Library iris.program_logic.delayed_language

From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
From iris.prelude Require Import set irelations.

Section delayed_lang.

  Context (L: language).
  Context (P: Set) (plt: relation P) `{StrictOrder P plt}.
  Context `{IN: Inhabited P}.
  Context (P_fin: {l : list P | x : P, x l }).
  Context (plt_dec: x y, {plt x y} + {¬ plt x y }).
  Context (plt_trans: x y z, plt x y plt y z plt x z).
  Context (plt_wf: well_founded plt).

  Definition minimal x := ¬ ( x', plt x' x).

  Lemma minimal_dec: x, sumbool ( x', plt x' x) (¬ x', plt x' x).
    destruct P_fin as (l & Hl).
    intros x.
    assert ( x' : P, x' l ¬ plt x' x) as Hl'; eauto.
    clear Hl. revert x Hl'.
    induction l; intros x Hl'.
    × right. intros (x'&Hplt).
      specialize (Hl' x'). destruct Hl' as [HlIn | Hnplt ]; eauto.
      inversion HlIn.
    × destruct (plt_dec a x); first (left; eauto).
      eapply IHl. intros.
      specialize (Hl' x'). destruct Hl' as [HlIn | Hnplt ]; eauto.
      inversion HlIn; subst; auto.

  Lemma minimal_dec': x, {x' | plt x' x} + {minimal x}.
    destruct P_fin as (l & Hl).
    intros x.
    assert ( x' : P, x' l ¬ plt x' x) as Hl'; eauto.
    clear Hl. revert x Hl'.
    induction l; intros x Hl'.
    × right. intros (x'&Hplt).
      specialize (Hl' x'). destruct Hl' as [HlIn | Hnplt ]; eauto.
      inversion HlIn.
    × destruct (plt_dec a x); first (left; eauto).
      eapply IHl. intros.
      specialize (Hl' x'). destruct Hl' as [HlIn | Hnplt ]; eauto.
      inversion HlIn; subst; auto.

  Definition mini : {x : P | minimal x }.
    destruct IN as [p].
    induction p using (well_founded_induction plt_wf).
    destruct (minimal_dec' p) as [(?&?)|].
    - eapply H0; eauto.
    - p. eauto.

  Definition delayed_expr := (expr L × P)%type.
  Inductive delayed_val : Type :=
    | delayed_val_minimal: (v: val L) (p: P), ¬ ( p', plt p' p) delayed_val.
  Definition delayed_state := state L.
  Definition delayed_of_val (v: delayed_val) : delayed_expr :=
    match v with
      | delayed_val_minimal v p _(of_val v, p)
  Definition delayed_to_val (e: delayed_expr): option delayed_val :=
    match to_val (fst e), minimal_dec (snd e) with
      | Some v', right PfSome (delayed_val_minimal v' (snd e) Pf)
      | _, _None

 Inductive delayed_atomic': delayed_expr Prop :=
   | delayed_succ_minimal_atomic:
        v p, ( p', plt p' p)
              ( p', plt p' p minimal p')
              delayed_atomic' (of_val v, p).

 Require ClassicalEpsilon.
 Definition delayed_atomic: delayed_expr bool.
   intros e.
   destruct (ClassicalEpsilon.excluded_middle_informative (delayed_atomic' e)).
   - exact true.
   - exact false.

  Inductive delayed_prim_step:
    delayed_expr delayed_state delayed_expr delayed_state option (delayed_expr) Prop :=
  | base_step e p σ e' p' σ' ef pf: prim_step e σ e' σ' ef
                            delayed_prim_step (e, p) σ (e', p') σ'
                                              (default None ef (λ e, Some (e, pf)))
  | delay_step (e: expr L) p σ e p': plt p' p delayed_prim_step (e, p) σ (e, p') σ None.

  Lemma delayed_to_of_val: v, delayed_to_val (delayed_of_val v) = Some v.
    induction v.
    - simpl. unfold delayed_to_val. simpl.
      rewrite to_of_val. destruct (minimal_dec p); first exfalso; eauto.
      repeat f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance.

