Library iris.algebra.upred_tactics

From iris.prelude Require Import gmap.
From iris.algebra Require Export upred.
From iris.algebra Require Export upred_big_op.
Import uPred.

Module uPred_reflection. Section uPred_reflection.
  Context {M : ucmraT}.

  Inductive expr :=
    | ETrue : expr
    | EVar : nat expr
    | ESep : expr expr expr.
  Fixpoint eval (Σ : list (uPred M)) (e : expr) : uPred M :=
    match e with
    | ETrueEmp
    | EVar nfrom_option id Emp%I (Σ !! n)
    | ESep e1 e2eval Σ e1 eval Σ e2
  Fixpoint flatten (e : expr) : list nat :=
    match e with
    | ETrue[]
    | EVar n[n]
    | ESep e1 e2flatten e1 ++ flatten e2

  Notation eval_list Σ l := ([★] ((λ n, from_option id Emp%I (Σ !! n)) <$> l))%I.
  Lemma eval_flatten Σ e : eval Σ e ⊣⊢ eval_list Σ (flatten e).
    induction e as [| |e1 IH1 e2 IH2];
      rewrite /= ?right_id ?fmap_app ?big_sep_app ?IH1 ?IH2 //.
  Lemma flatten_equiv Σ e1 e2 :
    flatten e2 ≡ₚ flatten e1 eval Σ e1 ⊣⊢ eval Σ e2.
  Proof. intros He. by rewrite !eval_flatten He. Qed.

  Lemma flatten_equiv_entails Σ e1 e2 :
    flatten e2 ≡ₚ flatten e1 eval Σ e1 eval Σ e2.
  Proof. intros He. by rewrite !eval_flatten He. Qed.

  Fixpoint prune (e : expr) : expr :=
    match e with
    | ETrueETrue
    | EVar nEVar n
    | ESep e1 e2
       match prune e1, prune e2 with
       | ETrue, e2'e2'
       | e1', ETruee1'
       | e1', e2'ESep e1' e2'
  Lemma flatten_prune e : flatten (prune e) = flatten e.
    induction e as [| |e1 IH1 e2 IH2]; simplify_eq/=; auto.
    rewrite -IH1 -IH2. by repeat case_match; rewrite ?right_id_L.
  Lemma prune_correct Σ e : eval Σ (prune e) ⊣⊢ eval Σ e.
  Proof. by rewrite !eval_flatten flatten_prune. Qed.

  Fixpoint cancel_go (n : nat) (e : expr) : option expr :=
    match e with
    | ETrueNone
    | EVar n'if decide (n = n') then Some ETrue else None
    | ESep e1 e2
       match cancel_go n e1 with
       | Some e1'Some (ESep e1' e2)
       | NoneESep e1 <$> cancel_go n e2
  Definition cancel (ns : list nat) (e: expr) : option expr :=
    prune <$> fold_right (mbind cancel_go) (Some e) ns.
  Lemma flatten_cancel_go e e' n :
    cancel_go n e = Some e' flatten e ≡ₚ n :: flatten e'.
    revert e'; induction e as [| |e1 IH1 e2 IH2]; intros;
      repeat (simplify_option_eq || case_match); auto.
    - by rewrite IH1 //.
    - by rewrite IH2 // Permutation_middle.
  Lemma flatten_cancel e e' ns :
    cancel ns e = Some e' flatten e ≡ₚ ns ++ flatten e'.
    rewrite /cancel fmap_Some⇒ -[{e'}e' [He ->]]; rewrite flatten_prune.
    revert e' He; induction ns as [|n ns IH]=> e' He; simplify_option_eq; auto.
    rewrite Permutation_middle -flatten_cancel_go //; eauto.
  Lemma cancel_entails Σ e1 e2 e1' e2' ns :
    cancel ns e1 = Some e1' cancel ns e2 = Some e2'
    (eval Σ e1' eval Σ e2') eval Σ e1 eval Σ e2.
    intros ??. rewrite !eval_flatten.
    rewrite (flatten_cancel e1 e1' ns) // (flatten_cancel e2 e2' ns) //; csimpl.
    rewrite !fmap_app !big_sep_app. apply sep_mono_r.

  Fixpoint to_expr (l : list nat) : expr :=
    match l with
    | []ETrue
    | [n]EVar n
    | n :: lESep (EVar n) (to_expr l)
  Arguments to_expr !_ / : simpl nomatch.
  Lemma eval_to_expr Σ l : eval Σ (to_expr l) ⊣⊢ eval_list Σ l.
    induction l as [|n1 [|n2 l] IH]; csimpl; rewrite ?right_id //.
    by rewrite IH.

  Lemma split_l Σ e ns e' :
    cancel ns e = Some e' eval Σ e ⊣⊢ (eval Σ (to_expr ns) eval Σ e').
    intros He%flatten_cancel.
    by rewrite eval_flatten He fmap_app big_sep_app eval_to_expr eval_flatten.
  Lemma split_r Σ e ns e' :
    cancel ns e = Some e' eval Σ e ⊣⊢ (eval Σ e' eval Σ (to_expr ns)).
  Proof. intros. rewrite /= comm. by apply split_l. Qed.

