Library iris.locks.lock_reln

From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang notation.
From iris.prelude Require Import gmap stringmap mapset list.
Global Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

Section lock_reln.

Inductive typ :=
  | Product: typ typ typ
  | Arrow: typ typ typ
  | Unit: typ
  | Int: typ
  | Bool: typ
  | Sum: typ typ typ
  | Ref: typ typ
  | Lock: typ.

Definition typ_ctx := gmap string typ.

Definition sync (acq rel: expr) : expr :=
  λ: "lk" "f", acq "lk" ;; let: "z" := "f" #() in rel "lk" ;; "z".

Reserved Notation "Γ ⊩ e1 ↝ e2 : ty"
         (no associativity, at level 90, e1 at next level, e2 at next level).

Context (acq1 acq2: val).
Context (rel1 rel2: val).
Context (newlock1 newlock2: val).

Definition sync1 := sync acq1 rel1.
Definition sync2 := sync acq2 rel2.

Inductive type_trans : typ_ctx expr expr typ Prop :=
| var_typ Γ x ty:
    Γ !! x = Some ty
    Γ (Var x) (Var x) : ty
| bool_typ Γ b:
    Γ (Lit (LitBool b)) (Lit (LitBool b)) : Bool
| int_typ Γ n:
    Γ (Lit (LitInt n)) (Lit (LitInt n)) : Int
| unit_typ Γ:
    Γ (Lit (LitUnit)) (Lit (LitUnit)) : Unit
| pair_intro_typ Γ e1 e1' ty1 e2 e2' ty2:
    Γ e1 e1' : ty1
    Γ e2 e2' : ty2
    Γ (Pair e1 e2) (Pair e1' e2') : (Product ty1 ty2)
| pair_elim_fst_typ Γ e e' ty1 ty2:
    Γ e e' : (Product ty1 ty2)
    Γ (Fst e) (Fst e') : ty1
| pair_elim_snd_typ Γ e e' ty1 ty2:
    Γ e e' : (Product ty1 ty2)
    Γ (Snd e) (Snd e') : ty2
| sum_intro_left_typ Γ e e' ty1 ty2:
    Γ e e' : ty1
    Γ (InjL e) (InjL e') : (Sum ty1 ty2)
| sum_intro_right_typ Γ e e' ty1 ty2:
    Γ e e' : ty2
    Γ (InjR e) (InjR e') : (Sum ty1 ty2)
| sum_elim_typ Γ e e' el el' er er' ty1 ty2 ty:
    Γ e e' : Sum ty1 ty2
    Γ el el' : Arrow ty1 ty
    Γ er er' : Arrow ty2 ty
    Γ (Case e el er) (Case e' el' er') : ty
| seq_typ Γ e1 e1' ty1 e2 e2' ty2:
    Γ e1 e1' : ty1
    Γ e2 e2' : ty2
    Γ (App (Lam BAnon e1) e2) (App (Lam BAnon e1') e2') : ty1
| fork_typ Γ e e' ty:
    Γ e e' : ty
    Γ (Fork e) (Fork e') : Unit
| arrow_intro_typ Γ y x ty1 e e' ty2 :
    x y
    (<[y := Arrow ty1 ty2]>(<[x := ty1]>Γ)) e e' : ty2
    Γ (Rec (BNamed y) (BNamed x) e) (Rec (BNamed y) (BNamed x) e') : (Arrow ty1 ty2)
| arrow_elim_typ Γ e1 e1' ty1 ty2 e2 e2':
    Γ e1 e1' : (Arrow ty1 ty2)
    Γ e2 e2' : ty1
    Γ (App e1 e2) (App e1' e2') : ty2
| ref_intro_typ Γ e e' ty:
    Γ e e' : ty
    Γ Alloc e Alloc e' : Ref ty
| ref_store_typ Γ el el' e e' ty:
    Γ el el' : Ref ty
    Γ e e' : ty
    Γ Store el e Store el' e' : Unit
| ref_load_typ Γ el el' ty:
    Γ el el' : Ref ty
    Γ Load el Load el' : ty

| lock_intro_typ Γ:
    Γ newlock1 newlock2 : Arrow Unit Lock
| lock_elim_typ Γ el el' e e' ty:
    Γ el el' : Lock
    Γ e e' : (Arrow Unit ty)
    Γ sync1 el e sync2 el' e' : ty
where "Γ ⊩ e1 ↝ e2 : ty" := (type_trans Γ e1 e2 ty).

Lemma typ_context_closed_1 Γ l e e' ty:
  Γ e e' : ty ( x, x dom (gset string) Γ x l) Closed l e Closed l e'.
  intros Htyp; revert l; induction Htypl; try done;
  rewrite /ClosedHin; split; simplify_eq/=;
  repeat (match goal with
          | [ |- context [is_closed ?l1 ?e1 && is_closed ?l2 ?e2] ] ⇒
            apply andb_prop_intro; split
          | [ H: l : list string, ?P Closed l ?e Closed _ _ |- context [is_closed ?l' ?e]] ⇒
            eapply H; intros x'; rewrite ?dom_insert; set_unfold; naive_solver
          | [ H: l : list string, ?P Closed _ _ Closed l ?e |- context [is_closed ?l' ?e]] ⇒
            eapply H; intros x'; rewrite ?dom_insert; set_unfold; naive_solver
  - rewrite bool_decide_spec. apply Hin, elem_of_dom; eauto.
  - rewrite bool_decide_spec. apply Hin, elem_of_dom; eauto.
  - apply is_closed_of_val.
  - apply is_closed_of_val.
  - rewrite ?andb_true_r. repeat (apply andb_prop_intro || split).
    × apply is_closed_of_val.
    × eapply is_closed_weaken_nil; eauto using is_closed_of_val.
    × eapply IHHtyp1; eauto.
    × eapply IHHtyp2; eauto.
  - rewrite ?andb_true_r. repeat (apply andb_prop_intro || split).
    × apply is_closed_of_val.
    × eapply is_closed_weaken_nil; eauto using is_closed_of_val.
    × eapply IHHtyp1; eauto.
    × eapply IHHtyp2; eauto.

Lemma typ_context_closed_2 Γ e e' ty:
  Γ e e' : ty Closed (map_to_list Γ.*1) e Closed (map_to_list Γ.*1) e'.
  intros ?%typ_context_closed_1; eauto.
  intros x. rewrite elem_of_dom. intros [ty' Heq].
  rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. (x, ty'); split; auto.
  by apply elem_of_map_to_list.

Arguments type_trans _ _%E _%E _.
Hint Constructors type_trans.

