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Support Routines

  SDPpack's interface to ASCII data is provided via the two routines export.m and import.m. The calling sequence for export.m is

where fname is the name of the file (string) to which the data must be exported. The data will be stored in one of the formats described in Appendix A. If is sparse, then the format in Table 3 is used, otherwise that in Table 2 is used. If the data was successfully exported, export.m returns 0, otherwise 1. The calling sequence for import.m is

where fname is the name of a file (string) containing an SDP in one of the two formats described in Appendix A.

The three routines plotgap.m, plotfeas.m and plotobj.m plot the gap, the primal and dual infeasibilities, and the primal and dual objectives respectively, as a function of the iteration count. Several other miscellaneous features are available via the auxiliary routines described below. More information is available by typing help routine_name from within Matlab.

This routine computes the eigenvalues of a symmetric block diagonal matrix, by computing the eigenvalues blockwise. The calling sequence is

lam = blkeig(X,blk)

For example, (strict) complementarity is easily checked by typing

where and are the computed solutions of an SDP. (The sorting operation does not preserve the block structure.)

Given the constraint matrix of an SDP (), the block structure (blk) and a primal feasible point , this routine can be used to test for primal degeneracy. The calling sequence is:

[cndprimal,D] = primalcond(A,blk,X,eigtol)

where eigtol is a tolerance used in computing the rank of . A large value of cndprimal is a strong indication that the problem is primal degenerate [4] (type help primalcond for the definition).

Given the constraint matrix of an SDP (), the block structure (blk) and a dual feasible , this routine tests for dual degeneracy. The calling sequence is:

[cnddual, B] = dualcond(A,blk,Z,eigtol)

where eigtol is a tolerance used in computing the rank of . A large value of cnddual is a strong indication that the problem is dual degenerate [4] (type help dualcond for the definition).

If () passed to primalcond.m (dualcond.m) is the solution of an SDP solved with the default parameter values in setpars.m, and if , then a value exceeding, say , for cndprimal (cnddual) is indicative of primal (dual) degeneracy. Primal (dual) degeneracy implies the nonuniqueness of dual (primal) solutions. The converse is true if strict complementarity holds [4].

Given the data of an SDP and the solutions and , this routine verifies the optimality conditions and computes a lower bound (in the 1--norm) of the condition number of an SDP [5]. The calling sequence is:

[cndjac,dgap,pinfeas,dinfeas,blockmat] = sdpcond(A,b,C,blk,X,y,Z)

A large value of cndjac is a strong indication of degeneracy (primal, dual or both), or that the solution violates strict complementarity. This routine takes a long time to execute compared to primalcond.m and dualcond.m, but the advantage over primalcond.m and dualcond.m is that no tolerance is required.

To use these routines to examine the degeneracy or conditioning properties of a Lovász function problem or of a diagonally constrainted SDP, the user must ensure that the data , and have been constructed. This can easily be done by calling the appropriate script (lsdp.m or dsdp.m) with and . Upon termination of the script, these variables will be defined in the Matlab workspace.

svec.m, smat.m
These routines convert a symmetric block diagonal matrix into its vector representation and vice versa. See Section 3.1.

This routine computes the symmetric Kronecker product [1] of two block diagonal matrices. The calling sequence is

K = skron(M,N,blk)

This routine is called only by sdpcond.m.

This routine can be used to detect inconsistency of the constraints, or to identify and eliminate redundant constraints. The calling sequence is:

[Anew,bnew,flag] = preproc(A,b,rkthresh)

where rkthresh is a small threshold (e.g. ) used to determine the rank of .

This script assumes that there are variables m, blk and A1 through Am available in the Matlab workspace, and creates the constraint matrix (see Section 3.1).

The package also provides routines to create random test problems, i.e. block diagonal SDP's, diagonally constrained problems, Lovász problems. There is also a routine to create SDP's with solutions of prescribed rank. These routines are discussed below.

This script assumes that blk and m are available in the Matlab environment, and generates a random, block diagonal primal and dual feasible SDP with block structure blk and m primal constraints. The script initvars.m must be called to initialize the variables, which are generally not feasible.

This script assumes that n is available in the the Matlab workspace, and generates a random diagonally constrained problem. The k--th constraint matrix is assumed to be , where is the k--th unit vector (a vector with all zeros, except a 1 in the k--th position). The routine generates and randomly. This problem can be solved with the specialized routines dsdp.m and fdsdp.m (see Section 4), which do not require to be explicitly stored.

This script assumes that n and dsty are available in the Matlab workspace, and sets up an SDP to compute the Lovász function of a random graph with n vertices and expected edge density approximately dsty. The vertices are given random weights. A warning is printed if the graph is disconnected. The specialized routine lsdp can be used to solve this problem (see Section 4).

This script assumes that m, blk, r and s are available in the Matlab workspace, and creates an SDP with a primal solution having rank r, and a dual solution having rank s. This routine does not have the provision to handle multiple blocks, so here, blk is just a single number. This is particularly useful for creating degenerate test problems, or problems with a non--strictly complementary solution.

This script assumes that the block structure vector () and the number of constraints (m) are available in the Matlab workspace, and creates an SDP which has no strictly feasible primal solution.

In addition to these routines, the convert subdirectory contains scripts that will convert SDP data to a format recognized by some other popular codes. In particular, there are scripts to_sp, to_lmitlbx and to_sdpa which convert SDP data in the Matlab workspace to formats recognized by SP [6], Matlab's LMI Toolbox, and SDPA [7] respectively. Typing help routine_name within Matlab provides some more information on the correspondence between SDPpack variables and those used by the other codes. This is merely to encourage users to try other codes on the benchmark problems in Appendix C (available from the SDPpack web page). These routines may not be supported in future releases.

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Madhu Nayakkankuppam
Fri Mar 28 00:48:56 EST 1997