Library iris.algebra.iprod

From iris.algebra Require Export cmra updates.
From iris.algebra Require Import upred.
From iris.prelude Require Import finite.

Indexed product

Need to put this in a definition to make canonical structures to work.
Definition iprod `{Finite A} (B : A cofeT) := x, B x.
Definition iprod_insert `{Finite A} {B : A cofeT}
    (x : A) (y : B x) (f : iprod B) : iprod B := λ x',
  match decide (x = x') with left Heq_rect _ B y _ H | right _f x' end.
Instance: Params (@iprod_insert) 5.

Section iprod_cofe.
  Context `{Finite A} {B : A cofeT}.
  Implicit Types x : A.
  Implicit Types f g : iprod B.

  Instance iprod_equiv : Equiv (iprod B) := λ f g, x, f x g x.
  Instance iprod_dist : Dist (iprod B) := λ n f g, x, f x ≡{n}≡ g x.
  Program Definition iprod_chain (c : chain (iprod B)) (x : A) : chain (B x) :=
    {| chain_car n := c n x |}.
  Next Obligation. by intros c x n i ?; apply (chain_cauchy c). Qed.
  Program Instance iprod_compl : Compl (iprod B) := λ c x,
    compl (iprod_chain c x).
  Definition iprod_cofe_mixin : CofeMixin (iprod B).
    - intros f g; split; [intros Hfg n k; apply equiv_dist, Hfg|].
      intros Hfg k; apply equiv_dist; intros n; apply Hfg.
    - intros n; split.
      + by intros f x.
      + by intros f g ? x.
      + by intros f g h ?? x; trans (g x).
    - intros n f g Hfg x; apply dist_S, Hfg.
    - intros n c x.
      rewrite /compl /iprod_compl (conv_compl n (iprod_chain c x)).
      apply (chain_cauchy c); lia.
  Canonical Structure iprodC : cofeT := CofeT (iprod B) iprod_cofe_mixin.

Properties of iprod_insert.
  Context `{ x x' : A, Decision (x = x')}.

  Global Instance iprod_insert_ne n x :
    Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n) (iprod_insert x).
    intros y1 y2 ? f1 f2 ? x'; rewrite /iprod_insert.
    by destruct (decide _) as [[]|].
  Global Instance iprod_insert_proper x :
    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iprod_insert x) := ne_proper_2 _.

  Lemma iprod_lookup_insert f x y : (iprod_insert x y f) x = y.
    rewrite /iprod_insert; destruct (decide _) as [Hx|]; last done.
    by rewrite (proof_irrel Hx eq_refl).
  Lemma iprod_lookup_insert_ne f x x' y :
    x x' (iprod_insert x y f) x' = f x'.
  Proof. by rewrite /iprod_insert; destruct (decide _). Qed.

  Global Instance iprod_lookup_timeless f x : Timeless f Timeless (f x).
    intros ? y ?.
    cut (f iprod_insert x y f).
    { by move⇒ /(_ x)->; rewrite iprod_lookup_insert. }
    apply (timeless _)=> x'; destruct (decide (x = x')) as [->|];
      by rewrite ?iprod_lookup_insert ?iprod_lookup_insert_ne.
  Global Instance iprod_insert_timeless f x y :
    Timeless f Timeless y Timeless (iprod_insert x y f).
    intros ?? g Heq x'; destruct (decide (x = x')) as [->|].
    - rewrite iprod_lookup_insert.
      apply: timeless. by rewrite -(Heq x') iprod_lookup_insert.
    - rewrite iprod_lookup_insert_ne //.
      apply: timeless. by rewrite -(Heq x') iprod_lookup_insert_ne.
End iprod_cofe.

Arguments iprodC {_ _ _} _.

Section iprod_cmra.
  Context `{Finite A} {B : A ucmraT}.
  Implicit Types f g : iprod B.

  Instance iprod_op : Op (iprod B) := λ f g x, f x g x.
  Instance iprod_pcore : PCore (iprod B) := λ f, Some (λ x, core (f x)).
  Instance iprod_valid : Valid (iprod B) := λ f, x, f x.
  Instance iprod_validN : ValidN (iprod B) := λ n f, x, ✓{n} f x.

  Definition iprod_lookup_op f g x : (f g) x = f x g x := eq_refl.
  Definition iprod_lookup_core f x : (core f) x = core (f x) := eq_refl.
  Instance iprod_stepN : StepN (iprod B) := λ n f g, x, f x _(n) g x.

