A multiresolution analysis (MRA) for a space L is tower of subspaces
together with a scaling function (or "father wavelet")
The above definition can be generalized in several ways. We can replace condition 2 by an apparently more general condition:
We can also work with functions f(x) over d (d=1,2,...).
Then (following [Strichartz]) we can replace
by a lattice
d. Then the scaling property
can be replaced by
where M is a linear transformation of
These conditions for MRA are also not independent:
thus, [2] shows that condition 3
(separation) is implied by conditions 1 and 2*.
Assuming that the Fourier transform of has
the property that |F(
)(y)| is continuous at y=0.
NOTATION: in the literature, there are two conventions
for indexing the tower of subspaces in an MRA. Mallat
uses the convention ViVi-1 while our notation
follows Daubechies. Let us write V-i for Vi
so that we have Vi
Vi-1, to get an indexing
consistent with Mallat. The naturalness of each
indexing scheme (Vi or Vi) can be explained this
way. If you are more interested in the analysis of
signals, then the Mallat convention makes more sense.
That is, you begin with a signal f=f0
V0, and you
can produce successively coarser approximations
V1, f2
V2, etc. Following Mallat,
we call the superscript i in Vi the "scale" of fi,
and this is the inverse of the "resolution".
If you want to do signal synthesis,
then you begin with a signal f=f0
and by adding more details, you can refine it
to f1
V1, f2
V2, etc.