]>(of_heap h))); rewrite ?lookup_insert //.
    rewrite of_heap_singleton_op //. iFrame "Hl". iNext.
    iIntros "HownP".
    rewrite -{1}(affine_affine (ownP _)).
    rewrite {1}(later_intro (ownP _)).
    iFrame "HownP". iApply "HΦ"; done.

  Lemma wp_cas_suc E l off e1 v1 e2 v2 Φ :
    to_val e1 = Some v1 to_val e2 = Some v2 nclose heapN E
    heap_ctx l ^^ off v1 (l ^^ off v2 -★ |={E heapN}=>> (Φ (LitV (LitBool true))))
     WP CAS (Lit (LitLoc l off)) e1 e2 @ E {{ Φ }}.
    iIntros (<-%of_to_val <-%of_to_val ?) "[#Hh [Hl HΦ]]".
    rewrite /heap_ctx heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def.
    iApply (auth_afsa_alt heap_inv (wp_fsa _)); eauto with fsaV.
    iFrame "Hh Hl". iIntros (h) "[% Hl]". rewrite /heap_inv.
    iExists {[ l := {[off := (1%Qp, DecAgree v2)]} ]}.
    iSplitL "".
    { iPureIntro; by do 2 apply singleton_local_update; apply exclusive_local_update. }
    iIntros "Hauth".
    iApply (wp_cas_suc_pst _ (<[l:=<[off:=v1]>(of_Some (of_heap h !! l))]>(of_heap h))); rewrite ?lookup_insert //.
    rewrite insert_insert !of_heap_singleton_op; eauto; last first.
    { eapply heap_store_valid. eauto. }
    iFrame "Hl". iNext.
    iIntros "HownP".
    rewrite -{1}(affine_affine (ownP _)).
    rewrite {1}(later_intro (ownP _)).
    rewrite insert_insert; eauto.
    iFrame "HownP".
    iApply psvs_mono; last auto. iIntros "$"; auto.
    iApply ("HΦ"); done.
End heap.