Section lr.
  From iris.heap_lang Require Import heap proofmode notation refine_proofmode.
  From iris.proofmode Require Import invariants.
  Context (dinit : nat) (Σ: gFunctors) (N: namespace).
  Context (Hdisj1: N heapN).
  Context (Hdisj2: N sheapN).
  Context (Kd: nat).

  Context `{!heapG Σ, !sheapG heap_lang Σ}.
  Context `{!refineG heap_lang Σ (delayed_lang (heap_lang) Kd dinit) (S Kd × (Kd + 3))}.
  Local Notation iProp := (iPropG heap_lang Σ).
  Local Notation typC := (leibnizC (typ)).
  Local Notation exprC := (leibnizC (expr)).
  Local Notation valC := (leibnizC (val)).
  Context (Hle_init: dinit Kd).
  Context (is_lock : gname val val iProp iProp).
  Context (locked: gname val val iProp).

  Context (is_lock_relevant: γ lks lk R, RelevantP (is_lock γ lks lk R)).
  Context (is_lock_affine: γ lks lk R, AffineP (is_lock γ lks lk R)).
  Context (locked_affine: γ lks lk, AffineP (locked γ lks lk)).
  Global Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

  Definition dK K e :=
    match to_val (ectx_language.fill K e) with
      | Nonedinit
      | Some _O

  Context (newlock_spec:
              i K R, (heap_ctx sheap_ctx
                           ownT i (newlock1 #()) K (dK K (newlock1 #())) R
                          WP (newlock2 #()) {{ lk, lks γ, is_lock γ lks lk R
                             ownT i (of_val lks) K (dK K (of_val lks))}})%I).

  Context (acquire_spec:
              i K R lks lk γ,
               (is_lock γ lks lk R ownT i (acq1 lks) K (dK K (acq1 lks))
                         WP (acq2 lk) {{ v, ■(v = #()) locked γ lks lk
                                               ownT i (#())%E K (dK K #()) R}})%I).
  Context (release_spec:
              i K R lks lk γ,
               (is_lock γ lks lk R locked γ lks lk
                         ownT i (rel1 lks) K (dK K (rel1 lks)) R
                         WP (rel2 lk) {{ v, ■(v = #()) ownT i (#())%E K (dK K #())}})%I).

  Definition refN : namespace := N .@ "ref".

  Definition expr_rel_lift (vrel: valC -n> valC -n> iProp) e e' : iProp :=
    ( i K, (ownT i e K (dK K e)
               -★ WP e' {{ v', v, vrel v v'
                                         ownT i (of_val v) K (dK K v)}}))%I.

  Import uPred.

  Lemma expr_rel_lift_ne n : Proper (dist n ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> dist n) expr_rel_lift.
  Proof. intros ?? Hr ?? → ?? ->; rewrite /expr_rel_lift; by setoid_rewrite Hr. Qed.

  Lemma expr_rel_aff_pres (vrel: valC -n> valC -n> iProp): ( v v', AffineP (vrel v v'))
                                 e e', AffineP (expr_rel_lift vrel e e').
  Proof. rewrite /AffineP /expr_rel_lift; intros; apply affine_intro; [apply _ | auto]. Qed.

  Lemma expr_rel_rel_pres (vrel: valC -n> valC -n> iProp): ( v v', RelevantP (vrel v v'))
                                 e e', RelevantP (expr_rel_lift vrel e e').
  Proof. rewrite /RelevantP /expr_rel_lift; intros; apply relevant_intro; [ apply _ | auto ]. Qed.

  Definition lift2 (f: valC valC iProp) : valC -n> valC -n> iProp :=
    CofeMor(λ x, CofeMor (λ y, f x y)).
  Definition lift3 (f: typC valC valC iProp) : typC -n> valC -n> valC -n> iProp :=
    CofeMor(λ x, CofeMor(λ y, CofeMor (λ z, f x y z))).

  Fixpoint val_equiv_pre (ve: typC -n> valC -n> valC -n> iProp) (ty: typ) (v v': val)
    : iProp :=
    (match ty with
      | Int (n: Z), ⧆(v = #n) ⧆(v' = #n)
      | Bool (b: bool), ⧆(v = #b) ⧆(v' = #b)
      | Unit⧆(v = #()) ⧆(v' = #())
      | Product ty1 ty2
         (v1 v2 v1' v2': heap_lang.val),
             ⧆(v = (v1, v2)%V)
             ⧆(v' = (v1', v2')%V)
              (val_equiv_pre ve ty1 v1 v1')
              (val_equiv_pre ve ty2 v2 v2')
      | Sum ty1 ty2
        ( v1 v1', ⧆(v = InjLV v1) ⧆(v' = InjLV v1') val_equiv_pre ve ty1 v1 v1')
           ( v2 v2', ⧆(v = InjRV v2) ⧆(v' = InjRV v2') val_equiv_pre ve ty2 v2 v2')
      | Arrow ty1 ty2
         va va', □(val_equiv_pre ve ty1 va va'
                      -★ expr_rel_lift (lift2 (val_equiv_pre ve ty2))
                         (v va) (v' va'))
      | Ref ty (l l': loc),
                   ⧆(v = (#l)%V)
                   ⧆(v' = (#l')%V)
                   inv refN ( v v', l s v l' v' val_equiv_pre ve ty v v')
      | Lock γ, is_lock γ v v' Emp

  Definition val_equiv_preC (ve: typC -n> valC -n> valC -n> iProp):
    typC -n> valC -n> valC -n> iProp := lift3 (val_equiv_pre ve).

  Instance val_equiv_pre_contractive : Contractive (val_equiv_preC).
    intros n ve1 ve2 Hvd ty vh vc. simpl.
    revert n ve1 ve2 Hvd vh vc.
    induction ty; intros; rewrite /val_equiv_pre; fold val_equiv_pre.
    - repeat apply exist_ne=>?.
      repeat apply sep_ne; auto;
      eapply later_contractive; intros; eapply Hvd; eauto.
    - repeat apply exist_ne=>?.
      repeat apply sep_ne; auto.
      repeat apply forall_ne=>?.
      apply affine_ne, relevant_ne, wand_ne; first eauto.
      eapply expr_rel_lift_ne; eauto.
      intros ??. rewrite //=.
      eapply IHty2; eauto.
    - repeat apply exist_ne=>?.
      repeat apply sep_ne; auto.
    - eauto.
    - apply exist_ne=>?; apply sep_ne; eauto.
    - apply or_ne; repeat apply exist_ne=>?; repeat apply sep_ne; eauto.
    - repeat apply exist_ne=>?.
      apply sep_ne; eauto.
      apply sep_ne; eauto.
      apply inv_contractive; intros.
      repeat apply exist_ne=>?.
      repeat apply sep_ne; eauto.
      eapply IHty=>??. eapply Hvd. omega.
    - apply exist_ne=>?; done.

