Library iris.algebra.step

From iris.algebra Require Export base.
From iris.algebra Require Import cofe.

Section cofe_rel.
  Context `{A: cofeT}.

  Lemma rel_properN_iff_impl:
     (P: nat A A Prop),
      ( n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> iff) (P n))
      ( n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> impl) (P n)).
    intros P Hpr n ? ? Heq ? ? Heq' Hp.
    eapply Hpr; [ | | apply Hp]; eauto.

  Global Instance rel_properN_impl_iff (R: nat A A Prop)
         (resp: n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> impl) (R n)):
     n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> iff) (R n).
    intros x y n Heq x' y' Heq'.
    × intros HR. rewrite <-Heq, <-Heq'; auto.
    × intros HR. rewrite <-Heq, <-Heq' in HR; auto.

  Context `(R : nat A A Prop).
  Context (resp: n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> iff) (R n)).

  Existing Instance resp.

  Section union.
    Context `(R' : nat relation A).
    Context (resp': n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> iff) (R' n)).
    Existing Instance resp'.

    Definition unionN (r r': nat relation A) : nat relation A :=
      λ n, Relation_Operators.union _ (r n) (r' n).

    Global Instance rel_unionN_properN:
       n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> iff) ((unionN R R') n).
      intros n x y Hd x' y' Hd'.
      × intros [HR | HR']; [ left | right ]; rewrite <- Hd, <- Hd'; auto.
      × intros [HR | HR']; [ left | right ]; rewrite Hd Hd'; auto.

  End union.

  Definition tcN (r: nat relation A) : nat relation A :=
    λ n, tc (r n).

  Global Instance tcN_properN:
       n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> iff) (tcN R n).
    intros n x y Heq x' y' Heq'.
    × intros HR. revert HR y Heq y' Heq'.
      induction 1; intros.
      ** eapply tc_once; rewrite -Heq -Heq'; eauto.
      ** eapply tc_l.
         rewrite <- Heq; eauto.
         eapply IHHR; auto; reflexivity.
    × intros HR. revert HR x Heq x' Heq'.
      induction 1; intros.
      ** eapply tc_once; rewrite Heq Heq'; eauto.
      ** eapply tc_l.
         rewrite Heq; eauto.
         eapply IHHR; auto; reflexivity.
End cofe_rel.

Class StepN (A : Type) := stepN : nat A A Prop.
Instance: Params (@stepN) 3.
Infix "⤳_( n )" := (stepN n) (at level 51, left associativity) : C_scope.
Class uStep (A: cofeT) `{StepN A} := {
  ustep_ne n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> impl) (stepN n);
  ustep_S n x y: x _(S n) y x _(n) y

Class Step (A : Type) := step : A A Prop.
Instance: Params (@step) 2.
Infix "⤳ " := step (at level 51, left associativity) : C_scope.
Instance stepN_step `{StepN A} : Step A := λ x y, n, x _(n) y.

General properties
Section step.
  Context {A: Type} `{S: Step A} `{E: Equiv A}.
  Implicit Types x y: A.

  Record shift_admissible (r: relation A) := {
    shift_adm_proper: Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> impl) r;
    shift_adm_step_l x y z : step x y r y z step x z;
    shift_adm_step_r x y z : r x y step y z step x z;
    shift_adm_refl: Reflexive r;
    shift_adm_trans: Transitive r;

  Definition shift x y :=
     r, shift_admissible r r x y.

  Context `{!Equivalence equiv}.
  Context (Step_Proper: Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> impl) (step)).

  Existing Instances shift_adm_proper shift_adm_refl shift_adm_trans.

  Lemma equiv_is_admissible: shift_admissible equiv.
    × intros x x' Heqx y y' Heqy Hequiv.
      setoid_subst; auto.
    × intros x y z ? ?;
      setoid_subst; auto.
    × intros x y z ? ?;
      setoid_subst; auto.
    × intros x; setoid_subst; auto.
    × intros x y z ? ?; setoid_subst; auto.

