Library iris.tests.heap_lang

This file is essentially a bunch of testcases.
From iris.program_logic Require Import ownership hoare auth.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode refine_proofmode notation.
Import uPred.

Section LangTests.
  Definition add : expr := (#21 + #21)%E.
  Goal σ, head_step add σ (#42) σ None.
  Proof. intros; do_head_step done. Qed.
  Definition rec_app : expr := ((rec: "f" "x" := "f" "x") #0)%E.
  Goal σ, head_step rec_app σ rec_app σ None.
  Proof. intros. rewrite /rec_app. do_head_step done. Qed.
  Definition lam : expr := (λ: "x", "x" + #21)%E.
  Goal σ, head_step (lam #21)%E σ add σ None.
  Proof. intros. rewrite /lam. do_head_step done. Qed.
End LangTests.

Section LiftingTests.
  Context {Σ : gFunctors}.
  Context `{refineG heap_lang Σ (delayed_lang (heap_lang) O O) (S O × (O + 3))}.
  Context `{heapG Σ}.
  Context `{sheapG heap_lang Σ}.
  Local Notation iProp := (iPropG heap_lang Σ).
  Implicit Types P Q : iPropG heap_lang Σ.
  Implicit Types Φ : val iPropG heap_lang Σ.

  Definition heap_e : expr :=
    let: "x" := ref #1 in "x" <- !"x" + #1 ;; !"x".

  Lemma heap_e_spec E i K :
     nclose heapN E
     nclose sheapN E
     (heap_ctx sheap_ctx ownT i heap_e K O)
        WP heap_e @ E {{ v, ⧆(v = #2) ownT i (of_val (#2)) K O}}.
    iIntros (HN HN') "(#?&#?&Hown)". rewrite /heap_e.
    wp_alloc l. refine_alloc O l'.
    wp_let. refine_let O.
    wp_load. refine_load O.
    wp_op. refine_op O.
    wp_store. refine_store O.
    wp_seq. refine_seq O.
    wp_load. refine_load O.
    iSplitL ""; auto.

  Definition heap_e_hostore : expr :=
    let: "x" := ref (λ: "_", heap_e) in
    (!"x") #().
  Lemma heap_e_hostore_spec E i K:
     nclose heapN E
     nclose sheapN E
     (heap_ctx sheap_ctx ownT i heap_e_hostore K O)
        WP heap_e_hostore @ E {{ v, ⧆(v = #2) ownT i (of_val (#2)) K O}}.
    iIntros (HN HN') "(#?&#?&Hown)". rewrite /heap_e_hostore /heap_e.
    wp_alloc l. refine_alloc O l'.
    wp_let. refine_let O.
    wp_load. refine_load O.
    wp_let. refine_let O.
    iPoseProof (heap_e_spec E i K); eauto.
    iApply "~4". iFrame "~". iFrame "~1". auto.

  Definition heap_e2 : expr :=
    let: "x" := ref #1 in
    let: "y" := ref #1 in
    "x" <- !"x" + #1 ;; !"x".
  Lemma heap_e2_spec E i K:
     nclose heapN E
     nclose sheapN E
     (heap_ctx sheap_ctx ownT i heap_e2 K O)
        WP heap_e2 @ E {{ v, ⧆(v = #2) ownT i (of_val (#2)) K O}}.
    iIntros (HN HN') "(#?&#?&Hown)". rewrite /heap_e2.
    wp_alloc l1. refine_alloc O l1'.
    wp_let. refine_let O.
    wp_alloc l2. refine_alloc O l2'.
    wp_let. refine_let O.
    wp_load. refine_load O.
    wp_op. refine_op O.
    wp_store. refine_store O.
    wp_seq. refine_seq O.
    wp_load. refine_load O.
    by iFrame "Hown".

