CSCI-UA.0202-003: Schedule

This schedule is tentative. It is likely to change as the weeks go on.

Topics Reading
(to be completed before class)
HW Notes
Week 1
Tue 01/28 Introduction (notes) Lab 1, Lab 2 released
Thu 01/30 Processes I (notes) (handout) OSTEP 2 4
Week 2
Mon 02/03 HW 1 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 02/04 Processes II (notes) (handout) OSTEP 5
Thu 02/06 Concurrency/synchronization I (notes) (handout) OSTEP 26 27
Fri 02/07 LAB 1 DUE, 7:00 PM
Week 3
Mon 02/10 HW 2 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 02/11 Concurrency/synchronization II (notes) (handout) OSTEP 28 29 30
Thu 02/13 Concurrency/synchronization III (notes) (handout) OSTEP 31, Appx D (reinforcement of monitors) Lab 3 released
Week 4
Mon 02/17 HW 3 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 02/18 Concurrency/synchronization IV (notes) (handout) OSTEP 32
Thu 02/20 Software safety I: Therac-25 (notes) (handout) (1) Read the Therac-25 paper, following these tips. If you are off-campus, this link through the NYU libraries Web proxy may be useful.
(2) While you are reading, view these two helpful graphics (requires Flash), which illustrate linear accelerators and problems that they have caused.
(3) Read this New York Times article and at least the first two pages of this one.
Fri 02/21 LAB 2 DUE, 7:00 PM
Week 5
Mon 02/24 HW 4 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 02/25 Scheduling (notes) OSTEP 7 8 9
Thu 02/27 Virtual Memory I (notes) OSTEP 13 15 18 19
(Some, not all, of this will be review, given CS201.)
Week 6
Mon 03/02 HW 5 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 03/03 Virtual Memory II (notes) (handout) OSTEP 20 (skip 20.2)
Thu 03/05 Virtual Memory III (notes) OSTEP 21 22 23
Fri 03/06 LAB 3 DUE, 7:00 PM
Week 7
Mon 03/09 HW 6 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 03/10 midterm review (notes)
Thu 03/12 Midterm exam
Spring Break
Tue 03/17 No class
Thu 03/19 No class
Week 8
Tue 03/24 I/O, WeensyOS (notes) (handout) OSTEP 36 Lab 4 released
Thu 03/26 I/O continued, Context switches (notes) (handout) None
Week 9
Mon 03/30 HW 7 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 03/31 Context switches, mmap(), Disks (notes) (handout) OSTEP 37
Thu 04/02 File systems I (notes) OSTEP 39 40
Week 10
Mon 04/06 HW 8 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 04/07 File systems II (notes) OSTEP 41
Thu 04/09 File systems III (notes) (handout) OSTEP 42
Week 11
Mon 04/13 HW 9 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 04/14 Distributed systems I (NFS) (notes) OSTEP 47 48 Lab 5 released
Wed 04/15 LAB 4 DUE, 7:00 PM
Thu 04/16 NFS (continued) and Debugging I (notes) (handout) None
Week 12
Mon 04/20 HW 10 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 04/21 Debugging II (notes) None
Thu 04/23 Security I: Stack smashing (notes) (handout) OSM:SCI 11.5
Optional: Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit (errata)
Week 13
Tue 04/28 Security II: Unix (notes) None
Wed 04/29 LAB 5 DUE, 7:00 PM
Thu 04/30 Security III: Trusting trust (notes) Read Reflections on trusting trust, by Ken Thompson. Note: this classic is only three pages, but the length is deceptive. It may take a few slow and careful readings to really see what Thompson did. Please read it several times before class; a skim will not be useful.
Week 14
Mon 05/04 HW 11 DUE, 5:00 PM
Tue 05/05 Putting it all together (notes) (handout) None
Thu 05/07 Final exam review (notes) Bring questions; most of the class will be Q&A
Exam period (5/13-5/19)
Mon 05/18 final exam, 2:00--3:50 PM, logistics TBD