  Lemma tcunion_is_admissible (r r': relation A):
    shift_admissible r shift_admissible r' shift_admissible (tc (Relation_Operators.union _ r r')).
    intros Hadm Hadm'; split.
    × eapply rel_proper_iff_impl.
      eapply tc_proper. eapply rel_union_proper;
      eapply rel_proper_impl_iff; eapply shift_adm_proper; eauto.
    × intros x y z Hs.
      induction 1 as [ ? ? Hu | ? ? ? Hu Htc IHtc].
      ** destruct Hu; [ eapply (shift_adm_step_l r) | eapply (shift_adm_step_l r')]; eauto.
      ** eapply IHtc.
         destruct Hu; [ eapply (shift_adm_step_l r) | eapply (shift_adm_step_l r')]; eauto.
    × intros x y z Htc Hs.
      revert Htc.
      induction 1 as [ ? ? Hu | ? ? ? Hu Htc IHtc].
      ** destruct Hu; [ eapply (shift_adm_step_r r) | eapply (shift_adm_step_r r')]; eauto.
      ** destruct Hu; [ eapply (shift_adm_step_r r) | eapply (shift_adm_step_r r')]; eauto.
    × intros x. eapply tc_once. left; eapply (shift_adm_refl); eauto.
    × intros x y z; eapply tc_transitive.

  Lemma rc_trans_step_is_admissible:
    Transitive (step) shift_admissible (λ x y, (x y) step x y).
    × intros x y Heq x' y' Heq' [Heq'' | Hs].
      ** left; setoid_subst; auto.
      ** right. setoid_subst; auto.
    × intros x y z ? [Heq | Hs].
      ** setoid_subst; auto.
      ** setoid_subst; etransitivity; eauto.
    × intros x y z [Heq | Hs] ?.
      ** setoid_subst; auto.
      ** setoid_subst; etransitivity; eauto.
    × intros x; left; auto.
    × intros x y z [Heq | Hs] [Heq' | Hs'];
      setoid_subst; eauto.

  Lemma shift_is_admissible: shift_admissible shift.
    × intros x x' Heqx y y' Heqy [r (Hadm&Hr)].
       r; split; auto.
      eapply (shift_adm_proper r); eauto.
    × intros x y z ? [r (Hadm&Hr)].
      eapply (shift_adm_step_l r); eauto.
    × intros x y z [r (Hadm&Hr)] ?.
      eapply (shift_adm_step_r r); eauto.
    × ((≡)); split; eauto using equiv_is_admissible.
    × intros x y z [r (Hadm&Hr)] [r' (Hadm'&Hr')].
       (tc (Relation_Operators.union _ r r')).
      split; first apply tcunion_is_admissible; auto.
      eapply tc_l; first left; eauto.
      econstructor; right; auto.

  Lemma shift_proper: Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> impl) shift.
  Proof. exact (shift_adm_proper _ shift_is_admissible). Qed.
  Lemma shift_reflexive: Reflexive shift.
  Proof. exact (shift_adm_refl _ shift_is_admissible). Qed.
  Lemma shift_transitive: Transitive shift.
  Proof. exact (shift_adm_trans _ shift_is_admissible). Qed.

End step.

Section stepn.

  Context {A: cofeT} `{St: StepN A}.
  Context `{@uStep A St}.
  Implicit Types x y: A.
  Implicit Types n k: nat.

  Lemma stepN_le n n' x y : x _(n) y n' n x _(n') y.
  Proof. induction 2; eauto using ustep_S. Qed.

  Record shiftN_admissible (r: nat relation A) := {
    shiftN_adm_ne n: Proper (dist n ==> (dist n) ==> impl) (r (n));
    shiftN_adm_S n x y: r (S n) x y r n x y;
    shiftN_adm_step_l n x y z : stepN n x y r n y z stepN n x z;
    shiftN_adm_step_r n x y z : r n x y stepN n y z stepN n x z;
    shiftN_adm_refl n: Reflexive (r n);
    shiftN_adm_trans n: Transitive (r n);

  Existing Instances ustep_ne shiftN_adm_ne shiftN_adm_refl shiftN_adm_trans.

  Global Instance stepN_proper n: Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> impl) (stepN n).
    intros x y Hd x' y' Hd' Hs.
    eapply ustep_ne; try apply equiv_dist; eauto.

  Global Instance shiftN_adm_proper r (H: shiftN_admissible r) n: Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> impl) (r n).
    intros x y Hd x' y' Hd' Hs.
    eapply shiftN_adm_ne; try apply equiv_dist; eauto.

  Definition shiftN n x y := r, shiftN_admissible r r n x y.

  Lemma dist_is_admissibleN: shiftN_admissible dist.
    × intros n x x' Hdx y y' Hdy Hd.
      rewrite -Hdx -Hdy; auto.
    × intros n x y Hd. eapply dist_S; auto.
    × intros n x y z ? ?.
      cofe_subst; auto.
    × intros n x y z ? ?;
      cofe_subst; auto.
    × intros n x; eauto with ×.
    × intros n x y z ? ?; etransitivity; eauto.