  Definition heap_e_fork : expr :=
    let: "x" := ref #1 in Fork ("x" <- !"x" + #1) ;; #2.
  Lemma heap_e_fork_spec E i K :
     nclose heapN E
     nclose sheapN E
     (heap_ctx sheap_ctx ownT i heap_e_fork K O)
        WP heap_e_fork @ E {{ v, ⧆(v = #2 v = #1) ownT i (of_val (v)) K O}}.
    iIntros (HN HN') "(#?&#?&Hown)". rewrite /heap_e_fork.
    wp_alloc l. refine_alloc O l'.
    wp_let. refine_let O.
    wp_apply wp_fork.
    refine_fork O i' as "Hown'".
    iSplitL "Hown".
    - wp_seq. refine_seq O. wp_value. iPvsIntro.
      iFrame "Hown". iIntros "@". by iLeft.
    - wp_load. refine_load O.
      { rewrite /fresh_delay //=. }
      wp_op. refine_op O.
      wp_store. refine_store O.

  Definition fork123 e1 e2 e3 : expr :=
    Fork (Fork (#();; e1) ;; e2) ;; e3.
  Lemma fork_siblings P1 P2 P3 (Q1 Q2 Q3: val iProp) (e1 e2 e3: expr)
        `{!Closed [] e1} `{!Closed [] e2} `{!Closed [] e3}:
    ( i, {{ P1 ownT i e1 [] O}} e1 {{v, Q1 v ownT i (of_val v) [] O}})
    ( i, {{ P2 ownT i e2 [] O}} e2 {{v, Q2 v ownT i (of_val v) [] O}})
    ( i, {{ P3 ownT i e3 [] O}} e3 {{v, Q3 v ownT i (of_val v) [] O}})
    {{ sheap_ctx P1 P2 P3 ownT 0 (fork123 e1 e2 e3) [] O}}
       fork123 e2 e1 e3
    {{ v, Q3 v ownT 0 (of_val v) [] O}}.
    intros Ht1 Ht2 Ht3.
    rewrite /ht. iIntros "_".
    apply affine_intro; first apply _.
    iIntros "! (#Hinv&P1&P2&P3&Hown)".
    rewrite /fork123.
    wp_apply wp_fork.
    refine_fork O t' as "Hown'".
    iSplitL "P3 Hown".
    - wp_seq. refine_seq O.
       iCombine "P3" "Hown" as "HP".
       iPoseProof (Ht3 0%nat) as "Ht".
       rewrite /ht.
       rewrite affine_elim.
       iClear "Hinv".
       by iApply ("Ht").
    - wp_apply wp_fork.
      refine_fork O t'' as "Hown''".
      { rewrite /fresh_delay //=. }
      iSplitL "P1 Hown''".
      × wp_seq. refine_seq O.
        { rewrite /fresh_delay //=. }
        iPoseProof (Ht1 t''%nat) as "Ht".
        rewrite /ht.
        rewrite affine_elim.
        iClear "Hinv".
        iCombine "P1" "Hown''" as "HP".
        etransitivity; first by iApply ("Ht").
        apply wp_mono. iIntros (v) "(?&?)". refine_stopped.
      × wp_seq. refine_seq O.
        iPoseProof (Ht2 t'%nat) as "Ht".
        rewrite /ht.
        rewrite affine_elim.
        iClear "Hinv".
        iCombine "P2" "Hown'" as "HP".
        etransitivity; first by iApply "Ht".
        apply wp_mono. iIntros (v) "(?&?)". refine_stopped.

  Definition do_while : expr :=
    rec: "do_while" "x" :=
      (if: "x" #() then "do_while" "x" else #()).

  Lemma do_while_spec K E P Q (e e': expr) i `{!Closed [] e} `{!Closed [] e'} :
     nclose sheapN E
    ( K , (sheap_ctx ownT i e' K O P)
       WP e @ E {{ v, ( (v = #true) P (v = #false) Q)
                           ownT i (of_val v) K O}})
    (sheap_ctx ownT i (do_while (λ: "_", e'))%E K O P)
       WP (do_while (λ: "_", e)) @ E {{ v, (v = #()) Q ownT i (of_val v) K O }}.
    iIntros (HN Hwp) "(#Hsheap&Hown&HP)".
    iLob as "IH".
    iIntros "@ ! Hown HP".
    rewrite /do_while.
    wp_rec. refine_rec O.
    wp_let. refine_let O.
    refine_focus e'.
    iPoseProof (Hwp _) as "Hwp'".
    iCombine "Hsheap" "Hown" as "H1".
    iCombine "H1" "HP" as "H2".
    rewrite assoc.
    iSpecialize ("Hwp'" with "H2").
    iApply wp_wand_l. iFrame "Hwp'".
    apply affine_intro; first apply _.
    iIntros (v) "(Hcase&Hown0)".
    iDestruct "Hcase" as "[(%&HP)|(%&HQ)]"; subst.
    - wp_if.
      refine_if_true O.
      by iApply ("IH" with "Hown0").
    - wp_if. refine_unfocus. refine_if_false O.
      wp_value. iPvsIntro. iFrame "HQ". iFrame "Hown0".

