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public final class Layer
extends Object

Variable Index

 o hasChannels
 o isHidden
 o optimized

Constructor Index

 o Layer(String)
 o Layer(String, Actor)
 o Layer(String, Actor, float, int)

Method Index

 o addBehavior(Behavior)
Add a previously defined behavior to a layer
 o addSequence(String)
Create a new Sequence with the default values and add it to the Layer
 o addSequence(String, double, Curve, boolean, double, boolean)
Create a new Sequence and add it to the Layer
 o addState(String)
Create a new State with the default values and add it to the Layer
 o addState(String, double, Curve, double, Curve, boolean, double, int, boolean)
Create a State and add it to layer
 o deleteBehavior(int)
 o deleteBehavior(String)
 o finishLayer()
Called by the Actor class
 o getActiveBehavior()
 o getActor()
 o getBehavior(int)
 o getBehavior(String)
 o getBehaviors()
 o getComposite()
 o getName()
 o getNumberOfBehaviors()
 o getOpacity()
 o getTimeChannel()
 o getTimeScale()
 o hasBehavior(String)
 o isHidden()
 o processFilters()
 o renameBehavior(Behavior, String)
 o resetFilters()
Called by the Actor class
 o setActiveBehavior(Behavior)
 o setActiveBehavior(Behavior, double, boolean)
 o setActiveBehavior(int)
 o setActiveBehavior(int, double, boolean)
 o setActiveBehavior(String)
 o setActiveBehavior(String, double, boolean)
 o setActor(Actor)
 o setBackground(Behavior)
 o setBackground(String)
 o setChannelList(String[])
 o setComposite(int)
 o setComposite(String)
 o setHasChannelList(boolean)
 o setHasChannels(boolean)
 o setHidden(boolean)
 o setName(String)
 o setOpacity(float)


 o hasChannels
 public boolean hasChannels
 o optimized
 public boolean optimized
 o isHidden
 public boolean isHidden


 o Layer
 public Layer(String name,
              Actor actor)
 o Layer
 public Layer(String name)
 o Layer
 public Layer(String name,
              Actor actor,
              float opacity,
              int composite)


 o addBehavior
 public void addBehavior(Behavior behavior)
Add a previously defined behavior to a layer

 o addState
 public State addState(String name,
                       double transitionTime,
                       Curve transitionCurve,
                       double timeScale,
                       Curve timeScaleCurve,
                       boolean localClock,
                       double duration,
                       int composite,
                       boolean momentary)
Create a State and add it to layer

name - the name of the State
transitionTime - the default transition time
transitionCurve - the default transition curve
timeScale - the time scale of the State. Used in synchronizing differently phased animations.
timeScaleCurve - the time scale curve.
localClock - if TRUE, clock is based on start time of the state, otherwise clock is based on the clock of the previous state.
duration - the default duration of the State
composite - the compositing behavior of this State, possible values are ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, MIN, MAX, and POW.
momentary - if TRUE, the State active immediately preceding this State will be activated at the end of this states's duration, if FALSE, the default State for this layer will be activated.
the added State
 o addState
 public State addState(String name)
Create a new State with the default values and add it to the Layer

name - the name of the State
the added State
 o addSequence
 public Sequence addSequence(String name,
                             double timeScale,
                             Curve timeScaleCurve,
                             boolean localClock,
                             double duration,
                             boolean momentary)
Create a new Sequence and add it to the Layer

name - the name of the sequence
timeScale - the time scale of the sequence
timeScaleCurve - the time scale curve of the sequence
localClock - if TRUE, the clock for this sequence is based on the start time of the Sequence, otherwise it is based on the clock of the immediately preceding Sequence.
duration - the default duration of the Sequence.
momentary - if TRUE, the State active immediately preceding this State will be activated at the end of this states's duration, if FALSE, the default State for this layer will be activated.
the added Sequence
 o addSequence
 public Sequence addSequence(String name)
Create a new Sequence with the default values and add it to the Layer

the added Sequence
 o hasBehavior
 public boolean hasBehavior(String behaviorName)
TRUE if the Layer contains the State or Sequence, otherwise FALSE.
 o setHidden
 public void setHidden(boolean b)
 o isHidden
 public boolean isHidden()
 o setName
 public void setName(String name)
 o getName
 public String getName()
 o getActor
 public Actor getActor()
 o setActor
 public void setActor(Actor actor)
 o resetFilters
 public void resetFilters()
Called by the Actor class

 o finishLayer
 public void finishLayer()
Called by the Actor class

 o setChannelList
 public void setChannelList(String n[])
 o setHasChannels
 public void setHasChannels(boolean b)
 o setHasChannelList
 public void setHasChannelList(boolean b)
 o deleteBehavior
 public void deleteBehavior(int position)
 o deleteBehavior
 public void deleteBehavior(String behaviorName)
 o setBackground
 public void setBackground(String behaviorName)
 o setBackground
 public void setBackground(Behavior behavior)
 o renameBehavior
 public void renameBehavior(Behavior b,
                            String s)
 o setActiveBehavior
 public void setActiveBehavior(int i)
 o setActiveBehavior
 public void setActiveBehavior(String s)
 o setActiveBehavior
 public void setActiveBehavior(Behavior b)
 o setActiveBehavior
 public void setActiveBehavior(int i,
                               double dur,
                               boolean mom)
 o setActiveBehavior
 public void setActiveBehavior(String s,
                               double dur,
                               boolean mom)
 o setActiveBehavior
 public void setActiveBehavior(Behavior fs,
                               double dur,
                               boolean mom)
 o getActiveBehavior
 public Behavior getActiveBehavior()
 o getBehaviors
 public Behavior[] getBehaviors()
 o getBehavior
 public Behavior getBehavior(int i)
 o getBehavior
 public Behavior getBehavior(String s)
 o getNumberOfBehaviors
 public int getNumberOfBehaviors()
 o getTimeChannel
 public SFFloatChannel getTimeChannel()
 o getTimeScale
 public float getTimeScale()
 o setOpacity
 public void setOpacity(float f)
 o getOpacity
 public float getOpacity()
 o processFilters
 public void processFilters()
 o setComposite
 public void setComposite(int i)
 o setComposite
 public void setComposite(String s)
 o getComposite
 public int getComposite()

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