  Definition val_equiv: typC -n> valC -n> valC -n> iProp := fixpoint val_equiv_preC.

  Lemma val_equiv_fix_unfold ty vh vc : val_equiv ty vh vc ⊣⊢ val_equiv_preC val_equiv ty vh vc.
  Proof. by rewrite /val_equiv -fixpoint_unfold. Qed.

  Lemma val_equiv_fix_unfold' ty vh vc : val_equiv ty vh vc ⊣⊢ val_equiv_pre val_equiv ty vh vc.
  Proof. rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold. auto. Qed.

  Instance val_equiv_affine ty e e': AffineP (val_equiv ty e e').
    rewrite /AffineP val_equiv_fix_unfold'; revert e e'; induction tye e'; simpl.
    - repeat (rewrite ?affine_exist; apply exist_mono=>?).
      repeat (apply sep_affine; first apply _).
      apply sep_affine; rewrite /AffineP; eauto.
    - repeat (rewrite ?affine_exist; apply exist_mono=>?).
      repeat (apply sep_affine; first apply _).
      apply affine_intro; first apply _.
      repeat (rewrite ?affine_forall; apply forall_mono=>?).
      apply affine_mono; eauto.
    - apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto.
    - apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto.
    - apply affine_intro; first apply _; auto.
    - apply or_affine; apply affine_intro;
      repeat apply exist_affine=>?; repeat apply sep_affine; try apply _;
      rewrite /AffineP; eauto.
    - repeat apply exist_affine=>?. repeat apply sep_affine; try apply _.
    - apply exist_affine=>?. apply is_lock_affine.
  Instance val_equiv_pre_affine ty eh ec: AffineP (val_equiv_pre val_equiv ty eh ec).
  Proof. rewrite /AffineP. rewrite -val_equiv_fix_unfold'. apply val_equiv_affine. Qed.

  Instance val_equiv_relevant ty e e': RelevantP (val_equiv ty e e').
    rewrite /RelevantP val_equiv_fix_unfold'; revert e e'; induction tye e'; simpl.
    - repeat (rewrite ?relevant_exist; apply exist_mono=>?).
      repeat (apply sep_relevant; first apply _).
      apply sep_relevant; rewrite /RelevantP; eauto.
    - repeat (rewrite ?relevant_exist; apply exist_mono=>?).
      repeat (apply sep_relevant; first apply _).
      apply relevant_intro; first apply _.
      repeat (rewrite ?relevant_forall; apply forall_mono=>?).
      apply unlimited_mono; eauto.
    - apply relevant_intro; first apply _; auto.
    - apply relevant_intro; first apply _; auto.
    - apply relevant_intro; first apply _; auto.
    - apply or_relevant; apply relevant_intro;
      repeat apply exist_relevant=>?; repeat apply sep_relevant; try apply _;
      rewrite /RelevantP; eauto.
    - repeat apply exist_relevant=>?. repeat apply sep_relevant; try apply _.
    - apply exist_relevant=>?. apply is_lock_relevant.
  Instance val_equiv_pre_relevant ty eh ec: RelevantP (val_equiv_pre val_equiv ty eh ec).
  Proof. rewrite /RelevantP. rewrite -val_equiv_fix_unfold'. apply val_equiv_relevant. Qed.

  Definition bool_refine (v v': val) :=
    match v, v' with
      | LitV (LitBool b), LitV (LitBool b') ⇒
        b = b'
      | _, _False

  Definition expr_equiv ty := expr_rel_lift (val_equiv ty).

  Instance expr_equiv_affine ty eh ec: AffineP (expr_equiv ty eh ec).
  Proof. eapply expr_rel_aff_pres=>??; apply _. Qed.
  Instance expr_equiv_relevant ty eh ec: RelevantP (expr_equiv ty eh ec).
  Proof. eapply expr_rel_rel_pres=>??; apply _. Qed.

  Record subst_tuple :=
    stuple { styp : typ ; sval : expr; tval : expr }.
  Definition subst_ctx := gmap string subst_tuple.

  From iris.heap_lang Require Import substitution.
  Definition subst2typ (S: subst_ctx) : typ_ctx := styp <$> S.
  Definition subst2s (S: subst_ctx) : subst_map := sval <$> S.
  Definition subst2t (S: subst_ctx) : subst_map := tval <$> S.

  Definition ctx_expr_equiv (Γ: typ_ctx) (ty: typ) (e e': expr) : Prop :=
     (S: subst_ctx) (Herase: subst2typ S = Γ),
       ClosedSubst [] (subst2s S)
       ClosedSubst [] (subst2t S)
       heap_ctx sheap_ctx ([★ map] x P S, (expr_equiv (styp P) (sval P) (tval P)))
        expr_equiv ty (msubst (sval <$> S) e)
                       (msubst (tval <$> S) e').

  Instance ctx_prop_affine S:
    AffineP ([★ map] xP S, (expr_equiv (styp P) (sval P) (tval P)))%I.
    intros; apply big_sep_affine.
    rewrite /AffineL. induction map_to_list as [| a ?]; simpl; eauto using nil_affine.
    destruct a; simpl; apply cons_affine; eauto using expr_equiv_affine.

  Instance ctx_prop_relevant S:
    RelevantP ([★ map] xP S, (expr_equiv (styp P) (sval P) (tval P)))%I.
    intros; apply big_sep_relevant.
    rewrite /RelevantL. induction map_to_list as [| a ?]; simpl; eauto using nil_relevant.
    destruct a; simpl; apply cons_relevant; eauto using expr_equiv_relevant.

  Lemma val_equiv_expr ty v v':
    (val_equiv_pre val_equiv ty v v' expr_equiv ty v v')%I.
    rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
    iIntros "#Hve". iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
    wp_value. iPvsIntro. iExists v. iFrame "Hown".
    iIntros "@". by rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'.

  Lemma expr_equiv_empty ty e e' (pf: ctx_expr_equiv ty e e'):
    heap_ctx sheap_ctx (expr_rel_lift (val_equiv ty) e e').
    rewrite /expr_equiv in pf.
    specialize (pf ). rewrite /subst2typ fmap_empty in pf.
    efeed pose proof pf as pf'; eauto; try done.
    rewrite big_sepM_empty right_id in pf' ×.
    intros ->; auto.

  Lemma subst2typ_inv Γ S x ty:
    Γ !! x = Some ty
    subst2typ S = Γ
     eh ec, S !! x = Some {| styp := ty; sval := eh; tval := ec |}.
    rewrite /subst2typ. intros Hlook <-.
    move:Hlook. rewrite lookup_fmap. case_eq (S !! x).
    - intros st Heq. rewrite ?Heq.
      inversion 1. destruct st; eauto.
    - intros Hnone. rewrite ?Hnone.
      inversion 1.

