Library iris.program_logic.refine

From iris.prelude Require Export set irelations.
From iris.algebra Require Import dra cmra_tactics.
From iris.program_logic Require Import
     language wsat refine_raw refine_raw_adequacy hoare ownership stepshifts.
From iris.proofmode Require Import pviewshifts pstepshifts invariants.

Section refine.
Context (: language).

Context `{refineG Λ Σ Kd}.

Definition ownSP (sσ: state ) :=
  (⧆( ts cs ixs, owne (refine Kd master (cs ++ [(ts, sσ)]) ixs)))%I.
Instance ownSP_affine sσ: AffineP (ownSP sσ).
Proof. rewrite /ownSP; apply _. Qed.
Instance ownSP_atimeless sσ: ATimelessP (ownSP sσ).
Proof. rewrite /ownSP; apply _. Qed.

Definition ownT (i: nat) (e: expr ) :=
  ( c cs ixs, ■(nth_error (fst c) i = Some e)
                 ownle (refine Kd snapshot {[i]} (cs ++ [c]) ixs))%I.

Section refine_lemmas.
Import uPred.

Lemma ownSP_ownSP sσ sσ': (ownSP sσ ownSP sσ') False.
  rewrite /ownSP /master_own_exact.
  rewrite ?affine_elim.
  rewrite ?sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimts.
  rewrite ?sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimcs.
  rewrite ?sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimixs.
  rewrite ?sep_exist_l. apply exist_elimts'.
  rewrite ?sep_exist_l. apply exist_elimcs'.
  rewrite ?sep_exist_l. apply exist_elimixs'.
  rewrite -owne_op owne_valid affine_elim. apply valid_elim.
  inversion 1 as (_&_&Hdisj).
  inversion Hdisj.

Lemma ownT_ownT i i' e e':
  (ownT i e ownT i' e') ⊣⊢ (■(i i') ownT i e ownT i' e').
  apply (anti_symm (⊢)); last (by rewrite sep_elim_r).
  case (decide (i = i')).
  - intros →.
    etransitivity; last apply False_elim.
    rewrite /ownT /snapshot_ownl_exact.
    rewrite ?sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimc.
    rewrite ?sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimcs.
    rewrite ?sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimixs.
    rewrite ?sep_exist_l. apply exist_elimc'.
    rewrite ?sep_exist_l. apply exist_elimcs'.
    rewrite ?sep_exist_l. apply exist_elimixs'.
    rewrite ?sep_elim_r.
    rewrite -ownle_op ownle_valid_l.
    rewrite valid_elim. rewrite affine_elim. rewrite sep_False; auto.
    inversion 1 as (_&_&Hdisj).
    inversion Hdisj as [?????? Hdisj' | |]. clear -Hdisj'. set_solver.
  - intros Hneq. rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True ?left_id //=.

Lemma ownT_ownSP_step_nofork N' E i e sσ e' sσ':
  nsteps (prim_step_nofork ) N' (e, sσ) (e', sσ')
  (1 N' N' Kd)
  (ownT i e ownSP sσ) |={E}=>> ownT i e' ownSP sσ'.
  iIntros (Hnsteps Hbound).
  iIntros "(Hown1&Hown2)".
  rewrite /ownT /ownSP.
  iDestruct "Hown1" as (c cs ixs) "(%&Hown1)".
  rewrite ?affine_exist. iDestruct "Hown2" as (ts') "Hown2".
  rewrite ?affine_exist. iDestruct "Hown2" as (cs') "Hown2".
  rewrite ?affine_exist. iDestruct "Hown2" as (ixs') "Hown2".
  destruct c as (ts&sσ0).
  efeed pose proof (owne_stepP refine_alt_triv) as Hshift0.
  { eapply snap_master_stepshift_nofork; eauto. }
  iPoseProof Hshift0 as "Hshift".
  - rewrite (affine_elim (owne _)). iCombine "Hown2" "Hown1" as "Hown".
    iPsvs ("Hshift" with "Hown").
    iDestruct "~" as (r' rl') "(%&Hownr&Hownrl)".
    destruct H1 as (cs''&ts''&ixs''&Hnth_error''&Hr'_equiv&Hrl'_equiv).
    rewrite Hr'_equiv. rewrite Hrl'_equiv.
    iSplitL "Hownrl".
    × iExists (ts'', sσ'), cs'', ixs''.
      iSplitR "" "Hownrl"; auto.
    × iExists ts''. apply affine_intro; first apply _.
      iExists cs'', ixs''; auto.

