/* This file is derived from (actually an earlier version of)... */ /* The GIMP -- an image manipulation program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * $Id: tga.c,v 1.5 1998/05/26 08:46:36 yosh Exp $ * TrueVision Targa loading and saving file filter for the Gimp. * Targa code Copyright (C) 1997 Raphael FRANCOIS and Gordon Matzigkeit * * The Targa reading and writing code was written from scratch by * Raphael FRANCOIS and Gordon Matzigkeit * based on the TrueVision TGA File Format * Specification, Version 2.0: * * * * It does not contain any code written for other TGA file loaders. * Not even the RLE handling. ;) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "tga.h" static char error[256]; static unsigned int verbose = 1; static int totbytes = 0; typedef struct { unsigned char *statebuf; int statelen; int laststate; } RLEstate; static int std_fread(RLEstate *rleInfo, unsigned char *buf, size_t datasize, size_t nelems, FILE *fp) { if (verbose > 1) { totbytes += nelems * datasize; printf("TGA: std_fread %d (total %d)\n", nelems * datasize, totbytes); } return fread(buf, datasize, nelems, fp); } #define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define RLE_PACKETSIZE 0x80 /* Decode a bufferful of file. */ static int rle_fread(RLEstate *rleInfo, unsigned char *vbuf, size_t datasize, size_t nelems, FILE *fp) { unsigned char *buf = vbuf; int j, k; int buflen, count, bytes, curbytes; unsigned char *p; /* Scale the buffer length. */ buflen = nelems * datasize; j = 0; curbytes = totbytes; while (j < buflen) { if (rleInfo->laststate < rleInfo->statelen) { /* Copy bytes from our previously decoded buffer. */ bytes = MIN(buflen - j, rleInfo->statelen - rleInfo->laststate); memcpy(buf + j, rleInfo->statebuf + rleInfo->laststate, bytes); j += bytes; rleInfo->laststate += bytes; /* If we used up all of our state bytes, then reset them. */ if (rleInfo->laststate >= rleInfo->statelen) { rleInfo->laststate = 0; rleInfo->statelen = 0; } /* If we filled the buffer, then exit the loop. */ if (j >= buflen) break; } /* Decode the next packet. */ count = fgetc(fp); if (count == EOF) { if (verbose) printf("TGA: hit EOF while looking for count\n"); return j / datasize; } /* Scale the byte length to the size of the data. */ bytes = ((count & ~RLE_PACKETSIZE) + 1) * datasize; if (j + bytes <= buflen) { /* We can copy directly into the image buffer. */ p = buf + j; } else { #ifdef PROFILE printf("TGA: needed to use statebuf for %d bytes\n", buflen - j); #endif /* Allocate the state buffer if we haven't already. */ if (!rleInfo->statebuf) { rleInfo->statebuf = (unsigned char *) malloc(RLE_PACKETSIZE * datasize); } p = rleInfo->statebuf; } if (count & RLE_PACKETSIZE) { /* Fill the buffer with the next value. */ if (fread(p, datasize, 1, fp) != 1) { if (verbose) { printf("TGA: EOF while reading %d/%d element RLE packet\n", bytes, datasize); } return j / datasize; } /* Optimized case for single-byte encoded data. */ if (datasize == 1) { memset(p + 1, *p, bytes - 1); } else { for (k = datasize; k < bytes; k += datasize) { memcpy(p + k, p, datasize); } } } else { /* Read in the buffer. */ if (fread(p, bytes, 1, fp) != 1) { if (verbose) { printf("TGA: EOF while reading %d/%d element raw packet\n", bytes, datasize); } return j / datasize; } } if (verbose > 1) { totbytes += bytes; if (verbose > 2) { printf("TGA: %s packet %d/%d\n", (count & RLE_PACKETSIZE) ? "RLE" : "raw", bytes, totbytes); } } /* We may need to copy bytes from the state buffer. */ if (p == rleInfo->statebuf) { rleInfo->statelen = bytes; } else { j += bytes; } } if (verbose > 1) { printf("TGA: rle_fread %d/%d (total %d)\n", nelems * datasize, totbytes - curbytes, totbytes); } return nelems; } gliGenericImage * gliReadTGA(FILE *fp, char *name) { TgaHeader tgaHeader; TgaFooter tgaFooter; char horzrev, vertrev; int width, height, bpp; int start, end, dir; int i, j, k; int pelbytes, wbytes; GLenum format; int components; RLEstate rleRec; RLEstate *rleInfo; int rle; int index, colors, length; GLubyte *cmap, *pixels, *data; int (*myfread)(RLEstate *rleInfo, unsigned char*, size_t, size_t, FILE*); gliGenericImage *genericImage; /* Check the footer. */ if (fseek(fp, 0L - sizeof(tgaFooter), SEEK_END) || fread(&tgaFooter, sizeof(tgaFooter), 