  From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics environments.
  Lemma tac_refine_bind Δ Δ' k t e K K' P:
    envs_lookup k Δ = Some (false, ownT t (fill K' e) K (dK K (fill K' e)))
    envs_simple_replace k false (Esnoc Enil k (ownT t e (comp_ectx K K') (dK (comp_ectx K K') e))) Δ
    = Some Δ'
    (Δ' P)
    Δ P.
    intros Hl1 Hrep Hd.
    rewrite envs_lookup_sound //=; simpl.
    rewrite (envs_simple_replace_sound' _ _ _ false) //; eauto.
    rewrite /dK fill_comp.
    rewrite ownT_focus //= ?right_id. by rewrite wand_elim_r.

  Lemma tac_refine_unbind Δ Δ' k t e K K' P :
    envs_lookup k Δ = Some (false, ownT t e (comp_ectx K K') (dK (comp_ectx K K') e))
    envs_simple_replace k false (Esnoc Enil k (ownT t (fill K' e) K (dK K (fill K' e)))) Δ = Some Δ'
    (Δ' P)
    Δ P.
    intros Hl1 Hrep Hd.
    rewrite envs_lookup_sound //=; simpl.
    rewrite (envs_simple_replace_sound' _ _ _ false) //; eauto.
    rewrite /dK fill_comp.
      by rewrite -ownT_fill //= ?right_id wand_elim_r.

  Tactic Notation "refine_bind" constr(K) "at" constr(j) :=
    lazymatch eval hnf in K with
    | _
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ j _ _ _ K;
        first (fast_by iAssumptionCore);
        [ env_cbv; reflexivity | ]

  Tactic Notation "refine_unbind" constr(K) "at" constr(j) :=
    lazymatch eval hnf in K with
    | _
      eapply tac_refine_unbind with _ j _ _ _ K;
        first (fast_by iAssumptionCore);
        [ env_cbv; reflexivity | ]

  Tactic Notation "refine_unbind" constr(K) :=
    lazymatch eval hnf in K with
    | _
      eapply tac_refine_unbind with _ _ _ _ _ K;
        first (fast_by iAssumptionCore);
        [ env_cbv; reflexivity | ]

  Tactic Notation "refine_focus" open_constr(efoc) :=
    lazymatch goal with
    | |- context[Esnoc ?Δ ?j (ownT ?i ?e ?K ?d0)] ⇒
      heap_lang.tactics.reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K' e'
                             match e' with
                             | efocidtac K';
                                 unify e' efoc;
                                 refine_bind K' at j
                             end) || fail "refine_focus: cannot find" efoc "in" e
    | _fail "refine_focus: could not find ownT"

  Tactic Notation "refine_unfocus" :=
    lazymatch goal with
    | |- context[Esnoc ?Δ ?j (ownT ?i ?e (comp_ectx ?K0 ?K) ?d0)] ⇒
      refine_unbind K at j; simpl_subst
    | |- context[Esnoc ?Δ ?j (ownT ?i ?e (?K0 ++ ?K) ?d0)] ⇒
      refine_unbind K at j; simpl_subst
    | |- context[Esnoc ?Δ ?j (ownT ?i ?e ?K ?d0)] ⇒
      refine_unbind empty_ectx K at j; simpl_subst
    | _fail "refine_unocus: could not find ownT"

  Lemma newlock_sound Γ:
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ (Arrow Unit Lock) (newlock1) (newlock2).
    rewrite /ctx_expr_equiv.
    intros IS ???.
    iIntros "(#?&#?&#?)".
    rewrite ?msubst_closed.
    iIntros (i' K') "@ ! Hown".
    wp_value. iPvsIntro. iExists (newlock1). iFrame.

    iIntros "@".
    rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'.
    iIntros (??) "@ ! (%&%)"; subst.
    iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
    iPoseProof (newlock_spec i K Emp with "[Hown]") as "Hwp".
    { iFrame. rewrite affine_affine right_id.
      iSplitL ""; auto. }
    iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hwp".
    iIntros "@". iIntros (lk) "HRes".
    iDestruct "HRes" as (lks γ) "(Hlock&Hown)".
    iExists lks. iFrame.
    iIntros "@". iExists γ. done.

  Lemma sync_sound Γ el el' e e' ty:
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ Lock el el'
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ (Arrow Unit ty) e e'
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ ty (sync1 el e) (sync2 el' e').
    rewrite /ctx_expr_equiv.
    intros IHhas_typ1 IHhas_typ2 S ???.
    iIntros "(#?&#?&#?)".
    iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
    rewrite /sync1 /sync2 /sync.
    rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
    rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
    rewrite ?msubst_closed.
    wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) el').
    refine_focus (msubst (sval <$> S) el).

    iPoseProof (IHhas_typ1 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
    rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
    iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
    iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
    iIntros "@". iIntros (lk) "HRes".
    iDestruct "HRes" as (lks) "(Hlock&Hown)".

    refine_focus (let: "lk" := lks in _)%E.
    wp_let. refine_let (dK (K ++ reverse [AppLCtx (msubst (sval <$> S) e)])
                           ((λ: "f", acq1 lks;; let: "z" := "f" #() in rel1 lks ;; "z"))).
    { rewrite /dK. case_match; omega. }
    { rewrite /dK. case_match; omega. }
    eapply tac_refine_unbind with _ "Hown" _ _ K _.
    { env_cbv. simpl comp_ectx. reflexivity. }
    { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
    wp_value. iPvsIntro.

    wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e').
    eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e) _
                                  (AppRCtx ((λ: "f", acq1 lks;;
                                            let: "z" := "f" #() in rel1 lks ;; "z")) :: []).
    { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
    { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
    iPoseProof (IHhas_typ2 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
    rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
    iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
    iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
    iIntros "@". iIntros (f') "HRes".
    iDestruct "HRes" as (f) "(Hf&Hown)".

    wp_let. refine_let (dK K (acq1 lks ;; let: "z" := f #() in rel1 lks ;; "z")).
    { rewrite /dK. case_match; omega. }
    { rewrite /dK. case_match; omega. }

    rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'. rewrite /val_equiv_pre.
    iDestruct "Hlock" as (γ) "#Hlock".
    rewrite affine_elim.
    wp_focus (acq2 lk). refine_focus (acq1 lks).
    iPoseProof (acquire_spec i with "[Hown]") as "Hwp".
    { iFrame. done. }
    iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hwp".

    iIntros "@". iIntros (?) "(%&Hlocked&Hown&_)".

