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  • Samuel Bowman

    Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Data Science, and Computer Science

    Ph.D., Linguistics, Stanford University, USA, 2016

    Email: bowman at nyu dot edu

  • Kyunghyun Cho

    Chaired Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science, Finland, 2014

    Email: kyunghyun.cho at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 616
    Ext: 8-3366
    Machine learning, natural languages, machine translation, artificial intelligence

  • Eunsol Choi

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    Email: ec5413 at nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 600
    Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

  • Ernest Davis

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, Yale University, USA, 1984

    Email: davise at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 329
    Ext: 8-3123
    Artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, and automated commonsense reasoning.

  • He He

    Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Data Science

    PhD, Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, USA, 2016

    Email: hehe at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 605
    Ext: 8-3363
    Natural language processing, machine learning

  • Adam Meyers

    Clinical Associate Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Linguistics, New York University, USA, 1994

    Email: meyers at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: 60 Fifth Ave 301
    Ext: 8-3482
    Natural Language Processing, Linguistics, Pre-college Computer Science Education.

  • Mehryar Mohri

    Professor of Computer Science

    Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Paris 7, France, 1993

    Email: mohri at cs.nyu.edu
    Office: WWH 701
    Ext: 8-3200
    Machine learning, computational biology, text and speech processing, algorithms, and theory.