  Lemma delayed_of_to_val: e v, delayed_to_val e = Some v delayed_of_val v = e.
    induction v as [v p Pf].
    destruct e as (e, p').
    unfold delayed_to_val. simpl.
    generalize (of_to_val e).
    destruct (to_val e); auto.
    - destruct (minimal_dec p'); first congruence.
      intros Hofv Heq.
      inversion Heq. subst.
      rewrite Hofv; eauto.
    - intros. congruence.

  Lemma delayed_val_stuck:
     e σ e' σ' ef, delayed_prim_step e σ e' σ' ef delayed_to_val e = None.
    induction 1 as [ e p σ e' p' σ' ef pf Hps | ? p ].
    - unfold delayed_to_val. simpl.
      generalize (val_stuck e σ e' σ' ef) as Hvs.
      destruct (to_val e); auto; intros.
      eapply Hvs in Hps. congruence.
    - unfold delayed_to_val. simpl.
      destruct (minimal_dec p); destruct to_val; auto.
      exfalso; eauto.

  Lemma delayed_atomic_not_val:
     e, delayed_atomic e delayed_to_val e = None.
    intros e DA. unfold delayed_atomic in DA.
    destruct (ClassicalEpsilon.excluded_middle_informative) as [d | nd]; last (exfalso; auto).
    induction d as [v p Hpred].
    unfold delayed_to_val.
    simpl. rewrite to_of_val. destruct (minimal_dec p); auto.
    exfalso; eauto.

  Lemma delayed_atomic_equiv:
     e, delayed_atomic e = true delayed_atomic' e.
    intros e. unfold delayed_atomic.
    destruct (ClassicalEpsilon.excluded_middle_informative) as [d | nd];
      last (intros; congruence).

  Lemma delayed_atomic_step: e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ef,
    delayed_atomic e1
    delayed_prim_step e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ef
    is_Some (delayed_to_val e2).
    intros e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ef Hda Hdps.
    inversion Hdps; subst.
    - unfold delayed_atomic in Hda.
      destruct (ClassicalEpsilon.excluded_middle_informative) as [Hda' | nd];
        last (exfalso; auto).
      inversion Hda' as [v p'' Hnm Hpred].
      subst. exfalso.
      assert (to_val (of_val v) = None) as HtoNone.
      { eapply val_stuck. eauto. }
      rewrite to_of_val in HtoNone; congruence.
    - unfold delayed_atomic in Hda.
      destruct (ClassicalEpsilon.excluded_middle_informative) as [Hda' | nd];
        last (exfalso; auto).
      inversion Hda' as [v p'' Hnm Hpred]. subst.
      unfold delayed_to_val. rewrite to_of_val.
      destruct minimal_dec; simpl; eauto.
      simpl in ×. exfalso. eapply Hpred; eauto.

  Program Definition delayed_lang : language := {|
    expr := delayed_expr; val := delayed_val; state := delayed_state;
    of_val := delayed_of_val; to_val := delayed_to_val;
    prim_step := delayed_prim_step;
  Solve Obligations with eauto using delayed_to_of_val, delayed_of_to_val,
                         delayed_val_stuck, delayed_atomic_not_val, delayed_atomic_step.

  Definition erase_expr (e: delayed_expr) := fst e.
  Definition erase_cfg (c: cfg delayed_lang) : cfg L :=
    (map erase_expr (c.1), c.2).

  Lemma erase_prim_step e e' ef' s s':
    prim_step (erase_expr e) s (erase_expr e') s' (default None ef' (λ ef, Some (erase_expr ef)))
    delayed_prim_step e s e' s' ef'.
    destruct e as (e & p).
    destruct e' as (e' & p').
    destruct ef' as [(ef&pf)|]; simpl; intros.
    - specialize (base_step e p s e' p' s' (Some ef) pf); auto.
    - specialize (base_step e p s e' p' s' None p); auto.

  Lemma map_cons_inv {A B}:
     b (lb: list B) (l: list A) (f: A B),
      b :: lb = map f l a la, l = a :: la f a = b map f la = lb.
    intros b lb l f. rewrite Tauto.map_simpl. destruct l as [| a la]; first congruence.
    intros Heq. inversion Heq. a, la; split_and!; eauto.