    wp_let. refine_let (dK K (let: "z" := f #() in rel1 lks ;; "z")).
    { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
    { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }

    wp_focus (f' #())%E.
    refine_focus (f #())%E.

    rewrite affine_elim.
    rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'. rewrite /val_equiv_pre -/val_equiv_pre.
    iSpecialize ("Hf" $! #()%V).
    iSpecialize ("Hf" $! #()%V).
    iSpecialize ("Hf" with "[]").
    { iSplitL; auto. }
    rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
    iSpecialize ("Hf" $! i _ with "Hown").
    iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hf".
    iIntros "@". iIntros (v') "HRes".
    iDestruct "HRes" as (v) "(Hv&Hown)".

    wp_let. refine_let (dK K (rel1 lks ;; v)).
    { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
    { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
    wp_focus (rel2 lk)%E.
    refine_focus (rel1 lks)%E.

    iPoseProof (release_spec i with "[Hown Hlocked]") as "Hwp".
    { iFrame. iSplitL; first done. rewrite affine_affine. done. }

    iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hwp".
    iIntros "@". iIntros (?) "(%&Hown)".
    subst. refine_unfocus.

    wp_seq. refine_let (dK K v).
    { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
    { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }

    wp_value. iPvsIntro. iExists v. iFrame.
    rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'. done.

  Lemma case_sound Γ ty1 ty2 e e' ty el el' er er':
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ (Sum ty1 ty2) e e'
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ (Arrow ty1 ty) el el'
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ (Arrow ty2 ty) er er'
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ ty (Case e el er) (Case e' el' er').
    rewrite /ctx_expr_equiv.
    intros IHhas_typ1 IHhas_typ2 IHhas_typ3 S ???.
    iIntros "(#?&#?&#?)".
    rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
    iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
    eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e) _
                                  (CaseCtx _ _ :: []).
    { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
    { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
    wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e').

    iPoseProof (IHhas_typ1 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
    rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
    iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
    iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
    iIntros "@". iIntros (v') "HRes".
    iDestruct "HRes" as (v) "(Hv&Hown)".
    rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
    rewrite affine_or.
    iDestruct "Hv" as "[?|?]".
    × iDestruct "Hv" as (v1 v1') "(%&%&Hv1)".
      iApply wp_case_inl.
      rewrite to_of_val; auto with fsaV.
      econstructor; eauto.
      iPoseProof (refine_case_inl (dK K _) (dK K (((msubst (sval <$> S) el) v1))) with "[Hown]")
        as "Hown";
        [ | | | eauto | iFrame; done | ].
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite to_of_val; auto with fsaV. }
      iPsvs "Hown".
      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ2 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      rewrite -/of_val.
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) el')%E.
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) el) _
                                    (AppLCtx _ :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v) "(Hv&Hown)".

      rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      iSpecialize ("Hv" $! v1 v1' with "Hv1").
      iSpecialize ("Hv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (vnew') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (vnew) "(Hvnew&Hown)".
      iExists vnew. iFrame. rewrite /lift2 //=.
      rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
    × iDestruct "Hv" as (v1 v1') "(%&%&Hv1)".
      iApply wp_case_inr.
      rewrite to_of_val; auto with fsaV.
      econstructor; eauto.
      iPoseProof (refine_case_inr (dK K _) (dK K (((msubst (sval <$> S) er) v1))) with "[Hown]")
        as "Hown";
        [ | | | eauto | iFrame; done | ].
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite to_of_val; auto with fsaV. }
      iPsvs "Hown".
      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ3 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      rewrite -/of_val.
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) er')%E.
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) er) _
                                    (AppLCtx _ :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v) "(Hv&Hown)".

      rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      iSpecialize ("Hv" $! v1 v1' with "Hv1").
      iSpecialize ("Hv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (vnew') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (vnew) "(Hvnew&Hown)".
      iExists vnew. iFrame. rewrite /lift2 //=.
      rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.

  Lemma delete_delete_lookup x y (S: subst_ctx):
    delete y (delete x S) !! x = None.
    case (decide (y = x)).
    - intros →. apply lookup_delete.
    - intros ?. rewrite lookup_delete_ne //; apply lookup_delete.

  Lemma closing_helper {A: Type} x y x' ty1 ty2 (f: subst_tuple A) Γ (S: subst_ctx):
    subst2typ S = Γ
    x' (map_to_list (<[y:=ty1]> (<[x:=ty2]> Γ))).*1
    x' [y; x] x' dom stringset (delete y (delete x (f <$> S))).
    intros Hsubst2typ.
    intros ((s&e'')&Heq&Helem)%elem_of_list_fmap_2.
    subst. apply elem_of_map_to_list in Helem.
    case (decide (s = x)).
    { intros. subst. left. set_solver+. }
    case (decide (s = y)).
    { intros. subst. left. set_solver+. }
    intros Hneqy Hneqx.
    apply elem_of_dom.
    move: Helem.
    rewrite lookup_insert_ne // lookup_delete_ne //.
    rewrite lookup_insert_ne // lookup_delete_ne //.
    rewrite /subst2typ ?lookup_fmap /is_Some //=.
    case_eq (S !! s).
    × intros ? Heq. rewrite Heq. eauto.
    × intros Hnone. rewrite Hnone. inversion 1.

  Lemma lookup_delete_subst_ctx_1 (S: subst_ctx) (x: string):
    delete x S !! x = None.
  Proof. apply lookup_delete. Qed.

  Lemma rec_sound Γ ty1 ty2 e e' (x y: string):
    x y
    (<[y:=Arrow ty1 ty2]> (<[x:=ty1]> Γ) e e' : ty2)
    ctx_expr_equiv (<[y := Arrow ty1 ty2]>(<[x := ty1]> Γ)) ty2 e e'
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ (Arrow ty1 ty2) (rec: y x := e)%E (rec: y x := e')%E.
    rewrite /ctx_expr_equiv.
    intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
    rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
    iLob as "IH".
    iIntros "@ !". iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
    rewrite //=.
    assert (Hclod1: Closed ([y; x]) (msubst (delete y (delete x (tval <$> S))) e')).
    { rewrite //=.
      eapply msubst_closing_1. eapply typ_context_closed_2; eauto.
      { do 2 apply heap_lang.substitution.ClosedSubst_delete. eauto. }
      intros x'. eapply closing_helper; assumption.
    assert (Hclod2: Closed ([y; x]) (msubst (delete y (delete x (sval <$> S))) e)).
    { rewrite //=.
      eapply msubst_closing_1. eapply (typ_context_closed_2 _ e e'); eauto.
      { do 2 apply heap_lang.substitution.ClosedSubst_delete. eauto. }
      intros x'. eapply closing_helper; assumption.
    assert (Hclo1: Closed [] (rec: y x := (msubst (delete y (delete x (tval <$> S))) e'))).
    { rewrite /Closed //=. }
    assert (Hclo2: Closed [] (rec: y x := (msubst (delete y (delete x (sval <$> S))) e))).
    { rewrite /Closed //=. }
    iApply wp_value; eauto.
    { rewrite //=. case_decide; eauto.
      - repeat f_equal. apply proof_irrel.
      - exfalso; eauto.
    iExists (rec: y x := (msubst (delete y (delete x (sval <$> S))) e))%V.

    rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
    iIntros "@".
    iIntros (vh vc). iIntros "@ ! #Hpre".
    rewrite {2}/expr_equiv {2}/expr_rel_lift.
    iIntros (i' K') "@ ! Hown".

    pose (S' :=
            (<[y := {| styp := Arrow ty1 ty2;
                       sval := (rec: y x := msubst (delete y (delete x (sval <$> S))) e);
                       tval := (rec: y x := msubst (delete y (delete x (tval <$> S))) e')|}]>
             (<[x := {| styp := ty1;
                        sval := of_val vh;
                        tval := of_val vc |}]>(delete y (delete x S))))).
    iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&#HS')".
    refine_rec (dK K' (msubst (sval <$> S') e)).
    { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
    { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }

    specialize (H1 S').
    iPoseProof (H1 with "[]") as "Hequiv".
    { rewrite /S'. rewrite /subst2typ. rewrite ?fmap_insert //=.
      rewrite ?fmap_delete ?insert_delete.
      rewrite -delete_insert_ne; last congruence.
      rewrite ?insert_delete.
      rewrite /subst2typ in Herase. subst. auto.
    { rewrite /S' /subst2s ?fmap_insert //=.
       apply ClosedSubst_insert; auto.
       apply ClosedSubst_insert; auto.
       rewrite ?fmap_delete.
       apply ClosedSubst_delete; auto.
       apply ClosedSubst_delete; auto.
    { rewrite /S' /subst2t ?fmap_insert //=.
       apply ClosedSubst_insert; auto.
       apply ClosedSubst_insert; auto.
       rewrite ?fmap_delete.
       apply ClosedSubst_delete; auto.
       apply ClosedSubst_delete; auto.
    iSplitL ""; first done.
    iSplitL ""; first done.
    rewrite /S'. rewrite big_sepM_insert //=.
    { rewrite affine_elim. rewrite /expr_equiv. done. }
    rewrite /S'. rewrite big_sepM_insert //=.
    - by iApply val_equiv_expr.
    - case (decide (is_Some (S !! x))).
      × intros (P&Heq). rewrite big_sepM_delete; last eapply Heq.
        case (decide (is_Some ((delete x S) !! y))).
        ** intros (P'&Heq'). rewrite big_sepM_delete; last eapply Heq'.
           iDestruct "HS'" as "(?&?&?)".
           iFrame; eauto.
        ** intros Hnone. assert (delete x S = delete y (delete x S)) as Heq'.
           { rewrite {1}(delete_notin (delete x S) y); eauto. apply eq_None_not_Some; eauto. }
           rewrite -Heq'.
           iDestruct "HS'" as "(?&?)".
           iFrame; eauto.
      × intros Hnone. assert (S = delete x S) as Heq.
        { rewrite {1}(delete_notin S x); eauto. apply eq_None_not_Some; eauto. }
        rewrite -?Heq.
        case (decide (is_Some (S !! y))).
        ** intros (P'&Heq'). rewrite big_sepM_delete; last eapply Heq'.
           iDestruct "HS'" as "(?&?)".
           iFrame; eauto.
        ** intros Hnone'. assert (S = delete y S) as Heq'.
           { rewrite {1}(delete_notin S y); eauto. apply eq_None_not_Some; eauto. }
           rewrite -?Heq'.
    - apply delete_delete_lookup.
    - rewrite -delete_insert_ne //. apply lookup_delete_subst_ctx_1.
    - assert (sval <$> S' = <[x := of_val vh]>
                            (<[y := (rec: y x := (msubst (delete y (delete x (sval <$>S))) e))%E]>
                             (delete y (delete x (sval <$> S))))) as HsS'.
      { rewrite /S'. rewrite ?fmap_insert ?fmap_delete //=. rewrite insert_commute //. }
      assert (tval <$> S' = <[x := of_val vc]>
                            (<[y := (rec: y x := (msubst (delete y (delete x (tval <$>S))) e'))%E]>
                             (delete y (delete x (tval <$> S))))) as HtS'.
      { rewrite /S'. rewrite ?fmap_insert ?fmap_delete //=. rewrite insert_commute //. }
      rewrite HsS' HtS'.
      rewrite msubst_insert_1; last 2 first.
      { apply ClosedSubst_insert; auto. do 2 apply ClosedSubst_delete; auto. }
      { rewrite lookup_insert_ne // lookup_delete_ne //. apply lookup_delete. }

      rewrite msubst_insert_1; last 2 first.
      { do 2 apply ClosedSubst_delete; auto. }
      { apply lookup_delete. }

      rewrite msubst_insert_1; last 2 first.
      { apply ClosedSubst_insert; auto. do 2 apply ClosedSubst_delete; auto. }
      { rewrite lookup_insert_ne // lookup_delete_ne //. apply lookup_delete. }

      rewrite msubst_insert_1; last 2 first.
      { do 2 apply ClosedSubst_delete; auto. }
      { apply lookup_delete. }

      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i' K' with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l. iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v) "Hpre'".
      iDestruct "Hpre'" as (v') "Hpre'".
      iExists v'. rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'.

Lemma fill_item_val_2 Ki e1 e2 :
  is_Some (to_val e1) is_Some (to_val e2)
  is_Some (to_val (fill_item Ki e1))
  is_Some (to_val (fill_item Ki e2)).
  revert e1 e2. induction Ki; simplify_option_eq; eauto.
  - intros e0 e1. inversion 1 as [? ->]. inversion 1 as [? ->].
    match goal with
      [ |- context[(to_val ?e)]] ⇒ destruct (to_val e)
    end; eauto.
  - intros e0 e1. inversion 1 as [? ->]. inversion 1 as [? ->].
    match goal with
      [ |- context[(to_val ?e)]] ⇒ destruct (to_val e)
    end; eauto.
  - intros e0 e1. inversion 1 as [? ->]. inversion 1 as [? ->].
    simplify_option_eq; eauto.
  - intros e0 e1. inversion 1 as [? ->]. inversion 1 as [? ->].
    simplify_option_eq; eauto.

