Next: Support Routines
Up: Specialized Routines
Previous: Diagonally constrained problems
A specialized solver to compute the Lovász
function of a
graph is also available. As in the diagonally constrained case, such
an SDP is solved much more efficiently by the XZ method than the
XZ+ZX method. The driver script is lsdp.m and the
specialized function is flsdp.m. The five steps involved in
setting up and solving a problem are again similar to Section 3,
except for the following important differences:
- The k--th constraint matrix
, is
, where
is the kth edge in the graph,
, with
The user must provide a matrix G (an adjacency list with as many rows
as there are edges and 2 columns, each row of this matrix defining an edge) and
a weight vector w, with one component for each vertex of the graph.
The cost matrix C is defined by
. (The optimal value of this SDP is actually
minus the value of the
function of the graph.)
- The routine lsetpars.m sets parameters just as dsetpars.m
- The initialization routine for the variables is called
linitvars.m, which expects the variables G
and w to be available in the Matlab workspace.
- Like dsdp.m, the script lsdp.m requires the parameter
useXZ to be available, and calls the specialized solver flsdp.m
only if useXZ equals 1 (the default value set by lsetpars.m).
Otherwise, it calls fsdp.m to solve the problem by
the XZ+ZX method, after constructing the matrices
The problems that fall into this class are graph problems
that usually require the graph to be connected. Hence, these
specialized solvers have been purposefully designed to work with a
single block only. If validate is set to 1, flsdp.m
checks to see if the graph is connected and prints a warning if it is not.
- The user who wants a function interface can bypass the
script by typing:
- When the output parameter
has the value 3, the
meaning is slightly different from the XZ+ZX case. Here,
means that the Schur complement matrix, which is symmetric for the
XZ method, was numerically indefinite or singular, i.e. Matlab's
chol routine failed or generated a zero diagonal element.
Appendix B contains sample Matlab sessions that illustrate
the use of dsdp.m and lsdp.m on these special types
of problems.
Next: Support Routines
Up: Specialized Routines
Previous: Diagonally constrained problems
Madhu Nayakkankuppam
Fri Mar 28 00:48:56 EST 1997