Library iris.algebra.cmra_tactics

From iris.algebra Require Export cmra.
From iris.algebra Require Import cmra_big_op.

Simple solver for validity and inclusion by reflection

Module ra_reflection. Section ra_reflection.
  Context {A : ucmraT}.

  Inductive expr :=
    | EVar : nat expr
    | EEmpty : expr
    | EOp : expr expr expr.
  Fixpoint eval (Σ : list A) (e : expr) : A :=
    match e with
    | EVar nfrom_option id (Σ !! n)
    | EEmpty
    | EOp e1 e2eval Σ e1 eval Σ e2
  Fixpoint flatten (e : expr) : list nat :=
    match e with
    | EVar n[n]
    | EEmpty[]
    | EOp e1 e2flatten e1 ++ flatten e2
  Lemma eval_flatten Σ e :
    eval Σ e big_op ((λ n, from_option id (Σ !! n)) <$> flatten e).
    induction e as [| |e1 IH1 e2 IH2]; rewrite /= ?right_id //.
    by rewrite fmap_app IH1 IH2 big_op_app.
  Lemma flatten_correct Σ e1 e2 :
    flatten e1 `contains` flatten e2 eval Σ e1 eval Σ e2.
    by intros He; rewrite !eval_flatten; apply big_op_contains; rewriteHe.
  Lemma flatten_correct_equiv Σ e1 e2 :
    flatten e1 ≡ₚ flatten e2
    eval Σ e1 eval Σ e2.
    by intros He; rewrite !eval_flatten; apply big_op_permutation; rewriteHe.

  Class Quote (Σ1 Σ2 : list A) (l : A) (e : expr) := {}.
  Global Instance quote_empty: Quote E1 E1 EEmpty.
  Global Instance quote_var Σ1 Σ2 e i:
    rlist.QuoteLookup Σ1 Σ2 e i Quote Σ1 Σ2 e (EVar i) | 1000.
  Global Instance quote_app Σ1 Σ2 Σ3 x1 x2 e1 e2 :
    Quote Σ1 Σ2 x1 e1 Quote Σ2 Σ3 x2 e2 Quote Σ1 Σ3 (x1 x2) (EOp e1 e2).
  End ra_reflection.

  Ltac quote :=
    match goal with
    | |- @included _ _ _ ?x ?y
      lazymatch type of (_ : Quote [] _ x _) with Quote _ ?Σ2 _ ?e1
      lazymatch type of (_ : Quote Σ2 _ y _) with Quote _ ?Σ3 _ ?e2
        change (eval Σ3 e1 eval Σ3 e2)
      end end
    | |- @equiv _ _ ?x ?y
      lazymatch type of (_ : Quote [] _ x _) with Quote _ ?Σ2 _ ?e1
      lazymatch type of (_ : Quote Σ2 _ y _) with Quote _ ?Σ3 _ ?e2
        change (eval Σ3 e1 eval Σ3 e2)
      end end

End ra_reflection.

Ltac solve_included :=
  apply ra_reflection.flatten_correct, (bool_decide_unpack _);
  vm_compute; apply I.

Ltac solve_equiv :=
  apply ra_reflection.flatten_correct_equiv, (bool_decide_unpack _);
  vm_compute; apply I.

Ltac solve_validN :=
  match goal with
  | H : ✓{?n} ?y |- ✓{?n'} ?x
     let Hn := fresh in let Hx := fresh in
     assert (n' n) as Hn by omega;
     assert (x y) as Hx by solve_included;
     eapply cmra_validN_le, Hn; eapply cmra_validN_included, Hx; apply H

Ltac solve_valid :=
  match goal with
  | H : ?y |- ?x
     let Hn := fresh in let Hx := fresh in
     assert (x y) as Hx by solve_included;
     eapply cmra_valid_included, Hx; apply H