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Class improv.util.Curve


public abstract class Curve
extends Object
This is the base class for all Improv curve objects

Variable Index

 o ADD
 o DIV
 o MAX
 o MIN
 o POW
 o SUB

Constructor Index

 o Curve()

Method Index

 o animate(double)
This is called by the various filter types to determine the current value of the filter.
 o animate(double, double)
 o eval(double)
This is called from the animate method and is overridden by the individual curve classes.
 o getCompositeMode()
 o getOffset()
 o getOverlay()
 o setCompositeMode(int)
used to set the composite mode of a curve
 o setOffset(double)
Used to set a temporal offset for the curve
 o setOverlay(Curve)
Used to set an overlay curve with the default composite method of "ADD"
 o setOverlay(Curve, String)
Used to set an overlay curve and a composite method


 public static final int IGNORE
 o ADD
 public static final int ADD
 o SUB
 public static final int SUB
 public static final int MULT
 o DIV
 public static final int DIV
 o MAX
 public static final int MAX
 o MIN
 public static final int MIN
 o POW
 public static final int POW


 o Curve
 public Curve()


 o animate
 public abstract double animate(double time)
This is called by the various filter types to determine the current value of the filter. This is overriden by the EditableCurve and ParameterizedCurve classes.

 o animate
 public abstract double animate(double time,
                                double weight)
 o eval
 public abstract double eval(double x)
This is called from the animate method and is overridden by the individual curve classes.

 o setOffset
 public void setOffset(double d)
Used to set a temporal offset for the curve

 o setOverlay
 public void setOverlay(Curve curve)
Used to set an overlay curve with the default composite method of "ADD"

 o setOverlay
 public void setOverlay(Curve curve,
                        String composite)
Used to set an overlay curve and a composite method

 o setCompositeMode
 public void setCompositeMode(int i)
used to set the composite mode of a curve

 o getOverlay
 public Curve getOverlay()
the overlay curve
 o getCompositeMode
 public int getCompositeMode()
the composite mode
 o getOffset
 public double getOffset()
the temposral offset of the curve

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