[FOM] BCTCS2015, Middlesex University London

gprimiero at libero.it gprimiero at libero.it
Tue Jul 21 04:19:58 EDT 2015

 British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science  
                    Middlesex University, Hendon, London, UK
                             14th--18th September 2015
                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

The 31st British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science will be
hosted by the Foundations of Computing Group, Department of 
Computer Science, Middlesex University, from 14th to 18th September,

Associated with the meeting, on Thursday 17th September, is the 
London Mathematical Society (LMS) Algorithms & Cryptography Day. The 
LMS will celebrate its 150th anniversary as BCTCS celebrates its 30th 
with its first visit to the capital.

The purpose of BCTCS is to provide a forum in which researchers in
theoretical computer science can meet, present research findings, and
discuss developments in the field. It also aims to provide an
environment in which PhD students can gain experience in presenting
their work, and benefit from contact with established researchers.

The scope of the colloquium includes all aspects of theoretical
computer science, including automata theory, algorithms, complexity
theory, semantics, formal methods, concurrency, types, languages and
logics. Both computer scientists and mathematicians are welcome to
attend, as are participants from outside of the UK.

The colloquium features both invited and contributed talks.  This year
the invited speakers currently include the following (with one or two
more to be added).

   Samson Abramsky, Oxford University, UK.   
   Timothy Gowers, Cambridge University (tbc).
   Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research.
   Thomas Hales, University of Pittsburgh, USA, (LMS Keynote).
   Per Martin-Lof, Stockholm University, Sweden.
   Joseph Sifakis, University of Grenoble, France.

The LMS meeting on Thursday also has eminent speakers.

   Lance Fortnow, Georgia Tech, USA.
   Shafi Goldwasser, MIT, USA.
   Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University, USA.
   Mike Paterson, University of Warwick.
   Adi Shamir, Weizmann Institute, Israel (tbc).
   Nigel Smart, University of Bristol.
Registration is now open from the following link:


The registration fee is £140 plus £40 for the conference dinner (note
the receipt will not be itemised). We are grateful for support from the
Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research which will provide 
bursaries for 18 students to cover registration fees and accommodation. 
Please register for free at the same link and please send titles and
abstracts of contributed talks to g.primiero at mdx.ac.uk

The deadline for registration is 14th August.

We have reserved a number of rooms at Hendon Hall Hotel at £110 per
night (please contact barnabymartin at gmail.com). However, there is the
possibility to stay at many hotels within a short bus journey and these
rooms are cheaper when booked by individuals (we tried unsuccessfully
to obtain discounts).

Barnaby Martin, Raja Nagarajan and Giuseppe Primiero.
Organising Committee.

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