NYU Crypto & Sec Group
Here in the Cryptography and Security Group at New York University, we research various aspects of cryptography, from definitions and proofs of security, to cryptographic algorithms and protocol design. Ultimately, we aim to enable the construction and deployment of secure information systems and computing infrastructures. On a high level, our research includes improving the security and/or efficiency of cryptographic applications; designing new, provably-secure cryptographic primitives and protocols; as well as formalizing and analyzing common cryptographic practices. Our publications can be found on the individual pages of the respective researchers.
Marshall Ball
Cryptography, computational complexity
Nir Bitansky
Foundamental cryptography, proof systems, quantum crypto
Joseph Bonneau
Benedikt Bünz
Blockchains via applied crypto, game theory, consensus
Yevgeniy Dodis
Cryptography, security, information theory, complexity theory, algorithms
Sunoo Park
Technology law and policy, cryptography, computer security
Michael Walfish
PhD Students
Arasu Arun
Jessica Chen
Cryptography, security, proof systems
Kevin Choi
Zachary DeStefano
zero-knowledge proofs, secure systems, and verifiable computation
Seroja Erabelli
Eli Goldin
Theory of cryptography, randomness extraction, quantum cryptography
Noah Golub
Peter Hall
Mallory Knodel
Daji Landis
Cryptography, algorithmic game the
Faxing Wang
William Wang
Derek Yen
Postdocs, Fellow, and Visitors
James Bartusek
Rachit Garg
(Faculty Fellow)
Foundations of cryptography, theory
Jiaxin Guan
(Faculty Fellow)
Daniel Jost
Cryptography, security, secure messaging
Alex Bienstock
Harish Karthikeyan
Noah Stephens-Davidowitz
Chaya Ganesh
Sasha Golovnev
Daniel Wichs
Sze Ming (Sherman) Chow
Nelly Fazio
Michael Freedman
Adriana López-Alt
Aris Tentes
Joel Alwen
Kristiyan Haralambiev
Siddhartha Annapureddy
Carl Bosley
Antonio Nicolosi
Roberto Oliveira
Prashant Puniya
Shabsi Walfish