  Lemma iprod_included_spec (f g : iprod B) : f g x, f x g x.
    split; [by intros [h Hh] x; (h x); rewrite /op /iprod_op (Hh x)|].
    intros [h ?]%finite_choice. by h.

  Lemma iprod_cmra_mixin : CMRAMixin (iprod B).
    apply cmra_total_mixin.
    - eauto.
    - by intros n f1 f2 f3 Hf x; rewrite iprod_lookup_op (Hf x).
    - by intros n f1 f2 Hf x; rewrite iprod_lookup_core (Hf x).
    - by intros n f1 f2 Hf ? x; rewrite -(Hf x).
    - intros g; split.
      + intros Hg n i; apply cmra_valid_validN, Hg.
      + intros Hg i; apply cmra_valid_validNn; apply Hg.
    - intros n f Hf x; apply cmra_validN_S, Hf.
    - by intros n f f' Hf g g' Hg ? i; rewrite <- (Hf i), <- (Hg i); auto.
    - by intros n f f' Hs i; eapply cmra_stepN_S; eauto using (Hs i).
    - by intros f1 f2 f3 x; rewrite iprod_lookup_op assoc.
    - by intros f1 f2 x; rewrite iprod_lookup_op comm.
    - by intros f x; rewrite iprod_lookup_op iprod_lookup_core cmra_core_l.
    - by intros f x; rewrite iprod_lookup_core cmra_core_idemp.
    - intros f1 f2; rewrite !iprod_included_specHf x.
      by rewrite iprod_lookup_core; apply cmra_core_mono, Hf.
    - intros n f1 f2 Hval x. rewrite iprod_lookup_core ?iprod_lookup_op ?iprod_lookup_core.
      rewrite cmra_core_distrib //=. specialize (Hval x); rewrite iprod_lookup_op //= in Hval.
    - intros n f1 f2 Hf x; apply cmra_validN_op_l with (f2 x), Hf.
    - intros n f f1 f2 Hf Hf12.
      set (g x := cmra_extend n (f x) (f1 x) (f2 x) (Hf x) (Hf12 x)).
       ((λ x, (proj1_sig (g x)).1), (λ x, (proj1_sig (g x)).2)).
      split_and?; intros x; apply (proj2_sig (g x)).
  Canonical Structure iprodR :=
    CMRAT (iprod B) iprod_cofe_mixin iprod_cmra_mixin.

  Instance iprod_empty : Empty (iprod B) := λ x, .
  Definition iprod_lookup_empty x : x = := eq_refl.

  Lemma iprod_ucmra_mixin : UCMRAMixin (iprod B).
    - intros x; apply ucmra_unit_valid.
    - by intros f x; rewrite iprod_lookup_op left_id.
    - intros f Hf x. by apply: timeless.
    - constructorx. apply persistent_core, _.
  Canonical Structure iprodUR :=
    UCMRAT (iprod B) iprod_cofe_mixin iprod_cmra_mixin iprod_ucmra_mixin.

Internalized properties
  Lemma iprod_equivI {M} g1 g2 : g1 g2 ⊣⊢ ( i, g1 i g2 i : uPred M).
  Proof. by uPred.unseal. Qed.
  Lemma iprod_validI {M} g : g ⊣⊢ ( i, g i : uPred M).
  Proof. by uPred.unseal. Qed.

Properties of iprod_insert.
  Lemma iprod_insert_updateP x (P : B x Prop) (Q : iprod B Prop) g y1 :
    y1 ~~>: P ( y2, P y2 Q (iprod_insert x y2 g))
    iprod_insert x y1 g ~~>: Q.
    intros Hy1 HP; apply cmra_total_updateP.
    intros n gf Hg. destruct (Hy1 n (Some (gf x))) as (y2&?&?).
    { move: (Hg x). by rewrite iprod_lookup_op iprod_lookup_insert. }
     (iprod_insert x y2 g); split; [auto|].
    intros x'; destruct (decide (x' = x)) as [->|];
      rewrite iprod_lookup_op ?iprod_lookup_insert //; [].
    move: (Hg x'). by rewrite iprod_lookup_op !iprod_lookup_insert_ne.

  Lemma iprod_insert_updateP' x (P : B x Prop) g y1 :
    y1 ~~>: P
    iprod_insert x y1 g ~~>: λ g', y2, g' = iprod_insert x y2 g P y2.
  Proof. eauto using iprod_insert_updateP. Qed.
  Lemma iprod_insert_update g x y1 y2 :
    y1 ~~> y2 iprod_insert x y1 g ~~> iprod_insert x y2 g.
    rewrite !cmra_update_updateP; eauto using iprod_insert_updateP with subst.
End iprod_cmra.