  Lemma tcNunionN_is_admissibleN (r r': nat relation A):
    shiftN_admissible r shiftN_admissible r' shiftN_admissible (tcN (unionN r r')).
    intros Hadm Hadm'; econstructor.
    × eapply rel_properN_iff_impl.
      eapply tcN_properN. eapply rel_unionN_properN;
      eapply rel_properN_impl_iff; eapply shiftN_adm_ne; eauto.
    × intros n x y Hs. rewrite /tcN /unionN in Hs ×.
      induction Hs as [? ? Hs_once | ? ? ? Hs_once Htrans]; subst.
      ** inversion Hs_once; eapply tc_once; [ left | right ];
         try eapply (shiftN_adm_S _ Hadm); auto.
         try eapply (shiftN_adm_S _ Hadm'); auto.
      ** eapply tc_l.
         *** inversion Hs_once; [ left | right ];
         try eapply (shiftN_adm_S _ Hadm); eauto.
         try eapply (shiftN_adm_S _ Hadm'); eauto.
         *** eapply IHHtrans.
    × intros n x y z Hs.
      induction 1 as [ ? ? Hu | ? ? ? Hu Htc IHtc].
      ** destruct Hu; [ eapply (shiftN_adm_step_l r) | eapply (shiftN_adm_step_l r')]; eauto.
      ** eapply IHtc.
         destruct Hu; [ eapply (shiftN_adm_step_l r) | eapply (shiftN_adm_step_l r')]; eauto.
    × intros n x y z Htc Hs.
      revert Htc.
      induction 1 as [ ? ? Hu | ? ? ? Hu Htc IHtc].
      ** destruct Hu; [ eapply (shiftN_adm_step_r r) | eapply (shiftN_adm_step_r r')]; eauto.
      ** destruct Hu; [ eapply (shiftN_adm_step_r r) | eapply (shiftN_adm_step_r r')]; eauto.
    × intros n x. eapply tc_once. left; eapply (shiftN_adm_refl); eauto.
    × intros n x y z; eapply tc_transitive.

  Lemma shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible: shiftN_admissible shiftN.
    × intros n x y Hd x' y' Hd' (r&Hadm&Hr).
       r; split_and?; auto. eapply shiftN_adm_ne; eauto.
    × intros n x y (r&Hadm&Hr).
       r; split_and?; auto. eapply shiftN_adm_S; eauto.
    × intros n x y z ? (r&Hadm&Hr).
      eapply shiftN_adm_step_l; eauto.
    × intros n x y z (r&Hadm&Hr) ?.
      eapply shiftN_adm_step_r; eauto.
    × intros n x; dist; split; first apply dist_is_admissibleN.
    × intros n x y z [r (Hadm&Hr)] [r' (Hadm'&Hr')].
       (tcN (unionN r r')).
      split; first apply tcNunionN_is_admissibleN; auto.
      eapply tc_l; first left; eauto.
      econstructor; right; auto.

  Lemma stepN_step_proper: Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> impl) step.
  Proof. intros x y Heq x' y' Heq' Hs n.
         rewrite -Heq -Heq'; eauto.

  Lemma shiftN_ne n: Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> impl) (shiftN n).
  Proof. eapply shiftN_adm_ne, shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible. Qed.
  Lemma shiftN_proper n: Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> impl) (shiftN n).
  Proof. eapply shiftN_adm_proper, shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible. Qed.
  Lemma shiftN_S n x y: shiftN (S n) x y shiftN n x y.
  Proof. eapply shiftN_adm_S, shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible. Qed.
  Lemma shiftN_le n n' x y : shiftN n x y n' n shiftN n' x y.
  Proof. induction 2; eauto using shiftN_S. Qed.
  Lemma shiftN_reflexive n: Reflexive (shiftN n).
  Proof. eapply shiftN_adm_refl, shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible. Qed.
  Lemma shiftN_transitive n: Transitive (shiftN n).
  Proof. eapply shiftN_adm_trans, shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible. Qed.

  Section shiftN_shift_discrete.

  Context `{Discrete A}.
  Context {Discrete_stepN: n x y, stepN 0 x y stepN n x y}.

