Bibliographic reference:
P. Cousot & R. Cousot.
\newblock Specification and Abstraction of Semantics.
\newblock In \emph{A tribute workshop and festival to honor Professor Dr.\
Neil D.\ Jones}, Lille Auditorium, Datalogisk Institut, K{\o}benhavns
Universitet, Universitetsparken 1, K{\o}benhavn, Denmark, 25--26 August
author = {P{.} Cousot and R{.} Cousot},
title = {Specification and Abstraction of Semantics},
booktitle = {A tribute workshop and festival to honor Professor Dr.\
Neil D.\ Jones},
address = {25--26 August, 2007},
series = {Lille Auditorium, Datalogisk Institut},
publisher = {K{\o}benhavns Universitet, Universitetsparken 1,
K{\o}benhavn, Denmark},
month = aug # " 25--26",
year = 2007,