  Lemma fill_val_dK K e1 e2:
    is_Some (to_val e1)
    is_Some (to_val e2)
    dK K e1 = dK K e2.
    intros. rewrite /dK.
    rewrite /ectx_language.fill //=.
    do 2 case_match; auto.
    - exfalso.
      specialize (@ectxi_language.fill_val_2 heap_lang.expr _ _ _ _).
      rewrite /ectxi_language.to_val //=.
      rewrite /ectxi_language.fill_item //=.
      intros Hfill.
      destruct (Hfill (fill_item_val_2) K e1 e2);
    - exfalso.
      specialize (@ectxi_language.fill_val_2 heap_lang.expr _ _ _ _).
      rewrite /ectxi_language.to_val //=.
      rewrite /ectxi_language.fill_item //=.
      intros Hfill.
      destruct (Hfill (fill_item_val_2) K e2 e1);

  Lemma fundamental Γ ty e e':
    Γ e e' : ty
    ctx_expr_equiv Γ ty e e'.
    rewrite /ctx_expr_equiv.
    intros has_typ.
    induction has_typ .
    - intros S Herase HcloSh HcloSc.
      rewrite ?msubst_unfold //.
      eapply subst2typ_inv in Herase as (e&e'&Hlook); eauto.
      rewrite big_sepM_delete; eauto.
      rewrite ?lookup_fmap ?Hlook //=.
      iIntros "(?&?&?&_)". done.
    - intros; iIntros "_". simpl.
      rewrite ?msubst_msubst' // /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      wp_value. iPvsIntro. iExists #b.
      iFrame "Hown". rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold' /val_equiv_pre.
      iIntros "@". iExists b. iSplit; auto.
    - intros; iIntros "_". simpl.
      rewrite ?msubst_msubst' // /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      wp_value. iPvsIntro. iExists #n.
      iFrame "Hown". rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold' /val_equiv_pre.
      iIntros "@". iExists n. iSplit; auto.
    - intros; iIntros "_". simpl.
      rewrite ?msubst_msubst' // /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      wp_value. iPvsIntro. iExists #().
      iFrame "Hown". rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold' /val_equiv_pre.
      iIntros "@". iSplit; auto.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e1) _
                                    (PairLCtx (msubst (sval <$> S) e2) :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e1')%E.
      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ1 S with "[]") as "Hequiv1"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.

      iSpecialize ("Hequiv1" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv1".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v1') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v1) "(Hv1&Hown)".

      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e2) _
                                    (PairRCtx v1 :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e2')%E.
      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ2 S with "[]") as "Hequiv2"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.

      iSpecialize ("Hequiv2" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv2".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v2') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v2) "(Hv2&Hown)".

      wp_value. iPvsIntro. iExists (v1, v2)%V.
      iFrame "Hown". iClear "HS". rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
      iIntros "@". iExists v1, v2, v1', v2'.
      do 2 (iSplitL ""; auto).
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e) _
                                    (FstCtx :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e').

      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v) "(Hv&Hown)".
      iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&_)".
      iClear "HS". rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
      iDestruct "Hv" as (v1 v2 v1' v2') "(%&%&Hv1&Hv2)".
      wp_value; iPvsIntro.
      iApply wp_fst.
      rewrite to_of_val; auto with fsaV.
      rewrite to_of_val; auto with fsaV.
      econstructor; eauto.

      iNext. refine_proj (dK K v1).
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      iExists v1. iFrame. iIntros "@".
      rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e) _
                                    (SndCtx :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e').

      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v) "(Hv&Hown)".
      iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&_)".
      iClear "HS". rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
      iDestruct "Hv" as (v1 v2 v1' v2') "(%&%&Hv1&Hv2)".
      wp_value; iPvsIntro.
      iApply wp_snd.
      rewrite to_of_val; auto with fsaV.
      econstructor; eauto.
      rewrite to_of_val; auto with fsaV.

      iNext. refine_proj (dK K v2).
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      iExists v2. iFrame. iIntros "@".
      rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e) _
                                    (InjLCtx :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e').

      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v) "(Hv&Hown)".
      iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&_)".
      iClear "HS". rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
      wp_value; iPvsIntro.
      iExists (InjLV v).
      rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
      iFrame. iIntros "@". iLeft.
      iExists v, v'.
      iSplitL ""; auto.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e) _
                                    (InjRCtx :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e').

      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v) "(Hv&Hown)".
      iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&_)".
      iClear "HS". rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
      wp_value; iPvsIntro.
      iExists (InjRV v).
      rewrite ?val_equiv_fix_unfold' //=.
      iFrame. iIntros "@". iRight.
      iExists v, v'.
      iSplitL ""; auto.
    - intros. eapply case_sound; rewrite /ctx_expr_equiv.
      × eapply IHhas_typ1.
      × eapply IHhas_typ2.
      × eapply IHhas_typ3.
      × eauto.
      × eauto.
      × eauto.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      rewrite //=.
      assert (Closed ( :b: :b: []) (msubst (tval <$> S) e1')).
      { rewrite //=.
        eapply msubst_closing_1. eapply typ_context_closed_2; eauto.
        intros x ((s&e')&Heq&Helem)%elem_of_list_fmap_2.
        subst. apply elem_of_map_to_list in Helem.
        intros; right. apply elem_of_dom.
        move: Helem.
        rewrite /subst2typ ?lookup_fmap /is_Some //=.
        case_eq (S !! s).
        × intros ? Heq. rewrite Heq. eauto.
        × intros Hnone. rewrite Hnone. inversion 1.
      assert (Closed ( :b: :b: []) (msubst (sval <$> S) e1)).
      { rewrite //=.
        eapply msubst_closing_1. eapply (typ_context_closed_2 _ e1 e1'); eauto.
        intros x ((s&e')&Heq&Helem)%elem_of_list_fmap_2.
        subst. apply elem_of_map_to_list in Helem.
        intros; right. apply elem_of_dom.
        move: Helem.
        rewrite /subst2typ ?lookup_fmap /is_Some //=.
        case_eq (S !! s).
        × intros ? Heq. rewrite Heq. eauto.
        × intros Hnone. rewrite Hnone. inversion 1.