  Class Quote (Σ1 Σ2 : list (uPred M)) (P : uPred M) (e : expr) := {}.
  Global Instance quote_True Σ : Quote Σ Σ True ETrue.
  Global Instance quote_var Σ1 Σ2 P i:
    rlist.QuoteLookup Σ1 Σ2 P i Quote Σ1 Σ2 P (EVar i) | 1000.
  Global Instance quote_sep Σ1 Σ2 Σ3 P1 P2 e1 e2 :
    Quote Σ1 Σ2 P1 e1 Quote Σ2 Σ3 P2 e2 Quote Σ1 Σ3 (P1 P2) (ESep e1 e2).

  Class QuoteArgs (Σ: list (uPred M)) (Ps: list (uPred M)) (ns: list nat) := {}.
  Global Instance quote_args_nil Σ : QuoteArgs Σ nil nil.
  Global Instance quote_args_cons Σ Ps P ns n :
    rlist.QuoteLookup Σ Σ P n
    QuoteArgs Σ Ps ns QuoteArgs Σ (P :: Ps) (n :: ns).
  End uPred_reflection.

  Ltac quote :=
    match goal with
    | |- ?P1 ?P2
      lazymatch type of (_ : Quote [] _ P1 _) with Quote _ ?Σ2 _ ?e1
      lazymatch type of (_ : Quote Σ2 _ P2 _) with Quote _ ?Σ3 _ ?e2
        change (eval Σ3 e1 eval Σ3 e2) end end
  Ltac quote_l :=
    match goal with
    | |- ?P1 ?P2
      lazymatch type of (_ : Quote [] _ P1 _) with Quote _ ?Σ2 _ ?e1
        change (eval Σ2 e1 P2) end
End uPred_reflection.

Tactic Notation "solve_sep_entails" :=
  uPred_reflection.quote; apply uPred_reflection.flatten_equiv_entails;
  apply (bool_decide_unpack _); vm_compute; exact Logic.I.

Ltac close_uPreds Ps tac :=
  let M := match goal with |- @uPred_entails ?M _ _M end in
  let rec go Ps Qs :=
    lazymatch Ps with
    | []let Qs' := eval cbv [reverse rev_append] in (reverse Qs) in tac Qs'
    | ?P :: ?Psfind_pat P ltac:(fun Qgo Ps (Q :: Qs))
    end in
  try match Ps with []unify Ps (@nil (uPred M)) end;
  go Ps (@nil (uPred M)).

Tactic Notation "cancel" constr(Ps) :=
  let Σ := match goal with |- uPred_reflection.eval ?Σ _ _Σ end in
  let ns' := lazymatch type of (_ : uPred_reflection.QuoteArgs Σ Ps _) with
             | uPred_reflection.QuoteArgs _ _ ?ns'ns'
             end in
  eapply uPred_reflection.cancel_entails with (ns:=ns');
    [cbv; reflexivity|cbv; reflexivity|simpl].

Tactic Notation "ecancel" open_constr(Ps) :=
  close_uPreds Ps ltac:(fun Qscancel Qs).

to_front [P1, P2, ..] rewrites in the premise of ⊢ such that the assumptions P1, P2, ... appear at the front, in that order.
Tactic Notation "to_front" open_constr(Ps) :=
  close_uPreds Ps ltac:(fun Ps
    let Σ := match goal with |- uPred_reflection.eval ?Σ _ _Σ end in
    let ns' := lazymatch type of (_ : uPred_reflection.QuoteArgs Σ Ps _) with
               | uPred_reflection.QuoteArgs _ _ ?ns'ns'
               end in
    eapply entails_equiv_l;
      first (apply uPred_reflection.split_l with (ns:=ns'); cbv; reflexivity);

Tactic Notation "to_back" open_constr(Ps) :=
  close_uPreds Ps ltac:(fun Ps
    let Σ := match goal with |- uPred_reflection.eval ?Σ _ _Σ end in
    let ns' := lazymatch type of (_ : uPred_reflection.QuoteArgs Σ Ps _) with
               | uPred_reflection.QuoteArgs _ _ ?ns'ns'
               end in
    eapply entails_equiv_l;
      first (apply uPred_reflection.split_r with (ns:=ns'); cbv; reflexivity);

sep_split is used to introduce a (★). Use sep_split left: [P1, P2, ...] to define which assertions will be taken to the left; the rest will be available on the right. sep_split right: [P1, P2, ...] works the other way around.
Tactic Notation "sep_split" "right:" open_constr(Ps) :=
  to_back Ps; apply sep_mono.
Tactic Notation "sep_split" "left:" open_constr(Ps) :=
  to_front Ps; apply sep_mono.