Arguments iprodR {_ _ _} _.
Arguments iprodUR {_ _ _} _.

Definition iprod_singleton `{Finite A} {B : A ucmraT}
  (x : A) (y : B x) : iprod B := iprod_insert x y .
Instance: Params (@iprod_singleton) 5.

Section iprod_singleton.
  Context `{Finite A} {B : A ucmraT}.
  Implicit Types x : A.

  Global Instance iprod_singleton_ne n x :
    Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (iprod_singleton x : B x _).
  Proof. intros y1 y2 ?; apply iprod_insert_ne. done. by apply equiv_dist. Qed.
  Global Instance iprod_singleton_proper x :
    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iprod_singleton x) := ne_proper _.

  Lemma iprod_lookup_singleton x (y : B x) : (iprod_singleton x y) x = y.
  Proof. by rewrite /iprod_singleton iprod_lookup_insert. Qed.
  Lemma iprod_lookup_singleton_ne x x' (y : B x) :
    x x' (iprod_singleton x y) x' = .
  Proof. intros; by rewrite /iprod_singleton iprod_lookup_insert_ne. Qed.

  Global Instance iprod_singleton_timeless x (y : B x) :
    Timeless y Timeless (iprod_singleton x y) := _.

  Lemma iprod_singleton_validN n x (y : B x) : ✓{n} iprod_singleton x y ✓{n} y.
    split; [by move=>/(_ x); rewrite iprod_lookup_singleton|].
    moveHx x'; destruct (decide (x = x')) as [->|];
      rewrite ?iprod_lookup_singleton ?iprod_lookup_singleton_ne //.
    by apply ucmra_unit_validN.

  Lemma iprod_core_singleton x (y : B x) :
    core (iprod_singleton x y) iprod_singleton x (core y).
    movex'; destruct (decide (x = x')) as [->|];
      by rewrite iprod_lookup_core ?iprod_lookup_singleton
      ?iprod_lookup_singleton_ne // (persistent_core ).

  Global Instance iprod_singleton_persistent x (y : B x) :
    Persistent y Persistent (iprod_singleton x y).
  Proof. by rewrite !persistent_total iprod_core_singleton⇒ →. Qed.

  Lemma iprod_op_singleton (x : A) (y1 y2 : B x) :
    iprod_singleton x y1 iprod_singleton x y2 iprod_singleton x (y1 y2).
    intros x'; destruct (decide (x' = x)) as [->|].
    - by rewrite iprod_lookup_op !iprod_lookup_singleton.
    - by rewrite iprod_lookup_op !iprod_lookup_singleton_ne // left_id.

  Lemma iprod_singleton_updateP x (P : B x Prop) (Q : iprod B Prop) y1 :
    y1 ~~>: P ( y2, P y2 Q (iprod_singleton x y2))
    iprod_singleton x y1 ~~>: Q.
  Proof. rewrite /iprod_singleton; eauto using iprod_insert_updateP. Qed.
  Lemma iprod_singleton_updateP' x (P : B x Prop) y1 :
    y1 ~~>: P
    iprod_singleton x y1 ~~>: λ g, y2, g = iprod_singleton x y2 P y2.
  Proof. eauto using iprod_singleton_updateP. Qed.
  Lemma iprod_singleton_update x (y1 y2 : B x) :
    y1 ~~> y2 iprod_singleton x y1 ~~> iprod_singleton x y2.
  Proof. eauto using iprod_insert_update. Qed.

  Lemma iprod_singleton_updateP_empty x (P : B x Prop) (Q : iprod B Prop) :
     ~~>: P ( y2, P y2 Q (iprod_singleton x y2)) ~~>: Q.
    intros Hx HQ; apply cmra_total_updateP.
    intros n gf Hg. destruct (Hx n (Some (gf x))) as (y2&?&?); first apply Hg.
     (iprod_singleton x y2); split; [by apply HQ|].
    intros x'; destruct (decide (x' = x)) as [->|].
    - by rewrite iprod_lookup_op iprod_lookup_singleton.
    - rewrite iprod_lookup_op iprod_lookup_singleton_ne //. apply Hg.
  Lemma iprod_singleton_updateP_empty' x (P : B x Prop) :
     ~~>: P ~~>: λ g, y2, g = iprod_singleton x y2 P y2.
  Proof. eauto using iprod_singleton_updateP_empty. Qed.
  Lemma iprod_singleton_update_empty x (y : B x) :
     ~~> y ~~> iprod_singleton x y.
    rewrite !cmra_update_updateP;
      eauto using iprod_singleton_updateP_empty with subst.
End iprod_singleton.