  Lemma map_app_inv {A B}:
     (l1 l2: list B) (l: list A) (f: A B),
      l1 ++ l2 = map f l l1a l2a, l = l1a ++ l2a map f l1a = l1 map f l2a = l2.
    induction l1 as [| b l1]; intros l2 l f.
    - rewrite app_nil_l. intros; [], l.
      split_and!; eauto.
    - rewrite Tauto.map_simpl; simpl. destruct l as [| a l0]; first congruence.
      intros Heq. inversion Heq.
      edestruct IHl1 as (l1a&l2a&?&?&?); eauto.
       (a :: l1a), l2a. split_and!; auto.
      × rewrite -app_comm_cons.
      × simpl.

  Lemma enabled_erase: c i, enabled idx_step (erase_cfg c) i enabled idx_step c i.
    rewrite /enabled. intros ec i (ec'&Hs).
    rewrite idx_step_equiv in Hs ×.
    cut ( ec ec', idx_step' i ec ec' c, ec = erase_cfg c
                     y : cfg delayed_lang, idx_step' i c y).
    { intros Hcut Hs. edestruct Hcut; eauto. eexists.
      rewrite idx_step_equiv; eauto. }
    clear; induction 1.
    - intros. destruct c. rewrite /erase_cfg in H1. simpl in ×.
      inversion H1. subst. apply map_cons_inv in H3 as (?&?&?&?&?).
      destruct x. simpl in ×. subst.
      destruct ef. simpl in ×.
       ((e2, p) :: x0 ++ option_list (Some (e, p)), σ2).
      eapply (idx_step_alt_hd_atomic _ _ _ (σ2: state delayed_lang) _ _).
      specialize (base_step e1 p s e2 p σ2 (Some e) p); simpl; eauto.
       ((e2, p) :: x0 ++ option_list None, σ2).
      eapply (idx_step_alt_hd_atomic _ _ _ (σ2: state delayed_lang) _ _).
      specialize (base_step e1 p s e2 p σ2 None p); simpl; eauto.
    - intros. destruct c. inversion H0.
      eapply map_cons_inv in H2 as (?&?&?&?&?).
      subst. edestruct (IHi0 i0 (x0, s)); eauto.
      destruct x1.
      eexists. econstructor. eauto.

  Definition idx_measure (c: cfg delayed_lang) i : P :=
    nth i (map snd (fst c)) (proj1_sig mini).

  Lemma erase_option_list ef p:
    map erase_expr (option_list (default None ef (λ e : expr L, Some (e, p)))) =
    option_list (default None ef Some).
    destruct ef; simpl; auto.

  Lemma estep_or_dec_plt_hd {c: cfg delayed_lang} (e: trace idx_step c):
    match e with
    | trace_step i c c' HR e'
      plt (idx_measure c' i) (idx_measure c i)
      idx_step i (erase_cfg c) (erase_cfg c')
    destruct e as [i c c' HR e'].
    revert e'. inversion HR as [? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hprim]. subst.
    induction Hprim.
    - right.
      unfold erase_cfg.
      simpl. repeat (rewrite ?map_app; simpl).
      rewrite erase_option_list.
      econstructor; eauto using map_length.
      destruct ef; auto.
    - left. unfold idx_measure. rewrite ?map_app.
      rewrite ?app_nth2; rewrite map_length; auto.
      assert (length t1 - length t1 = 0) as Hz by omega. rewrite Hz.
      simpl; auto.