  Lemma stepN_iff_step: n x y , stepN n x y step x y.
    × intros Hsn n'. eapply Discrete_stepN.
      eapply stepN_le; eauto; omega.
    × eauto.

  Lemma discrete_shiftN_up: n x y, shiftN 0 x y shiftN n x y.
    intros n x y Hs.
     (λ n x y, shiftN 0 x y); split; auto.
    clear n x y Hs; econstructor.
    × intros n x y Hd x' y' Hd' Hs.
      eapply shiftN_ne; last apply Hs;
      eapply dist_le; eauto; omega.
    × intros n x y Hs.
      eapply shiftN_ne; last apply Hs;
      eapply dist_le; eauto; omega.
    × intros n x y z Hs1 Hs2.
      eapply Discrete_stepN.
      eapply shiftN_adm_step_l; first eapply shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible; eauto.
      eapply stepN_le; eauto; omega.
    × intros n x y z Hs1 Hs2.
      eapply Discrete_stepN.
      eapply shiftN_adm_step_r; first eapply shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible; eauto.
      eapply stepN_le; eauto; omega.
    × intros n; eapply shiftN_reflexive.
    × intros n; eapply shiftN_transitive.

  Instance discrete_step_proper:
    Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> impl) step.
    intros x y Heq x' y' Heq' Hs.
    rewrite /step /stepN_step in Hs ×.
    intros n. specialize (Hs n). setoid_subst; auto.

  Lemma discrete_shift_shiftN_admissible:
    shiftN_admissible (λ (n: nat) (x y: A), shift x y).
    econstructor; auto.
      × intros n' x y Hd x' y' Hd' Hs.
         eapply shift_proper; try apply discrete_step_proper; last apply Hs;
         eapply timeless_iff; eauto.
      × intros n x y z Hs1 Hs2.
        eapply stepN_iff_step.
        eapply shift_adm_step_l. eapply shift_is_admissible, discrete_step_proper.
        ** eapply stepN_iff_step; eauto.
        ** eauto.
      × intros n x y z Hs1 Hs2.
        eapply stepN_iff_step.
        eapply shift_adm_step_r. eapply shift_is_admissible, discrete_step_proper.
        ** eauto.
        ** eapply stepN_iff_step; eauto.
      × intros n x; eapply shift_reflexive;
        eauto using shift_is_admissible, discrete_step_proper.
      × intros n x y z ? ?; eapply shift_transitive;
        eauto using shift_is_admissible, discrete_step_proper.

  Lemma discrete_shiftN_shift_admissible:
    shift_admissible (λ (x y: A), shiftN 0 x y).
    econstructor; auto.
      × intros x y Hd x' y' Hd' Hs.
        eapply shiftN_proper; eauto.
      × intros x y z Hs1 Hs2.
        eapply (stepN_iff_step 0).
        eapply (stepN_iff_step 0) in Hs1.
        eapply shiftN_adm_step_l; first eapply shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible; eauto.
      × intros x y z Hs1 Hs2.
        eapply (stepN_iff_step 0).
        eapply (stepN_iff_step 0) in Hs2.
        eapply shiftN_adm_step_r; first eapply shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible; eauto.
      × intros x; eapply shiftN_reflexive.
      × intros x y z ? ?; eapply shiftN_transitive; eauto.

  Lemma discrete_shift_shiftN n x y: shift x y shiftN n x y.
    intros. (λ n, shift); split; auto.
    apply discrete_shift_shiftN_admissible.

  Lemma discrete_shiftN_shift n x y: shiftN n x y shift x y.
    intros. (shiftN 0); split; first apply discrete_shiftN_shift_admissible.
    eapply shiftN_le; eauto; omega.

  End shiftN_shift_discrete.

End stepn.

Section relational.

  Context {A B: cofeT}.
  Context {SA: StepN A} `{@uStep A SA}.

  Variable R: nat A B Prop.

  Variable R_inter_shiftN: n a a' b, R n a b R n a' b shiftN n a a'.
  Variable R_S: n a b, R (S n) a b R n a b.
  Variable R_ne: n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> impl) (R n).

  Implicit Types rb : nat relation B.
  Implicit Types ax az : A.
  Implicit Types bx bz : B.

