CS 395T, Fall 2009: Operating Systems Implementation

Latest Announcements

11/24: Important note about lab 6
Please read lab 6 carefully: even if you are choosing a project, there is a portion of lab 6 that you are supposed to do. Sorry for any confusion!
11/24: Papers for next Monday and Wednesday posted
Happy Thanksgiving!

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Course Information


This course is a graduate seminar for students who want to hack on operating systems and more generally learn how they work. Class meetings will cover research papers (both classic and recent) and readings on operating systems, with a significant portion of class time devoted to discussion. Time permitting, we will focus on security-related questions. A crucial component of the course is the labs. Students will implement the core of an exokernel-style operating system, called JOS. (JOS was developed for MIT's 6.828 and has been used in courses at several other schools, including UT.) There is an optional final project in which students build a significant piece of new function in JOS.

Prerequisites and suggested background

A note about the labs

Regardless of whether you have the suggested background, we recommend that you start the labs early.


We are indebted to the present and past staffs of related courses elsewhere: MIT, UCLA, and Stanford.

Last updated: Tue Nov 24 22:20:59 -0600 2009 [validate xhtml]