  Lemma estep_or_dec_plt_hd_miss {c: cfg delayed_lang} (e: trace idx_step c) i:
    match e with
    | trace_step i' c c' HR e'
      i i' length (fst c) > i idx_measure c' i = idx_measure c i
    destruct e as [i' c c' HR e'].
    revert e'. inversion HR as [? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hprim]. subst.
    unfold idx_measure.
    intros ? Hneq Htid_in_dom.
    simpl. repeat (rewrite ?map_app; simpl).
    assert (i < length t1 i > length t1) as [|] by omega.
    - rewrite ?app_nth1; auto; rewrite map_length; auto.
    - rewrite ?app_nth2; auto; rewrite map_length; try eauto with arith.
      assert (i - length t1 = S (i - length t1 - 1)) as Heq by omega.
      rewrite Heq. simpl. auto.
      rewrite ?app_length //= in Htid_in_dom.
      rewrite ?app_nth1; auto; rewrite map_length; auto.
      rewrite Heq. simpl.
      rewrite -minus_n_O.
      apply lt_S_n.
      rewrite -Heq. clear Heq.
      eapply (plus_lt_reg_l _ _ (length t1)).
      assert (length t1 + (i - length t1) = i) as Heq' by omega.
      rewrite Heq'. auto.

  Lemma estep_or_dec_plt_k_miss {c: cfg delayed_lang} (e: trace idx_step c) i:
     k, snd (tr2fun e k) i
         length (fst (fst (tr2fun e k))) > i
         idx_measure (fst (tr2fun e (S k))) i = idx_measure (fst (tr2fun e k)) i.
    intros k. revert c e i; induction k; intros.
    - specialize (estep_or_dec_plt_hd_miss e i).
      destruct e. destruct e. auto.
    - destruct e.
      specialize (IHk _ e i).
      destruct e. simpl in ×. eauto.

  Lemma length_cfg_S {c: cfg delayed_lang} (e: trace idx_step c):
     k, length (fst (fst (tr2fun e k))) length (fst (fst (tr2fun e (S k)))).
    intros k. revert c e. induction k.
    - intros. simpl.
      destruct e as [? ? ? HR ?]. destruct e. simpl.
      eapply (length_cfg_idx_step _ _ _ HR).
    - intros. simpl. destruct e. specialize (IHk _ e).

  Lemma length_cfg_monotone {c: cfg delayed_lang} (e: trace idx_step c):
     k k', k < k' length (fst (fst (tr2fun e k))) length (fst (fst (tr2fun e k'))).
    intros k k' Hlt. revert c e. induction Hlt.
    - intros. eapply length_cfg_S.
    - intros. etransitivity; first eapply IHHlt.
      eapply length_cfg_S.

  Lemma idx_step_tid_in_dom:
     {L: language} (c c': cfg L) i, idx_step i c c' length (fst c) > i.
    inversion 1. subst. rewrite ?app_length. simpl. omega.

  Lemma idx_step_tid_in_dom_k {c: cfg delayed_lang} (e: trace idx_step c):
     i k, snd (tr2fun e k) = i length (fst (fst (tr2fun e k))) > i.
    intros i k.
    - specialize (tr2fun_succ idx_step _ e k).
      intros. eapply idx_step_tid_in_dom. subst. eauto.

  Lemma estep_or_dec_plt_k_1 {c: cfg delayed_lang} (e: trace idx_step c):
     i k, snd (tr2fun e k) = i
           plt (idx_measure (fst (tr2fun e (S k))) i)
               (idx_measure (fst (tr2fun e k)) i)
            k'', k k'' k'' < S k
                    snd (tr2fun e k'') = i
                    idx_step i (erase_cfg (fst (tr2fun e k'')))
                             (erase_cfg (fst (tr2fun e (S k'')))).
    intros i k.
    revert c e i.
    induction k; intros ? ? i <-.
    × specialize (estep_or_dec_plt_hd e).
      destruct e. destruct e. simpl.
      intros [?|?].
      ** left; auto.
      ** right. 0. split_and!; auto.
    × destruct e.
      specialize (IHk _ e (snd (tr2fun e k))).
      edestruct IHk as [|(k''&?&?&?&?)]; auto.
      right. (S k''). split_and!; simpl; auto.
      ** omega.
      ** omega.