  Record stepN_rel_admissible rb := {
    stepN_rel_adm_ne n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> impl) (rb n);
    stepN_rel_adm_S n x y: rb (S n) x y rb n x y;
    stepN_rel_adm_extract n n' b1 b2:
        S n' n
        nsteps (rb n) (S n') b1 b2
         a1 a2, R n a1 b1 R n a2 b2 nsteps (stepN n) (S n') a1 a2

  Definition stepN_rel : StepN B := λ n bx bz, rb, stepN_rel_admissible rb rb n bx bz.

  Lemma nsteps_stepN_shift n (a1 a2 a1' a2': A) m:
    nsteps (stepN n) (S m) a1 a2
     shiftN n a1' a1
     shiftN n a2 a2'
     nsteps (stepN n) (S m) a1' a2'.
    intros Hnsteps. assert (S m 0) as Hnonzero by omega. revert Hnonzero a1' a2'.
    induction Hnsteps as [| m' a1 amid a2 Hstep]; intros Hnz a1' a2' Hshift1 Hshift2; try congruence.
    destruct m'.
    × inversion Hnsteps; subst.
       econstructor; last econstructor.
       eapply (shiftN_adm_step_r);
         first (eapply (shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible)); eauto.
       eapply (shiftN_adm_step_l);
         first (eapply (shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible)); eauto.
    × assert (S m' 0) as Hnz' by omega. specialize (IHHnsteps Hnz' amid a2').
      econstructor; last eapply IHHnsteps.
      ** eapply (shiftN_adm_step_r);
         first (eapply (shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible)); eauto.
      ** apply shiftN_reflexive.
      ** eauto.

  Lemma stepN_rel_is_stepN_rel_admissible: stepN_rel_admissible stepN_rel.
    × intros n x y Hd x' y' Hd' (r&Hadm&Hr).
       r; split; eauto.
      destruct Hadm as [Hr_ne ? ?].
      eapply Hr_ne; eauto.
    × intros n x y (r&Hadm&Hr).
       r; split; eauto.
      destruct Hadm as [? Hr_S ?].
      eapply Hr_S; eauto.
    × intros n n' b1 b2 Hle.
      intros Hstep. assert (S n' 0) as Hnonz by omega. revert Hnonz.
      induction Hstep as [| n'' b1 b2 b3 (r&Hadm&Hr) Hnstep]; intros; try congruence; destruct n''.
      ** inversion Hnstep; subst.
         assert (nsteps (r n) 1 b1 b3) as Hr' by (econstructor; eauto; econstructor).
         apply (stepN_rel_adm_extract r Hadm) in Hr'; last omega.
         edestruct Hr' as (a1&a3&?&?&?).
          a1, a3; split_and!; eauto.
      ** edestruct IHHnstep as (a2&a3&?&?&?); try omega.
         assert (nsteps (r n) 1 b1 b2) as Hr' by (econstructor; eauto; econstructor).
         apply (stepN_rel_adm_extract r Hadm) in Hr'; last omega.
         edestruct Hr' as (a1&a2'&?&?&Hs).
          a1, a3; split_and!; eauto.
         econstructor; eauto.
         eapply (shiftN_adm_step_l);
           first (eapply (shiftN_is_shiftN_admissible)); eauto.
         inversion Hs as [| ? ? ? ? ? Hs']; subst; eauto.
         inversion Hs'; subst; eauto.

End relational.

Trivial step
Section trivial_stepN.
  Context {A: cofeT}.
  Instance trivial_stepN : StepN A := λ n x y, True.
  Instance trivial_stepN_ustep : uStep A.
    econstructor; auto; rewrite /stepN /trivial_stepN. intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?; auto.
  Lemma trivial_shiftN_trivial: n (x y: A), shiftN n x y.
    intros x y. (λ n x y, True). split; auto.
    × by intros.
    × by intros.
    × by intros.
    × by intros.
    × by intros.
    × by intros.
End trivial_stepN.

Section later.
  Context {A : cofeT} {St: StepN A}.
  Context `{@uStep A St}.
  Global Instance later_stepN: StepN (later A) := λ n x y,
    match n with 0 ⇒ True | S nlater_car x _(n) later_car y end.
  Global Instance later_step_proper: uStep (laterC A).
    econstructor; rewrite /stepN /later_stepN.
    × intros ? ? ? Heq ? ? Heq' Hs.
      rewrite /dist /cofe_dist in Heq Heq'; simpl in ×.
      rewrite /later_dist in Heq Heq'.
      destruct n; auto.
      eapply ustep_ne; last eapply Hs; eauto.
    × intros n x y Hs. destruct n; auto.
      eapply ustep_S; eauto.
End later.