Lemma prim_step_nofork_ctx `{LanguageCtx K} N' e sσ e' sσ':
  nsteps (prim_step_nofork ) N' (e, sσ) (e', sσ')
  nsteps (prim_step_nofork ) N' (K e, sσ) (K e', sσ').
  remember (e, sσ) as c eqn:Heq_c.
  remember (e', sσ') as c' eqn:Heq_c'.
  intros Hnsteps. revert e sσ e' sσ' Heq_c Heq_c'.
  induction Hnsteps; intros.
  - subst. inversion Heq_c'. subst. econstructor.
  - subst. destruct y as (e''&sσ''). econstructor; eauto.
    × rewrite /prim_step_nofork //=. eapply fill_step; eauto.

Lemma ownT_ownSP_step_nofork_ctx `{LanguageCtx K} N' E i e sσ e' sσ':
  nsteps (prim_step_nofork ) N' (e, sσ) (e', sσ')
  (1 N' N' Kd)
  (ownT i (K e) ownSP sσ) |={E}=>> ownT i (K e') ownSP sσ'.
  intros. eapply ownT_ownSP_step_nofork; eauto using prim_step_nofork_ctx.

Lemma ownT_ownSP_step_nofork_ctx1 `{LanguageCtx K} E i e sσ e' sσ':
  prim_step e sσ e' sσ' None
  (ownT i (K e) ownSP sσ) |={E}=>> ownT i (K e') ownSP sσ'.
  intros; eapply (ownT_ownSP_step_nofork_ctx 1).
  rewrite /prim_step_nofork.
  eapply nsteps_once; eauto.
  split; auto.
  destruct Kd; last omega. exfalso. eapply refine_Knz; auto.

Lemma ownT_ownSP_step_fork E i e sσ e' sσ' ef:
  prim_step e sσ e' sσ' (Some ef)
  (ownT i e ownSP sσ) |={E}=>> i', ownT i e' ownT i' ef ownSP sσ'.
  iIntros (Hstep).
  iIntros "(Hown1&Hown2)".
  rewrite /ownT /ownSP.
  iDestruct "Hown1" as (c cs ixs) "(%&Hown1)".
  rewrite ?affine_exist. iDestruct "Hown2" as (ts') "Hown2".
  rewrite ?affine_exist. iDestruct "Hown2" as (cs') "Hown2".
  rewrite ?affine_exist. iDestruct "Hown2" as (ixs') "Hown2".
  destruct c as (ts&sσ0).
  efeed pose proof (owne_stepP refine_alt_triv) as Hshift0.
  { eapply snap_master_simple_fork; eauto using refine_Knz. }
  iPoseProof Hshift0 as "Hshift"; eauto.
  - rewrite (affine_elim (owne _)). iCombine "Hown2" "Hown1" as "Hown".
    iPsvs ("Hshift" with "Hown").
    iDestruct "~" as (r' rl') "(%&Hownr&Hownrl)".
    destruct H1 as (i'&cs''&ts''&ixs''&Hnth_error''&Hnth_error2''&Hr'_equiv&Hrl'_equiv).
    rewrite Hr'_equiv. rewrite Hrl'_equiv.
    rewrite ownle_op. iDestruct "Hownrl" as "(Hownrl1&Hownrl2)".
    iExists i'.
    iSplitL "Hownrl1".
    × iExists (ts'', sσ'), cs'', ixs''.
      iSplitR "" "Hownrl1"; auto.
    × iSplitL "Hownrl2".
      ** iExists (ts'', sσ'), cs'', ixs''.
         iSplitR "" "Hownrl2"; auto.
      ** apply affine_intro; first apply _. iExists ts'', cs'', ixs''; auto.