Definition iprod_map `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A cofeT} (f : x, B1 x B2 x)
  (g : iprod B1) : iprod B2 := λ x, f _ (g x).

Lemma iprod_map_ext `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A cofeT} (f1 f2 : x, B1 x B2 x) (g : iprod B1) :
  ( x, f1 x (g x) f2 x (g x)) iprod_map f1 g iprod_map f2 g.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma iprod_map_id `{Finite A} {B : A cofeT} (g : iprod B) :
  iprod_map (λ _, id) g = g.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma iprod_map_compose `{Finite A} {B1 B2 B3 : A cofeT}
    (f1 : x, B1 x B2 x) (f2 : x, B2 x B3 x) (g : iprod B1) :
  iprod_map (λ x, f2 x f1 x) g = iprod_map f2 (iprod_map f1 g).
Proof. done. Qed.

Instance iprod_map_ne `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A cofeT} (f : x, B1 x B2 x) n :
  ( x, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (f x))
  Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (iprod_map f).
Proof. by intros ? y1 y2 Hy x; rewrite /iprod_map (Hy x). Qed.
Instance iprod_map_cmra_monotone
    `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A ucmraT} (f : x, B1 x B2 x) :
  ( x, CMRAMonotone (f x)) CMRAMonotone (iprod_map f).
  split; first apply _.
  - intros n g Hg x; rewrite /iprod_map; apply (validN_preserving (f _)), Hg.
  - intros g1 g2; rewrite !iprod_included_specHf x.
    rewrite /iprod_map; apply (cmra_monotone _), Hf.

Definition iprodC_map `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A cofeT}
    (f : iprod (λ x, B1 x -n> B2 x)) :
  iprodC B1 -n> iprodC B2 := CofeMor (iprod_map f).
Instance iprodC_map_ne `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A cofeT} n :
  Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@iprodC_map A _ _ B1 B2).
Proof. intros f1 f2 Hf g x; apply Hf. Qed.

Program Definition iprodCF `{Finite C} (F : C cFunctor) : cFunctor := {|
  cFunctor_car A B := iprodC (λ c, cFunctor_car (F c) A B);
  cFunctor_map A1 A2 B1 B2 fg := iprodC_map (λ c, cFunctor_map (F c) fg)
Next Obligation.
  intros C ?? F A1 A2 B1 B2 n ?? g. by apply iprodC_map_ne=>?; apply cFunctor_ne.
Next Obligation.
  intros C ?? F A B g; simpl. rewrite -{2}(iprod_map_id g).
  apply iprod_map_exty; apply cFunctor_id.
Next Obligation.
  intros C ?? F A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 f1 f2 f1' f2' g. rewrite /= -iprod_map_compose.
  apply iprod_map_exty; apply cFunctor_compose.
Instance iprodCF_contractive `{Finite C} (F : C cFunctor) :
  ( c, cFunctorContractive (F c)) cFunctorContractive (iprodCF F).
  intros ? A1 A2 B1 B2 n ?? g.
  by apply iprodC_map_nec; apply cFunctor_contractive.

Program Definition iprodURF `{Finite C} (F : C urFunctor) : urFunctor := {|
  urFunctor_car A B := iprodUR (λ c, urFunctor_car (F c) A B);
  urFunctor_map A1 A2 B1 B2 fg := iprodC_map (λ c, urFunctor_map (F c) fg)
Next Obligation.
  intros C ?? F A1 A2 B1 B2 n ?? g.
  by apply iprodC_map_ne=>?; apply urFunctor_ne.
Next Obligation.
  intros C ?? F A B g; simpl. rewrite -{2}(iprod_map_id g).
  apply iprod_map_exty; apply urFunctor_id.
Next Obligation.
  intros C ?? F A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 f1 f2 f1' f2' g. rewrite /=-iprod_map_compose.
  apply iprod_map_exty; apply urFunctor_compose.
Instance iprodURF_contractive `{Finite C} (F : C urFunctor) :
  ( c, urFunctorContractive (F c)) urFunctorContractive (iprodURF F).
  intros ? A1 A2 B1 B2 n ?? g.
  by apply iprodC_map_nec; apply urFunctor_contractive.