Library iris.prelude.nmap

This files extends the implementation of finite over positive to finite maps whose keys range over Coq's data type of binary naturals N.
From iris.prelude Require Import pmap mapset.
From iris.prelude Require Export prelude fin_maps.

Local Open Scope N_scope.

Record Nmap (A : Type) : Type := NMap { Nmap_0 : option A; Nmap_pos : Pmap A }.
Arguments Nmap_0 {_} _.
Arguments Nmap_pos {_} _.
Arguments NMap {_} _ _.

Instance Nmap_eq_dec `{ x y : A, Decision (x = y)} (t1 t2 : Nmap A) :
  Decision (t1 = t2).
  match t1, t2 with
  | NMap x t1, NMap y t2cast_if_and (decide (x = y)) (decide (t1 = t2))
  end; abstract congruence.
Instance Nempty {A} : Empty (Nmap A) := NMap None .
Global Opaque Nempty.
Instance Nlookup {A} : Lookup N A (Nmap A) := λ i t,
  match i with
  | N0Nmap_0 t
  | Npos pNmap_pos t !! p
Instance Npartial_alter {A} : PartialAlter N A (Nmap A) := λ f i t,
  match i, t with
  | N0, NMap o tNMap (f o) t
  | Npos p, NMap o tNMap o (partial_alter f p t)
Instance Nto_list {A} : FinMapToList N A (Nmap A) := λ t,
  match t with
  | NMap o t
     default [] o (λ x, [(0,x)]) ++ (prod_map Npos id <$> map_to_list t)
Instance Nomap: OMap Nmap := λ A B f t,
  match t with NMap o tNMap (o ≫= f) (omap f t) end.
Instance Nmerge: Merge Nmap := λ A B C f t1 t2,
  match t1, t2 with
  | NMap o1 t1, NMap o2 t2NMap (f o1 o2) (merge f t1 t2)
Instance Nfmap: FMap Nmap := λ A B f t,
  match t with NMap o tNMap (f <$> o) (f <$> t) end.

Instance: FinMap N Nmap.
  - intros ? [??] [??] H. f_equal; [apply (H 0)|].
    apply map_eq. intros i. apply (H (Npos i)).
  - by intros ? [|?].
  - intros ? f [? t] [|i]; simpl; [done |]. apply lookup_partial_alter.
  - intros ? f [? t] [|i] [|j]; simpl; try intuition congruence.
    intros. apply lookup_partial_alter_ne. congruence.
  - intros ??? [??] []; simpl. done. apply lookup_fmap.
  - intros ? [[x|] t]; unfold map_to_list; simpl.
    + constructor.
      × rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. by intros [[??] [??]].
      × by apply (NoDup_fmap _), NoDup_map_to_list.
    + apply (NoDup_fmap _), NoDup_map_to_list.
  - intros ? t i x. unfold map_to_list. split.
    + destruct t as [[y|] t]; simpl.
      × rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
        intros [? | [[??] [??]]]; simplify_eq/=; [done |].
        by apply elem_of_map_to_list.
      × rewrite elem_of_list_fmap; intros [[??] [??]]; simplify_eq/=.
        by apply elem_of_map_to_list.
    + destruct t as [[y|] t]; simpl.
      × rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_list_fmap.
        destruct i as [|i]; simpl; [intuition congruence |].
        intros. right. (i, x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
      × rewrite elem_of_list_fmap.
        destruct i as [|i]; simpl; [done |].
        intros. (i, x). by rewrite elem_of_map_to_list.
  - intros ?? f [??] [|?]; simpl; [done|]; apply (lookup_omap f).
  - intros ??? f ? [??] [??] [|?]; simpl; [done|]; apply (lookup_merge f).

Finite sets

We construct sets of Ns satisfying extensional equality.
Notation Nset := (mapset Nmap).
Instance Nmap_dom {A} : Dom (Nmap A) Nset := mapset_dom.
Instance: FinMapDom N Nmap Nset := mapset_dom_spec.

Fresh numbers

Definition Nfresh {A} (m : Nmap A) : N :=
  match m with NMap None _ ⇒ 0 | NMap _ mNpos (Pfresh m) end.
Lemma Nfresh_fresh {A} (m : Nmap A) : m !! Nfresh m = None.
Proof. destruct m as [[]]. apply Pfresh_fresh. done. Qed.

Instance Nset_fresh : Fresh N Nset := λ X,
  let (m) := X in Nfresh m.
Instance Nset_fresh_spec : FreshSpec N Nset.
  - apply _.
  - intros X Y; rewrite <-elem_of_equiv_L. by intros →.
  - unfold elem_of, mapset_elem_of, fresh; intros [m]; simpl.
    by rewrite Nfresh_fresh.