  Definition do_while_1 : expr :=
    let: "l" := ref #0 in
    (do_while (λ: "_", "l" <- !"l" + #1 ;; (!"l") < #3) ;; !"l").

  Lemma do_while_1_spec K E i :
     nclose heapN E
     nclose sheapN E
     (heap_ctx sheap_ctx ownT i do_while_1 K O)
        WP do_while_1 @ E {{ v, v = #3 ownT i (of_val (v)) K O}}.
    iIntros (HN HN') "(#?&#?&Hown)". rewrite /heap_e.
    rewrite /do_while_1 /do_while.
    wp_alloc l. refine_alloc O l'.
    wp_let. refine_let O.
    wp_focus ((rec: "do_while" "x" := _) _)%E.
    refine_focus ((rec: "do_while" "x" := _) _)%E.
    iPoseProof (do_while_spec (comp_ectx K (reverse [SeqCtx ! #l'])) E
                              (heap_ctx (z: Z), (z < 3) l' s #z l #z)%I
                              (l' s #3 l #3)%I
                                (#l <- ! #l + #1 ;; !#l < #3)%E
                                (#l' <- ! #l' + #1 ;; !#l' < #3)%E
                                i); eauto; last first.
    - iCombine "~1" "Hown" as "Hfoo".
      iCombine "~3" "~2" as "Hpt".
      assert ((l' s #0 l #0) ( (z: Z), (z < 3) l' s #z l #z)) as →.
      { rewrite -(exist_intro 0).
        rewrite pure_equiv; last omega.
        rewrite -emp_True left_id. auto.
      iCombine "~" "Hpt" as "Hpt'".
      rewrite -{2}(affine_affine (heap_ctx z: Z, _ _)) .
      iCombine "Hfoo" "Hpt'" as "Hfoo'".
      rewrite -assoc. iSpecialize ("~4" with "Hfoo'").
      iApply wp_wand_l. iFrame "~4".
      apply affine_intro; first apply _. iIntros (v) "(%&Hpt&?)".
      rewrite affine_elim.
      iDestruct "Hpt" as "(Hpt1&Hpt2)".
      wp_seq. refine_unfocus. refine_seq O.
      wp_load. refine_load O. iFrame "~2". auto.
    - intros K'; iProof.
      iIntros "(#?&?&?)".
      rewrite {1}affine_elim.
      iDestruct "~2" as "(#?&?)".
      iDestruct "~3" as (n) "(%&?&?)".
      wp_load. refine_load O.
      wp_op. refine_op O.
      wp_store. refine_store O.
      wp_seq. refine_seq O.
      wp_load. refine_load O.
      wp_op; intros.
      × refine_op O; auto.
        case_bool_decide; last exfalso; eauto.
        iFrame "~1".
        iLeft. rewrite affine_affine. iFrame "~2".
        iSplitL ""; first done.
        iExists (n+1).
        iFrame "~3". iFrame "~4". rewrite pure_equiv; auto.
      × refine_op O; auto.
        case_bool_decide; first (exfalso; omega).
        iFrame "~1".
        iRight. rewrite affine_affine.
        assert (n + 1 = 3) as →.
        { omega. }
        iFrame "~3". iFrame "~4". rewrite pure_equiv; auto.

