CS202-001: Lab setup and tools

CS202-001: Lab setup and tools

We assume throughout these instructions, and the class, that you have access to a terminal on your computer (for example, the Terminal program on Mac). If you do not have a computer, please contact the course staff, and we will provide support on the machines administered by CIMS (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences). In that case, you will follow the instructions below on those machines, after logging into the CIMS machines.

Git and GitHub

We are going to use GitHub and Git for distributing and collecting assignments. Please make sure you have git installed on your machine.

What is git?

Git was developed by Linus Torvalds for development of the Linux kernel. It’s a distributed version control system, which means it supports many local repositories, which each track changes and can synchronize with each other in a peer-to-peer fashion. It’s the best widely-available version control system, and certainly the most widely used. For information on how to use Git, see:

For the workflow in GitHub:

Getting set up on GitHub

You will fetch lab source files, and submit your code, by pulling from, and pushing to, GitHub. Although the design of Git is fundamentally peer-to-peer, it’s helpful to think of GitHub as a Git server that stores the authortative or externally-visible versions of your Git repositories. GitHub is much more than that; modern developer teams use it (or its competitor GitLab) an essential tool for collaboration, review, project management, issue tracking, and more.

Many actions on GitHub will require authenticating yourself – proving that you should have access to your repositories. The best way to do that involves an SSH key, a secret key stored on your computer that defines your identity to GitHub, and an SSH agent, a program that remembers the identity so that you don’t have to type your password all the time. Below are instructions:

  1. If you don’t have a GitHub account, sign up for one here. Probably you want a Free plan.

  2. Create or configure an SSH key pair using GitHub’s instructions. To summarize:

    • Create the key (if you don’t have one already) using the ssh-keygen program:

      $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

      Then press enter to use the default file path and key name (should be ~/.ssh/id_rsa), and choose a password. Your public key should now be in the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.

    • Run cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to display your public key.

    • Copy your public key to the clipboard (select the text on the screen, and copy it to the clipboard; on a Mac, you can also use pbcopy, and on Windows you can use clip).

    • In GitHub, go to your profile (accessible via the upper-rightmost link; for accounts without an image that you set, this looks like a bunch of pixels). Then select Settings. Then on the left, select “SSH and GPG keys”. Then press “New SSH key”. Paste the contents of your ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub into the “Key” section. Give the key a sensible title, and press “Add SSH key”.

  1. Use ssh-agent so that you don’t have to type your password every time you use the key. Typically the following is enough:

     $ ssh-add

but you may need to explicitly invoke ssh-agent and/or type ssh-add ~/.ssh/<key_name>, where <key_name> is the name of the key that you created above.

About SSH identities. An SSH identity is stored in two files, a public key with a name like /Users/yourname/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and a private key with a name like /Users/yourname/.ssh/id_rsa. The private key is kept secret – you should never upload the private key to a shared service – while the public key can be uploaded anywhere you like, including your GitHub account. The public and private keys are a matched pair. Services like GitHub verify your identity using a mathematical protocol: your computer essentially proves that it has access to the private key corresponding to your public key, after which GitHub “knows” that your computer speaks for you.

If you use multiple computers to do your labs: You’ll need to configure an identity on each of these computers. You can do this either by creating and configuring multiple SSH keys, following steps 2 and 3 above. That is the safer approach. An alternative is to copy the public and private keys between the computers. This is an easier approach, but if you don’t trust the computer you are copying to, you should not do this, because it leaves you vulnerable to being impersonated. In any case, if copying, you need to get the file permissions correct. Here is a way to do so:

    $ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
    ... in here, copy public and private key files into ~/.ssh ...
    $ chmod -R go-rwx ~/.ssh   # removes group and world permissions from everything
    $ chmod go+r ~/.ssh/*.pub  # add back group and world readability for public keys

Configure Git

You should also tell your git installation your name and email, if you haven’t already. This will ensure that you are recorded as the author of your code. For the user.email option, use your NYU email address:

    $ git config --global user.name "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
    $ git config --global user.email "netid@nyu.edu"

Getting the labs repository

Labs will be released using the nyu-cs202-labs repository.

Please click this link to create your own private clone of the labs repository; this clone lives on (is hosted by) GitHub. Once that clone exists, you will perform a further clone to get that private repository onto your machine. You’ll do your work on your machine, and then push your work to the GitHub-hosted private repository to save our work, and to allow us to grade it.

Here’s how it should work:

  1. Click the link above.
  2. Log in to GitHub.
  3. Provide a name.
  4. Accept the assignment.
  5. Refresh the page until the assignment repository is ready.

