Login to HPC

ssh -XY rdf7@hpc.es.its.nyu.edu
ssh -XY rdf7@usq.es.its.nyu.edu

Copying data to HPC

ssh -L 8020:usq:22 -XY rdf7@hpc.nyu.edu
scp -P 8020 filename rdf7@localhost:~/

Copying data back from HPC

ssh -L 8022:rose1.cs.nyu.edu:22 fergus@access.cims.nyu.edu
scp -P 8022 filename fergus@localhost:~/.

Queue commands

Get an interactive terminal and start Matlab:
qsub -I -X -q interactive -l nodes=1:ppn=1,walltime=04:00:00
module load matlab/R2011a
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash

List all my job in the queue
showq | grep rdf7

Delete job
qdel jobid

Delete all jobs
qdel all

Status of standard queue
qstat -q ser2

Useful Links

HPC Queues

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