  Lemma do_while_hoist_read K E (P Q: val iProp) (e e': expr) (l: loc) q u0 i
    `{!Closed ["x"] e} `{!Closed ["x"] e'}:
    nclose heapN E
    nclose sheapN E
    ( K u, (sheap_ctx ownT i (subst "x" (of_val u) e') K O (P u))
       WP subst "x" (of_val u) e @ E {{ v, ( (v = #true) (P u)
                                               (v = #false) (Q u))
                           ownT i (of_val v) K O }})
    (sheap_ctx ownT i ((do_while (λ: "_", (let: "x" := ! #l in e'))))%E K O (P u0)
        ls{q} u0)
       WP (do_while (λ: "_", (Skip ;; (subst "x" (of_val u0) e))))%E
      @ E {{ v, (v = #()) (Q u0) ls{q} u0 ownT i (of_val v) K O }}.
    rewrite -{1}(affine_affine (l s{q} u0)).
    rewrite -(affine_affine ( (P u0))).
    rewrite sep_affine_distrib.
    assert (Closed [] (subst "x" u0 e))%E.
    { apply is_closed_subst_remove; auto using is_closed_of_val. }
    assert (Closed [] (subst "x" u0 e'))%E.
    { apply is_closed_subst_remove; auto using is_closed_of_val. }
    assert (Closed [] (#() ;; #() ;; subst "x" u0 e))%E.
    { solve_closed. }
    pose (e'' := (Lam "x" e')).
    assert (Closed [] e'').
    { induction e'; try naive_solver. }
    assert (Closed [] (let: "x" := ! #l in e'))%E.
    { fold e''. solve_closed. }
    erewrite (do_while_spec K E (P u0 ls{q} u0)%I (Q u0 ls{q} u0)%I
                           ((#() ;; #()) ;; (subst "x" u0 e)) _ i); auto.
    - apply wp_mono; intros; rewrite assoc.
      rewrite -(affine_affine (l s{q} u0)).
      rewrite (comm _ (Q u0)).
      rewrite -sep_affine_3.
      rewrite -(comm _ ( (Q u0))%I).
      rewrite ?assoc. auto.
    - intros. iProof. iIntros "(#?&Hown&Hinv)".
    rewrite {1}affine_elim.
    iDestruct "Hinv" as "(?&?)".
    wp_seq. refine_load O.
    wp_value. iPvsIntro. wp_seq. refine_seq O.
    iPoseProof (H4 K0 u0).
    iCombine "~" "Hown" as "Hfoo".
    iCombine "Hfoo" "Hinv" as "Hfoo".
    rewrite assoc.
    iSpecialize ("~2" with "Hfoo").
    iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "~2".
    apply affine_intro; first apply _.
    iIntros (v) "([(%&HP)|(%&HQ)]&Hown)"; iFrame "Hown".
    × iLeft. rewrite pure_equiv // -emp_True ?left_id.
      apply affine_intro; first apply _.
      iFrame "HP". iClear "~". auto.
    × iRight. rewrite pure_equiv // -emp_True ?left_id.
      apply affine_intro; first apply _.
      rewrite affine_elim.
      iFrame "HQ". iClear "~". auto.

  Lemma reorder_writes E vold1 vold2 (l1 l1': loc) (v1: val) (l2 l2': loc) (v2: val) i K:
     nclose heapN E
     nclose sheapN E
     (heap_ctx sheap_ctx ownT i ( #l1' <- v1 ;; #l2' <- v2)%E K O
                l1 vold1 l1' s vold1 l2 vold2 l2' s vold2)%I
       WP ( #l2 <- v2 ;; #l1 <- v1) @ E
        {{ v, ⧆(v = #()) l1 v1 l1' s v1 l2 v2 l2' s v2
                 ownT i (of_val #()) K O}}.
    iIntros (HN HN') "(#?&#?&Hown&Hpt1&Hpts1&Hpt2&Hpts2)". rewrite /heap_e.
    wp_store. refine_store O.
    wp_seq. refine_seq O.
    wp_store. refine_store O.
    iFrame. done.
End LiftingTests.

Section ClosedProofs.

  Definition Σ : gFunctors := #[ heapGF ; sheapGF ;
                                 refineGF (delayed_lang (heap_lang) O O)
                                          (S O × (O + 3))].
  Import heap_lang.
  Notation iProp := (iPropG heap_lang Σ).