Lemma ownT_ownSP_step_fork_ctx `{LanguageCtx K} E i e sσ e' sσ' ef:
  prim_step e sσ e' sσ' (Some ef)
  (ownT i (K e) ownSP sσ) |={E}=>> i', ownT i (K e') ownT i' ef ownSP sσ'.
  intros Hprim. eapply ownT_ownSP_step_fork; eauto using fill_step.

Lemma ownT_val_stopped i v P:
  (ownT i (of_val v) P) uPred_stopped.
    rewrite /ownT.
    rewrite sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimV.
    rewrite sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimcs.
    rewrite sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimixs.
    rewrite -assoc.
    apply pure_elim_sep_lHnth.
    destruct V.
    etransitivity; last eapply own_value_stopped; eauto.
    - rewrite /snapshot_ownl.
      rewrite -(exist_intro cs).
      rewrite -(exist_intro ixs).
    - eapply (refine_Knz).
End refine_lemmas.

Section refine_adequacy.
Import uPred.

Context (PrimDet: (e: expr ) σ e1' σ1' ef1' e2' σ2' ef2',
            prim_step e σ e1' σ1' ef1'
            prim_step e σ e2' σ2' ef2'
            e1' = e2' σ1' = σ2' ef1' = ef2').

Context (PrimDec: (e: expr ) σ, { t | prim_step e σ (fst (fst t)) (snd (fst t)) (snd t)} +
                                    {¬ e' σ' ef', prim_step e σ e' σ' ef'}).

Lemma init_ownT E σ:
  ownGl (to_globalFe (refine Kd snapshot {[0]} ([([E], σ)]) []))
         ownT 0 E.
  rewrite /ownT. iIntros "H1". iExists ([E], σ). iExists ([]). iExists [].
  rewrite ownle_eq. iFrame "H1".
  rewrite pure_equiv //= -emp_True; auto.

Lemma init_ownSP E σ:
  ownG (to_globalFe (refine Kd master ([([E], σ)]) []))
         ownSP σ.
  rewrite /ownSP. iIntros "H1". apply affine_intro; first apply _.
  iExists [E]. iExists ([]). iExists [].
  rewrite owne_eq // app_nil_l.

Lemma ht_adequacy_refine' (E: expr ) (e: expr Λ) v t2 (sσ: state ) (σ σ2: state Λ) Φ l:
  isteps idx_step l ([e], σ) (of_val v :: t2, σ2)
  Forall (λ e, ¬ reducible e σ2) (of_val v :: t2)
  {{ ownT 0 E ownP σ ownSP sσ }}
  {{ v, ( V, ownT 0 (of_val V) Φ v V) }}
   l' V T2 sσ2,
    isteps idx_step l' ([E], sσ) (of_val V :: T2, sσ2)
    ( i, ¬ (enabled idx_step (of_val V :: T2, sσ2)) i)
    Φ v V.
  intros Histep Hnr Hht.
  eapply ht_adequacy_refine; eauto using refine_Knz.
  rewrite Hht; apply ht_mono.
  - repeat apply sep_mono; auto.
    × rewrite /ownT /snapshot_ownl_exact.
      rewrite -(exist_intro ([E], sσ)) -(exist_intro []) -(exist_intro []).
      rewrite (pure_equiv) //= -emp_True left_id //=.
    × rewrite /ownSP /master_own_exact.
      apply affine_intro; first apply _.
      rewrite -(exist_intro ([E])) -(exist_intro []) -(exist_intro []) //=.
  - intros v'.
    rewrite /ownT /snapshot_ownl.
    apply exist_elimV.
    rewrite sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimc.
    rewrite sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimcs.
    rewrite sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimixs.
    rewrite -assoc.
    apply pure_elim_sep_lHnth.
    destruct c as (ts&sσ').
    destruct ts as [| t ts']; simpl in Hnth; first congruence.
    inversion Hnth; subst.
    rewrite -(exist_intro V) -(exist_intro ts') -(exist_intro sσ').
    rewrite -(exist_intro cs) -(exist_intro ixs) //=.