These steps should automatically clone the base labs repository. For instance, if your username name is foomoo67, you should now have a repository on GitHub called nyu-cs202/labs-23sp-foomoo67.

Note: GitHub Classroom may tell you to create a new repository on the command line, create a new branch, and make your first commit with a README file. Do not do this. It will introduce merge conflicts later on.

Creating a local clone

Here’s how to get a local clone of your private repo on your machine. Assuming your SSH identity is set up properly, follow the steps below.

Saving changes while you are working on labs

As you modify the skeleton files to complete the labs, you should frequently save your work to protect against laptop failures and other unforeseen troubles, and to create “known good” states. You save the changes by first “committing” them to your local lab repo and then “pushing” those changes to the repo stored on github.com

$ git commit -am "saving my changes"
$ git push origin

Note that whenever you add a new file, you need to manually tell git to “track it”. Otherwise, the file will not be committed by git commit. Make git track a new file by typing:

$ git add <my-new-file>

After you’ve pushed your changes by typing git push origin, they are safely stored on github.com. Even if your laptop catches on fire in the future, those pushed changes can still be retrieved. However, you must remember that doing git commit by itself does not save your changes on github.com (it only saves your changes locally). So, don’t forget to type git push origin.

To see if your local repo is up-to-date with your origin repo on github.com and vice versa, type git status.


  • What message should I fill in for git commit -am “message”?

    The “message” can be any string. But we ask you to leave something descriptive. In the future, when you check your git logs, this message helps you recall what you did for this commit.

  • How can I change a message if it’s already pushed to GitHub?

    You can’t do this safely. If you want to put another message on top of a previous commit, create an empty commit with your new message:

      $ git commit --allow-empty -m "<new msg>"
  • I got an error message Fatal: Not a git repository.

    This means you are typing git commands outside the directory containing your git repository. You need to get back to the cs202 directory that you created when you cloned above.

  • Can I edit files through GitHub.com?

    Do not do that this semester. Super dangerous. Please only use GitHub.com for read-only access, i.e. checking if all your changes have been pushed to your remote repository.

  • When I do git fetch, I got an error Repository not found

    Check the repository address, there should be no quotes (") or angle brackets (< >). The lab instructions use quotes or angle brackets to mark a placeholder for your GitHub username. If git fetch upstream fails, then check the upstream address by typing git remote -v. To edit your upstream address, remove it first by typing git remote remove upstream, and then add it back with git remote add.

  • “The connection timed out” (or problems cloning, or problems with SSH keys).

    Check if your firewall is blocking port 22, and open port 22 if it is blocked. You can use your favorite search engine to figure out how to do this.

Setting up the development environment

The labs for this class are intended to be run on a Linux machine. To help make our environments uniform, we will use Docker. The Docker approach to virtualization lets you run a minimal CS 202 environment, including the intended version of Linux, on a Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux, computer, without the overhead of a full virtual machine like VMware Workstation, VMware Fusion, or VirtualBox.

Docker has many advantages. It can start, stop, and edit virtual machines very quickly. In addition, each virtual machine is small, and ocupies little space on your machine. Also, Docker makes it easy to edit your code in your home environment using your preferred IDE or editor, but compile and run it on a Linux host. The disadvantage of Docker, compared to a traditional virtual machine, is that it’s less user-friendly: you have to type strange commands to get it working, and you have to run all programs exclusively in the terminal (no graphical environments).

Creating CS 202 Docker

We assume that you have cloned your nyu-cs202-labs repository into your local machine, as described earlier.

To build your Docker environment:

  1. Download and install Docker.

  2. Launch Docker. On Mac and Windows, there should be a visible whale icon in the notification area (on Mac, the status menu in the upper right toolbar; on Windows, the system tray in the lower right of the screen).

  3. Open a terminal and change into your cs202 directory, and then the docker subdirectory, for example:

     $ cd ~/cs202  # this is where you cloned the repository earlier
     $ cd docker
  4. Run the following command. It will take a while, up to ten minutes:

     $ ./cs202-build-docker

    If your host is Windows. You may have to start a bash shell first. If the command above does not work, then from within Powershell do:

      > bash
      $ ./cs202-build-docker

    The ./cs202-build-docker command starts up a virtual Linux-based computer running inside your computer. It then installs software useful for CS 202 in that environment, then takes a snapshot of the running environment. (The snapshot has a name: cs202:amd64 or cs202:arm64, depending on your machine’s architecture.) Once the snapshot is created, it’ll take just a second or so for Docker to restart it.

    (Note: The ./cs202-build-docker script is a wrapper around docker build. For x86-based hosts, it is: docker build -t cs202:amd64 -f Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 ..)