1, fp) != 1) { sprintf(error, "TGA: Cannot read footer from \"%s\"", name); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } /* Check the signature. */ if (memcmp(tgaFooter.signature, TGA_SIGNATURE, sizeof(tgaFooter.signature)) == 0) { if (verbose) printf("TGA: found New TGA\n"); } else { if (verbose) printf("TGA: found Original TGA\n"); } if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) || fread(&tgaHeader, sizeof(tgaHeader), 1, fp) != 1) { sprintf(error, "TGA: Cannot read header from \"%s\"", name); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } if (verbose && tgaHeader.idLength) { char *idString = (char*) malloc(tgaHeader.idLength); if (fread(idString, tgaHeader.idLength, 1, fp) != 1) { sprintf(error, "TGA: Cannot read ID field in \"%s\"", name); printf("%s\n", error); } else { printf("TGA: ID field: \"%*s\"\n", tgaHeader.idLength, idString); } free(idString); } else { /* Skip the image ID field. */ if (tgaHeader.idLength && fseek(fp, tgaHeader.idLength, SEEK_CUR)) { sprintf(error, "TGA: Cannot skip ID field in \"%s\"", name); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } } /* Reassemble the multi-byte values correctly, regardless of host endianness. */ width = (tgaHeader.widthHi << 8) | tgaHeader.widthLo; height = (tgaHeader.heightHi << 8) | tgaHeader.heightLo; bpp = tgaHeader.bpp; if (verbose) { printf("TGA: width=%d, height=%d, bpp=%d\n", width, height, bpp); } horzrev = tgaHeader.descriptor & TGA_DESC_HORIZONTAL; vertrev = !(tgaHeader.descriptor & TGA_DESC_VERTICAL); if (verbose && horzrev) printf("TGA: horizontal reversed\n"); if (verbose && vertrev) printf("TGA: vertical reversed\n"); rle = 0; switch (tgaHeader.imageType) { case TGA_TYPE_MAPPED_RLE: rle = 1; if (verbose) printf("TGA: run-length encoded\n"); case TGA_TYPE_MAPPED: /* Test for alpha channel. */ format = GL_COLOR_INDEX; components = 1; if (verbose) { printf("TGA: %d bit indexed image (%d bit palette)\n", tgaHeader.colorMapSize, bpp); } break; case TGA_TYPE_GRAY_RLE: rle = 1; if (verbose) printf("TGA: run-length encoded\n"); case TGA_TYPE_GRAY: format = GL_LUMINANCE; components = 1; if (verbose) printf("TGA: %d bit grayscale image\n", bpp); break; case TGA_TYPE_COLOR_RLE: rle = 1; if (verbose) printf("TGA: run-length encoded\n"); case TGA_TYPE_COLOR: /* Test for alpha channel. */ if (bpp == 32) { format = GL_BGRA_EXT; components = 4; if (verbose) { printf("TGA: %d bit color image with alpha channel\n", bpp); } } else { format = GL_BGR_EXT; components = 3; if (verbose) printf("TGA: %d bit color image\n", bpp); } break; default: sprintf(error, "TGA: unrecognized image type %d\n", tgaHeader.imageType); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } if ((format == GL_BGRA_EXT && bpp != 32) || (format == GL_BGR_EXT && bpp != 24) || ((format == GL_LUMINANCE || format == GL_COLOR_INDEX) && bpp != 8)) { /* FIXME: We haven't implemented bit-packed fields yet. */ fprintf(stderr, "bpp %d, format %x\n", bpp, format); sprintf(error, "TGA: channel sizes other than 8 bits are unimplemented"); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } /* Check that we have a color map only when we need it. */ if (format == GL_COLOR_INDEX) { if (tgaHeader.colorMapType != 1) { sprintf(error, "TGA: indexed image has invalid color map type %d\n", tgaHeader.colorMapType); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } } else if (tgaHeader.colorMapType != 0) { sprintf(error, "TGA: non-indexed image has invalid color map type %d\n", tgaHeader.colorMapType); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } if (tgaHeader.colorMapType == 1) { /* We need to read in the colormap. */ index = (tgaHeader.colorMapIndexHi << 8) | tgaHeader.colorMapIndexLo; length = (tgaHeader.colorMapLengthHi << 8) | tgaHeader.colorMapLengthLo; if (verbose) { printf("TGA: reading color map (%d + %d) * (%d / 8)\n", index, length, tgaHeader.colorMapSize); } if (length == 0) { sprintf(error, "TGA: invalid color map length %d", length); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } if (tgaHeader.colorMapSize != 24) { /* We haven't implemented bit-packed fields yet. */ sprintf(error, "TGA: channel sizes other than 8 bits are unimplemented"); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } pelbytes = tgaHeader.colorMapSize / 8; colors = length + index; cmap = (GLubyte*)malloc (colors * pelbytes); /* Zero the entries up to the beginning of the map. */ memset(cmap, 0, index * pelbytes); /* Read in the rest of the colormap. */ if (fread(cmap, pelbytes, length, fp) != (size_t) length) { sprintf(error, "TGA: error reading colormap (ftell == %ld)\n", ftell (fp)); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", error); return NULL; } if (pelbytes >= 3) { /* Rearrange the colors from BGR to RGB. */ int tmp; for (j = index; j < length * pelbytes; j += pelbytes) { tmp = cmap[j]; cmap[j] = cmap[j + 2]; cmap[j + 2] = tmp; } } } else { colors = 0; cmap = NULL; } /* Allocate the data. */ pelbytes = bpp / 8; pixels = (unsigned char *) malloc (width * height * pelbytes); if (rle) { rleRec.statebuf = 0; rleRec.statelen = 0; rleRec.laststate = 0; rleInfo = &rleRec; myfread = rle_fread; } else { rleInfo = NULL; myfread = std_fread; } wbytes = width * pelbytes; if (vertrev) { start = 0; end = height; dir = 1; } else { /* We need to reverse loading order of rows. */ start = height-1; end = -1; dir = -1; } for (i = start; i != end; i += dir) { data = pixels + i*wbytes; /* Suck in the data one row at a time. */ if (myfread(rleInfo, data, pelbytes, width, fp) != width) { /* Probably premature end of file. */ if (verbose) { printf ("TGA: error reading (ftell == %ld, width=%d)\n", ftell(fp), width); } return NULL; } if (horzrev) { /* We need to mirror row horizontally. */ for (j = 0; j < width/2; j++) { GLubyte tmp; for (k = 0; k < pelbytes; k++) { tmp = data[j*pelbytes+k]; data[j*pelbytes+k] = data[(width-j-1)*pelbytes+k]; data[(width-j-1)*pelbytes+k] = tmp; } } } } if (rle) { free(rleInfo->statebuf); } if (fgetc (fp) != EOF) { if (verbose) printf ("TGA: too much input data, ignoring extra...\n"); } genericImage = (gliGenericImage*) malloc(sizeof(gliGenericImage)); genericImage->width = width; genericImage->height = height; genericImage->format = format; genericImage->components = components; genericImage->cmapEntries = colors; genericImage->cmapFormat = GL_BGR_EXT; // XXX fix me genericImage->cmap = cmap; genericImage->pixels = pixels; return genericImage; } int gliVerbose(int newVerbose) { int oldVerbose = verbose; verbose = newVerbose; return verbose; } // added 10/2005, Denis Zorin // a very simple TGA output, supporting // uncompressed luminance RGB and RGBA // G22.2270 students: this is C (no C++) // so this is not the style I would encourage // you to use; I used it for consistency // with the rest of the code in this file // fixed header values for the subset of TGA we use for writing unsigned char TGAHeaderColor[12] = { 0,// 0 ID length = no id 0,// 1 color map type = no color map 2,// 2 image type = uncompressed true color 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,// color map spec = empty 0, 0, // x origin of image 0, 0 // y origin of image }; unsigned char TGAHeaderBW[12] = { 0,// 0 ID length = no id 0,// 1 color map type = no color map 3,// 3 image type = uncompressed black and white 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,// color map spec = empty 0, 0, // x origin of image 0, 0 // y origin of image }; // this makes sure that // image size is written in correct format // and byte order (least first) void write16bit(int n, FILE* fp) { unsigned char bytes[] = { n % 256, n / 256 }; fwrite(bytes, 2, sizeof(unsigned char),fp); } void writeTGA( gliGenericImage* image, FILE *fp) { assert(!image->cmap); // we do not deal with color map images if(image->components == 3 || image->components == 4) fwrite(TGAHeaderColor, 12, sizeof(unsigned char),fp); else { if(image->components == 1 ) fwrite(TGAHeaderBW, 12, sizeof(unsigned char),fp); else { fprintf(stderr,"Supported component number: 1,3 or 4\n"); exit(1); } } write16bit(image->width,fp); write16bit(image->height,fp); switch (image->components ) { case 1: putc(8,fp); break; case 3: putc(24,fp); break; case 4: putc(32,fp); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Supported component number: 1,3 or 4\n"); exit(1); }; if(image-> components == 4) putc(0x24,fp); // bottom left image (0x00) + 8 bit alpha (0x4) else putc(0x00,fp); fwrite(image->pixels, image->height*image->width*image->components, sizeof(char),fp); }