Library iris.prelude.fin_collections

This file collects definitions and theorems on finite collections. Most importantly, it implements a fold and size function and some useful induction principles on finite collections .
From Coq Require Import Permutation.
From iris.prelude Require Import relations listset.
From iris.prelude Require Export numbers collections.

Instance collection_size `{Elements A C} : Size C := length elements.
Definition collection_fold `{Elements A C} {B}
  (f : A B B) (b : B) : C B := foldr f b elements.

Section fin_collection.
Context `{FinCollection A C}.
Implicit Types X Y : C.

Lemma fin_collection_finite X : set_finite X.
Proof. by (elements X); intros; rewrite elem_of_elements. Qed.

Instance elem_of_dec_slow (x : A) (X : C) : Decision (x X) | 100.
  refine (cast_if (decide_rel (∈) x (elements X)));
    by rewrite <-(elem_of_elements _).

The elements operation

Global Instance elements_proper: Proper ((≡) ==> (≡ₚ)) (elements (C:=C)).
  intros ?? E. apply NoDup_Permutation.
  - apply NoDup_elements.
  - apply NoDup_elements.
  - intros. by rewrite !elem_of_elements, E.

Lemma elements_empty : elements ( : C) = [].
  apply elem_of_nil_inv; intros x.
  rewrite elem_of_elements, elem_of_empty; tauto.
Lemma elements_union_singleton (X : C) x :
  x X elements ({[ x ]} X) ≡ₚ x :: elements X.
  intros ?; apply NoDup_Permutation.
  { apply NoDup_elements. }
  { by constructor; rewrite ?elem_of_elements; try apply NoDup_elements. }
  intros y; rewrite elem_of_elements, elem_of_union, elem_of_singleton.
  by rewrite elem_of_cons, elem_of_elements.
Lemma elements_singleton x : elements {[ x ]} = [x].
  apply Permutation_singleton. by rewrite <-(right_id (∪) {[x]}),
    elements_union_singleton, elements_empty by set_solver.
Lemma elements_contains X Y : X Y elements X `contains` elements Y.
  intros; apply NoDup_contains; auto using NoDup_elements.
  intros x. rewrite !elem_of_elements; auto.

The size operation

Global Instance collection_size_proper: Proper ((≡) ==> (=)) (@size C _).
Proof. intros ?? E. apply Permutation_length. by rewrite E. Qed.

Lemma size_empty : size ( : C) = 0.
Proof. unfold size, collection_size. simpl. by rewrite elements_empty. Qed.
Lemma size_empty_inv (X : C) : size X = 0 X .
  intros; apply equiv_empty; intros x; rewrite <-elem_of_elements.
  by rewrite (nil_length_inv (elements X)), ?elem_of_nil.
Lemma size_empty_iff (X : C) : size X = 0 X .
Proof. split. apply size_empty_inv. by intros ->; rewrite size_empty. Qed.
Lemma size_non_empty_iff (X : C) : size X 0 X .
Proof. by rewrite size_empty_iff. Qed.

Lemma collection_choose_or_empty X : ( x, x X) X .
  destruct (elements X) as [|x l] eqn:HX; [right|left].
  - apply equiv_empty; intros x. by rewrite <-elem_of_elements, HX, elem_of_nil.
  - x. rewrite <-elem_of_elements, HX. by left.
Lemma collection_choose X : X x, x X.
Proof. intros. by destruct (collection_choose_or_empty X). Qed.
Lemma collection_choose_L `{!LeibnizEquiv C} X : X x, x X.
Proof. unfold_leibniz. apply collection_choose. Qed.
Lemma size_pos_elem_of X : 0 < size X x, x X.
  intros Hsz. destruct (collection_choose_or_empty X) as [|HX]; [done|].
  contradict Hsz. rewrite HX, size_empty; lia.

Lemma size_singleton (x : A) : size {[ x ]} = 1.
Proof. unfold size, collection_size. simpl. by rewrite elements_singleton. Qed.
Lemma size_singleton_inv X x y : size X = 1 x X y X x = y.
  unfold size, collection_size. simpl. rewrite <-!elem_of_elements.
  generalize (elements X). intros [|? l]; intro; simplify_eq/=.
  rewrite (nil_length_inv l), !elem_of_list_singleton by done; congruence.
Lemma size_1_elem_of X : size X = 1 x, X {[ x ]}.
  intros E. destruct (size_pos_elem_of X); auto with lia.
   x. apply elem_of_equiv. split.
  - rewrite elem_of_singleton. eauto using size_singleton_inv.
  - set_solver.

