Library iris.proofmode.spec_patterns

From iris.prelude Require Export strings.

Inductive spec_goal_kind := GoalStd | GoalPvs.

Inductive spec_pat :=
  | SGoal : spec_goal_kind bool list string spec_pat
  | SGoalPersistent : spec_pat
  | SGoalPure : spec_pat
  | SName : bool string spec_pat
  | SForall : spec_pat.

Module spec_pat.
Inductive token :=
  | TName : string token
  | TMinus : token
  | TBracketL : token
  | TBracketR : token
  | TPersistent : token
  | TPure : token
  | TForall : token
  | TPvs : token.

Fixpoint cons_name (kn : string) (k : list token) : list token :=
  match kn with "" ⇒ k | _TName (string_rev kn) :: k end.
Fixpoint tokenize_go (s : string) (k : list token) (kn : string) : list token :=
  match s with
  | "" ⇒ rev (cons_name kn k)
  | String " " stokenize_go s (cons_name kn k) ""
  | String "-" stokenize_go s (TMinus :: cons_name kn k) ""
  | String "[" stokenize_go s (TBracketL :: cons_name kn k) ""
  | String "]" stokenize_go s (TBracketR :: cons_name kn k) ""
  | String "#" stokenize_go s (TPersistent :: cons_name kn k) ""
  | String "%" stokenize_go s (TPure :: cons_name kn k) ""
  | String "*" stokenize_go s (TForall :: cons_name kn k) ""
  | String "|" (String "=" (String "=" (String ">" s))) ⇒
     tokenize_go s (TPvs :: cons_name kn k) ""
  | String a stokenize_go s k (String a kn)
Definition tokenize (s : string) : list token := tokenize_go s [] "".

Inductive state :=
  | StTop : state
  | StAssert : spec_goal_kind bool list string state.

Fixpoint parse_go (ts : list token) (k : list spec_pat) : option (list spec_pat) :=
  match ts with
  | []Some (rev k)
  | TName s :: tsparse_go ts (SName false s :: k)
  | TBracketL :: TPersistent :: TBracketR :: tsparse_go ts (SGoalPersistent :: k)
  | TBracketL :: TPure :: TBracketR :: tsparse_go ts (SGoalPure :: k)
  | TBracketL :: tsparse_goal ts GoalStd false [] k
  | TPvs :: TBracketL :: tsparse_goal ts GoalPvs false [] k
  | TPvs :: tsparse_go ts (SGoal GoalPvs true [] :: k)
  | TPersistent :: TName s :: tsparse_go ts (SName true s :: k)
  | TForall :: tsparse_go ts (SForall :: k)
  | _None
with parse_goal (ts : list token) (kind : spec_goal_kind)
    (neg : bool) (ss : list string) (k : list spec_pat) : option (list spec_pat) :=
  match ts with
  | TMinus :: tsguard (¬neg ss = []); parse_goal ts kind true ss k
  | TName s :: tsparse_goal ts kind neg (s :: ss) k
  | TBracketR :: tsparse_go ts (SGoal kind neg (reverse ss) :: k)
  | _None
Definition parse (s : string) : option (list spec_pat) :=
  parse_go (tokenize s) [].

Ltac parse s :=
  lazymatch type of s with
  | list spec_pats
  | stringlazymatch eval vm_compute in (parse s) with
              | Some ?patspats | _fail "invalid list spec_pat" s
Ltac parse_one s :=
  lazymatch type of s with
  | spec_pats
  | stringlazymatch eval vm_compute in (parse s) with
              | Some [?pat]pat | _fail "invalid spec_pat" s
End spec_pat.