
Assignment 0. Due February 9. The goal of this assignment is to make sure that you have your programming environment setup for the future assignments. Install GLUT on the computer you are going to use to do the assignments. Compile the test program and send a message to the instructional assistant (NOT the instructor) to tell us that you have succeeded, and confirm that you plant to enroll in the class. No points will be given for this assignment; however, if we do not hear from you on time, up to 20% may be taken off the next assignment.

Assignment 1. Due February 22. Basic OpenGL drawing. Additional notes.

Assignment 2. Due March 8. Texturing and Lighting.
Details of texture mapping API and sample code.
Starting from working sample code is highly recommended!
Code for loading images: tga.h, tga.cpp
Sky texture maps

Assignment 3. Due March 29. Meshes. Trackball sample code: cvec4t.h, hmatrix.h, trackball.cpp.
Several simple OBJ models for testing: cube.obj, tetrahedron.obj, icosahedron.obj, dodecahedron.obj, spaceship.obj.

Assignment 4. Due April 27. Ray tracer. Scene file parser (POV-Ray subset). POV-Ray website.

Assignment 5. Due May 15. GPU programming. Basic renderer code for loading shaders (from here, with minor modifications. Important: this assignment requires a graphics card with up-to-date drivers supporting GLSL (most recent ones do). If you are using Windows and Visual Studio, you need to install GLEW . Microsoft's default OpenGL headers only support OpenGL 1.1.