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Wavelets are special functions that can be used to represent other functions. The functions of interest to us are real functions. They can be one dimensional functions f(x) such as sound waves, or two dimensional function f(x,y) such as images. In order to have nice mathematical properties, we usually restrict the functions to some nice function spaces such as L1() or L2(2). In the following, let L denote the class of functions under discussion (which may be taken L2() unless otherwise noted).

A set BL is called a basis for L if every function fL can be expressed as a `superposition' (linear combination) of functions in B,

In particular, B is called a wavelet basis when it is constructed in a special way and comprises of wavelets. This idea of forming suppositions goes back to the French engineer Joseph Baptiste Fourier (1807) who asserted that any function f(x) with a period 2 can be written as the superposition
Here, the basis functions are (1)/(2), sinix and cosix for i=1,2,....

We view x as the `time' (or space, depending on application) dimension of the function f(x). Then each term ajcosjx + bj sinjx (j0) in the above superposition can be viewed as a `frequency' component of f(x). In fact, aj, bj is easily seen to be equal the following integrals:

[Show this!] So a periodic function f(x) may be represented in the frequency domain by the discrete set of coefficients {aj, bj: j0}. More generally, a function f(x)L (not necessarily periodic) can be represented in the frequency domain by its Fourier transform which is defined (see NOTES) as follows:
It is easy to recover f(x) from using the Fourier inversion formula,
The study of this transform leads to the subject of Fourier or Harmonic analysis.

Despite the importance and success of this kind of `frequency' analysis, the use of sines and cosines as basis is unsatisfactory for analysing functions f(x) that are `localized' in x (for instance a musical note f(x) is localized in time). Clearly, sines and cosines are not localized in this sense. We want basis functions i(x) that decay rapidly with | x |. One can introduce `windowed Fourier transform' to analyze local signals. But wavelets turn out to give a better alternative because it fits in the general framework of superposition of functions. In retrospect, the first wavelet basis was already introduced by Alfred Haar (1909). Grossman and Morlet (1980) defined wavelets in quantum physics. But it was after Mallat's introduction of multiresolution analysis in 1985 that the subject took off.

There are many excellent books on Wavelets and popular wavelet articles on the web. Some references used in these notes are Koornwinder (ed.) [3], Hernández-Weiss [2] and Benectto-Frazier [1].


, and denote the set of integers, reals and complex numbers, respectively. The support of a function f(x) is the set supp(f):={x: f(x)0}. The Kronecker delta function is (m)=1 if m=0, and (m)=0 for m0. For any interval [a,b], the characteristic function chi[a,b](x) is 1 iff axb, and 0 otherwise. The integration f(x)dx of a function fL is assume to range over unless otherwise stated. Likewise, in a summation SUMk ck where k is an integer, it is assumed that k range over all integers . The inner product of functions f,gL is just Note that functions in L have complex values in general, and here indicates complex conjugation: , where i=sqrt(-1). Also, | f| is defined to be We say f and g are orthogonal if We should remember that functions in L2() are defined up to a set of measure zero. See Appendix A for more mathetical preliminaries.
Chee Yap

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