  Lemma estep_or_dec_plt {c: cfg delayed_lang} (e: trace idx_step c):
     i k k', k < k' snd (tr2fun e k) = i
              plt (idx_measure (fst (tr2fun e k')) i)
                  (idx_measure (fst (tr2fun e k)) i)
               k'', k k'' k'' < k'
                       snd (tr2fun e k'') = i
                       idx_step i (erase_cfg (fst (tr2fun e k'')))
                                (erase_cfg (fst (tr2fun e (S k'')))).
    intros i k k' Hlt.
    revert c e i. induction Hlt; intros.
    - eapply estep_or_dec_plt_k_1; eauto.
    - case (decide (snd (tr2fun e m) = i)); intros.
      × edestruct (estep_or_dec_plt_k_1 e i m) as [|(k''&?&?&?&?)]; eauto.
        ** edestruct (IHHlt) as [?|(k''&?&?&?&?)]; eauto.
           right. k''. split_and!; eauto.
        ** right. k''. split_and!; eauto. omega.
      × edestruct (IHHlt) as [?|(k''&?&?&?&?)]; eauto.
        ** left.
           erewrite estep_or_dec_plt_k_miss; eauto.
           eapply le_gt_trans; first eapply length_cfg_monotone; eauto.
           eapply idx_step_tid_in_dom_k; eauto.
        ** right. k''. split_and!; eauto.

  Lemma delayed_ae_estep (c: cfg delayed_lang) (e: trace idx_step c) (i: nat):
   ae_taken e i ae_estep idx_step idx_step erase_cfg c e i.
    rewrite tr2fun_ae_taken. intros Hae.
    unfold ae_estep, ev_estep'.
      (tr2fun_al_ev_2 idx_step _ e (λ p y, i = snd p idx_step i (erase_cfg (fst p)) (erase_cfg y))).
    intros Hal_ev.
    simpl in Hal_ev; rewrite Hal_ev; clear Hal_ev.

    intros k. destruct (Hae k) as (kinit & Hk).
    remember (idx_measure (fst (tr2fun e kinit)) i) as p eqn:Hpeq.
    revert kinit k Hk Hpeq.
    induction p as [p IH] using (well_founded_induction plt_wf).

    intros kinit k (?&?) →.
    destruct (Hae (S kinit)) as (knext & ? & ?).

    edestruct (estep_or_dec_plt e i kinit knext) as [|(k'' & ? & ? & ? & ?)]; auto.
    - intros. edestruct IH as (k'' & ? & ? & ?); eauto.
       k''. split_and!; eauto.
    - k''. split_and!; eauto.

  Fixpoint Pow (A: Type) (n: nat) :=
    match n with
      | OA
      | S n'prod A (Pow A n')

  Definition pow_plt (n: nat) (x y: Pow P n) : Prop.
    induction n as [|n' pow_plt].
    - simpl in ×. apply (plt x y).
    - simpl in ×. destruct x as (px, x'). destruct y as (py, y').
      exact ((plt px py x' = y') (px = py pow_plt x' y')).

  Lemma pow_plt_S: n x y, pow_plt (S n) x y
                                (Relation_Operators.symprod _ _ plt (pow_plt n)) x y.
    induction n; intros; simpl.
    - split. destruct x, y.
      × intros [(?&?)|(?&?)]; subst; econstructor; eauto.
      × inversion 1; subst; auto.
    - split. destruct x, y.
      × intros [(?&?)|(?&?)]; subst; econstructor; eauto.
      × inversion 1; subst; auto.

  Lemma wf_iff: {A: Type} (r1 r2: relation A), ( x y, r1 x y r2 x y) wf r2 wf r1.
    intros ? r1 r2 Hequiv Hwf. intro a.
    induction a as [a IH] using (well_founded_induction Hwf).
    intros. eapply IH. eapply Hequiv. eauto.

  Require Wellfounded.Lexicographic_Product.
  Lemma pow_plt_wf (n: nat): wf (pow_plt n).
    induction n.
    - eauto.
    - eapply (wf_iff); first eapply pow_plt_S.
      apply (Wellfounded.Lexicographic_Product.wf_symprod); eauto.