Lemma ht_adequacy_inf_refine' (E: expr ) (e: expr Λ) (sσ: state ) (σ σ2: state Λ) Φ
  (tr: trace idx_step ([e], σ)):
  {{ ownT 0 E ownP σ ownSP sσ }}
  {{ v, ( V, ownT 0 (of_val V) Φ v V) }}
   (tr': trace idx_step ([E], sσ)), fair_pres _ _ tr tr'.
  intros Hht.
  eapply ht_adequacy_inf_refine with _ _ _ (λ v V, Φ v V)%I; eauto using refine_Knz.
  rewrite Hht; apply ht_mono.
  - repeat apply sep_mono; auto.
    × rewrite /ownT /snapshot_ownl_exact.
      rewrite -(exist_intro ([E], sσ)) -(exist_intro []) -(exist_intro []).
      rewrite (pure_equiv) //= -emp_True left_id //=.
    × rewrite /ownSP /master_own_exact.
      apply affine_intro; first apply _.
      rewrite -(exist_intro ([E])) -(exist_intro []) -(exist_intro []) //=.
  - intros v'.
    rewrite /ownT /snapshot_ownl.
    apply exist_elimV.
    rewrite sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimc.
    rewrite sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimcs.
    rewrite sep_exist_r. apply exist_elimixs.
    rewrite -assoc.
    apply pure_elim_sep_lHnth.
    destruct c as (ts&sσ').
    destruct ts as [| t ts']; simpl in Hnth; first congruence.
    inversion Hnth; subst.
    rewrite -(exist_intro V) -(exist_intro ts') -(exist_intro sσ').
    rewrite -(exist_intro cs) -(exist_intro ixs) //=.

Lemma ht_safe_refine' e σ E sσ Φ:
  {{ ownT 0 E ownP σ ownSP sσ }} e {{ v, ( V, ownT 0 (of_val V) Φ v V) }}
  safe_refine' Φ e σ E sσ.
  intros Ht. split_and!.
  - intros; apply Forall_foralle' Hin.
    case_eq (to_val e').
      × intros; left; eauto.
      × intros; right.
        eapply (adequacy.ht_adequacy_reducible _
                (λ v, ( V, ownT 0 (of_val V) Φ v V)%I)); eauto; last first.
        ** erewrite Ht. apply ht_mono; last auto.
           repeat apply sep_mono; eauto using init_ownT, init_ownSP.
        ** eapply init_own_snap_master_valid; apply refine_Knz.
  - intros ???? Histeps Hforall.
    edestruct (ht_adequacy_refine') as (l'&V&T2&sσ2&Hstep&Hnenabled&Hphi);
    { econstructor.
      - intros Hr%reducible_not_val.
        rewrite to_of_val in Hr; congruence.
      - apply Forall_forall. rewrite Forall_forall in Hforall ×.
        intros Hforall e' Hin Hr%reducible_not_val. edestruct (Hforall); eauto.
     l', V, T2, sσ2.
    split_and!; auto.
    × apply forall_not_enabled_forall_not_reducible, Forall_cons in Hnenabled.
      destruct Hnenabled; auto.
  - intros t Hfair.
    edestruct (ht_adequacy_inf_refine') as (T&Hfp);

Lemma ht_safe_refine e σ E sσ Φ:
  {{ ownT 0 E ownP σ ownSP sσ }} e {{ v, ( V, ownT 0 (of_val V) Φ v V) }}
  safe_refine Φ e σ E sσ.
  eauto using ht_safe_refine', safe_refine'_to_safe_refine.

End refine_adequacy.

End refine.