We may need to change the Docker image during the semester. If we do, we will update the Dockerfiles in the labs repository. You will update your repository to get the latest Dockerfile, then re-run the ./cs202-build-docker command from Step 3. However, later runs will in general be faster since they’ll take advantage of your previous work.

Running CS 202 Docker

Our lab repository contains a script, cs202-run-docker, that provides good arguments and boots Docker into a view of the current directory. This script, too, may be updated throughout the semester.

Here’s an example of running CS 202 Docker on a Mac OS X x86 host (on Windows, you may again need to run bash first). At first, uname (a program that prints the name of the currently running operating system) reports Darwin. But after ./cs202-run-docker connects the terminal to a Linux virtual machine, uname reports Linux. At the end of the example, exit quits the Docker environment and returns the terminal to Mac OS X.

    $ cd ~/cs202
    $ uname
    $ uname -a
    Darwin Mike-MacBook-Pro.local 22.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.1.0: Sun Oct  9 20:14:54 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8792.41.9~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
    $ ./cs202-run-docker
    cs202-user@f3a862301b38:~/cs202-labs$ uname
    cs202-user@f3a862301b38:~/cs202-labs$ uname -a
    Linux f3a862301b38 5.15.49-linuxkit #1 SMP Tue Sep 13 07:51:46 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    cs202-user@f3a862301b38:~/cs202-labs$ ls
    cs202-run-docker  docker  lab1  README.md
    cs202-user@f3a862301b38:~/cs202-labs$ exit

A prompt like cs202-user@f3a862301b38:~$ means that your terminal is connected to the virtual machine (VM). The f3a862301b38 is a unique identifier for this running VM. You can execute any Linux commands you want. To escape from the VM, type Control-D or run the exit command.

The script assumes your Docker container is named cs202:amd64 or cs202:arm64, as it was above.

Now you can edit your code on your host, and compile and run it inside Docker.

Running on the CIMS machines

Some of you may end up using an account on the Courant (CIMS) machines in place of your personal laptop or desktop. In that case, there are different instructions (versus above) for installing and using the Docker environment. The CIMS machines use a version of Docker called Singularity (now called Apptainer). Singularity/Apptainer runs Docker images.

We separate the description into a one-time setup and then what you do each time after.

One-time setup

First, you need to make sure that you have an account on the Courant machines (you will have an account if you registered on or before mid-January; during the add/drop period, you will get an account 1-2 business days after registering). Check here. If you do have an account but can’t login, follow the steps on that page. If you do not have an account, then please email our course’s staff email alias (the address is on our home page). In this email, explain that you registered late; in that case, we will close the loop between you and the CIMS sysadmins.

Second, you need to login to a compute server. Select one from this list. We’ll use crunchy5 as our running example, but please pick one yourself for load-balancing purposes. Then login to access.cims.nyu.edu and onward from there to crunchy5 (note that the -A forwards the ssh-agent so you don’t need to type your password to crunchy5):

[your-machine ~]$ ssh -AX access.cims.nyu.edu  
[name@access2 ~]$ ssh -AX crunchy5

If you are stuck, either getting an account or sshing, see this troubleshooting page from CIMS.

Once on crunchy5, do:

$ git clone git@github.com:nyu-cs202/labs-23sp-<Your-GitHub-Username>.git cs202
$ cd cs202

And follow the instructions above, to add a remote called upstream.

Once you have pulled in the upstream, typically with $ git merge upstream/main, proceed to these steps:

$ singularity run docker://mwalfish/cs202:amd64
# this will take a while the first time.
Apptainer> ls -F
cs202-run-docker*  docker/  lab1/  README.md


Here is the command sequence you’ll probably use, starting from your personal machine:

[your-machine ~]$ ssh -AX access.cims.nyu.edu  
[name@access2 ~]$ ssh -AX crunchy5
[name@crunchy5 ~]$ cd cs202
[name@crunchy5 ~]$ singularity run docker://mwalfish/cs202:amd64
Apptainer> cd lab1
Apptainer> ls -F
answers.txt  dbg/  fromscratch/  mini/  README.md

And you can edit the lab files within “Apptainer”.

To clarify, the Apptainer> prompt is what you will see on the CIMS machines. This means that you are in the Docker environment, just as the prompt cs202-user@f3a862301b38:~$ means you are in the Docker environment on your laptop or desktop.


The Docker setup and portions of this writeup were borrowed from Harvard’s CS61. Portions of this writeup were also borrowed from Jinyang Li’s CS201, and Aurojit Panda’s 3033.