  Fixpoint firstn_tuple {A: Type} (n:nat) (def: A) (l:list A) : Pow A n :=
    match n with
      | 0 ⇒ match l with
               | nildef
               | a :: la
      | S nmatch l with
                 | nil(def, (firstn_tuple n def nil))
                 | a::l(a, (firstn_tuple n def l))

  Definition cfg_measure (c: cfg delayed_lang) (n: nat) : Pow P n :=
    firstn_tuple n (proj1_sig mini) (map snd (fst c)).

  Lemma pow_plt_app:
     t1 t2 t2' σ σ',
     pow_plt (length t2')
     (cfg_measure (t2, σ) (length t2'))
     (cfg_measure (t2', σ') (length t2'))
     pow_plt (length (t1 ++ t2'))
     (cfg_measure (t1 ++ t2, σ) (length (t1 ++ t2')))
     (cfg_measure (t1 ++ t2', σ') (length (t1 ++ t2'))).
    induction t1; simpl; auto.
    intros. right. split; auto.
    eapply IHt1. eauto.

  Lemma pow_plt_hd:
     e e' t t' ts σ σ',
     plt t t'
     pow_plt (S (length ts))
     (cfg_measure ((e, t) :: ts, σ) (S (length ts)))
     (cfg_measure ((e', t') :: ts, σ') (S (length ts))).
    intros. simpl. left. auto.

  Lemma estep_or_dec_pow_plt_hd {c: cfg delayed_lang} (e: trace idx_step c):
    match e with
    | trace_step i c c' HR e'
      (pow_plt (length (fst c)) (cfg_measure c' (length (fst c))) (cfg_measure c (length (fst c)))
        length (fst c) = length (fst c'))
       idx_step i (erase_cfg c) (erase_cfg c')
    destruct e as [i c c' HR e'].
    revert e'. inversion HR as [? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hprim]. subst.
    induction Hprim.
    - right.
      unfold erase_cfg.
      simpl. repeat (rewrite ?map_app; simpl).
      rewrite erase_option_list.
      econstructor; eauto using map_length.
      destruct ef; auto.
    - left.
      split; simpl; rewrite app_nil_r; auto.
      × apply pow_plt_app. apply pow_plt_hd; auto.
      × rewrite ?app_length. simpl; auto.

  Lemma delayed_some_ev_estep (c: cfg delayed_lang) (e: trace idx_step c):
     i, ev_estep idx_step idx_step erase_cfg c e i.
    destruct e as [i c c' HR e'].
    remember (cfg_measure c (length (fst c))) as p eqn:Hpeq.
    remember (length (c.1)) as n eqn:Hneq.
    revert i c c' HR e' Hneq Hpeq.

    induction p as [p IH] using (well_founded_induction (pow_plt_wf n)).

    destruct (estep_or_dec_pow_plt_hd (trace_step i c c' HR e')) as [(?&?)|].
    × subst. destruct e'. edestruct IH as (i' & ?); eauto.
       i'. eapply ev_estep_later.
    × i. econstructor. eauto.

  Lemma erase_trace:
     (c: cfg delayed_lang) (e: trace (idx_step) c),
       (e': trace (idx_step) (erase_cfg c)), fair_pres _ _ e e'.
    intros. eapply ae_ev_estep_yield_fun_fair.
    - intros. eapply ClassicalEpsilon.excluded_middle_informative.
    - intros. eapply enabled_erase; auto.
    - intros i c1 c2 HR.
      destruct (ClassicalEpsilon.excluded_middle_informative
                  (idx_step i (erase_cfg c1) (erase_cfg c2))) as [|Hn].
      × left. auto.
      × right. split; auto.
        inversion HR as [? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hprim]. subst.
        inversion Hprim; subst.
        ** exfalso. eapply Hn.
           unfold erase_cfg. rewrite ?map_app. simpl;
           econstructor; simpl; eauto using map_length.
           repeat f_equal. rewrite map_app. f_equal.
           rewrite erase_option_list. destruct ef0; auto.
        ** unfold erase_cfg. repeat (simpl; f_equal; rewrite ?map_app).
           rewrite app_nil_r. auto.
    - apply ae_ev_estep_intro_all; eauto using delayed_ae_estep, delayed_some_ev_estep.

End delayed_lang.