FOM: LICS symposium call for papers
Stephen G Simpson
simpson at
Thu Dec 6 12:33:07 EST 2001
Seventeenth Annual IEEE Symposium on
July 22nd - 25th, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark
The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and
practical topics in computer science that relate to logic in a broad
sense. LICS 2002 will be part of the 2002 Federated Logic Conference
(FLoC 2002), to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, July 20th - August
1st, 2002.
Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions
include: automata theory, automated deduction, categorical models and
logics, concurrency and distributed computation, constraint
programming, constructive mathematics, database theory, domain theory,
finite model theory, formal aspects of program analysis, formal
methods, hybrid systems, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logical aspects of computational complexity, logics in artificial
intelligence, logics of programs, logic programming, modal and
temporal logics, model checking, programming language semantics,
reasoning about security, rewriting, specifications, type systems and
type theory, and verification.
Paper submission will be electronic. The deadline for submissions is
January 15th, 2002.
This deadline is firm; late submissions will not be considered. The
URL for electronic paper submission is
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by March 22nd,
2002; accepted papers in a specified format for the proceedings will
be due by May 1st, 2002.
The first page of the extended abstract should include the title of
the paper, names and affiliations of authors, a brief synopsis, and
the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax number, and
email address. The extended abstract may not exceed 5000 words,
excluding bibliography and figures. It must be in English and provide
sufficient detail to allow the program committee to assess the merits
of the paper. It should begin with a succinct statement of the issues,
a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of their
significance and relevance to the conference, all phrased for the
non-specialist. Technical development directed to the specialist
should follow. If a result is surprising, then the subtleties should
be explained. (If necessary, details can be included in a
clearly-labelled appendix or there can be a pointer to a manuscript on
a web site.) References and comparisons with related work should be
included. Submissions departing significantly from these guidelines
risk rejection.
The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or
workshops. The PC chair should be informed of closely related work
submitted to a conference or journal between January 15th, 2002 and
March 22nd, 2002. All authors of accepted papers will be expected to
sign copyright release forms. One author of each accepted paper will
be expected to present it at the conference.
LICS 2002 will have a session of short (5-10 minutes)
presentations. This session is intended for descriptions of work in
progress, student projects, and relevant research being published
elsewhere; other brief communications may be acceptable. Submissions
for these presentations, in the form of short abstracts (1 or 2 pages
long), should be entered at the LICS submission site between March
25th and March 29th, 2002. Authors will be notified of acceptance or
rejection by April 12th, 2002
The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on
Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with the
Association for Symbolic Logic, and the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science.
Kleene Award for Best Student Paper: An award in honor of the late
S.C. Kleene will be given for the best student paper, as judged by the
program committee. For a paper to be eligible the research presented
must have been carried out while at least one of the authors was a
full-time student. Multiple-authored papers are permitted. The exact
circumstances, including allocation of credit, should be detailed in
the submission letter, SIGNED BY ALL AUTHORS. The program committee
may decline to make the award or may split it among several papers.
Invited Speakers: The following distinguished speakers have agreed to
give invited talks at LICS 2002: Stephen Cook (University of Toronto),
Georg Gottlob (TU Wien), John Reynolds (Carnegie Mellon), Natarajan
Shankar (SRI). Maurizio Lenzerini (Universita di Roma "La Sapienza")
will give an invited tutorial on Description Logics.
Collocated events: The following conferences are collocated with LICS
at FLoC 2002: CADE, CAV, FME, ICLP, RTA, TABLEAUX; see for details. There will also be many workshops
sponsored by the FLoC conferences. For the LICS ones, see for details as they are
Program Chair:
Gordon Plotkin
Division of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Mayfield Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
United Kingdom
Email: gdp at
Phone: + 44 131 650 5158
Fax: + 44 131 667 7209
Program Committee:
Marco Cadoli, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"
Vincent Danos, CNRS, Universite Paris VII
Anuj Dawar, University of Cambridge
Rocco De Nicola, Universita degli Studi di Firenze
Harald Ganzinger, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
Orna Grumberg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon University
Furio Honsell, University of Udine
Phokion Kolaitis, University of California at Santa Cruz
Johann Makowski, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Oded Maler, CNRS-Verimag
Yoram Moses, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Robert Nieuwenhuis, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)
Peter O'Hearn, Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London
Doron A. Peled, Bell Laboratories
Benjamin C. Pierce, University of Pennsylvania
Andrew Pitts, University of Cambridge
Gordon Plotkin (chair), University of Edinburgh
Andreas Podelski, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
Andre Scedrov, University of Pennsylvania
Peter Thiemann, Universitaet Freiburg
Andrei Voronkov, University of Manchester
Local Arrangements Chair:
Ulrich Kohlenbach
Department of Computer Science, BRICS
University of Aarhus
Ny Munkegade, Building 540
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Email: kohlenb at
Publicity Chair:
Martin Grohe
Division of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Mayfield Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
United Kingdom
Email: grohe at
General Chair:
Samson Abramsky
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Wolfson Building
Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3QD
Email: Samson.Abramsky at
Organizing Committee:
M. Abadi, S. Abramsky (chair), A. Aggarwal, M. Bezem, E. Clarke,
R. Constable, N. Dershowitz, J. Diaz, H. Ganzinger,
F. Giunchiglia, M. Grohe, J. Halpern, D. Leivant, L. Libkin,
G. Longo, D. A. Martin, J. Mitchell, E. Moggi, V. Pratt,
S. Ronchi della Rocca, J. Tiuryn, M.Y. Vardi, J. Vitter,
G. Winskel.
Advisory Board:
M. Abadi, S. Abiteboul, S. Abramsky, M. Dezani, J. Halpern,
R. Impagliazzo, D. Kozen, L. Pacholski, A. Scedrov, D. Scott,
J. Wing.
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