CS395T: Policies and Grading


If you choose to do a final project, your final grade will be determined by the following weights: If you choose not to do a final project, the weights will be:

Class participation


Please feel free to discuss the homework assignments and labs in general terms with your classmates. A few notes on this policy:

Code of conduct

Please read the UTCS Code of Conduct; it applies to this course.

Slack days and turn-in policy

Each student gets three "slack days". At most ONE of these slack days can be used to skip a particular class discussion, with no ill effects on the participation grade.

You can use the remaining slack days on the lab assignments. However, note that you are required to turn in each lab. If you do not turn in a given lab, you will receive an F on it. If you turn in a lab and get 0 points on it, you will get a D on it. After you have used up your slack days, each additional day late will incur a full letter grade penalty.

Note that there are no partial slack days: an assignment that is only six hours late uses an entire slack day. Also, Saturday and Sunday both count as days.

Accommodations for students with disabilities

The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 512-471-6259, 512-471-6441 TTY.

Last updated: Sat Oct 03 02:00:08 -0500 2009 [validate xhtml]