      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e2) _
                                    (AppRCtx (λ:, (msubst (sval <$> S) e1)%V) :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }

      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e2').
      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ2 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v) "(Hv&Hown)".
      iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&#HS')".
      wp_seq. refine_seq (dK K (msubst (sval <$> S) e1)).
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }

      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ1 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (vres') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (vres) "(Hvres&Hown)".
      iExists vres. iFrame. done.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      wp_apply wp_fork.
      iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&#?)".
      refine_fork (dK K #()%E) i' as "Hown'".
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      iSplitL "Hown".
      { iExists #(). iFrame. rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold' /val_equiv_pre.
        iIntros "@". iSplit; auto.
      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i' [] with "[Hown']").
      { rewrite /fresh_delay /dK //=. }
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v) "Hpre".
      iDestruct "Hpre" as (vc) "(?&?)".
      rewrite /dK //= to_of_val.
    - intros. eapply rec_sound; rewrite /ctx_expr_equiv.
      × eauto.
      × eauto.
      × eapply IHhas_typ.
      × eauto.
      × eauto.
      × eauto.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e1').
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e1) _
                                    (AppLCtx (msubst (sval <$> S) e2) :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }

      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ1 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v1') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v1) "(Hv1&Hown)".

      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e2').
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e2) _
                                    (AppRCtx v1 :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ2 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v2') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v2) "(Hv2&Hown)".

      rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold' //.
      rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold' //.
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      iSpecialize ("Hv1" $! v2 v2' with "Hv2").
      iSpecialize ("Hv1" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l. iFrame "Hv1".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (vres') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (vres) "(HRes&Hown)".
      iExists vres. iFrame.
      idtac. rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'.
      rewrite //=.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e').
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e) _
                                    (AllocCtx :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v1') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v1) "(Hv1&Hown)".

      iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&HS')".
      wp_alloc l' as "Hl'".
      rewrite -psvs_pvs'.
      refine_alloc (dK K (#l')%V) l as "Hl".
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }

      assert (dK K (#l)%V = dK K (#l')) as HdK.
      { rewrite /dK. rewrite /to_of_val.

       eapply fill_val_dK; eauto. }
      iExists (#l)%V.
      iSplitL "Hl' Hv1 Hl".
      iPvs (inv_alloc refN _ ( v v', l s v l' v' val_equiv_pre val_equiv ty v v')%I
            with "[Hl' Hv1 Hl]") as "Hinv".
      { rewrite /refN. eauto with ndisj. }
      { iIntros "@ >". iExists v1, v1'. iFrame. rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'.
        rewrite affine_elim. done. }
      iPvsIntro. iIntros "@". rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'. iExists l, l'.
      iSplitL ""; first auto.
      iSplitL ""; first auto.

      iPvsIntro. rewrite HdK. done.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) el').
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) el) _
                                    (StoreLCtx (msubst (sval <$> S) e) :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }

      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ1 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v1') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v1) "(Hv1&Hown)".

      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) e')%E.
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) e) _
                                    (StoreRCtx v1 :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }
      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ2 S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v2') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v2) "(Hv2&Hown)".

      rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'.
      iDestruct "Hv1" as (l1 l1') "(%&%&Hv1)".
      rewrite -/val_equiv_pre.

      iInv "Hv1" as "Hinv"; auto with fsaV.
      iDestruct "Hinv" as (v v') "(Hl1&Hl2&Hvequiv)".
      iTimeless "Hl1". iTimeless "Hl2".
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&#?)".
      assert (refN heapN) as Hdisj1' by (rewrite /refN; eauto with ndisj).
      assert (refN sheapN) as Hdisj2' by (rewrite /refN; eauto with ndisj).
      wp_store. refine_store (dK K #()).
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      iSplitL "Hl1 Hl2 Hv2".
      { iIntros "@ >". iExists v2, v2'. iFrame.
        rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'. done. }

      iExists #(). iFrame.
        rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'. rewrite //=.
        iIntros "@". iSplitL ""; auto.
    - intros; iIntros "#HS". simpl.
      rewrite (msubst_unfold (sval <$> S)) // (msubst_unfold (tval <$> S)) //.
      iIntros (i K) "@ ! Hown".
      wp_focus (msubst (tval <$> S) el').
      eapply tac_refine_bind with _ "Hown" _ (msubst (sval <$> S) el) _
                                    (LoadCtx :: []).
      { env_cbv. simpl fill. reflexivity. }
      { env_cbv. reflexivity. }

      iPoseProof (IHhas_typ S with "[]") as "Hequiv"; auto.
      rewrite /expr_equiv /expr_rel_lift.
      iSpecialize ("Hequiv" $! i _ with "Hown").
      iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hequiv".
      iIntros "@". iIntros (v1') "HRes".
      iDestruct "HRes" as (v1) "(Hv1&Hown)".

      rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'.
      iDestruct "Hv1" as (l1 l1') "(%&%&Hv1)".
      rewrite -/val_equiv_pre.

      iInv "Hv1" as "Hinv"; auto with fsaV.
      iDestruct "Hinv" as (v v') "(Hl1&Hl2&Hvequiv)".
      iTimeless "Hl1". iTimeless "Hl2".
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      rewrite (affine_elim).
      iDestruct "HS" as "(#?&#?&#?)".
      assert (refN heapN) as Hdisj1' by (rewrite /refN; eauto with ndisj).
      assert (refN sheapN) as Hdisj2' by (rewrite /refN; eauto with ndisj).
      wp_load. refine_load (dK K #()).
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      { rewrite /dK; case_match; omega. }
      assert (dK K (#())%V = dK K v) as HdK.
      { rewrite /dK. rewrite /to_of_val. eapply fill_val_dK; eauto.
        rewrite to_of_val. eauto. }
      rewrite HdK.

      iDestruct "Hvequiv" as "#Hvequiv".
      iSplitL "Hl1 Hl2".
      { iIntros "@ >". iExists v, v'. iFrame. done. }

      iExists v. rewrite val_equiv_fix_unfold'. iFrame.
      iIntros "@". done.
    - intros. eapply newlock_sound; eauto.
    - intros. eapply sync_sound; eauto.

  Lemma heap_prim_dec: (e: expr) σ,
      { t | prim_step (e: expr) σ (fst (fst t)) (snd (fst t)) (snd t)} +
      {¬ e' σ' ef', prim_step e σ e' σ' ef'}.
    intros. edestruct (ClassicalEpsilon.excluded_middle_informative
                        (( (e' : language.expr (ectx_lang (heap_lang.expr)))
       (σ' : language.state (ectx_lang (heap_lang.expr)))
       (ef' : option (language.expr (ectx_lang (heap_lang.expr)))),
       language.prim_step e σ e' σ' ef'))).
      × apply ClassicalEpsilon.constructive_indefinite_description in e0.
        destruct e0 as (e'&e0).
        apply ClassicalEpsilon.constructive_indefinite_description in e0.
        destruct e0 as (σ'&e0).
        apply ClassicalEpsilon.constructive_indefinite_description in e0.
        destruct e0 as (ef'&e0).
        left. (e', σ', ef'). eauto.
      × right. auto.

End lr.

End lock_reln.