Lemma size_union X Y : X Y size (X Y) = size X + size Y.
  intros. unfold size, collection_size. simpl. rewrite <-app_length.
  apply Permutation_length, NoDup_Permutation.
  - apply NoDup_elements.
  - apply NoDup_app; repeat split; try apply NoDup_elements.
    intros x; rewrite !elem_of_elements; set_solver.
  - intros. by rewrite elem_of_app, !elem_of_elements, elem_of_union.
Lemma size_union_alt X Y : size (X Y) = size X + size (Y X).
  rewrite <-size_union by set_solver.
  setoid_replace (Y X) with ((Y X) X) by set_solver.
  rewrite <-union_difference, (comm (∪)); set_solver.

Lemma subseteq_size X Y : X Y size X size Y.
Proof. intros. rewrite (union_difference X Y), size_union_alt by done. lia. Qed.
Lemma subset_size X Y : X Y size X < size Y.
  intros. rewrite (union_difference X Y) by set_solver.
  rewrite size_union_alt, difference_twice.
  cut (size (Y X) 0); [lia |].
  by apply size_non_empty_iff, non_empty_difference.

Induction principles

Lemma collection_wf : wf (strict (@subseteq C _)).
Proof. apply (wf_projected (<) size); auto using subset_size, lt_wf. Qed.
Lemma collection_ind (P : C Prop) :
  Proper ((≡) ==> iff) P
  P ( x X, x X P X P ({[ x ]} X)) X, P X.
  intros ? Hemp Hadd. apply well_founded_induction with (⊂).
  { apply collection_wf. }
  intros X IH. destruct (collection_choose_or_empty X) as [[x ?]|HX].
  - rewrite (union_difference {[ x ]} X) by set_solver.
    apply Hadd. set_solver. apply IH; set_solver.
  - by rewrite HX.

The collection_fold operation

Lemma collection_fold_ind {B} (P : B C Prop) (f : A B B) (b : B) :
  Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> iff) P
  P b ( x X r, x X P r X P (f x r) ({[ x ]} X))
   X, P (collection_fold f b X) X.
  intros ? Hemp Hadd.
  cut ( l, NoDup l X, ( x, x X x l) P (foldr f b l) X).
  { intros help ?. apply help; [apply NoDup_elements|].
    symmetry. apply elem_of_elements. }
  induction 1 as [|x l ?? IH]; simpl.
  - intros X HX. setoid_rewrite elem_of_nil in HX.
    rewrite equiv_empty. done. set_solver.
  - intros X HX. setoid_rewrite elem_of_cons in HX.
    rewrite (union_difference {[ x ]} X) by set_solver.
    apply Hadd. set_solver. apply IH. set_solver.
Lemma collection_fold_proper {B} (R : relation B) `{!Equivalence R}
    (f : A B B) (b : B) `{!Proper ((=) ==> R ==> R) f}
    (Hf : a1 a2 b, R (f a1 (f a2 b)) (f a2 (f a1 b))) :
  Proper ((≡) ==> R) (collection_fold f b : C B).
Proof. intros ?? E. apply (foldr_permutation R f b); auto. by rewrite E. Qed.

Decision procedures

Global Instance set_Forall_dec `(P : A Prop)
  `{ x, Decision (P x)} X : Decision (set_Forall P X) | 100.
  refine (cast_if (decide (Forall P (elements X))));
    abstract (unfold set_Forall; setoid_rewrite <-elem_of_elements;
      by rewrite <-Forall_forall).
Global Instance set_Exists_dec `(P : A Prop) `{ x, Decision (P x)} X :
  Decision (set_Exists P X) | 100.
  refine (cast_if (decide (Exists P (elements X))));
    abstract (unfold set_Exists; setoid_rewrite <-elem_of_elements;
      by rewrite <-Exists_exists).
End fin_collection.