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Introduction and basic concepts |
Subjects treated: Intro, types of learning, nearest neighbor, how biology does it,
linear classifier, perceptron learning procedure, linear regression,
Slides: [DjVu | PDF]
Recommended Reading:
- Bishop, Chapter 1.
- Refresher on random variables and probabilites by
Andrew Moore: (slides 1-27) [DjVu | PDF]
- Refresher on joint probabilities, Bayes theorem by
Chris Willams: [DjVu | PDF]
- Refresher on statistics and probabilities by
Sam Roweis: [DjVu | PS]
- If you are interested in the early history of self-organizing
systems and cybernetics, have a look at this book available from the
Internet Archive's Million Book Project: Self-Organizing
Systems, proceedings of a 1959 conference edited by Yovits and
Cameron (DjVu viewer required for full text).
Basis Functions, Kernel Trick, Regularization, Generalization |
Subjects treated: Energy-based models, minimum-energy
machines, loss functions. Linear machines: perceptron, logistic
regression. Linearly parameterized classifiers: Polynomial
classifiers, basis function expansion, RBFs, Kernel-based expansion.
Slides Basis Functions, Kernel Trick: [DjVu | PDF]
Slides Regularization, Generalization: [DjVu | PDF]
Kernel Methods and Support Vector Machines |
- Slides Support Vector Machines: [DjVu | PDF]
Energy-Based Models, Loss Functions, Linear Machines |
Subjects treated: Energy-based learning, minimum-energy
inference, loss functions.
Linear machines: least square, perceptron, logistic regression.
Slides: [DjVu | PDF]
Recommended Reading:
Gradient-Based Learning I, Multi-Module Architectures and Back-Propagation, Regularization |
Subjects treated: Multi-Module learning machines. Vector
modules and switches. Multilayer neural nets. Backpropagation
Slides Multi-Module Learning machines, backprop: [DjVu | PDF]
Slides Special modules: [DjVu | PDF]
Recommended Reading: Bishop, Chapter 5.
Gradient-Based Learning II: Special Modules and Architectures |
Convolutional Nets, Image Recognition |
Required Reading:
If you haven't read it already: Gradient-based Learning Applied to
Document Recognition by LeCun, Bottou, Bengio, and Haffner; pages 1 to
the first column of page 18:
[ DjVu | .pdf ]
Optional Reading: Fu-Jie Huang, Yann LeCun, Leon Bottou: "Learning Methods for Generic Object
Recognition with Invariance to Pose and Lighting.", Proc. CVPR 2004.
Required Reading:
Efficient Backprop, by LeCun, Bottou, Orr, and Muller:
[ DjVu | .pdf ]
Probabilistic Learning, MLE, MAP, Bayesian Learning |
Slides Review of Probability and Statistics: [DjVu | PDF]
Slides Bayesian Learning: [DjVu | PDF]
Intro to unsupervised Learning |
Slides Unsupervised Learning, PCA, K-Means: [DjVu | PDF]
More on unsupervised Learning, Latent Variables, EM |
Slides Latent variables: [DjVu | PDF]
Slides EM, Mixture of Gaussians: [DjVu | PDF]
Homework Assignements: K-Means and Mixture of Gaussians:
Learning Theory, Bagging, Boosting, VC-Dim |
Slides Latent variables: [DjVu | PDF]
Intro to Graphical Models |
Suggested Reading:
Structured Outputs: HMMs, Graph Transformer Networks |
Suggested Reading:
- Read parts Gradient-based Learning Applied to
Document Recognition by LeCun, Bottou, Bengio, and Haffner; pages 18
(part IV) to the end.
[ DjVu | .pdf ]
- Read chapter on HMM in Bishop.
Project Showcase and Demos |