  Lemma Σ_len: projT1 Σ = 3%nat.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Ltac gid_destruct g1 g2 :=
    match type of g1 with
    | fin ?T
        (match g1 as g' in fin n return (pf: n = T),
             eq_rect n fin g' T pf = g1
             _ with
         | Fin.F1 __
         | FS _ g2_
         end Init.Logic.eq_refl Init.Logic.eq_refl);
        let pf := fresh "pf" in
        intros pf ?; inversion pf; subst; simpl;
        rewrite <- Eqdep_dec.eq_rect_eq_dec by apply eq_nat_dec; clear pf
    | _fail g1 "is not a fin."

  Tactic Notation "gid_destruct" constr(g1) "as" simple_intropattern(g2) :=
    gid_destruct g1 g2.

  Instance inGF_refineG : refineG heap_lang Σ (delayed_lang (heap_lang) O O) (S O × (O + 3)).
  Proof. eapply inGF_refineG. intros g A.
         rewrite /gid in g ×.
         assert (fin (projT1 Σ) = fin 3) as Hlen.
         { rewrite Σ_len. auto. }
         rewrite /projT2 /Σ.
         gid_destruct g as g.
         { intros (?&->); simpl.
           intros a a' n i; by done. }
         gid_destruct g as g.
         { intros (?&->); simpl.
           intros a a' n i; by done. }
         gid_destruct g as g.
         { intros (?&->); simpl.
           exfalso; eauto. }
         inversion g.
         Grab Existential Variables.

  Instance inGF_heapG: heapG Σ.
  Proof. eauto. split. try apply _; eauto. rewrite /gname. exact 2%positive. Qed.
  Instance inGF_scheapG: sheapG heap_lang Σ.
  Proof. eauto. split. try apply _; eauto. rewrite /gname. exact 1%positive. Qed.

  Definition lit_refine (l l': base_lit) :=
    match l, l' with
    | LitInt n, LitInt n'n = n'
    | LitBool b, LitBool b'b = b'
    | LitUnit, LitUnitTrue
    | LitLoc l, LitLoc l'True
    | _, _False

  Fixpoint val_refine (v v': val) :=
    match v, v' with
    | RecV _ _ _ _, RecV _ _ _ _True
    | LitV l, LitV l'lit_refine l l'
    | PairV v1 v2, PairV v1' v2'val_refine v1 v1' val_refine v2 v2'
    | InjLV v, InjLV v'val_refine v v'
    | InjRV v, InjRV v'val_refine v v'
    | _, _False

  Lemma heap_e_refine σ:
    safe_refine val_refine heap_e σ heap_e σ.
    eapply ht_safe_refine with (d := O).
    - apply head_step_det_prim_det.
      apply head_step_det.
    - intros. edestruct (ClassicalEpsilon.excluded_middle_informative
                        (( (e' : language.expr (ectx_lang expr))
       (σ' : language.state (ectx_lang expr ))
       (ef' : option (language.expr (ectx_lang expr))),
       language.prim_step e σ0 e' σ' ef'))).
      × apply ClassicalEpsilon.constructive_indefinite_description in e0.
        destruct e0 as (e'&e0).
        apply ClassicalEpsilon.constructive_indefinite_description in e0.
        destruct e0 as (σ'&e0).
        apply ClassicalEpsilon.constructive_indefinite_description in e0.
        destruct e0 as (ef'&e0).
        left. (e', σ', ef'). eauto.
      × right. auto.
    - rewrite comm -assoc.
    rewrite /ht. iIntros "_".
    apply affine_intro; first apply _.
    iIntros "! (Hσ&Hsσ&Hown)".
    iPvs (heap_alloc with "Hσ") as (h) "[Hheap ?]"; first by done.
    iPvs (sheap_alloc with "Hsσ") as (h') "[Hsheap ?]"; first by done.
    iPoseProof (heap_e_spec with "[Hheap Hsheap Hown]") as "Hspec"; eauto.
    { by iFrame. }
    iApply wp_wand_l. iFrame "Hspec".
    iIntros "@". iIntros (v) "(%&?)".
    iExists #2.
    iSplitR ""; first by iFrame.
    iPureIntro. subst. econstructor.

  Print Assumptions heap_e_refine.

End ClosedProofs.