sign recommendation letters for unknowns, even when the letter is provided!
monitor a research project for high-schoolers (since the necessary mathematical background in set theory, order theory, and logic is not taught in high school);
RA, TA, GA from students that have not followed all of my classes with success (since assistants should be competent and knowledgeable);
PhD applications not in abstract interpretation and its applications to semantics, verification and static analysis (since I only work on abstract interpretation and its applications), in all cases apply to
I work on formal methods (i.e. how to use mathematics to design programs)
as opposed to software engineering (i.e. how to design programs avoiding
any use of mathematics). Abstract interpretation is a mathematical theory
to design program semantics (formalizing what programs do when executed),
program properties (formalizing what are the interesting properties of program executions),
deductive program verification (how to formally prove that program executions do have
formal properties, including model checking), and program analysis (how to mechanically infer formal
properties of program executions, including typing).
Elsevier (where I discovered I am a specialist in "Surface mount technology", "Costs", "Explosions", "Chemical analysis", etc and now "Acoustic waves", so artificially intelligent)